Game 6

From Reydala

Log filename is "reydala2-16-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(4) Locke: water shrinks clothing, I've heard
(4) Locke: ((*stares at clothes shrinking* *drools*))
** (5) Evanthe looks at her clothes in disgust "Are you kidding me?" **
(3) Tanja: ::hugs self::: don't say that!
(2) Sonya: She comes back to reality for a moment, looking back at the party below "Ah.. I am fine, think nothing of it.... But if there were any civilians who didn't evacuate, it's likely they took shelter there" she points to the temple

(4) Locke: that's what I've heard
(5) Evanthe: Right.
(5) Evanthe: We should check it out....carefully
(5) Evanthe: Umm...
(3) Tanja: ::Nods::

(4) Locke: right
** (5) Evanthe looks around in the dark. "Does anyone have a cup or a vial or a jar?" **
(1) Mikhal: nope
(5) Evanthe: I want to take some of this water with me just in case.
(4) Locke: ((LOL))

(5) Evanthe: ((hey, I'm no fool >.>))
(4) Locke: ((paranoid :p))
(3) Tanja: ::Rattles her pack thoughtfully::, i don't think so
(3) Tanja: silverware...uhm...a house key... ::rumages::
(5) Evanthe: I suppose I'll have to hug them to death.

(4) Locke: silverware? ::eyes Tanja::
(5) Evanthe: Oh! Right. Temple.
(3) Tanja: you never know when you might want to stop and eat somewhere... ::blinks innocent eyes::
** (5) Evanthe inches towards the Temple slowly...leading Mochie behind her **
(1) Mikhal: could it be the silverware Alain mentioned in the letter?

(3) Tanja: ::follows after evanthe with Cinder::
(4) Locke: the letter mentioned silverware being stolen?
(1) Mikhal: the letter said he didn't care it was stolen
(4) Locke: ((hey, someone tore it up before I even read it :x))
(5) Evanthe: I'm glad you guys are focused *makes a face at them*

(2) Sonya: ((You guys are going to bring horses into a temple?...>_>))
(3) Tanja: my mom owns a tavern, you silly
(5) Evanthe: ((ITS RUINED))
(5) Evanthe: ((And I"m not leaving my horse to get eaten))
(1) Mikhal: *ties junon up outside the temple

(3) Tanja: ((You might take them from us!))
(5) Evanthe: ((Unless you tell me that she'll be safe))
(4) Locke: oh? maybe we can pay a visit someday
(5) Evanthe: ((I'm never parting from her ;_;))
(2) Sonya: Sonya nods to Mikhal.. "I'll stay and watch the horses.... You should check for survivors.."

(3) Tanja: ((egads, that's worse!))
(5) Evanthe: ((and let us borrow her shiny sword))
(3) Tanja: ((that's one of tony's NPCs! he'll take them from us!))
(4) Locke: ::mumbles:: why couldn't she go check and we watch the horses...
(3) Tanja: ::automatic suspicious look::

(5) Evanthe: I, uh..
** (1) Mikhal nods back to Sonya and unhooks his lantern from Junon and goes inside **</font>
(3) Tanja: you want us to leave our horses with you?
(3) Tanja: ((i hope you get eaten.))
** (4) Locke follow Mikhal **

** (5) Evanthe turns to pat Mochie's neck **
(5) Evanthe: Oh for goodness sake *throws arms up in frustration* That's how people die
(2) Sonya: Sonya blinks..."It's not really acceptable to take horses inside temples..."
(3) Tanja: just don't take my horse...i'll be very upset  ::severe look in sonya's direction::
** (5) Evanthe hands the reins over to Sonya hastily and rushes in after Locke and Mikhal **

(3) Tanja: ::Follows the idio--i mean others::
(2) GM Voice: They step inside the temple..
(4) Locke: ((dun dun dun))
(2) GM Voice: There is some broken glass around due to one of the tall stained glass windows breaking, but otherwise, the place is relatively pristine..
(3) Tanja: ::offhand comment::: i hope aaron's okay

** (5) Evanthe calls out hesitantly "Hello..?" **
(2) GM Voice: a Group of people is huddled near the far corner around the pool.. They look up at your approach, their eyes worn with fright...
(5) Evanthe: A--are you all okay?
** (5) Evanthe approaches them SLOWLY. **
(2) GM Voice: Looking up, it seems the chalice has been restored... a waterfall of water flows down as before...
(3) Tanja: ::blinks::

(4) Locke: ((eww, that guy has his eye ball hanging out))
(4) Locke: how'd the chalice... return?
(1) Mikhal: ((what guy? x.x))
(2) GM Voice: A few stand.. " over?"
(5) Evanthe: I assume it has to do with this dome.

(5) Evanthe: Is...what over?
(2) GM Voice: They look at each other for a moment... "The attack on the city.. the worms... is it over?... can we go back to our homes?....
** (5) Evanthe blinks. **
(3) Tanja: ::ignores the survivors and the conversation, looking at the chalice in thought::
(4) Locke: I'm afraid it might not be safe yet

(5) Evanthe: Yes, it's over
(5) Evanthe: But, as my friend says, it's not quite safe yet..
(5) Evanthe: We need to get you out of Kresevae
(2) GM Voice: "...Is it that bad?..."
(1) Mikhal: could you explain to us how the ice dome came to be..?

(4) Locke: might not be a good idea to move them, they're still in a state of shock and fear
(2) GM Voice: A priest walks into the room from one of the storage rooms in the back... the same one that was appointed to watch over refugees as they left...
(5) Evanthe: ((brb))
(2) GM Voice: Priest: "The ice dome, from what we could gather from the windows.. Was clearly the work of Mulinel.."
(1) Mikhal: thought so..

