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Upgradable potencies and Out-of-battle Status Effects
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Potencies are permanent, upgradable bonuses to the heroes of the player’s choosing. The system is designed to further separate the characters from eachother, allowing the player to enhance the strengths or minimize the weaknesses of the heroes at their choosing.
1st levels cost 1 point, 2nd 2, 3rd 3.
You can upgrade as many as you want, but are realistically limited by points
Obtain points:
- at level 1
- every 5 levels (5, 10, etc)
- completing major quests / defeating major bosses
- an item can give the character of your choosing 1 point
Points can be banked until used
Level 2 and 3 have a minimum level requirement for the user to unlock them
- 1st: level 1 (no requirement)
- 2nd: level 15
- 3rd: level 30
Each character will have 6 potencies total (any characters that don't mean the list is incomplete). None of the levels stack. First level Blazing Inferno gives +3% damage to fire spells. 2nd level gives +6%. Having second level doesn't give 3% + 6% = 9%. It only gives 6%.
The idea is for them to be balanced so that they're all attractive. Potencies that would be used less often (such as Bill's Mighty Guard) have more dramatic effects. Potencies that have common use (such as Blade Bash’s effect on all attacks) have smaller effects that would still be useful over time due to the frequency the player would use common moves.
Potencies give characters attributes that wouldn't normally have. Bill doesn't have a potency that decreases all damage taken in all situations because he already does reduce a lot of damage; that's what the defense stat is for!
All of these are 100% untested, so the values may be changed during playtesting.
Out-of-battle Statuses
These are toggle skills that are learned like normal techs. They only function outside battle. When activated, they drain MP every x number of seconds until they are deactivated or the character is out of MP.
The keys 1-9 toggle them on and off. They can also be manually turned on and off in the menu. When on, they have an icon on the screen reminding the player of which are active.
MP is consumed every 15 seconds. MP costs vary per skill. They aren't expensive to use, but over time can drain a lot of MP.
Potency List by Hero
Jason is an MP machine, rivaling Amy at status-effecting spells and LordStone at raw firepower. His potencies push this role further allowing the player to design a Jason that is both a potent mage and an adaptable support character.
Blazing Inferno
Increases the potency of Jason's fire-based spells and double-techs
- 1st: +3% damage
- 2nd: +6% damage
- 3rd: +10% damage
Comments: Doing more damage is always useful.
Speed of Thought
Increases the swiftness of Jason's PSI-based spells and double-techs
- 1st: +6% swiftness
- 2nd: +13% swiftness
- 3rd: +20% swiftness
Comments: PSI techs are often fast to begin with. This potency makes them almost ridiculously speedy, freeing up Jason for other actions.
Mental Reserves
When the battle starts, there is a chance Jason might begin the battle with the Regain status effect
- 1st: 20% chance
- 2nd: 40% chance
- 3rd: 60% chance
Comments: Regain doesn't last forever, but will steadily refill Jason's MP while active.
Magical Regovern
Whenever Jason is hit with an enemy magic spell, gives him a portion of the spell's cost as MP
- 1st: 6% of spell's cost
- 2nd: 12% of spell's cost
- 3rd: 20% of spell's cost
Comments: Getting hit by enemy moves is never desirable, but this potency can make a little good of it to restore Jason's MP reserves.
Force Shield
Enhances Jason's guard command to also reduce magic damage
- 1st: guard reduces physical damage by 50% and magical damage by 20%
- 2nd: guard reduces physical damage by 50% and magical damage by 40%
- 3rd: guard reduces physical damage by 50% and magical damage by 60%
Comments: No other character can come close to reducing that much magical damage taken.
Empathetic Leader
When Jason is the party leader, all party members (including Jason) gain stat bonuses
- 1st: +10% evasion
- 2nd: +10% evasion, +10% defense
- 3rd: +10% evasion, +10% defense, +10% attack
Comments: The only other character with a potency like this is Amy. Jason focuses more on physical stats. Choose the right party leader based on what stats you want to increase.
Out-of-battle Status: Empathy
Jason uses his reading of enemy emotions to take guesses at their thoughts
Use: Used when talking to NPCs to get more information out of them. Sometimes this can lead to hidden items. Other times it can be clues about the current quest or an unstarted future quest. Still other times it's various flavor text or plot explanations.
