Shinya Asamiya

From Secondheaven



Basic Information

Full Name: Shinya Asamiya
Player: Neon
Date of Birth: November 25th, 1991 {15, Sagittarius}
Origin: Schubert, That Country
Journal: negativeproton
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 55 kg
AIM: positive eletron


Shinya has the features of a typical "kawaii" asian girl: short, skinny, with a cute, round face and soft features.

Except Shinya is a boy.

He'd punt you if he had enough physical strength to kill an ant, but since he doesn't, he'll probably just make [horribly kawaii~] angryfaces at you if you call him girly/cute/kawaii~.

Other than the general kawaii~ness, Shinya's defining features are his short, neat black hair and dark brown eyes [...don't most asians have dark hair and eyes?]. He's usually neatly dressed - make that impeccably during class hours - and his cleaning freak side dictates he must shower at least three times a day with lots of soap and nice-smelling shampoo and perfume. Thus, not only is he kawaii~, he also smells nice. With GUY cologne, thank you.

Visible Markings: None.

Not Readily Visible Markings: None.

Shin's PB is Yuya Tegoshi.


Shinya fancies himself a genius, and is quite proud of his intellect. While he is, yes, highly intelligent, he often lets his nervousness get in the way, and messes up - something he hates admitting is his own fault. He's good, period! If something goes wrong, it HAS to be someone else's fault! Look ma, look pa, it'd have been perfect if not for them! Right?

Sadly, since his parents don't really buy his excuses, he doesn't get the recognition he wants from them - which in turn fuels his anxiety and frustration, and makes him try even harder. Shinya spends the largest amount of his time studying, studying, studying - even what he already knows, he keeps studying (to the point of confusing himself), and what he doesn't do very well with, he studies compulsively. He's stubborn and proud, and often refuses to ask questions during class, telling himself he can figure anything out on his own! ...Too bad he really can't.

He thinks everyone else is dumb. No, really, they're no match to his amazing intellect and if they perform better they're clearly cheaters! No one could ever be better without cheating, after all. Right, mom? Right, dad?

Under all of the arrogance lies a neglected child who's desperately trying to live up to his parents' expectations, taking them as his own, and failing. In a way, he thinks his parents don't give him much attention because he's not good enough for them, and since he blindly believes they're the smartest people there are, one would have a very hard time talking him out of that mindset.

Shinya is rather people-dumb, and will often say the wrong thing when he interacts with others. He has little tolerance for mistakes (his own and other people's), and will usually think he's right unless proven wrong without shadow of doubt (after which he'll feel really embarrassed and generally retreat into his corner).


Shinya was born to a couple of japanese immigrants, recently established in That Country. Shinya's father established himself in Schubert as a doctor, whereas his mother worked as a psychologist.

Because both his parents were usually busy, Shinya mostly spent time by himself or with the nurses - and in the rare occasions that he got to spend time with the parental units, they were more concerned about the boy's academic progress (both parents were quite skilled at what they did, and had been stellar students) than about playing with their child. As a result, Shinya figured that performing well at school was the easiest way to please his parents, and from an early age he did his best to be as accomplished a student as they were.

While he did have a manner of genius of his own, the pressure put on him by his parents combined with natural anxiety usually granted him close to, but not quite perfect results. Shinya would come home with an A and be told it should've been an A+. After years of this, he grew frustrated - and took to bragging about his genius and academic excellency as a way to feel better about himself, brushing off any failures on the ever-constant "illnesses" (he would often say he was feeling sick during a test and that's why he got those two questions wrong), or on the test not being "up to his skill". In spite of his excuses, his parents still seemed to not be proud of him - and the boy is still quite determined to be the best he can be.

Unfortunately, he's still far from his ideal of perfection - Shinya is an extremely anxious person and will often get stuck on the hard-to-answer question rather than try to answer the ones he knows - which has resulted in a ridiculously low grade once or twice. The parents' disapproval tends to make things even worse, and he'll often make simple, silly mistakes out of pure anxiety.

It was no different when he applied for Second Heaven High - he aimed for first place, but wound up with a measly (in his and his parents' mind) 6th place. He hasn't quite given up, however, and has made it his goal to make it to first rank next year.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?: Family lives in Schubert!
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Blue/Carrot Juice/Reading/ALL OF THEM except PE
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Pink/Coffee/Exercise/PE
Likes: Studying, science, videogames, fiction movies, cooking
Family: parents
Languages: English (fluent), Japanese (fluent), knows bits and pieces of Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean.
Remake?: Somewhat
OC?: Kinda

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 6
Classroom: 1-1
History?: Local/Japanese History
Music/Writing/Art?: Writing

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