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In his time at UEA, Richie has been very busy, and now has a very awesome list of achievements to his name.


Deviant Society

Richie runs the Deviant Society. With help from other people, but it's mostly him.

He feels good about helping making an impact on people's lives, and helping them enjoy their time at university all the more.

Unfortunetely it turned out that Richie sucks at his committee role and he is being booted out by young first year upstarts.

Club DJ

Richie is also known as "that power metal DJ guy". Whatever the pub, club, or event, Richie is on-hand to dazzle the punters with an impressive array of good, catchy, fun metal. Everyone has a great time, and goes home with a desire to listen to power metal non-stop. Check out his setlists.

Radio DJ

Richie is also a radio DJ, on UEA's Livewire station. He's an awesome DJ, and has gained national recognition in his short time on air. For this reason, he is given the highly popular late night saturday slot, when fuck all people are at home, let alone listening to him. Check out his playlists here.


Richie is a promoter god. He takes underground bands from around the country, puts them on in Norwich, and draws huge crowds. The bands have a great time, get paid, and love Richie. The audience have a great time, and are in awe of Richie for booking such awesome bands.

Richie promotes gigs on behalf of Deviant Society, and also as a member of Power Metal UK. The latter lets Richie act as part of a national level organisation, and places fame and recognition within his grasp.

TV Star

Richie recently became a TV Documentary star when he was filmed for the UEA Pirate Society. Richie was filmed in the bar and at home in his pirate costume, discussing pirates. And his costume.


According to some recently acquired software, Richie's bedroom is now a multi-track recording studio. He now works as a profeessional record producer.


Richie's tremendous acting abilities were called upon by Fletch Cadillac for an appearence in their "Time to Die" music video. He played the role of lead zombie, where he looked half dead and shuffled round in a daze. Much like normal then.

His abilities are not in wide demand.


Richie is also a long running writer. His published career started when he was a mere child, with poems appearing in those terrible children's poetry books, produced regionally and featuring kids from all the local junior schools.

Nowadays, Richie has had articles appear in the Deviant Society monthly zine, and also in the online metal zine Metal Zone.

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