(3) Tanja: did the chalice appear at the same time....?
(2) GM Voice: Priest: "Normally, Mulinel's water never freezes... It appears this time she allowed it to protect the city"
(2) GM Voice: The Priest nods.. "The Recreation of the Chalice is another Miracle.... And we can only assume it's sister relic has been recreated as well.."
(3) Tanja: ::rubs arms:: she protected the city...but you didn't fight the zombies outside...
(1) Mikhal: have you seen a group of Regal Knights pass by?

(5) Evanthe: I doubt they would have, with them still being here
(5) Evanthe: The Knights would have evacuated them by now.
(2) GM Voice: "The Regal Knights?... They are here?"
(1) Mikhal: a group of them are
(5) Evanthe: They are here somewhere, but our first concern at the moment is getting you guys out of here and to a safer place

(2) GM Voice: Some of the townspeople breathe sighs of relief...
(1) Mikhal: the safest thing right now would be to search the city for more survivors first
(5) Evanthe: I...
(2) GM Voice: ...."What is this about..zombies?..."
(5) Evanthe: I think the temple is what saved these people

(3) Tanja: i think we should get these to saftey before we go looking for more
(5) Evanthe: If you remember the zombies
(5) Evanthe: They must have been outside of the temple..
(3) Tanja: (((safety*))
** (5) Evanthe nods, "Tanja's right" **

(5) Evanthe: Can you all walk?
(5) Evanthe: We have horses that can carry any that have some trouble getting around...
(3) Tanja: ::brightens:: and if we find a card, Mikhal here can haul the rest!
(3) Tanja: (cart*))
(2) GM Voice: "We have taken a few in with serious injuries... I don't think it is good to move them just now..."

(3) Tanja: ((forgive my spelling tonight))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: and where do we take them? all the way back to the city, where we waste valuble time in which people out in the city could be dying?
(2) GM Voice: "If you speak the truth and there is undead around... The temple is the safest place for them..."
(4) Locke: yeah, lets have a look at the injured first

(2) GM Voice: "As you wish... They are in the backroom..."
(1) Mikhal: if you think about it, the temple has kept all of these people safe so far
** (4) Locke walks over to the back room **
(5) Evanthe: And if you think about it more, the temple kept them from becoming zombies
(2) GM Voice: Inside the storage room there is a makeshift hospital... with many cots laid out and at least as many as outside are wrapped in extensive bandaging..

** (5) Evanthe approaches the priest "Might you be able to tell us where Aaron is?" **
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self---nevermind the fact that Mulinel was the one that turned them into zombies in the first place...what safetty is there in a temple to the same goddess that turned people into zombies..?:::
(2) GM Voice: A few priests are visiting the wounded, providing for their needs...
(3) Tanja: ::follows the others::
(2) GM Voice: The Priest Looks grim...

(2) GM Voice: "Aaron...."
(3) Tanja: aaron what...?
(5) Evanthe: What? He's okay isn't he??
(3) Tanja: ((*watery eyes*))
** (4) Locke helps the priests attending the wounded, while keeping an open ear to the conversation **

(3) Tanja: ((stop killing off the characters i like!))
(4) Locke: ((you were so close to kissing him too :O))
(2) GM Voice: "He talks of strange things now... We were forced to bind him, he was becoming a danger to himself and others...."
(1) Mikhal: ((you know yuo wanted to kiss him too ;D ))
(3) Tanja: strange things?

(3) Tanja: like what?
** (5) Evanthe lets out a breathe **
(2) GM Voice: "We can only assume he is being mentally barraged by Alain..."
(3) Tanja: can....can we see him...?
** (5) Evanthe 's face goes grim. **
(1) Mikhal: is there any way to block out the mental assults?

(3) Tanja: ((Turn him to the dark side so he's not a cleric anymore?))
(2) GM Voice: "If you wish..... it is not a pretty sight.." He leads the way toward the stairs..
(3) Tanja: ::follows after:::
(3) Tanja: i can't really help with healing...i at least want to check in on a friend
** (1) Mikhal follows **</font>

(2) GM Voice: They ascend the stairs, through the hall, to the very end... where a very solid door stands... The priest produces a key..
** (5) Evanthe silently goes after them. **
(2) GM Voice: "Aaron.... some people are here to see you..."
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (4) Locke finishes off what he's doing and catches up **
(2) GM Voice: He puts the key into the lock... and with a heavy clank... it turns, the door slowly comes open..

(2) GM Voice: This room is somewhat dimly lit.... There are two cells here, with heavy iron bars..
(3) Tanja: ::gulp:: creepy....
(3) Tanja: did you have to keep him in a place like this...? its so dark...
(2) GM Voice: In the cell on the right, Aaron sits in the very corner in a fetal position... his hands and legs in manacles.
(5) Evanthe: Aaron!

** (5) Evanthe rushes close to him **
(5) Evanthe: ((do do do *whistles*))
(3) Tanja: ::approaches the bars hesitantly::
(2) GM Voice: "This is the only place we had the restraints... We do all we can for him.. but there is not much we can do..."
(1) Mikhal: and there is no way to block mental assults?

(3) Tanja: can you at least get some more light in here? candles? a lantern? something? i wouldn't want to be kept caged in the dark...
** (5) Evanthe crouches down, "Aaron..? Can you hear me?" **
(3) Tanja: he's still human
** (2) Aaron aaron looks up slightly, his eyes bleary... There are obviously many wounds on his head.. now gradually healing... **
(3) Tanja: ::peeks around Evanthe::: aaron..?

