Angela Kwon

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Angela Kwon
Player: Shinn
Date of Birth: February 18th, 1990
Age: 17
Journal: maxangel
AIM: Maxangelique
Height: 5'5" / 165 cm
Weight: 110 lbs / 50 kg


Angela has long, slightly wavy, dark brown hair and eyes. She usually has a smile on her face, because she (says) is always happy! She wears fashionable girly clothes, usually skirts and sometimes shorts. She uses many accessories, but nothing too exaggerated during school. She's a GOOD GIRL, so she wears her uniform correctly... though her skirt is a bit shortened, but nothing too noticeable.

Conrad's PB is Ayumi Lee.


Keywords: nice, friendly, cheerful, obsessive, spoiled, romantic, bossy.

Angela is outgoing, nice and friendly! She loves meeting new people and making new friends. She daydreams frequently about romantic, destined love, soul mates and corny things like that. Thanks to her rich parents giving her everything she wants, she's spoiled and gets really angry when things go differently from what she wants. She's also bit obsessive, she doesn't stop until she gets what she wants, but usually she doesn't do anything really bad.

She's a really good student, mostly because she's quite intelligent. Although most people would expect her to be a ditz just by looking at her. She enjoys cooking and sewing. She learned when she got obsessed over it because of a manga, so her parents got her the best teachers they could find for her. She's a japanophile and is prone to using random fangirl Japanese. Beware.


Angela was born in Rome, Italy on February 18, 1990. She's the daughter of successful and rich Korean immigrants. Angela grew up having everything she wanted with no question. She was a good enough girl, so her parents never had problems with her... unless they didn't buy her the toy or clothes she wanted. That's when she threw tantrums and became overall annoying. So, they decided to do the easiest thing and buy her what she wanted.

During her early teens she became obsessed with shoujo manga and anime. She dreamed of becoming the heroine of them, having a destined ♥soulmate♥ and mushy things like that. She also got into romantic novels and movies, which made her a bit too obsessed with the idea of destined love. There was someone out there DESTINED to be with her!

During a basketball game when she was in her first year of high school, she saw Max. A friend of her read her fortune and told her she'd meet her love of her life that day. She was sure it was him! That day she couldn't approach him, since he ran away and hid from her, but she was able to obtain his name. After that day, she decided that she'd change to his school the next year. She told her parents that she wanted to change schools, and they accepted. She started following his track online, reading the SH BBS (is this possible?), and playing RO. She wanted to know everything about him!

Time passed, and it was finally time to start her school year in SH! She was angry that she wasn't in the same classroom as him, but she'd make sure to change that the next year. Oh yes, she wanted to spend all the time she could with him, because he was going to be her future husband!

Other Information

Birth Location: Rome, Italy
Why Second Heaven?: Because Max is there and it looks like an awesome school~ ♥
Favourite color/food/activity/subject/person: Pink/Ice cream/Singing and Cooking!/Home Ec and Music!/Max ♥♥♥
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Black/Fish Stew/Being told no D:</Science :<
Likes: Cute things, kitten, butterflies, puppies, Japanese, shoujo anime, shoujo manga, tokimeki memorial girl side, j-pop, k-pop, stars, romantic novels, sweets, fruits, flowers, sewing, the beach, romance and comedy movies, dolls, children, sunny days, shopping for clothes, RO and any online game Max plays.
Dislikes: Mean people, storms, lizards, insects, drinking, smoking, really cloudy days, wearing long pants, not having what she wants, people who want to take Max away >:(, dirty rooms, rap, eggplant, evil doers and violence.
Visible Markings: None.
Not readily visible Markings: None.
Family: Daddy and Mommy ♥
Languages Known: English (good/accent), Italian (fluent) and Korean (mediocre).

School Information

Year: 2nd
Rank on testing: 22
Classroom: 2-2
History?: World History
Art, Music or Writing: Music

Clubs and Sports:
Photo Club: Monday + Friday, 2.30-3.30
Home Ec Club: Saturday, 12.00-5.00
Astronomy Club: Friday, Midnight
Anime Club: Saturday, 5.00 - ???
Swimming: Monday + Wednesday + Friday, 4.30 - 5.45 (Winter)


  • Alma: Max's friend!
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