Benjamin Silas

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Benjamin Silas
Player: Lissa
Date of Birth: February 28, 1960
Age: 47
Journal: changingmyplea
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 177lbs


Standing at 6'4" and 177 lbs, Benjamin, though not a very bulky man, is a formidable figure. His face is gaunt and somewhat delicate despite the sharp contours of his cheeks and jaw and a small beard on his chin helps to soften his appearance. Wide, dark eyes give Benjamin a watchful appearance that his stern, thin mouth only confirms. He tends to dress colorfully, adhering to the school's dress policy, but only barely. Hats, scarves, sunglasses and a cigarette (though not at school) are among his most commonly worn accessories.

Visible Markings: A thin, horizontal scar on his chin and a dark purple scar on the back of his left elbow.

Not readily visible Markings: Two large moles on the back of his neck where a notch in his spine protrudes, a circular scar on the bottom of his right foot and a bump in his collarbone from an unset fracture.

Benjamin's PB is Jeremy Irons.


The words that best describe Benjamin are earnest, misplaced and energetic. Though he is prone to bouts of laziness, for the most part he invests himself entirely into whatever it is he's doing. However, he has a tendency of being easily distracted and might put his energy into pestering a fellow teacher while they're giving a lecture or counting the steps it takes to go from the nurse's office to the library and back again. As his attention span is rather short, Benjamin has become quite creative thinking up ways to entertain himself. His mannerisms are gentle, yet masculine, and if this is mentioned in conjunction with the fact that he's a male nurse, you'll earn a scathing look. (As a British, vegetarian, gay male nurse, Benjamin has perfected the scathing look to an art. He's also worked on his right hook.)

Benjamin avoids conflict wherever possible and would rather lose face than be dragged through a fight. Whenever he does let out his aggressions, it's in a very passive manner. But the little things he does manage to accomplish help make the nurse feel vindicated, so if his victim never understands what it was he did, well, that's probably for the best.


Born in Manchester, England, Benjamin reaped the benefits of being part of the upper-middle class. His family, well off by their grandfather's textile business, lived comfortably without working an honest day in their lives. Benjamin, who did love his family but never wanted to succumb to such laziness, pushed himself hard in the direction of medicine. He attended a fine all boys academy and went on to study medicine at the University of Manchester. Though he did well in school, Benjamin found that his work ethic wasn't quite enough to get him to his dream. So, instead of becoming a doctor, he settled for finishing school early to be a nurse. He moved to Wales a few months after graduating for a good position at a hospital and lived there for sixteen years. Though the time wasn't the best of his life (a Welsh accent can still make him cringe), Benjamin would count himself happy while working at the hospital. But, as he neared the end of his sixteenth year of employment, Benjamin copied the wrong information onto a patient's chart which ended in an improper prescription and a malpractice suit. Since it was easier for the hospital to fire Benjamin than to defend him in court, he was out of a job and without any favorable references. Ashamed and unable to find another hospital job, he began working at schools as a nurse. He's been making his way up through the posher academies and four years ago managed to secure himself a job at Second Heaven. Over the years he's become rather attached to the establishment and has almost succeeded in pushing his former failure out of mind.

Other Information

Birth Location: Manchester, England.
Why Second Heaven?: The pay is better than it was at his last nursing job.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green/shitake mushrooms/cooking without a recipe/Writing.
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Yellow/meat of any kind/fishing/History.
Likes: Acting, going to the theater, writing, modernist fiction and poetry, bar hopping, people who know how to really listen.
Dislikes: Cats (he's highly allergic), realizing he's made a fool of himself, humid heat, freckles, surprises, celery and stubbornness.

School Information

Clubs and Sports Drama Director


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