Ian Baines

From Secondheaven

Name Ian Baines
Age 17
Birthday February 12, 1990
Home Quebec, Canada
Height 5'10" / 180 cm
Weight 155 lbs / 70.3 kg
Family Grandparents in Saguenay, father in Maine.
Languages Fluent: French and English.
Visible Marks A scar on his left cheek and a few faint freckles on his nose.
Not readily visible Marks A few moles, a few light scars, nothing out of the ordinary.
Year 3
Rank 21
Dorm 2-E
History Local/Japanese
Elective Humanities
Extracurriculars Anime, Astrology, Occult, and Art Studio.
Played By Gaspard Ulliel
Journal atowertumbling



Ian is messy, and somewhat forgettable. His hair is brown and usually uncombed, and he wears plain, uninspired t-shirts and old jeans. The most notable thing about his appearance is his mouth - he has very thick lips and a long chin, and a scar he gained as a child on his left cheek that indents deeply whenever he smiles, making it look like a dimple on an extremely long mouth. He's thin, but not unhealthily so, tall, but not unusually so, slouches, but not badly. He's average-joe, appearance wise, and this doesn't really bother him. He's usually smiling to himself, and very rarely looks as though he's paying attention (and in all likelihood, he's not).


Ian was raised by a mixture of families. His mother died of cancer when he was two, and as his father was unable to care for him and keep his job at the same time, he was informally 'adopted' by his grandparents, who in turn had a number of their friends look after him whenever they decided they'd rather do something else. This mixture of 'parents' gave Ian a lack of real parental identification, even though he technically still had his father and quite a lot of grown-ups that looked after and cared for him.

This setup changed only slightly when Ian's father left Quebec to take a better-paying job in America, insisting that again, he couldn't support and care for Ian as well as himself. He wrote his son letters every few months, but the two were never close, and Ian paid them very little attention. His father's promises of having Ian come to live with him when he's graduated he regards as something that will never happen, and something he hopes *not* to happen, besides.

His admittance to Second Heaven was something of a surprise. Ian's grades had never been phenomenal, but his test scores were high, and his grandparents had the money to send him. His first year at school was quite an experience for him when he learned he'd have to *try* to keep from failing out, and consequently he's kept his grades at a medium level.


Keywords: Shy, superficial, pleasant, distant, tactless, irresponsible.

Ian is chiefly very irresponsible, both emotionally and socially. If there's a situation he doesn't like, he'll avoid it at all costs, no matter what the consequences are for others or himself. This includes supporting potential friends when they need him, so even though he's not an un-social person, he has no close friends, only a lot of acquaintances. He's very superficial, and will say whatever he thinks people want him to say so he'll be regarded well and left alone. However, during situations where he's distracted or simply doesn't care, he has absolutely no tact. This would, in fact, include making jokes at a funeral. He's very secretive and doesn't trust anyone enough to really talk to them honestly. He doesn't have motivation for anything unless it's interesting to him, and he has a very hard time taking any correction or criticism.


Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

Japanese-style boarding school? Appealed to his nerdy side x100.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Yellow
  • Food Melonpan
  • Activity Daydreaming
  • Subject English
  • Other Likes Unsolved mysteries, conspiracy theories, hiding places, video games, his own deadlines, foreign oddities, Arthurian legends, historical fiction, plain foods, and anime.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Red
  • Food Salads
  • Activity Sports
  • Subject Math
  • Other Dislikes Group projects, expectations, over-effort, testing, talking during films, responsibility, gore, spicy food, confidence, and casual touch.



  • He will eat you with kiyante and fava beans.  :)
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