Mika Whitepaws

From Reydala

Character Information
Name Mika Whitepaws
Age 26
Race Wolf Shifter
Campaign Setting {{{Campaign Setting}}}
Class/Profession Investigator
Home Country Walstad
Home Town Unknown
Deity Not Applicable


Name: Mika Whitepaws
Race: Wolf Shifter
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years
Alignment: Neutral Good
Diety: Not Applicable

Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown and white
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Chubby despite being moderately fit, hides beneath bulky jackets and coats.
General Appearance: Mika looks human enough when her hood is up, but her average looks are outweighed by the fact that she has bicolored, fluffy hair and the ears and tail of a wolf. Her fangs and claws are dull but still obvious, so she tries to keep them out of sight as much as possible. Her clothes are dull colors and well-worn to avoid attention, and bulky enough to conceal whatever she's carrying. Usually a large stockpile of grenades.

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