(2) GM Voice: The Priest looks at Mikhal.. "None that we know of, unfortunately..."
** (5) Evanthe winces as her eyes pass over the head wounds. **
(2) Aaron: He speaks in a whisper.... "You... I..Remember..."
(5) Evanthe: Yes, it's us Aaron...we came back for you
** (1) Mikhal sets the lantern down inside the door and goes over by the cell **</font>

(5) Evanthe: What's....ailing you?
(3) Tanja: ::Nods::
(2) Aaron: "Leave.... Please, leave... The city is ruin... ruin..."
(5) Evanthe: Aaron, you're safe now
(3) Tanja: the city isn't ruined...we're helping to make sure nothing bad happens again

(5) Evanthe: We can take you to a safer place
(1) Mikhal: it wasn't your fault at all
(2) Aaron: "There is no safety... There is no rest.. There is no peace..."
(5) Evanthe: Why isn't there?
(4) Locke: the undead

(2) Aaron: "He sees.... he knows..."
(4) Locke: ...who?
(1) Mikhal: who knows?
(5) Evanthe: Can you see him?
(3) Tanja: ::Mutters:: i'm gonna pop that alain in the jaw so hard when i see him next...

(5) Evanthe: Can you tell us where he is?
** (2) Aaron shudders violently for a moment.... **
(2) Aaron: Alain...Alain..
You must be either a player or GM to use the miniature Layer
(3) Tanja: ::covers mouth, says around her hand:: i didn't mean to bring up anything bad!

(2) NPC: Priest: I don't think where he is is much of a mystery.... We once held an Ice elf here as well.. one that you captured, I believe.... She went missing along with Alain..
(4) Locke: ((Alain is a god.... or demi-god :O))
(4) Locke: interesting
** (5) Evanthe blinks "So you can tell us where he went?" **
(1) Mikhal: to the ice elves

(1) Mikhal: it seems like
(4) Locke: yes
(3) Tanja: oh, that's only the entire north
(5) Evanthe: The ice elves have a vast empire
(2) NPC: The Priest looks at Aaron for a moment...

(5) Evanthe: We can't just walk north and find it
** (5) Evanthe mutters about males. **
(3) Tanja: ::nods in agreement::
(4) Locke: they're in the mountains, most likely.. a strategic advantage when defending
(3) Tanja: the mountains ARE the north!

(5) Evanthe: Right, but it'd be helpful if we knew of any encampments that the ice elves had
(2) Aaron: "He is here...He is not..."
(3) Tanja: aiee... ::hand to head::
(4) Locke: ::eyes the ladies a "what?" look::
(3) Tanja: he is here...?

(1) Mikhal: ((err..arn't the ice elves to the west..?))
(5) Evanthe: ((details details :D))
(3) Tanja: ((i thought they came from the north))
(1) Mikhal: ((this city is in the north))
(4) Locke: (( I thought it was north west))

(2) GM Voice: "We know when they arrive, it is always from the west... but we've never been able to locate any settlements..."
(3) Tanja: ((further north, scott))
** (5) Evanthe nods "Thank you." **
(1) Mikhal: ((*wins*))
(5) Evanthe: Aaron..what is he doing to you?

(4) Locke: ((he's sex0rzing up))
(2) Aaron: "He shows... the future, death... destruction...ruin.."
** (5) Evanthe 's eyes widen **
(3) Tanja: bah...don't listen to him
(5) Evanthe: he?

(5) Evanthe: Is he human?
(3) Tanja: he's taking advantage of cleric mind powers is what he's doing
(4) Locke: no one can predict the future
(3) Tanja: he's just showing him some pictures and telling him its the future to freak people out
(1) Mikhal: wouldn't Mulinel take away his cleric powers for abusing them?

(4) Locke: the future is uncertain, snap out of it Aaron...
(3) Tanja: apparently not
(2) GM Voice: Priest: "It's safe to assume his powers are coming from another source... Mulinel would never approve..."
(4) Locke: no... Alain may be following another deity to do this
** (5) Evanthe nods **

(4) Locke: ((a second too late ;_;))
** (2) Aaron shakes his hide from side to side.. **
(4) Locke: ((kinky))
** (1) Mikhal mutters under his breath "the plot thickens.." **</font>

(3) Tanja: ::;waves hand dismissively:: he's just a power-mad idiot...i'm not worried
(2) Aaron: "All the world... Frozen in ice.."
(4) Locke: power-mad idiot with power to back it up
(5) Evanthe: Obviously the ice elves have more in mind that just Kresevae
(4) Locke: yeah

(5) Evanthe: Aaron...can you tell us how to stop him?
(5) Evanthe: Or..what he's going to do next so we can at least thwart his attempt?
(1) Mikhal: kill him?
(4) Locke: he wouldn't know with all the images in his head
(3) Tanja: i'm with Mikhal

(1) Mikhal: that is the surest way to stop him
(2) Aaron: "There is no stop...."
** (5) Evanthe looks patient. "We have to get to him to stop him. **
(4) Locke: finding him first, would be a good idea
(2) Aaron: "The Ice queen..."

(3) Tanja: ((duhn duhn duhn))
(5) Evanthe: And to find out what he's going to do next, would help us find him, so we can kill him.
(1) Mikhal: ice queen..queen of the ice elves?
(4) Locke: Ice queen... the ice elves are pretty organized, it seems

(5) Evanthe: Sheesh.
(3) Tanja: ::cough::
(2) Aaron: "The Ice queen.... Queen, Goddess..."
(2) Aaron: "All that is flowing shall be stilled.."
(5) Evanthe: Obviously a natural enemy of Mulinel...

