
From Soloralwiki

(this is a pseudo template for creating player character profiles)

Physical Stats
Eye color
Hair color
Age (first apperance) old CoD1 age + 4 years
Combat Information
Character class
Elemental innate
Favored weapon
Game Information
First game apperance full name
Other apperances acronyms
Born in
National Alliegance at meeting
Position/job at meeting

Hero and a very brief description of the hero's origin, powers, and significance



Brief Character History

One or two paragraphs about the character's young life

One or two paragraphs about the situation that encourages them to join the fight

Personality and Skills

One paragraph about the character's personality

One paragraph about the character's weaponry and most significant ability

One paragraph about the hero's style of combat / outlook on life

Control of Destiny Series History

Hero in Game 1

Very brief explination of the character's involvement in the first game they appeared in. How/why they joined the group, what they were doing beforehand, who they get along with/dislike, how they end up, ect

Hero in Game 2

Continue doing game explinations for every game apperance

Other Fun Facts about Hero


  • Possible revision history for the character, including name, look, weapon, element, whatever
  • Fun facts about the character in-game

Notable Equipment

The character's ultimate weapon and some brief information about it.

Any other equipment that is unique to the character.


"Any interestng quote that the hero said that sums up their personality" (Game 1)

"One quote per game. If you can't find any, just leave this part out." (Game 2)

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