Comments: Empathy is necessary to start or progress in certain quests.
Bill is up there with AI and LightEning as one of the three strongest fighters, so he needs little addition to his firepower. His potencies focus mostly on his survivability, something the others have a bit of but can't enhance as easily. A fully decked-out Bill excels not only at defeating enemies but at surviving the brunt of their attacks as well.
Blade Bash
Being hit by Bill's sword during a physical attack increases enemy wait and may stun
- 1st: +3% wait and 2% chance of stun
- 2nd: +6% wait and 5% chance of stun
- 3rd: +10% wait and 10% chance of stun
Comments: Bill makes a lot of physical attacks so this potency will be extremely useful over time by decreasing enemy attacks.
Rush In
Bill gains a bonus attacking enemies with a physical attacks that have full HP
- 1st: +5% swiftness
- 2nd: +5% swiftness, +5% damage
- 3rd: +5% swiftness, +5% damage, 30% chance of blind.
Comments: Fools may rush in, but this potency can gives Bill a good head start on new enemies. Note the +5% damage, not attack; it's applied after damage is calculated, which means it ignores defense.
Increases Bill's resistance against status effects
- 1st: +10% resistance
- 2nd: +20% resistance
- 3rd: +30% resistance
Comments: Because Bill is so susceptible to status effects due to his lower magic defense, this can make a big difference.
Mighty Guard
Enhances Bill's guard command
- 1st: guard reduces physical damage by 55% and magical damage by 10%
- 2nd: guard reduces physical damage by 60% and magical damage by 20%
- 3rd: guard reduces physical damage by 70% and magical damage by 30%
Comments: With this potency learned, Bill's physical defense during guards becomes ridiculous. The magic damage reduced isn't as good as Jason's, but definitely helps since Bill's magic defense is abysmally bad.
Battlefield Mastery
Allied Enthusiasm
Double-techs performed with Bill gain additional effects
- 1st: +10% swiftness
- 2nd: +10% swiftness, -10% MP cost
- 3rd: +10% swiftness, -10% MP cost, +10% potency
Comments: Double-techs are already pretty strong and this lets them get really crazy.
Out-of-battle Status: Guarded Stance
Bill keeps up his awareness while traveling even through areas of apparent peace
Use: Reduces the likelyhood of a back or surround attack while increasing the odds of a surprise attack on the enemy.
Comments: The reduction of bad battle formations is significant but does not reduce it to zero.
Matt is pretty dangerous even without potencies, being a respectable fighter, a halfway healer, and having a few really good support spells to boot. His potencies aren't as dramatic as the other characters but they let him enhance some of his stretched-out abilities to better focus himself.
Increases’s Matt’s damage against robotic and mechanical enemies.
- 1st: +13% damage
- 2nd: +26% damage
- 3rd: +40% damage
Comments: Works on any sort of mechanical enemy, be it a robot, large mechanical suit, or a simple wall turret.
Nature's Fury
Increases the potency of Matt's earth-based spells and double-techs while in wooded areas or in caves
- 1st: +5% damage
- 2nd: +10% damage
- 3rd: +15% damage
Comments: Increase's Matt's power as a damage mage, but only works in certain areas.
Cycle of Life
Matt's regenerative spells have stronger effects
- 1st: Regenerate 6%+7
- 2nd: Regenerate 7%+8
- 3rd: Regenerate 8%+10
Comments: Default regen is 5%+5 every time anyone has an action. This potency doesn't increase the length of the regen but makes it stronger while its active.
Whenever Matt takes damage, there is a small chance the damage will be ignored as if the attack had missed.
- 1st: 2% chance
- 2nd: 4% chance
- 3rd: 6% chance
Comments: It's not much to rely on, but this potency can rarely have very dramatic effects.
Inventor’s Intuition
Conservative Usage
Whenever Matt uses an item, there is a chance the item's effect will be immediately doubled (with the same target)
- 1st: 10% chance
- 2nd: 20% chance
- 3rd: 30% chance
Comments: Works on all items, even rare ones, but only in battle.
Out-of-battle Status: Natural Cleansing
Matt taps the power of the earth to slowly heal wounds.
Use: Will slowly lower Matt's MP to increase the HP of all party members.
Comments: Increases MP at 2/1 ratio: allies gain 2 HP for every 1 Matt uses. Restores Matt's HP too. Frequency of intervals is based on Matt's level.