(3) Tanja: ((standing here until tony reveals the entire plot in broken sentences...i like our strategy))
(1) Mikhal: ((lol))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
** (5) Evanthe stands, brushing herself off. **
(5) Evanthe: It doesn't seem like we can get anything specific out of him

** (2) Aaron tries to stand up.. failing, and falling back against the corner... **
(4) Locke: explains the attacks on Kresevae by the Ice elves
(5) Evanthe: Especially not a direction to follow
(5) Evanthe: That would help us find Alain..besides.. 'west'

(5) Evanthe: But if Alain is backed by a Goddess with powers, he'll be hard to kill.
(3) Tanja: ::addresses the priest in the room::: can you please get some more light down here? i don't think Aaron wants to be left in the dark
(1) Mikhal: but, the important thing is that he can still be killed
(4) Locke: unless we get another person backed by another goddess
(5) Evanthe: Mikhal, you may be strong, but you can't expect to defeat any kind of enemy without knowing a bit about their weakness

** Sorry, don't understand what a /e is...
(5) Evanthe: And I don't know about you, but I'd like to know if something would help us kill him a bit easier
(2) GM Voice: "I suppose we can... Light has been at a premium since the dome blocked out the sun.... I shall fetch something..." He leaves through the door..
(4) Locke: I'm with Evanthe
(3) Tanja: ::Mutters about priests never thinking about the simple things::

** (1) Mikhal looks at Locke "arn't you backed by a god or goddess?" **</font>
(5) Evanthe: It's obvious we want to kill him
(3) Tanja: sorry about that, Aaron...he'll bring some more light for you
** (4) Locke ignores the look **

(5) Evanthe: Well see.. if this goddess is directly involved
(3) Tanja: a deity doesn't give power just because you ask for it, Mikhal
** (2) Aaron smiles for a moment... **
(4) Locke: ((heheh, this fits right into the "not so popular, avoids followers" deity XD))

(5) Evanthe: Then we have a lot more trouble than we know
(1) Mikhal: i never said that
** (5) Evanthe looks over at Aaron **
(4) Locke: if the goddess is directly involved, the other gods will sure intervene like Mulinel earlier on
(2) Aaron: "..There is no light but lies... the mirror is no truth, only luminescence...."

(4) Locke: illusion... hmm...
(5) Evanthe: Mirror?
(2) GM Voice: The priest returns, carrying two candleabras... "We can spare these from the hall for a moment...I believe.."
(4) Locke: maybe that's how the Ice elves got away with not being found
** (5) Evanthe throws her hands up in frustration "Why don't people just say what they mean anymore?" **

(3) Tanja: thank you!  ::smiles warmly::
(2) Aaron: "Illusion!...."
** (2) Aaron laughs, then turns into hacking coughs... **
** (4) Locke pats Evanthe on the back "patience" ((;D)) **
(5) Evanthe: Illusion..?

(3) Tanja: we're just making ourselves more confused staying here...
(2) Aaron: "Would you remove the illusion, when beyond there was no reality?..."
(4) Locke: ...
(5) Evanthe: What the hell..
(5) Evanthe: What's the point in believing in a lie thougH?

(3) Tanja: to see through an illusion
(4) Locke: he's saying... life is a lie
(2) GM Voice: The priest looks at Aaron..."I'm sorry, He thinks strange things...."
(5) Evanthe: I'd rather face this...non-reality than live in an inllusion
** (5) Evanthe sits back **

(5) Evanthe: He had me actually pondering along with him.
(1) Mikhal: or maybe he is talking sense..yuo can neve rreally know
** (5) Evanthe laughs to herself. "I'm with Tanja, we need to get out of here" **
(3) Tanja: ::nods::
(5) Evanthe: Aaron, we will come back for you...and we will save you from Alain.

(1) Mikhal: *to the priest* you should treat his head wounds sometime
** (5) Evanthe steps back and heads out the door **
** (2) Aaron violently contorts again... then goes very stiff... **
(3) Tanja: Aaron?!
(2) Alain: He is already broken..

(3) Tanja: you...!
(1) Mikhal: ((you beat me to the you...! ;-;))
(2) GM Voice: The words come from Aaron.. but the voice is undoubtedly..
(3) Tanja: (lol))
(5) Evanthe: (oh shite))

(5) Evanthe: Alain.
(2) Alain: (("How are you gentlemen"))
(3) Tanja: you think you're so smart, don't you?
(1) Mikhal: ((all your base are belong to us))
(2) Alain: "In life, you don't need much smarts... no, it is all about being one step ahead of your enemy, and your pawns..." Aaron's mouth smiles..

** (4) Locke stands there calmly **
(4) Locke: thinking ahead of yourself, don't you think?
** (1) Mikhal wonders if Alain will start monologing **</font>
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Evanthe: What do you want?

(3) Tanja: ((*gets the popcorn*))
(1) Mikhal: ((because we know he will, at some point))
(3) Tanja: (("wait!"))
(4) Locke: ((eats pop corn and just waits for the plot to thicken))
(2) Alain: "Thinking ahead is an advantage many should share.... as to what I want, that is simple.."

(1) Mikhal: world domination?
(4) Locke: ((I was about to say that ;-;))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: who do you serve?
(3) Tanja: ((down with monologue! *interrupts*))

(2) Alain: "Simply.. to join the winning side... You have no idea the awards I have already recieved, the power I now hold...."
(3) Tanja: and you called US pawns?
(3) Tanja: men...what idiots... ::hand to head::
(4) Locke: ::eyes Tanja:: it's the human race, both sex can do this
(2) Alain: Aaron grins.. "This merely suits me for now.. I'm sure I will bore of it eventually"

(1) Mikhal: and then what?
(5) Evanthe: If you're so sure of yourself, why did you run from us?
(5) Evanthe: Surely you're not afraid witha ll your new powers.
(2) Alain: "Once the Ice queen grants me immortality.... I shall have plenty of time to consider it fully.."
(3) Tanja: immortality, huh? i hope she freezes you. you deserve something cruel like that.

