Canon History

From Secondheaven


Hallo. Snapple reporting! Now, for those who joined this game when it first started, there was a very obnoxious series of CR posts that made people WORK FOR DA MONEY. Well, there's a reason we made you work so hard for that money - this page will link you, and consequently, all new players, to previous years history! These are things that all characters should know if they were in school during those years, and especially faculty that isn't new!

Listed next to each section is who should know what!

  • 2005-2006 - Year 3s who've been in Second Heaven all three years, Faculty entering their 3rd year.
Festivals 2005 - A list of the festivals that happened this year, what happened, and what role everyone played.
  • 2006-2007 - Year 2s + 3s who've been in Second Heaven their whole time, Faculty entering their 2nd year.
Festivals 2006 - A ditto of the last.
  • Reputations - Anyone who's had some gossip prior to year start, though Year 1s knowing much about their fellow classmates is highly unlikely. Separated into two sections, Faculty and Students.

Enjoy ♥!!

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