AI's a pretty strong fighter with limited tactical use; he basically just shoots stuff to death and isn't too useful if that isn't the best strategy. His potencies are designed to give him additional use in combat situations where the other party members are lacking such as against flying enemies or annoying enemies in the back row. Interestingly enough, all of AI's attacking potencies stack. For example, AntiAir Tracking stacks with Long-Range fire against flying enemies in the back, and if he has Sprayfire or Intensity that can trigger as well.
AI's weapon systems have a chance to spray the entire area of enemies when performing a physical attack.
- 1st: 5% chance
- 2nd: 10% chance
- 3rd: 15% chance
Comments: Damage against additional enemies is calculated as a normal, separate physical attack was performed against them.
AI's physical attacks or ranged-based techs or double-techs may inflict status effects
- 1st: 12% chance of blind
- 2nd: 10% chance of paralyze
- 3rd: 8% chance of bleeding
Comments: The status effects don't stack; upgrading changes the status. If you want to keep the current status don't upgrade this potency again.
AntiAir Tracking
AI does additional damage to flying or hovering targets when performing physical attacks or ranged-based techs or double-techs
- 1st: +13% damage
- 2nd: +26% damage
- 3rd: +40% damage
Comments: Flying enemies are uncommon, but if AI runs across one with this potency learned, he'll shred it.
Long-Range Fire
AI does additional damage to enemies in the back row.
- 1st: +15% damage
- 2nd: +30% damage
- 3rd: +45% damage
Comments: Base damage against enemies in the back row using a ranged weapon is -40%. With the third level of this potency, AI is actually stronger against back row enemies than ones in the front.
Learning Machine
Metallic Hull
AI's armor plating deflects weak attacks effortlessly
- 1st: blunt and slashing attacks do -8% damage
- 2nd: blunt and slashing attacks do -16% damage
- 3rd: blunt and slashing attacks do -25% damage
Comments: This is a raw, base damage reduction that doesn't require the guard command. It won't stop magic or other types of attacks but makes certain enemies laughably easy.
Out-of-battle Status: X-Ray Scan
AI uses x-ray scanning to locate things not visible with normal vision.
Use: Hidden passages or items appear as a sparkle and can be investigated like normal.
Comments: May not reveal all types of hidden passages or items
Timesteam Master
Every time Amy casts a time spell, her speed increases
- 1st: +2 speed
- 2nd: +4 speed
- 3rd: +6 speed
Comments: These temporary battle stats still fall under the min/max stat rule, so there's a cap on how high her speed can go.
Violent Stars
Increases the potency of Amy's space-based spells and double-techs while outdoors
- 1st: +6% damage
- 2nd: +12% damage
- 3rd: +20% damage
Comments: Increase's Amy's power as a damage mage, but only works in areas where the sky is visible.
Localized Haste
When the battle starts, there is a chance Amy might begin the battle with the Haste status effect
- 1st: 20% chance
- 2nd: 40% chance
- 3rd: 60% chance
Comments: Haste doesn't last forever, but will double Amy's speed while active.
Charismatic Leader
When Amy is the party leader, all party members (including Amy) gain stat bonuses
- 1st: +10% Max MP
- 2nd: +10% Max MP, +10% Magic Defense
- 3rd: +10% Max MP, +10% Magic Defense, +5% Swiftness on all actions
Comments: The only other character with a potency like this is Jason. Amy focuses more on magical stats and gets the very useful swiftness at level 3. Choose the right party leader based on what stats you want to increase.
Empress is a character with a lot of options and not a lot of defense. Her potencies add additional speed and firepower, making her a highly mobile warrior useful in a lot of situations.
Rapid Reload
When Empress has a crossbow equipped, attacks or techs using a crossbow have swiftness.
- 1st: +5% swiftness
- 2nd: +10% swiftness
- 3rd: +15% swiftness
Comments: Only functions when a crossbow is equipped and specifically on crossbow-based techs.
Assassin Training
When Empress has a knife equipped, physical attack or techs using a knife have increased critial hit rate.
- 1st: 6% chance
- 2nd: 12% chance
- 3rd: 20% chance
Comments: Only functions when a knife is equipped and specifically on knife-based techs.
Reduces the time it takes Empress to change equipment.