(4) Locke: ((Ice Queen = Shiva))
(1) Mikhal: ((shiva *drools*))
(5) Evanthe: ((mikhal joins the ice elves cause their goddess is hawt))
(1) Mikhal: ((nah))
(4) Locke: ((too late, I have *drools*))

(2) Alain: "There is no "deserves".. one must reach and grab what they want, they cannot rely on others to leave it in their laps.... A pearl of wisdom for you, my good friends"
(4) Locke: ((*drools to Scott's picture*))
(5) Evanthe: ((flamer you traitor ;D))
** (2) Aaron violently stirs a moment more... then looks around very confused... **

(4) Locke: ((I lose when it comes to sex0rz ;-;))
(5) Evanthe: Oh brother.
(3) Tanja: well he's an interesting one, isn't he?
(5) Evanthe: Yes his madness is quite unique
(4) Locke: he's our communications center

** (5) Evanthe gentles her voice "Aaron...are you alright?" **
(3) Tanja: not Aaron.... Alain
(3) Tanja: are you...uh...normal?
(2) Aaron: "He has gone.. I am me"
(4) Locke: he was possessed

(2) GM Voice: Priest: "Do you truly intend to go after Alain?...."
(4) Locke: yes
(3) Tanja: yesir
(1) Mikhal: i do
(3) Tanja: (yessir*))

(4) Locke: I can't allow this to continue anymore... lives will be ruined and lost...
(2) GM Voice: The Priest sighs... Then goes over to a locked cabinet in the corner of the room... He pulls out his key again and opens it...
(3) Tanja: i'm just angry that he used us like he did
(3) Tanja: ((
(4) Locke: ((mien!!!))

(3) Tanja: ((can i have a bow + 234?))
(2) GM Voice: "We have had many Ice elves held here... Though we could never communicate with them.."
(1) Mikhal: ((do we get magical shinies?))
(4) Locke: ::nods:: ((Kiros))
(2) GM Voice: "They all wore these around their necks..." He pulls out 5 Ice crystal necklaces..

(5) Evanthe: ((;D))
(4) Locke: interesting
** (4) Locke grabs one **
(3) Tanja: do we know what they do?
** (4) Locke examines it closely **
(3) Tanja: before i go and put that thing around my neck?

(4) Locke: Identification, perhaps
(3) Tanja: ((wait...5?))
(5) Evanthe: ((wait, can we choose ice elven as a language to know?))
(4) Locke: ((Aaron is coming, you can still kiss him ;D))
(2) GM Voice: "We have seen Ice elves wearing these to simply vanish in a burst of light... We figure it is some sort of teleportation system... Though all our studies to decipher it have failed.."

(1) Mikhal: ((we strrangle alain with the 5th))
(5) Evanthe: So um
(3) Tanja: ::Holds hers at arm's length::: hey this is the same one that other one had
(5) Evanthe: ((or give it to Sonya maybe?))
(4) Locke: yeah, it is

(3) Tanja: it could whisk us away right into the middle of them!
(5) Evanthe: ((the one with the big shiny sword))
(4) Locke: ((give it to the hawtness of soldiers!!! :O))
(2) GM Voice: ((Ice Elven is totally unknown outside the Ice Elf race due to their strict polices of immigration and things.. so..^_^*))
(5) Evanthe: ((okay))

(2) GM Voice: "Perhaps.... That is all I know... but it might be some small clue.. It is probably useless.."
** (5) Evanthe nods gratefully. "Nevertheless, we thank you for your willingness to help." **
** (1) Mikhal takes one and exmaines it over **</font>
(3) Tanja: ::still holding hers at arm's length:: yes...thank you
** (5) Evanthe takes the extra to give to Sonya **
(5) Evanthe: Perhaps Sonya will know something of them.

(5) Evanthe: Either way, we should talk to her about what to do with the survivors..
(2) GM Voice: Each of the Necklaces has one large Ice pendant... Surrounded by two smaller ones, on a black chain that shimmers slightly..
(5) Evanthe: ((oh, khar is going to come and in watch us play *potential new member*))
(4) Locke: is there any other treasures cofiscated from the Ice elves
(2) GM Voice: "Various implements of weaponry, armor... we mostly donate that to the guard, who put it to better use than we could"

(4) Locke: ((more treasure please!! :D))
(9) No Name (enter): 23:42
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Locke: ah, ok
(3) Tanja: ((*robs the guards*))

(5) Evanthe: ((Khar~))
(5) Evanthe: ((bubbles are nice for ooc))
(4) Locke: ((*sex0rz))
** Sorry, don't understand what a /think is...
** (1) Mikhal thinks about putting the necklace one, decides against it and stores it in his backpack **</font>

(1) Mikhal: ((on*))
** (5) Evanthe thanks the priest again. **
(4) Locke: ((heheh))
(2) GM Voice: "We'll do for Aaron all we can....."
(3) Tanja: thank you...just don't leave him in the dark...i think i'd hate that if i were him

** (4) Locke puts his necklace in his backpack on top of the crossbow **
(1) Mikhal: *picks his lantern up and starts heading back out*
(4) Locke: ((/nick Name))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal exits the room and begins to head back to the first floor
(3) Tanja: ::takes the time to carefully tuck her amulet separate from the rest of her goodies, still slightly afraid of it whisking her away into the middle of an ice elf hoard::

(5) Evanthe: I...ah....we're going to speak with the Regal Knight outside and then tell you what we're going to do next *to the priest*
(3) Tanja: ((horde*))
(3) Tanja: ((man i stink tonight))
(3) Tanja: ::Follows after Mikhal::
(4) Locke: ((try find your new house :o))

(3) Tanja: ((brb bathroom...autofollow /on! lol))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: The priest nods... "We want him much as you do. If Mulinel hadn't came..." he trails off.. heading outside the room
(4) Locke: we know... we know
** (5) Evanthe heads outside of the temple. "Sonya?" **

** (4) Locke takes one last look at Aaron and starts headingo ut **
(2) GM Voice: He closes the door again on the cell.. leaving the extra light inside... Then walks down to the bottom floor, following the others..
** (2) Sonya looks up from tending the horses **
(4) Locke: ((she fell asleep))
(5) Evanthe: They have many injured...and can't relocate very easily.

(4) Locke: ::arrives:: if at all
(5) Evanthe: But..Alain...he's taken over the mind of a temple initiate
(5) Evanthe: ((was it initiate?))
(5) Evanthe: ((my first instinct was acolyte >.>))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think so?))

