Servius Tacitus
From Storing Don
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[edit] Vital Statistics
- Nation: Endal
- Rank: Legionis (Commander of the Imperial Legion)
- Age: 28
- Gender: Male
- Height: 5'11
- Weight: (I'll get to this...)
[edit] Appearance/Personality
Servius has medium length, light brown hair. He is half Lequallian and thus has tan skin. This is probably his most unique feature, considering he grew up far from Lequall. Odd pale green eyes draw some attention to his face, though pale they stand out, almost gleaming, making them another noticable feature. Servius can appear very intimidating. He is well muscled, as a result of the all the armor he wears most of the time, slender, and moderately tall.
Servius attire almost fully consists of heavy armor. On the battlefield he wear several layers of purple, full body armor, which amazingly he is able to move with moderate speed in. What could be called his casual attire is a lighter, but still heavy, armor. The right shoulder guard of this armor is larger than the other and spiked, protecting Servius' weapon arm and giving him another weapon with which he can ram into opponents during close combat sparring. The rest of the armor is much like what typical Endalian officers would wear, only with a few extra touches, like gold trim, to show his position in the military. Underneath his mass of armor lies something of a blue collared jacket, much like nobles wear. It is a mystery why he wears the jacket, since only the collar is visible due to his armor and the fact that he is proud of his muscled physique. Another reason would be that he rarely takes off the armor anyway, like on formal occasions.
Sevrius is a very disciplined man, which can only come from his service in the military. His rank causes him to act overly professional and uptight when in the presence of his superiors. Other than that he is laid back, and social. His excessive training usually occupies his time, as he perfers to be active. Sevrius has almost unbreakable concentration, and is a deep thinker. When he sets sights on something he is determined to get it accomplished. However sometimes he concentrates on something too much. If he were to lose in a sparring match, he would think it was because there was some big flaw in his fighting style, and would work himself to exhaustion to fix it. One could say he often takes things overboard or more seriously than he should.
[edit] Biography
Servius was born to an Endalian merchant and a mercenary from Lequall. From birth it was apparent he inherited almost all his traits from his Lequallian mother. His father was almost always away, sailing from port to port as most traders do. This left Servius alone with his mother the majority of the time. Keeping to her Lequall roots, and as a former Hoplite, Servius' mother would train daily having Servius take part, although this was more so for excercise than combat. Day by day, however, Servius became more enthusiastic about the combat techniques and almost demanded to be taught more advanced ones. Both his parents were delighted, as Servius' father had once served in the Endalian army for a short time. Servius' official training began at age 10 with a simple practice lance, light and with a blunt edge. He sparred against some other kids, those of which were the sons of Endalian soldiers and officers wishing to following in their fathers' footsteps. Servius was able to subdue any of them quite easily, his technique seemed flawless. He became very prideful of this and even challenged his mother, to whom he lost badly. That day his pride was shattered. He understood she had trained hard almost all her life and that if he were to be strong he'd have to work hard as well. After this resolve he began to wonder off alot, dodging his parents, tutors, and even his friends. He would even disappear for days at a time, and reappear in a very beatdown condition. During this time he had been training, doing all manner of physical exercises to strengthen his body.
Servius trained with the same practice lance for almost three years later, until he finally obtained a real lance. The lance was a common iron one, and it was very heavy. This did not matter, because at this point Servius was unnaturally strong and tough for his age. He could take and give blows that could knock out some adults. Servius faced off against his mother again on his 13th birthday, and won, showing how far his training had taken him. Shortly after this, when ever he was able to, he began sparring with his father. Though he was most skilled and comfortable when fight with a lance, Servius wished to learn how to defend against other weapon styles properly, and perhaps pick up a few basic techniques. His father's training was even more strict than his mother's sessions. Being a former Legionaire, Servius' father knew his son would need lots of discipline, since it was pretty much obvious that Servius would join the Imperial Legion. Adult sized armor was bought for Servius, though it was the common type used by your typical soldier, it was heavy. Servius had to go through most days wearing the armor and carrying his new heavier lance. This began to take its toll on Servius, but the rewards of greater strength seemed well worth it.
