Of Trolls and Homecomings Interludes

From Reydala

1: Lady of the Sylthi

Timeline: Five Days Prior - 19th of Chiarore

The ship that the party found themselves on had been sailing for eight or nine days now and was now finally in neutral waters en route to Leyandra. It was the middle of the night, and any sensible soul that wasn’t part of the crew hired to sail the vessel should have been fast asleep. However, the young elfin woman Ansr’onna Gyssebrar was on the top deck as she just stared toward the moon. Her hand absentmindedly moved to a pin in her hair which was in the shape of two pearlescent fairy wings. “Syllae, I hope you know what you’re doing.” The young woman murmured into the night as her hair quietly blew along in the night sky and she thought back to the day she took on the pin and the responsibilities behind it.


It was three years prior, Ansr’onna found herself sitting back to back with her best friend Syllae Baequi’via. Syllae had requested Onna’s presence, but hadn’t said a word ever since the pair began to sit as they were. Syllae was in a black satin dress, her hair was done up with a hairpin in the shape of two pearlescent fairy wings, while Ansr’onna was simply in merchant’s clothing, the pair looked like stellar opposites. “Syl… what’s troubling you?” Onna questioned quietly to the girl and placed a reassuring hand on hers.

A few minutes passed before Syllae took a deep breath. “My parents have begun the process of turning everything over to me.” She whispered quietly. “When I ask them why, they both avoid the question and told me to not worry. It was just time.”

“I… I see.” Ansr’onna whispered quietly back to her. “I’m sorry, Syl…” she squeezed the older elfin girl’s hand gently.

“I just don’t know what to do. I’m not ready to be the head of the family, my brother should be here, and not me.” She whispered fearfully. “He was always more suited to diplomacy… as quiet as he always was.”

“Syllae. I know you are not Aelthiria, and you’ll never be Aelthiria.” Onna began in a stern tone. “It’s because you’re not Aelthiria that I know you can do it. Don’t get me wrong, your brother will be a great paladin, and to the people of this town, he may be some ‘Baequivian Prince’. However, you’ve worked a hundred times harder to prepare for this than he ever did. You have the passion and the heart to lead this family into the future. Away from the prejudices of the past and be open to all.” Ansr’onna continued in a stern tone. “Syllae Baequi’via, I know you’ll do such a good job, that I pledge here and now. I will follow your word to hell and beyond, so says my honour as a Gyssebrar.” Onna stopped as she felt Syllae’s hand and hers intertwine.

“Thank you… my knight.” Syllae whispered. “You’ve always been there to give me hope when I need it.”

“Sorry, Syl. I’m no knight.” Onna chuckled as she leaned her head back against her best friend’s. “I’ll be the wings to lift you, but I am not good enough to be your knight.”

Syllae was silent for a moment as she thought quietly to herself. A small smile then spread against her face as she freed a hand to remove her hairclip. She then stood up and turned to face Ansr’onna. “Onna, pledge your allegiance, not as my knight, but as my Sylthi.”

“Your… fairy wings…?” Ansr’onna asked as she stood up as well to face the future head of the Baequi’via family with a questionable expression.

“Mmhmm, as my Sylthi you will act as my representative and personal advisor when I need you. You’ll be able to live your life as you wish, and you’ll be able to have people work under you to perform any tasks I need of you. It would mean everything to me.” Syllae said as she smiled to the younger elfin woman.

“Syllae…” Ansr’onna whispered as her cheeks flushed. This was an honor she never would’ve expected in a thousand years, nor was it one that Ansr’onna would ever refuse, and Syllae knew this as she reached over and clipped up some of Onna’s long hair. “I accept. I will pledge my sword to you, and be your wings.”

“From here on out, you will be Ansr’onna Gyssebrar, the Lady of the Sylthi.” The Baequi’via elf said happily before she hugged the younger merchant girl.

Onna smiled softly and wrapped her arms around Syllae’s waist. She would always be there for the girl, and she trusted that Syllae would always be there for her.


Ansr’onna’s hand slid away from the clip as she smiled toward the sky. “I’m keeping my promise Syllae. All for you, for I am Ansr’onna, the Lady of the Sylthi.” Her hair continued to blow softly in the night breeze as she thought about when she took on this mission. She undid the hairclip and brought it to her heart and allowed her hair to blow about a bit more wildly. She closed her eyes and let herself drift in the memories. She would soon go to bed for the last few hours of their boat ride, but for now she was content.