- 1st: equipment change takes 55 wait
- 2nd: equipment change takes 30 wait
- 3rd: equipment change takes 5 wait
Comments: Without this potency, changing equipment is an action that takes 80 wait.
Empress ignores some of the defense of enemies below 30% health when performing physical attacks.
- 1st: ignores 20% of defense
- 2nd: ignores 40% of defense
- 3rd: ignores 60% of defense
Comments: Works with either relevant weapon potency, but only on normal physical attacks. Against high defense enemies this potency really boosts up the damage.
Mobile Fighter
Increase's Empress's evasion
- 1st: +10% evasion
- 2nd: +20% evasion
- 3rd: +30% evasion
Comments: With defense as bad as Empress's, stocking up on evasion may be the best way to keep her among the living.
Femanine Charm
Increases Empress's offensive stats based on the number of males in the party.
- 1st: +2% attack, +2% magic damage for every male in the party
- 2nd: +4% attack, +4% magic damage for every male in the party
- 3rd: +6% attack, +6% magic damage for every male in the party
Comments: It takes a lot of guys to get this very strong, but the right party can make Empress quite powerful.
Out-of-battle Status: Skulking
Empress uses her rogue training to reduce encounters with the enemy
Use: Reduces the number of encounters.
Comments: Will reduce encounters by 25-50%; 25% in areas of strong enemies, 50% in areas of weak enemies, with other areas being some percentage in the middle.
Myrin does not have potencies or an out-of-battle status
Scott, like Matt, is a generalist in many different areas that lacks strong definition. Give him potencies based on what roles he'll need to fill in the party.
Broadband Connection
Allows Scott to steal HP and MP with every physical attack.
- 1st: 10% HP stolen, 3% MP stolen
- 2nd: 20% HP stolen, 6% MP stolen
- 3rd: 30% HP stolen, 10% MP Stolen
Comments: Doesn't actually increase damage; just gives Scott a percentage of the damage done. Only affects Scott's physical attacks.
Judge of Character
Gives Scott's physical attack an additional scan effect.
- 1st: 30% chance of scan on physical attack
- 2nd: 60% chance of scan on physical attack
- 3rd: 90% chance of scan on physical attack
Comments: Scan adds a health bar to targeted enemies, allowing the player to see roughly how much HP they have. Some enemies may be immune to scan.
Churning Oceans
Increases the potency of Scott's water-based spells and double-techs
- 1st: +3% damage
- 2nd: +6% damage
- 3rd: +10% damage
Comments: Increase's Scott's power as a damage mage.
Soothing Waters
Increases the potency of Scott's healing-based spells and double-techs
- 1st: +3% healing
- 2nd: +6% healing
- 3rd: +10% healing
Comments: A must-have if using Scott as the main healer.
Whenever Scott takes damage, he has a chance to gain the Regen status effect.
- 1st: 10% chance
- 2nd: 20% chance
- 3rd: 30% chance
Comments: Any sort of damage triggers this potency. This regen will not take effect if Scott has any other status effect on.
Out-of-battle Status: Inspiration
Scott recites various inspiring and calming phrases and poems to renew the party's spirit.
Use: Will slowly lower Scott's MP to increase the MP of the other party members.
Comments: Increases MP at 1/1 ratio: allies gain 1 MP for every 1 Scott uses. Does not restore Scott's MP. Frequency of intervals is based on Scott's level.
Gives LightEning a chance to counterattack when hit.
- 1st: 10% counter chance
- 2nd: 20% counter chance
- 3rd: 30% counter chance
Comments: Physical attacks and physical-based techs may trigger the counterattack. Counters are normal attacks with all the bonuses and penalties thereof, except they don't incur wait.
Wombat does not have potencies or an out-of-battle status
Magical Retaliation
Gives LordStone the ability to retaliate magic cast upon him
- 1st: Counters 1st and 2nd level single-target spells
- 2nd: Counters 3rd level single-target spells and 1st level all-enemy spells
- 3rd: Counters 4th level single-target spells and 2nd level all-enemy spells
Comments: If LordStone is struck with magic, he will retaliate with the opposing elemental spell of the same level. For example, if LordStone is hit with Firebolt, a level-3 fire spell, he will counterattack with Crashing Wave, a level-3 water spell. Obviously, LordStone must live to counterattack. The spells cost their full MP and LordStone must know the appropriate opposing spell.