
From Reydala

---Three Years Earlier---

The tavern, if it could indeed be called that, was uncharacteristically noisy. Though it is indeed a tavern's nature to be somewhat less than quiet, the patrons tonight were an especially rowdy bunch; there was an uncommonly strong smell of salt, and the patrons walked with the trademarked rolling stroll that marked them as men of the sea. Pirates, in fact.

While their shipmates caroused about them, three crewmembers and the captain were sitting at a table, paying tribute to the ancient and noble art of playing dice. The captain was on a lucky streak, and rubbing it in the faces of his crew while he tossed the dice into his cup, before letting them fly.

"Looks like I'll be gettin' another few years offa' you lads, don' it?" the captain asked with a smile as his throw showed all sixes. A winning toss, or a losing one, depending on the game.

One of the self-styled pirates shrugged and nodded to his compatriot. "I'll pro'ly die on yer ship, that's fer sure. S'mah lot. Shu'at don' look too happy 'bout it, tho'."

At the mention of his name, a pirate with a shock of white hair and brown eyes slouched in his seat. "Bloody pirates. I should've never joined you guys. Buncha' thieves and cheats."

Another pirate, this one with a hat pulled down low over his eyes spoke up. It was a wonder he could see. "Shutat, you steal more than any of us."

Raising a hand to his lips, the Jovenite answered. "True, but that's different. We're supposed to be in this together. Honor among thieves, and all that."

The first shipmate replied, "Is'n the sayin', 'there do be no honor 'mong thieves?'"

Taking the same hand and waving it in dismissal, Shutat countered. "One of those sayings. Either way, I want it on the record you're thieves and cheats."

The captain chuckled good-naturedly. "I'm gonna remember that comment when next I divvy treasure, laddy-buck. Just you wait and see." He prepared to throw the dice again, todding the bones into his cup.

Seeing his future wealth disappear rapidly before his eyes, Shutat thought quickly. "H-hey! Shouldn't we take a break and watch the singer? It just doesn't seem right to not watch a woman when we have a chance to."

The captain frowned, hating to be interrupted while he was winning. But, then again... "You do be right, Shutat. Dunno when we'll get a chance again." Swiveling around in his chair, he yelled for quiet from the more rambunctious members of his crew, as the group began their next song.

Two pipe players began a slow, haunting melody as the singer strode out to the middle of the stage, full of confidence despite being surrounded by lecherous men. She was elven, and short like all elves, with smoldering blue eyes and dark blonde hair. She spread her arms, displaying the pendant hanging from her neck, as she began singing.

I had a dream that I could fly

I can feel each moment

As time goes by

We’d never be too far away

You would always be here

I heard you say

I never thought

Thought that it would be our last goodbye

I still can dream

That one day love will fall out from the sky

As the surrounding noise grew more and more silent, the group gained more energy. The pipes grew more meloncholy, as the woman's voice grew more longing.

Do you still remember

All the time that has gone by

Do you still believe that

Love can fall out from the sky

If from where you’re standing

You can see the sky above

I’ll be waiting for you

If you still believe in love

Shutat, despite himself, leaned in closer to the performers. He knew that it was impossible, but for a brief, fleeting moment, it felt as though this woman was singing to him, and to him alone. He was surprised to feel his cheeks wet, and when he lifted his fingers to them, discovering tears. What the hell is wrong with me?

Find a way

To bring back yesterday

Find a way to love

I hope you’ll stay

When tomorrow becomes today

Love will find a way

He wasn't imagining it. The singer was looking directly at him. Wasn't she? Of course she wasn't. If she was, it was probably in surprise that he was crying like a baby. Looking around as his shipmates, he saw that they were all in much the same state he was in; those that were too young to have loved looked at the woman adoringly, and those that were old enough to have survived a love stared off into space. The one thing that every man in the room had in common were the tears streaming down their faces, unashamedly.

I’ll be waiting for you

In my heart you are the one

If I cannot find you

I will look up to the sun

If from where you’re standing

You can see the sky above

I’ll be waiting for you

If you still believe in love

Their song grew to a close, as the pipers blew the last notes. The entire tavern was silent as a tomb. The woman shifted her weight to one leg, cockily resting a hand on her hip, and grinned at the audience. "C'mon boys; I wasn't THAT bad, was I?"

The tavern erupted in applause. Shutat was surprised to find himself clapping the hardest, and cheering the loudest.

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