Ruby Sphere

From Soloralwiki

The Ruby Sphere is one of the seven Fate Distortion Crystals from Control of Destiny 2. When the events of the first Control of Destiny Campaign damaged the Elemental Seal, the Ruby Sphere became linked to the dimension of Snowbound. It is a powerful source of fire magic.

The Ruby Sphere was uncovered near the Snowbound city of Ougaram after the Aquatan Empire conquered Jasonia. It was thought to be the savior of the world as the ice age was getting worse and worse. The fire mages of Ougaram built a temple to house the crystal and nurtured its growth, and after a short time the snows around Ougaram began to recede. The Aquatans, partially out of impatience and partially jealous of Ougaram's better climate, invaded the city and stole the crystal. They planned to use it in a mad scheme to combine it with the Fire Cannon to warm the world that would have ended disasteriously, but a dimensional rift sent Aquata Castle into the dimension of Sunscorch before it was completed.

In the aftermath, Ougaram recovered the crystal and continued their slow plan to increase its power within their temple.

Like the other six crystals, the Ruby Sphere was created by the Treesians of the Old Universe. The Inferno Magi was the soul sacrificed in order to make the gem, and Spark the Talking Dog watched over it. And as with the other crystals, as the seal began to fail, energy from the seal began to restore the mind of the Infero Magi. The embodiment of fiery desire for quick, decisive action, the Infero Magi reached out across the dimensions to find a champion of the flames and decided upon Jason Steffke, the president of the Flying Islands of Jasonia that was using his knowledge of antigravity and Empath abilities to better the world.

Before Jason could get the crystal, Awaldock stole it himself from Ougaram and planned to continue the scheme of his Aquatan ancessors to use the Fire Cannon to heat the world. The Control of Destiny Team confronted him on his space station and took the crystal before all was lost.

Jason was first of the seven to "bond" with his crystal. After the space station had been destroyed and he was falling to Micras in a damaged escape pod, the Inferno Magi's mind met with his and the Ruby Sphere pulled the pod into the Micras dimension and activated its retro rocket systems to save the Control of Destiny Team's lives. Jason used the power of the Ruby Sphere often to fight the distortions caused by the merging of the dimensions.

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