Ultimate Timeline

From Soloralwiki

When in doubt: this document is correct over any other. Probably.



Ancient Micras History

  • c. 5.0 BYBC - Old Universe ends with the destruction of Omega, the last star. The current universe begins. God, creator of all, separates into Pure Good and Pure Evil.
  • c. 4.5 BYBC - The Atos system and the planet Micras are fully solidified.
  • c. 3.5 BYBC - Pure Good blesses Micras with conditions for life. Life begins on Micron.
  • c. 90 MYBC - Microns and Imperials are chosen for sentience.
  • c. 85 MYBC - Humans, Elves, Orcs become sentient. Microns and Imperials begin to distrust each other.
  • c. 80 MYBC – The Wind Song, the source of magic, is discovered in Solaria. Heated debates among all races rage. Many wish to embrace magic, but others are wary of "super powers" leading to a new era of warfare. Microns, Elves, Ogres, and Humans begin break into distinct magic and anti-magic factions.
  • c. 10,250 BC - Koada’Dal sorceress named Sirithil leads High Elven mission away from elven lands and reaches Menelmacar.
  • c. 10,000 BC - The Great War of Destruction ravages the world. Pure Good vanquishes Pure Evil to Eclipse. Imperials are expelled from the planet. Reptites and Ogres are eradicated. Orcs are reduced to the thousands.
  • c. 5000 BC - The legendary Human warrior Argent slays the necromancer Darkflash with the help of an elven cleric on an island northeast of Elvia. Human and elves unite and form Elpidos, the first true micronation, with its capital at the new trading city of Ptia.

Micron Golden Age

  • c. 4500 BC - Solarians emerge as a Micron subspecies after thousands of generations of magical experimentation. Sun Tower construction begins.
  • c. 4500 BC - Sun Tower (City of the Sun) is completed where the Wind Song was first discovered. Solaria, and the Solarians physically vanish from Micras.
  • c. 2600 - An alliance between the political city of Sanarian and the military city of Ansaris unites the Micron lands under the Micron Empire. Sanarian is declared the capital.
  • 1058 BC - Microns join Elpidos. Triad of Three world government military alliance formed with its capital at Ptia, the Golden Triad.
  • 754 BC - Hypon, energy created by Microns, formally discovered and begins being used in widespread construction.
  • 343 BC - A small group of scientists, tinkering with time and space, vanish from existence and become the Time Distoritonists.
  • 280 BC - The Hypernet, a network of transporting Hypon from cities to outer regions of the Micron Empire, is finished.
  • 85 BC - Hypernet modified to be a high-speed instant travel service and begins to be installed. The first cable is laid between Sanarian and Ansaris.
  • 1 AD - Eve of Destruction, Imperials return and ravage the planet. Elpidos collapses. Micron heroes Sai’Kar and Tar’Mul emerge and fight valiantly. The Sun Tower repels the invasion, but fails to destroy all Imperials. Sai’Kar and 10,000 other Microns seal themselves in the Sun Tower and go into hibernation. Ptia vanishes with Tar’Mul and 20,000 other Microns inside.
  • 2 - The plague, which causes certain death after only a few years, breaks out all over Micras. Only humans were resistant. Many suspect that humans engineered the plague in the first place, although the nature of how it was released is unknown. Global populations plumet in all races.
  • 149 - Aka'Kas Ran'Tar begins his chronicles of the Micron history so that future generations may know of the Micron civlization.
  • 151 - Aka'Kas Ran'Tar places his history in the Apollo Cavern inside Concept Boxes. The last (known) elves die.
  • 152 - Aka'Kas Ran'Tar, the last living Micron, dies, having resisted the plague for 18 years.