(4) Locke: ((I thought acolyte))
(2) Sonya: ((3rd Circle I believe I said.. It's a close enough synonym))
(5) Evanthe: ((okay))
(4) Locke: ((anyway))
(2) Sonya: Taken over his mind....?

(5) Evanthe: He's serving some Ice Queen Goddess?
(5) Evanthe: Yes, he's sending him images of destruction...a frozen world
(3) Tanja: ((back))
(4) Locke: and possessed him
(4) Locke: ((wb))

(5) Evanthe: Basically, he's mad.
(4) Locke: ((you just kisses Aaron))
(5) Evanthe: Well
(5) Evanthe: A very calculating madman.
(3) Tanja: ((aww how sweet))

(2) Sonya: We are not unfamiliar with such things...
(3) Tanja: ((better than Mikhal))
(5) Evanthe: And the priest gave us these...
** (5) Evanthe holds out a necklace to Sonya **
** (2) Sonya looks once at the necklace.. **

(2) Sonya: I'm Afraid I can't tell you much about those... We rarely fight the ice elves ourselves, but I can tell we have seen them wearing those..
(4) Locke: ((*yoinks the necklace from Sonya* mien!!))
(5) Evanthe: Have you ever seen them teleport using those?
(5) Evanthe: And perhaps what it entails...a chant...a hand motion....?
** (2) Sonya ponders a moment. **

(3) Tanja: ((a user manual...?))
(5) Evanthe: ((a user manual would be great :D))
(2) Sonya: I have seen that often with the Ice elves... they are quite magically gifted... The Regal Knights know the first thing to do is to not allow them to finish..
(4) Locke: ((how to use a forbidden artifact of the ice elves: step one...))
(1) Mikhal: ((step one: wear it around your neck))

(2) Sonya: "Perhaps it would be best to consult one of Lucion's order.."
(3) Tanja: have you seen them teleport in and teleport out with these...?
(3) Tanja: or just in one direction?
(4) Locke: ((step two: yell "QUEEN" at the top of your lungs))
(3) Tanja: i'd hate to use it and then not have a way back...

(5) Evanthe: Lucion?
(1) Mikhal: ((step three: slaughter 10 virgins))
(3) Tanja: ((secret password" fuzzy kitties"))
(2) Sonya: I have not personally witnessed any such teleportation, though I have heard stories..
(4) Locke: ((XD))

(3) Tanja: hm..
(3) Tanja: that's not very reliable
(4) Locke: ((step two point five: touch virgins first))
** (2) Sonya nods. **

(1) Mikhal: ((step four: make prostitution legal in 1 town))
(3) Tanja: would you be willing to come with us?
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Sonya: Any items that we cannot explain, we usually send a emisarry with them to one of Lucion's Libraries..
(4) Locke: ((I want my daily dose of prostitutes please))

(3) Tanja: we have an extra amulet and nothing to do with it
(3) Tanja: the more the merrier, right?
(2) Sonya: "Unfortunately... I could not undertake such a voyage without permission from my Captain"
(3) Tanja: ((is that the guy we're looking for?))
(1) Mikhal: ((i think so?))

(3) Tanja: ((i kinda forgot about that 'til just now))
(5) Evanthe: We should find out where Rrrr....*mutters* is and what to do with the survivors first..
(3) Tanja: well, i fthat's the guy we're looking for, that's convenient....we can ask him when we find him!
(5) Evanthe: ((oh boy Remel?))
(3) Tanja: ((all i know is that it started with R))

(4) Locke: ((Reamel))
(3) Tanja: ((Remal?))
(2) Sonya: "The cloud that hangs over this city is dissapating... slowly.. No doubt my Captain and his Subordinates are eliminating the last of the threat...."
(4) Locke: ((Lemnear spelled backwards without the n))
(2) Sonya: ((This is why I never give NPC's names.. =p))

(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((lemnear <3 ))
(5) Evanthe: ((whoops))

(5) Evanthe: ((did a heart ;_;))
(3) Tanja: where would that be? outside somewhere?
(5) Evanthe: We should hurry along..
(5) Evanthe: I doubt their provisions will last much longer
(2) Sonya: "Given the circumstances of the assault... the West gate may be the most promising location"

(3) Tanja: well then...
(5) Evanthe: North?
(3) Tanja: ::takes Cinder from Sonya:: shall we?
(5) Evanthe: ((oh crap))
(5) Evanthe: ((Strike what I said))

(4) Locke: ((TO THE TAVERN))
** (2) Sonya mounts her horse again. **
(3) Tanja: ((we'll pretend you said West))
(5) Evanthe: ((i thought she said may NOT be the most promising))

(5) Evanthe: ((good deal))
(2) Sonya: ((Ahhh the ranger who always knows where she's going))
(1) Mikhal: *unties Junon and gets on him again*
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Evanthe: ((yeah >.>))

(5) Evanthe: ((I even said the ice elves were north))
(5) Evanthe: ((it's my favorite direction))
(1) Mikhal: *wonders who locke is gonna ride with this time*
** (5) Evanthe mounts her horse **
(2) Sonya: They ride their horses westward... as they do, droplets of water form a light rain from above..

(5) Evanthe: ((ride with sonya *wnkwink*))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((that's because when we are in a dungon, north is always the right way))
(3) Tanja: ((that was my philosophy))
(5) Evanthe: the dome melting?

(2) Sonya: As they go.. they pass many empty sets of armor... with accompaning weapons dropped nearby..
(5) Evanthe: ((whoa whoa whoa))
(5) Evanthe: ((*cough* loot))
(3) Tanja: ((free things!))
** (5) Evanthe slows her horse **

(2) Sonya: "Most likely. Mulinel has realized her Intervention is no longer required..."
(3) Tanja: what a waste of good weaponry... ::slows with Evanthe::
** (5) Evanthe nods....staring **
(2) Sonya: You pick up the various articles as you go =p
(3) Tanja: ((hooray!))

