Guinevere Hyla

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Guinevere "Guin" Hyla
Player: The Guindo
Date of Birth: March 27, 1990
Age: 17
Journal: bn_n
Height: 5'5"
Weight:: 120 lb


Guin is of average height, skinny, and maybe a little lacking in the curves department. But that's okay because she knows how to accessorize! Her hair is typically kept around shoulder-blade length, naturally a very dark brown but more often than not she has either blonde or red highlights dyed in. At the moment, it's red. She is a typically cheerful sort, usually seen smiling. Her uniform is always impeccable, but out of uniform she tends to wear things that would make people ask wtf she was thinking when she put that on.

Guin's PB is Amanda Bynes.


Inquisitive is probably the nice way to say it. She's a journalist, through and through (tabloid type, unfortunately). She will stop at nothing for a story, even going so far as spying (YES SPYING!) on her subjects. She is shameless! Anything for a story! Journalism aside, she is naturally inquisitive, asks a lot of questions, likes learning new things (not related to school), and has a tendancy to impromptu interview folks on the most random things. She writes down EVERYTHING and always carries a notebook with her.

She's very gullible and will believe almost any urban legend you tell her must have actually happened somewhere somehow. Local legends, also, are very quickly bought into. She's one of those people who would spend weeks staring out at Loch Ness through binoculars to get the faintest glimpse of Nessie.

She's generally good-spirited and cheerful, usually seen smiling and bouncing around with her notebook, running off to do this or that. She's very hard to get down or get angry, but when she does get angry it's usually a quick outburst that is quickly forgotten. Grudges tend not to be in her vocabulary.


Guin's family is a little complicated. Her mother was a drug-dealer and was arrested and thrown in prison for this a few months before her daughter's birth. Guin was born in the prison, and then given to her father to be raised by him while her mother was behind bars. As her mother's sentence involved quite a few varying offenses, her sentence was 20+ years and so Guin has only ever met her behind a thick plexiglass window. She does not like visiting her mother, but feels a certain duty to do it on days like mother's day and her mom's birthday. They keep in touch normally through mail, and even then Guin has a tendency to neglect returning letters.

Soon after her birth, her father reformed, found solace in religion, and by the time she was two, he was joining a monastery (conveniently located in the same city as the prison her mother was in!). There was a neat little rule that the monks there had. If you joined already having a child, the child got to come live with you. So, Guin spent her life raised in a monastery, raised by her father and his brotherhood of monks. Of course she ended up with a religious education and is quite devout, but she is also just a normal teenage girl who just happens to have a lot of fathers. She was treated, basically, as the monastery's collective daughter.

When she was old enough for high school, they made the decision to pool their funds and send her off to an excellent private school with God's blessing. Second Heaven was chosen for being prestigious and having an excellent reputation, and with a lot of tearful good-byes, off she went. She still keeps in touch by sending letters home weekly. ...She still forgets to return her mother's.

Other Information

Birth Location: CaƱon City, CO
Why Second Heaven?: They wanted to give her the best opportunity they could for her education
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green / Pizza / SNOOPING?! / Journalism
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Yellow ugh! / Brussels sprouts / Cleaning / Math
Likes: Religion (any! but non-Christian is v fascinating), gossip, rumours, tabloids, myth and legend, unicorns, fairies, and ducks (DUCKS!!). Also My Little Pony and Rainbow Brite. And go-go boots. ALSO THE LEGEND OF THE SEVENTH ARTIFICIAL RACCOON
Dislikes: loody meat, mean people, homework, studying (oh but she does it anyway, alas), Mr. Caine, her mom!, country music
Family: Father, Mother (prison), Monastery brotherhood
AIM SN: A Kind of Magic
Student #: 900600060

School Information

Year: 2
Rank on testing: 21
Classroom: 2-2
History?: World
Art?: Writing

Clubs: Journalism, Photo
Sports: Wrestling

Weekly Schedule:

2:30 - 3:30 Photo 4:30 - 5:45 Wrestling

6:00 - 8:00 Journalism

4:30 - 5:45 Wrestling

6:00 - 8:00 Journalism

2:30 - 3:30 Photo 4:30 - 5:45 Wrestling




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