Human Neoprehistory

  • c. 180 - Factories, farms, and almost all industry and commerce grinds to a halt due to decimated population levels. Many surviving humans become worried for their future. Skirmishes turn into war. The Final World War between humans destroys most of the surviving technology and leaves the survivors in an almost stone-age state of existance.
  • c. 200 - The magic seal on Solaria fades due to the lack of Hypon from Microns. Solaria returns to this plane of existence in the eastern oceans.
  • c. 230 - Human survivors of the Final World War form eight tribes. Audentior tribe was located in the center of Audentior. Shadow tribe was located on the Automatica/Audentior border. Jasonia tribe was located in south Automatica. Aquata tribe was located near the west side of Ceres. Demesos, Blackrock, Istanistani, and Treesian tribes are scattered elsewhere over the world.
  • 950 - Explorers from Jasonia tribe stumble across the Apollo Cavernand find the Concept Boxes left by Aka'Kas Ran'Tar. Jasonia learns the secrets of magic, antigravity, and micronationalism.
  • 960 - The uncovered technology is mastered and put into use. Jasonia becomes the Jasonia Kindgom. Citizens widely practice magic. Jasonia Kingdom becomes flying chain of islands.
  • 986 - Audentior tribe locates the Apollo Cavern and discovers magic and micronationalism, but the antigravity Concept Box was taken by the Jasonians. Audentior begins plans to unify the sector and begins to form the Magical Knights.
  • 1000 - LightEning, Audentior's first Magical Knight, slays the leader of Shadow tribe, Audentior's long-time rivals. LightEning joins CoD team.
  • 1001 - Audentior tribe becomes the Kingdom of Audentior. Ming I becomes king and announces his intention to rule the entire sector.

Glorious Empire Era

  • c. 1050 - Audentior's Magical Knights mop up the last local resistance. The sector, except for Jasonia Kingdom, is unified under the Kingdom of Audentior. The longtime friendship between Audentior and Jasonia begins to fade.
  • 1100 - Global cooling, the first signs of the coming ice age, becomes a major problem.
  • c. 1450 - The last survivors of the Aquata tribe perish due to extreme weather condtions.
  • 1458 - The ice age begins. Dimensions split. In the modern world, it is avoided entirely by magical intervention and ends in 50 years. In Sunscorch, it lasts a mere 100 years. In Aquata, it lasts almost 300. In Snowbound, it is still currently going on.
  • c. 1500 - The Kingdom of Audentior uses magic to end the ice age. Around this time, the most powerful magic spell, Ultima, was researched and completed. LordStone joins the CoD team.
  • 1600 - A time traveling message reaches an Imperial ship near Micras and orders an attack on the world. They set up a base on Luna, the moon of Micras, soon after.
  • 1687 - War erupts between the Kingdom of Audentior and Jasonia Kingdom when the king of Audentior orders Jasonia's surrender. Battes between the Audente Magical Knights and Jasonian Archmagi begin.
  • 1693 - Jasonia Archmagi siege the capitol of Audentior in the Battle of Audentior City. Jasonian spies attempt to kill the king of Audentior, but fail. The siege is later broken by the Audentes.
  • 1700 - Imperials attack and overwhelm Micras. This event was prevented by a Human time traveling expedition. However, dimensions split. In the Imperial dimension, the Imperial attack succeeded in crushing the world and eradicating the humans.
  • 1704 - A powerful Audentior wizard uses Ultima on Jasonia, killing himself but bringing down the islands. Jasonian Archmagi attempt to dispel the attack, but only suceed in lowering its power. The spell, instead of vaporizing Jasonia, causes a shockwave that destroys most of the cities and kills a great deal of the Jasonian population in the subsequent fall from the sky. Jasonia surrenders, is put under Duke Pinky I, and is renamed Pinkania. The Audente Empire covers most of the civilized world.

Years of Unrest

  • c. 1930 - Blackrock, a province of Audentior, holds a meeting of regional leaders. They realize that the provinces have advanced far past the Audentior mainland in terms of technology. Many wish to see an independent Blackrock country once again. Unrest in Blackrock begins and spreads throught the region.
  • 1951 - The Revolution of Audentior formally begins. Blackrock, Demesos, Istvanistan, and MyNation provinces rebel against the Kingdom of Audentior and form a temporary alliance to protect their individual freedoms. Audentior Magical Knights fight against the more technologically advanced provinces. Most of the fighting occurs in Blackrock as an example to the rest of the provinces. Blackrock suffers many military defeats at the hands of the Magical Knights.
  • 1955 - Demesosian and Istvanistani provincal armies win a great victory in Pinkania and liberate the region. Duke Pinky is removed, but because he sympathized with the provinces is allowed to live and becomes a local provincal commander.
  • 1962 - Automatica, a larger area near Pinkania, is liberated after a long struggle. Pinkania becomes a region of Automatica. Most of the Magical Knights are defeated in the campaign.
  • 1970 - Second seige on Audentior City. Audentior City conquered. King Ming XXXXVIII executed. The Kingdom of Audentior falls and the Ultimate Civilization Republic is formed.
  • 1971 - Many provinces realize that the UCR is the same as the Kingdom of Audentior in the fact that it controls the whole world. In the chaos surrounding the formation of the new state, mainland Audentior and Automatica (including Pinkania) secede to form the Greek Civilization Kingdom. War begins anew, but ends after the signing of a ceasefire later in the year.
  • 1979 - The Emperors, an organization to reunify the nations, is created by Studlåm and is based in the Audente town of Epoli. They are violently opposed by provincal nationalists.
  • 1982 - Jason Steffke, son of Harvey and Debra Steffke, born in the Greek Civilziation Kingdom.
  • 1990 - The Emperors kidnap MarkG II, leader of the GCK, and force him to sign a treaty with the UCR. The GCK and the UCR are reunified peacefully to form Apolyton Nation. Empress joins CoD team.
  • 1999 - A foreign invasion force from the Apolyton Civilization Site (a power outside the sector of focus) attacks Apolyton City, destroying the government. Most of the nation falls into anarchy. Later in the year, Audentior Independent Nation unfies Audentior and Automatica. Demesos, Istvanistan, and Ceres form their own governments. Jason Steffke discovers antigravity in Mao's Coffee Shop's labs and acquires the secrets.