2: A Fairy and Her Wings

Timeline: Day 2 - 25th of Chiarore

Syllae Baequi’via stood in front of a mirror in her bedroom quietly and checked herself over. Her hair was done up in a bun, held together by a pearlescent fairy wings hairpin. She wore a simple white summer’s dress and she held a bright smile on her face. Over on her dresser was a closed picnic basket, which had all sorts of items inside it from foods to wine to even a box with a special gift in it. She’d already told her servants that she would be out today, discussing things with her representative and to not expect her home until the next day. Of course, some of her more well informed servants would know she was taking the day away to spend time with her best friend, but they would never gossip.

She knew she had a little bit of time before she had to go meet Ansr’onna so she laid on her bed and closed her eyes. She thought about the last time she spoke to Ansr’onna before today and smiled softly.


“We’ve found your brother. The 27th reported seeing him pass through a town enroute to Todare, Nuln along with a cloaked boy, a tall human, a dragonborne person and a blue skinned woman.” Ansr’onna started as she kneeled in front of a large oak desk. At the other side of the desk stood the one and only Syllae Baequi’via; she was faced toward the window and she quietly stared outside toward the courtyard. The window, as Ansr’onna remembered was a special one which acted like mirrors on the outside.

“Stand, Lady of the Sylthi.” Syllae spoke as she turned from a large window and faced the kneeling woman and smiled gently. Onna stood without hesitation. “My darling Ansr’onna; you bring me wonderful news.”

“My lady, what are your orders?” Onna asked in a calm manner as she watched the head of the Baequi’via contemplate the answer to the question.

Syllae then moved around the desk and said “You are to retrieve him, my dear.” She stood at her Sylthi’s side and turned the younger girl to face her. “You are my representative. I want you to bring him home, my Sylthi. Use all my resources and your cunning to accomplish your mission” Syllae continued and smiled to her closest.

“Of course, my lady” Ansr’onna replied as she looked toward her sovereign leader. “I am your wings, after all.”

“Make sure you’re back before your birthday though. I wouldn’t want to not spend time with my dearest on her special day.” Syllae smiled and let go of the younger woman’s cheek.

“My birthday is nothing special, Syl…” Ansr’onna whispered with a blush.

“Nonsense!” Syllae huffed up. “Your birthday is one of the most important days of the year, and I won’t hear otherwise!”

“F-Fine, my lady” Ansr’onna huffed and looked away. “Then you better make me feel special this year!” she retorted.

Syllae smirked in a devilish manner as she leaned her lips near her Sylthi’s ear. “Tch. I always make you feel special on your birthday, and you know it.” Syllae whispered in her ear, and Ansr’onna felt her face become even redder.

“Y-You idiot!” Ansr’onna backed away to the wall, thoroughly embarrassed. “Don’t make it seem so terrible like that! What if someone else was here!? They’d get the worst possible idea from it!”

“You’re the one who took it in a terrible way, Ansr’onna. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just mean I have a surprise for you” Syllae gloated victoriously as she moved back to her seat. “Besides, it’s amazing how you can go from stoic to the exact opposite in a second.” Syllae giggled as she sat down. “Besides, let everyone think what they want.”

“I-Idiot…” Ansr’onna huffed up again and stared her down. “If people think untoward things about you, it will risk your diplomatic reputation! Good leaders can fall so easily by one terrible rumour. As your wings, it is my duty to lift you up.” Ansr’onna returned to a straight-forward tone.

“Yeah, yeah~” Syllae sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Onna. Be careful, okay? If things become too dangerous, I’d sooner you return safe than get hurt to bring back my brother.” Syllae murmured in a serious tone as she looked toward the ceiling. A moment later, Syllae saw Ansr’onna lean over her from behind and kissed her forehead gently. “A-Ansr’onna…”

“Do you trust me, Syllae?” Onna asked her as she looked at the head of Baequi’via from above.

“Of course I do, what kind of question is that?” Syllae answered with a narrowed gaze.

“Then trust me when I say, I’ll not only get your brother here safely, but I’ll be back before my birthday and I’ll be safe.” Ansr’onna smirked confidently at the older woman.

“Tch, if you’re bold like that, I expect you to back it up. You know that I do not tolerate braggarts.” Syllae turned up her nose slightly and gave a snotty expression.

“And neither do I. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a brother of yours to have kidnapped.” Ansr’onna said before she left the room gracefully.


Syllae opened her eyes and smiled again. She missed her best friend and looked forward to their day together. She figured now was the time to depart, so she stood up and retrieved the picnic basket, which she herself prepared barely an hour prior and moved to her balcony. She did not wish to be seen by her brother or his entourage, so with perfect balance and grace, she climbed into a nearby tree and down to the ground; all while holding the picnic basket. Once she was ground level, she snuck out of the estate and made her way toward the city of Allrevan proper to meet her best friend.

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