Mikaili Shamala

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Mikaili (Mika) Shamala
Player: Anastasia
Date of Birth: March 22nd, 1991
Age: 16
Journal: finaladution
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187 lbs
Visible Markings: Multiple earings in both ears, one lip and one nose


Mikaili is unusually tall for his age, thanks to a growth spurt that began about two years ago. He has dark skin, and deep brown eyes. Despite being larger than his peers, he still has great coordination and moves rather gracefully and isn't very awkward. He teases his longish hair into a loose sort of afro, and takes pride in his appearance though he appears laid back. He grows facial hair and tends to remain JUST within the SH policy.


His clothing style is relaxed yet still fashionable and almost trendy... if you were in Korea. He still likes traditonal African patterns, however, and also wears a variety of earings to "display his cultural heritage". He wears glasses for reading, though he tends to forget them in weird places. He overall appears very comfortable with himself.

Mikaili's PB is Travis McCoy.


Mika is pretty cool - you almost have to experience Mika to know his personality. But, for the most part he is relaxed, communicative, and loves to talk. Though he won't outright say it, he seems to want to be like his father by enjoying dispensing diplomatic advice and fancing himself to be some sort of well-versed people person (even if he isn't quite so). Before he moved to England, he lived in Kenya and led a very traditional life - he was quiet and kept to himself. He was very much like his mother, and didn't like to leave her side.

However once he moved to London and experience a wider range of people, lifestyles and perceptions of the world he became very open and accepting of many people. He opened up and became more like his father, talkative and more independant. Also due to this, the traditional Muslim values that had been instilled in him were altered to some extent and to this day he breaks the Halaal with less and less guilt (though he keeps his prayer hours).

Now a days, he's still very friendly, talkative and active. He admires his father and often refers to him, but never outright says something like "I want to be like my dad". Still, with this bright personality comes an impulsive, daredevil sort of person who can be selfish and impatient should he be forced to sit still and wait for something that he wants. When dealing with an unusual (or delicate) situation, he can also struggle with saying the wrong things. HE'S LEARNING THOUGH.


Mikaili's father and mother are both native Kenyen and traditional Muslims, and met and married when they were quite young, a situation that was arranged by their respective families. His father was educated, and deeply involved with the restructuring of the government from the late eighties to the early nineties. Due to the diplomatic role he played between the different sectors of government in order to foster the economic revival of Kenya. As a reward, he was eventually made an international diplomat.

His first assignment was to the United Kingdom, where he took up residence in London with his family. Mikaili was around 10 years old at this time. He was sent to a nice international school in the capitol, and though his parents practiced Islam quite devotly (and he was to follow suit), over the years his veiws became much more liberal than his parents due to the influence of his friends and of the city and country in general. While his parents were worried about this, he tended to keep most of his Halaal-breaking away from home so they didn't have much of a reason to pester him.

From this group of friends, he also discovered his current obession; contemporary Korean music, mostly rock and hip-hop. It's the music that he plays the most and tries to imitate with his own musical endevors. Also from this comes most of his fashion! Yay! Overall, Briton is a very important part of Mika's life and he looks upon his time spent there fondly and still keeps in touch with his friends there.

Eventually, Mikaili's father was reassigned to That Country, and in looking for the best international school, he found Second Heaven. While it wasn't near the capitol, exactly, they were still in the same country and Mika himself was excited to be on his own almost completely. Saying his goodbyes, he has arrived at the high school with high expectations for himself and the school itself.

Other Information

Birth Location: ONLY IN Kenya
Why Second Heaven?: His father choose it for him (though Mika doesn't mind the choice).
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Yellow, ugali, talking, music
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Purple, liver, sitting still, science
Likes: Korean music (rock and hip-hop), Korean popstars, being outside, making friends and being with people in general, settling disputes, writing and playing music (instrumental and vocal), dancing (break it down!) , street art and photography
Dislikes: Being ignored, going hungry and not sleeping, getting into fights (physical) , ignorant people, water and getting wet, shaving off his facial MANHAIR
Family: Father [Kasim, 39], Mother [Tiombe, 36]
Languages: English, Swahili, some Arabic
Also of note: Mika will pray during school, so don't be surprised.

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 22
Classroom: 1-2
History?: Local/Japanese History
Art?: Music

Clubs and Sports
Student Council - F, 3.45-4.15
Photography Club - MF, 2.30-3.30

Baseball - TTH 4.30-6.30, S 4.00-7.00

Weekly Schedule:
2.30-3.30 Photography Club
4.30-6.30 Baseball [summer, fall]
4.30-6.30 Baseball [summer, fall]
2.30-3.30 Photography Club
3.45-4.15 Student Council
4.00-7.00 Baseball [summer, fall]


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