Jasonian Golden Age

  • 2000 - The chaotic year. Automatica seceds from Audentior. Demesos and Ceres attempt an invasion. Automatica fractures again into the Great People's Republic and the Automatic Republic. Jason Steffke uses antigravity to raise the Solarian islands, forming the Flying Islands of Jasonia. Automatica is reunited under the Great Automatic People's Republic, the GAPR. Demesos invades the GAPR. GAPR and FIoJ repel the attack and occupy Demesos. Surviving Demesosians form Tapfer. Audentior becomes the Audente Empire once again, but collapses shortly afterwards. FIoJ, Tapfer, Audentior, and the newly recreated island nations of Shireroth and Hyperborea reunite under the Audentior Independent Nation, but it collapses after a few months. Shireroth, Tapfer, Hyperborea, and other Audentior breakaway nations join the FIoJ. First CoD campaign. Infernal War. Hubert wars.
  • 2001 - Shireroth secedes from the FIoJ. Amity land crisis. Second CoD campaign. Dimensional World War. Sun Tower (City of the Sun) opened and the Wind Song is removed. Pure Evil escapes Eclipse and travels back in time. Wind Song becomes part of the Elemental Seal. Microns begin showing up. Sai’Kar sacrifices herself to trap Pure Evil in the City of the Sun.
  • 2002 - Chrono Shards unite against Fate. Third (final) CoD campaign ends.
  • 2005 - Dark One campaign. Pure Evil corrupts Bill Dusch, who takes over the FIoJ. Resistances forces defeat him, rescue Bill, and destroy Pure Evil in one of mankind's greatest battles against the forces of darkness.
  • 2008 - Infernals invade Micras. Almost all resistances forces are crushed. Jason Steffke, Erik Metzler, and Eoin Dornan form underground gurilla resistance movements.
  • 2009 - Beam of Hope campaign. Massive allied resistance forces recapture Jasonia and defeat the Infernal last stand at Fort Audentior. Infernals are moped up by regional forces. Sai'Kar Lum'Eth rediscovers Ptia and meets Amy and Empress there.

Pre CoD1

  • 2100 - Imperials attack and overwhelm most of Micras. This event was prevented by a Human time traveling expedition.
  • 2150 - Imperial attempt to eradicate the last two remaining human outposts is met with failure. AI-series Army Revolution begins.
  • 2152 - AI-series Army Revolution ends. Most AI-series robots destroyed. Many Imperial bases totally flattened. Imperials mostly give up hope of totally conquering all human settlements.
  • 2200 - Human time-traveling expedition arrives and leads the Imperials to Micronia, which is destroyed by following Imperial forces. The humans escape with a functional AI-series robot.

Post CoD1 | Pre CoD3

  • 2010 - Shireroth, Hyperborea, and Machieavellia unite to form the Hegemony of Alexandros.
  • 2012 - Shireroth invades and conquers Jasonia, bringing it back to the earth. Most Jasonians are forced into exile to Tapfer. Jason Steffke killed by Diga. Tymaria is formed.
  • 2014 - Diga Makkonen IV completes his research on dark arts and creates a new human species: Eurites
  • 2040 - Elves, Microns, Ogres, and Reptites somehow emerge and become powerful species once again.
  • 2045 - Eurites wage the Grand Inquision against nonhumans. Ogres and Reptites are virtually wiped out. Surviving Elives and Microns flee to Treesia.
  • 2055 - A war between Tymaria and Treesia ends with Tymarian control of most of the Solarian islands.
  • 2100 - Diga finalizes his plot to eliminate all nonhumans. Amy Leonarkos awakens as a time mage and travels back in time with Sirithil and her Time Distortionists, a group of Microns including Sai’Kar’s revolutionary army, and the remnants of the CoD team lead by Empress Leos, to 2002 to destroy Fate.

