Nigerian Navy

From Roach Busters

The Nigerian Navy is tasked with the maritime defense of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.



[edit] Overview

In 1887, the Colonial Government of Nigeria established the Lagos Marine as a quasi-military organization combining the duties of present day Nigeria Ports Authority, the Inland Waterways and the maritime policing duties of modern day Navy. When Northern and Southern Nigeria were brought together as one country in 1914, the two marine forces became the Nigeria Marine, and on 1 June 1956 after lobbying for a full-fledged naval force instead of a ports authority, the Nigerian Naval Force was established.

The Nigerian Navy command structure today consists of the Naval Headquarters based in Abuja, two operational commands with headquarters in Lagos and Calabar, two training commands with headquarters in Lagos but with training facilities spread all over Nigeria, two operational bases, five forward operational bases (with two more soon to come on stream), two dockyards located in Lagos and Port Harcourt and two fleets based in Lagos and Calabar. The navy has 25,000 personnel, including 5,200 marines.

The commander of the Nigerian Navy is Vice Admiral G.T.A. Adekeye, the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS). He is assisted by 7 principal staff officers at the Headquarters known as Branch Chiefs. The PSOs are: Rear Admiral P.S. Adeniyi, The Chief of Policy and Plans, Rear Admiral S.U. Umosen, the Chief of Training and Operations, Rear Admiral D. Alabi, the Chief of Accounts and Budget, Rear Admiral Jonah, the Chief of Naval Engineering, Commodore S. Orishamolade, the Chief of Logistics, and Commodore B. Acholonu, the Navy Secretary.

Each of the Branches consists of Directorates. The Administration Branch, for instance, consists of Directorate of Education (headed by Cdre S.E.A. Olamilokun) and Directorate of Medical Services (headed by Cdre K. Ibe Lambert). The Directorate of Naval Information, headed by Captain H. Babalola, is under the Chief of Policy and Plans.

The commands are under the flag officers commanding. Rear Admiral I.I. Ibrahim commands the Western Naval Command while Rear Admiral B.A. Raji commands the Eastern Naval Command. The Naval Training Command is commanded by Rear Admiral G.T. Ombo. The newly constituted Logistics Command is headed by Rear Admiral H.O.G. Arogundade.

The Navy recently celebrated its Golden Jubilee in Lagos with a parade and a review of the fleet by the Commander in Chief, President Mohammed Abubakar. To witness this colorful parade were the Chiefs of Naval Staff of African navies and other friendly nations.

CONSTRAC is the Chief of the Naval Staff Annual Training Conference. The First CONSTRAC was held at Obudu in Cross River State in November 2006. The Nigerian Navy has just concluded the Second Chief of the Naval Staff Training Conference in Sokoto, Nigeria. It was held at Sultan Macido School of General Studies between Oct 29, 2007 and November 2, 2007.

[edit] Equipment

[edit] Individual weapons

  • Browning Hi-Power 9×19mm semi-automatic pistol
  • Galil 7.62×51mm assault rifle
  • M89SR 7.62×51mm semi-automatic sniper rifle
  • FN FAL 7.62×51mm battle rifle
  • Denel NTW-20 20×83.5mm anti-materiel rifle
  • Rheinmetall MG3 7.62×51mm general purpose machine gun
  • FN Minimi 7.62×51mm light machine gun
  • FN P90 5.7×28mm submachine gun
  • Franchi SPAS-15 12 gauge shotgun
  • MGL Mk-1 40mm grenade launcher
  • AT4 84mm anti-tank weapon

[edit] Vehicles

[edit] Ships

  • 2 Type 209 submarines
  • 2 Agosta 90B class submarines
  • 2 Krivak 1 class frigates
  • 2 D'Estienne d'Orves class frigates
  • 1 La Fayette class frigate
  • 3 MEKO 360H1 class frigates
  • 3 Saar 4 class missile boats
  • 4 La Combattante II class fast attack craft
  • 2 Type 62 class gunboats
  • 20 Osa II class missile boats
  • 10 P400 class patrol vessels
  • 3 Barbe class utility landing craft
  • 2 Lindau class minesweepers
  • 1 Tripartite class minehunter
  • 9 support ships

[edit] Aircraft

  • 11 Eurocopter AS 532 SC multipurpose utility helicopters
  • 6 Grob G 115 basic trainers
  • 2 Aérospatiale Super Frelon heavy transport helicopters
  • 5 MBB Bo 105CBS-5 search and rescue helicopters
  • 5 MBB Bo 105CBS utility transport helicopters
  • 6 BN-2A Islander light utility aircraft
  • 4 Eurocopter AS 565MA/MB search and rescue helicopters
  • 7 Eurocopter AS 355M2 attack helicopters

[edit] Land vehicles

  • AAV-7A1 armored personnel carrier
    • AAVP-7A1 (Personnel)
    • AAVC-7A1 (Command)
    • AAVR-7A1 (Recovery)
  • Cadillac Gage Commando armored personnel carrier
    • V-150
    • V-200
    • V-300
  • ERC 90 Sagaie infantry fighting vehicle
    • EMC 91 (fire support version)
    • ERC 20 (anti-aircraft version)
  • Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked)
    • FV101 Scorpion light tank
    • FV102 Striker anti-tank guided missile carrier
    • FV104 Samaritan armored ambulance
  • EQ2050 high-mobility utility vehicle
  • LARC-V amphibious cargo vehicle
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