Against his parents wishes, about 3 years later, he joined the Imperial Legion at Cercium. Of course because he was only 16, he was considered more of a trainee than a soldier and was sent to the academy. Servius' time spent there was loathsome. He had learned or mastered the basic techniques that were being tought, and furthermore he was sure he could even defeat the instructors in combat. One older officer, Claudius, saw his progress and skill. Servius befriended Claudius and was moved to a unit in the Imperial Legion that was currently fighting bandits. During battles against the bandits Servius' true passion and skill for battle shone. Servius' commander bragged about him much. It was because of this Servius' name spred up the chain of command to Claudius, who at the time was second in command of the Imperial Legion. With a friend high in the ranks, Servius' skill didn't go unnoticed. He countinued to gain promotions, at about the age of 24 he gained the rank of Praefectus. Servius was content with this, and saw no real reason to rise even more. However, he was spurred by family to try for Legionis, which he did. The Legionis canidates were first tested on their knowledge of physical combat, this was done by a simple sparring tournament. Servius easily defeated any competition, even Claudius who had gained quite a bit if fame for his own strength. The next test was on tactical knowledge. Claudius' experience helped him pull far ahead of Servius' and the others, but it is worth noting that Servius' score came in second. Though both Claudius' and Servius' scores were close Claudius was chosen because he was older. Servius wasn't angry nor was he disappointed, but this did affect him enough to make him start training again. He became Claudius' apprentice. The training was tough, Servius had to do tasks such as trek to the nearest town while wearing armor so heavy some Dreadnoughts refused to wear it. He was also now pushed to learn a few other weapons, while refining his near perfect lance technique. Servius' training was not only limited to physical, but mental as well. Claudius had Servius read many books of many different varieties, though most were of battle tactics.
A few years later, Servius finished his training and continued serving under Claudius. However, it wasn't too long after this that Claudius resigned from Legionis. It had become apparent over the last few years, that Claudius was starting to succumb to fatigue, mental as well as physical. He did not wish to fight anymore and chose Servius for Legionis, as he had taught him most of what he knew. Although puzzled, the other high officers honored Claudius' decision, but with skeptisism. Servius himself felt that he was not yet ready, having planned to continue studying and training a few more years till Claudius retired. After some thought Servius accepted the position, realizing that Claudius wouldn't have chosen him if he weren't ready. *(Biography may be revised)*
[edit] Battle Statistics
- Class: General
- Level: 10
- Weapon Levels: Lance-A, Axes-B, Swords-C
[edit] Weapons
Acies Pilum Prf-ranked Heavy Admant Solid Metal Guard Keen Killer Lance
Acies is actually a weapon that was past down through Servius' family, on his mother's side. Being a Hoplite of impressive skill she was worthy enough to recieve it. Sometime later she emigrated from Lequall to Endal and met Servius' father where they later were married. While his mother was not able to master Acies, because of the sheer strength need to wield it, Servius found great use in it. It is able to pierce through many armors easily, even those composed of mithril. Unlike other pilum this one is actually considered a lance since it is too heavy to be thrown.
Viscus Scindo B-ranked Heavy Mithril Beast Slayer Double Edge Battle Axe
An impressive, axe presented to Servius by his father. During the time in which Servius was diversifying his knowledge on weapons he was forced to train with axes first, taking advantage of his strength. While he took to axes quite fast, he is no where near as skilled with them as he is lances, being that he trained with them most of his life. Viscus is rather large, and is perfect for larger adversaries especially wyverns and such.
Comitatus Ferrum C-ranked Steel Killer Keen Edge Handsword
An average sword that was also given to Servius, this particular one by Claudius, during his training with other weapons. It has a sharp edge, making it effective in many situations. The greatest aspect of it is that it is much lighter than any of Servius' other weapons, thus allowing him to swing it much faster.