(5) Evanthe: ((tony loves us :D))
(4) Locke: ((*nods and smiles* I'm completely lost XD))
(1) Mikhal: or maybe the dome is suppose to melt after a set time
(5) Evanthe: ((we got items, Flamer))
(5) Evanthe: ((cause patti and i have already learned items are love))

(2) Sonya: "It is likely she would want to suspend it as soon as she could... the consequences you have already seen..."
** (5) Evanthe shrugs **
(4) Locke: ((ooh :D))
(5) Evanthe: Either way, it's melting
(3) Tanja: the ice elves sure went to a lot of trouble stealing a chalice that was just replaced...

(2) Sonya: "I do not think even this Alain factored in Mulinel's intervention..."
(2) Sonya: They start to approach the west gate...
(5) Evanthe: Which is curious to me as to why she did intervene..
(3) Tanja: and why it took her so long
(4) Locke: maybe, because the "Ice queen" intervened first

(2) GM Voice: Most of the walls in this area are already destroyed, clearly visible through the frozen Ice..
(4) Locke: ((*runs through the ice wall*))
(4) Locke: ((my nose :x( ))
** (5) Evanthe keeps an eye out for any of the other knights **
(2) GM Voice: Within the gate area, it is clear that some mounted Ice elves have been frozen into the very ice...

(3) Tanja: :::resists the urge to point and laugh::
(1) Mikhal: *jokingly* well..those are clearly ice elves
(2) GM Voice: They are riding not horses, but some sort of reptilian creature, with two legs and long serpentile tails... Their jaws look threatening, even frozen..
(3) Tanja: will they unfreeze with the ice?
(5) Evanthe: I'd think they were dead by now..

(4) Locke: ((Trex!!))
(2) GM Voice: Near the gate, 3 silver armored soldiers stand... clad entirely in silver plate.. one with a telltale red cape..
(3) Tanja: ((you never know...they ARE ice elves, after all...))
(4) Locke: they will die once they're unfrozen
(5) Evanthe: Rrrr....

(3) Tanja: its you!
(5) Evanthe: Yes!
(2) Sonya: "Even Ice Elves need to breathe... I have no doubt they would have suffocated long ago..."
(3) Tanja: ((>.>))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Sonya: "Captain Remel!"
(5) Evanthe: ((oooh we were right))
(3) Tanja: ((wow))
(3) Tanja: ((i thought we were way

** (2) Remel turns around, sizing up the travelers. **
(3) Tanja: ::waves::
(2) Remel: "Ah, there you are, I was about to send someone along the road to search for you"
(2) Sonya: "They were quite slow in waking, My apologies, Captain"

(3) Tanja: ::jaw drops::
** (5) Evanthe looks at Sonya **
(3) Tanja: tattletale!
** (4) Locke looks at Sonya **
(5) Evanthe: Nice to see you again Remel!
(5) Evanthe: There are survivors.

(5) Evanthe: Have you come across any?
(2) Remel: "I am glad to hear it... Once we noted the Undead prescence here we headed for the highest concentration.. Two I sent to the north gate, Another is outside searching for any nearby worms..."
** (5) Evanthe nods. **
(2) Remel: "Our first priority was to Elminate the threat to any survivors... It seems we have been successful, the blight is dissapating slightly"
(4) Locke: slightly

(5) Evanthe: They have too many injured to move right away anyway
** (2) Remel nods understanding.. **
(2) Remel: "We shall have to set up station here for awhile, until the city gets back on its feet"
(5) Evanthe: Right. We...are going after Alain.

(4) Locke: ((lets scare the be-jesus out of everyone and screw the undead :o))
(4) Locke: for more reasons than just vengeance
(4) Locke: ::looks around:: I hope
(2) Remel: "Are you sure that is wise?... From the stories this one seems to be very powerful..."
(3) Tanja: ::Coughs:::

(4) Locke: We are certain
(5) Evanthe: Well, it's either that or let him continue his campaign against the rest of the world.
(5) Evanthe: And continued torment of our friend.
(3) Tanja: i don't see any better candidates
(4) Locke: Our pride was also injured by his doing

** (5) Evanthe looks haughty "This isn't a matter of injured pride!" **
(5) Evanthe: It's become so much more since that..
(2) Remel: "I admire your spirit.. So I wish you success"
(5) Evanthe: ((give us goodbye items ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((maybe we can take Superman Remel with us instead of Sonya))

(4) Locke: ((like... prostitutes))
(2) Remel: ((one track mind.. honestly))
(5) Evanthe: We have...a, extra elven necklace that the priest from the Temple gave us
(5) Evanthe: And none of us have ever fought an Ice Elf...
** (5) Evanthe hopes he's getting the hint. **

(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Remel: ((*cough* Actually...>_>))
(5) Evanthe: ((HEY, I can lie))
(3) Tanja: ((come protect the people who just said they can handle everything))
(5) Evanthe: ((he doesn't know))

(4) Locke: ((we can ditch Sonya XD))
(1) Mikhal: well, before we head out west, we should go back and get more supplies
(3) Tanja: more supplies?
(5) Evanthe: From where?
(2) Remel: "While it sounds like a noble quest... I'm afraid that we couldn't go on with it.. as Regal Knights, our prescense is needed throughout the world..."

(3) Tanja: where exactly are you going to find supplies here?
(4) Locke: the shops are in ruins
(5) Evanthe: ((Remel doesn't understand ;_;))
(3) Tanja: ((buy them before the game like everybody else))
(3) Tanja: well...what about Sonya?

(5) Evanthe: Oh...
(4) Locke: ((wait... you can buy before the game?))
(5) Evanthe: ((great time for a *facepalm*))
(2) Remel: "This sounds like a journey fit for a small group, not an army such as us.."
(3) Tanja: ((lol))

(4) Locke: ((XD))
** (5) Evanthe nods **
(3) Tanja: ((but we have a 5th amulet!))
(3) Tanja: ((just one more!))
(5) Evanthe: Remel....before we head of...can you tell us anything about this Ice Goddess?