Post CoD3

The future is finally left in mortal hands. Micras ceases to be a battleground between cosmic galatic forces. The Time Distortionists are disbanded, having defeated Fate. The Gods regain their power and rebalance the universe. On Micras, magic and technology intertwine to help build a new future. Many of the surviving heroes live out their lives in peace and happiness. The end.

CoD2 is approaching its public beta release, so I figured it is time to reveal a few more things about the plot. First, here is a basic history of the recent events on the planet Micras.

The game takes place in the year 2001. Micras is similar to Earth in many ways but very different in others. The people on Micras build cities like we do, have cars like we do, own shops, have governments (and complain about them), fear war and recession, and generally try to live their lives happily.

However, over a thousand years ago strange technology was discovered in an ancient ruin of the world. No one knows who created this technology nor how they made it so that humans could understand it easily. But there was no denying its power. This technology was that of magic - the ability to harness the natural powers of the world for useful or destructive purposes. This technology was also that of antigravity - the ability to suspend even continents in the sky.

Around five hundred years ago, vastly technologically and magically empowered nations covered the earth. By blending the power of magic and technology, mankind thought themselves to be invincible. Unfortuantely, not everyone could get along. War erupted between these superkingdoms, and it was most devistating. The kingdom of Jasonia was the master of antigravity and pure magic, while the kingdom of Audentior used magic and technology together. In the end, the kingdom of Audentior beat out the kingdom of Jasonia and took over the world, scattering the last of the pure magi and destroying the secrets of antigravity.

For over 400 years, Audentior was the supreme power on Micras. And yet, while it grew and grew in magical power, it began to abandon technology. But the conquered lands did not. In around 1950, the provinces of Audentior used their advanced technology to fight back against Audentior and their Magical Knights. The result was world chaos. Although Audentior was defeated and all knowledge of magic was destroyed, the newly free provinces could not agree on anything and continued to fight. This conflict rose to a peak in the year 2000. It seemed that the entire world would be consumed by the fires of war.

However, like a light of hope in the middle of the night, something happened on Micras just in the nick of time. The son of survivors of from the Jasonia kingdom rediscovered the ancient secrets of magic and antigravity. He recreated the ancient kingdom of Jasonia and rose it into the sky once more. Proclaiming ideals of peace and diplomacy, Jasonia was seen as a last hope for a war-torn world. This man was named Jason. His parents had named him for the ancient kingdom, and it was their dying wish that he would see it return.

Jasonia's power was undenyable. Although some people tried to reform the ruins of Audentior, they failed due to interal problems. Jasonia, however, accepted control of one country after another until it owned the entire western hemisphere of the planet Micras. To celebrate their success and the end of so many wars, Jasonia held a public holiday known as the "Hyperborean Fair', named after Hyperborea, last of the countries to join Jasonia.

It was then that Jason, his best friend Bill, and Bill's brother Matt traveled through time. It was then that they learned of the dark history of their world and the even grimmer fate for their future. It was then that they learned that humanity was not alone in the universe. Aliens existed, and they desired to smash Jasonia and colonize our planet for their own.

Needless to say, our bewildered heroes would not just let this come to be. They assembled a crack team of warriors from across time to fight this alien mennace. An assassin from the provincial wars, a diplomat from Audentior, a mighty mage that lived at the height of the old Audentior/Jasonia war, a malfunctioning robot from the future, the first of Audentior's Magical Knights, a Jasonian royal guard, and a young woman with that could control time itself. These warriors, with the help of Jason, Bill, and Matt, opposed the alien race and put an end to their invasion through time and space. But in the end, they could not help feel... manipulated by some higher power. It was almost as if someone, or something, brough them together.

A year passed and Jasonia fell into decline. The awe Jasonia inspired faded away and people began to get irritated with eachother again. Most of Jasonia's lands broke free peacefully, but most fell into interal disputes. A worldwide recession shattered the economy. Most nations, Jasonia included, approved larger defense budgets to both police their own streets and prepare for the inevitable return to war.

And yet, in these dark times, strange things began to occur. Matt, who had founded a hightech lab after the end of the travels through time, confirmed the existence of parallel worlds.

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