(3) Tanja: just one more person isn't an army...
(1) Mikhal: we should head back to (insert the town of the regal knights)
(1) Mikhal: to get supplies
(5) Evanthe: Are you kidding me?
** (5) Evanthe looks at Mikhal incredulously **

(3) Tanja: i don't need anything, and we'd be wasting time
(5) Evanthe: Do you have any idea how much time would be wasted?
(4) Locke: ((Kresevae))
(3) Tanja: ((no no... Passel))
(2) Remel: The best one to ask in that regard would most likely be the Ice elves themselves.... And they haven't tried to enlighten us on the subject..

** (5) Evanthe nods **
(1) Mikhal: and how amny of you are fitted to travel out int he wilderness?
(2) Remel: I would assume there is some sort of Rivalry between her and the Ice Queen.. given that Krasevae is often targeted...
(4) Locke: then, lets get moving
** (5) Evanthe nods **
** (5) Evanthe ...again **

(1) Mikhal: *to Tanja* for instance, do you have any food or a winter blanket?
** (2) Sonya steers her horse over beside her commander. **
(5) Evanthe: ((I...have survival skills!))
(3) Tanja: no offense, Mikhal.....but there's no time

(5) Evanthe: ((ha HA))
(3) Tanja: they'regoing to take over the world
(2) Sonya: "It was pleasant to journey with you.. Perhaps our paths will cross again"
(4) Locke: ...take care of yourself before taking care of the world
** (5) Evanthe nods. "Thanks for all of your help." **

** (5) Evanthe puts a hand on Locke's shoulder **
(3) Tanja: ((why can't you people buy stuff before the game? lol))
(5) Evanthe: They're helping the people of Kresevae
(1) Mikhal: ((because this town doesn't have an open shop? ;D ))
(5) Evanthe: So we at least owe them thanks for that.

(1) Mikhal: ((and there was no down time between this game and last game))
** (5) Evanthe looks to Remel again. "We leave the people to you...please please make sure they are safe. **
(4) Locke: ((especially Aaron *wink wink*))
(2) Remel: "You have the Regal Knight's honor to always protect our charges.. Do not worry, we will watch over them"

(5) Evanthe: Thank you.
** (5) Evanthe turns to the others..."Are we ready ?" **
(4) Locke: ((*yawn*))
(3) Tanja: now...our next problem...beyond our little disagreement over whether we should go for supplies or not..
(3) Tanja: (('cause i hate wasting time))

(4) Locke: ((heheh))
(1) Mikhal: maybe the supply shop didn't get destoryed?
(3) Tanja: ::eyetwitch::
(2) Sonya: ((Icechunk falling on Mikhal's head in 5!))
(5) Evanthe: Remel...*looks embarrassed* Do you think you guys have anything to spare for our travels? Our friend is worried about our safekeeping.

(3) Tanja: you know, if our amulets work, we won't need to travel in the wilderness, Mikhal
(3) Tanja: did you think about that?
(3) Tanja: we'll be right where we need to be
(1) Mikhal: nope
(3) Tanja: great! that setttles everything

(4) Locke: ...if...
(3) Tanja: we'll know really quick if they do
(1) Mikhal: *takes the neacklace out and looks at it wearily*
(5) Evanthe: ((click your heels, there's no place like home))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Remel: "Traveling supplies.... Mostly we are reliant upon our own abilities for such things... Anything beyond Simple blankets and camping supplies..
(5) Evanthe: Anything will do
(3) Tanja: ::holds hers carefully:: you think this'll take our horses with us too?
(5) Evanthe: I...don't know...

(3) Tanja: ((i claim the extra amulet for my horse!))
(3) Tanja: it'd be rather awkward if we ended up indoors on horses
(2) Remel: ((A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no horse can speak the special phrase to activate an amulet, of course))
(4) Locke: ((explain those reptiles the ice elves are riding on))
** (2) Remel takes some supplies from his horse, and walks them over to the group. **

(3) Tanja: ((oooo))
(3) Tanja: ((quick tony, make them talking reptiles))
(4) Locke: ((:D?))
(4) Locke: ((ooh *hugs and sex0rz them*))
(2) Remel: ((Maybe they didn't teleport in =p))

(3) Tanja: i guess there's no sense in risking it, huh?
(4) Locke: ((suure))
(3) Tanja: 'cause what would we do with horses indoors?
(1) Mikhal: or we could suddenly find outselves in mid air and land on our asses
(2) Remel: Item's Recieved: 10 Rations, 4 Blankets, 1 Small Tent!

(1) Mikhal: ((i claim the tent!))
(4) Locke: I wonder how the ice elves got the reptiles to ride on,
(3) Tanja: ...or we could climb down off our horses beforehand
(4) Locke: ((mien!! *yoink*))
(3) Tanja: ((i claim 9 of the 10 rations!))

(4) Locke: ((ooh, I got two blankets now :D))
(5) Evanthe: Well...shall we?
(1) Mikhal: ((i'll share the tent with you flamer))
(1) Mikhal: ((*wink wink*))
(3) Tanja: yes, we shall

(4) Locke: ((ooh, kinky))
** (5) Evanthe places her necklace over her head. **
(2) Sonya: Libraries of Lucion are spread throughout Reydala..
(1) Mikhal: *Dismounts off of junon*
(3) Tanja: ((....))

(5) Evanthe: ((TOOLATE))
(3) Tanja: ((you're gonig to make us research these?!))
(4) Locke: ((neva))
(4) Locke: ((*puts necklace on*))
(2) Sonya: I'm sure there used to be one here in Krasevae, but I doubt it is still standing... even more that it is still occupied..

(1) Mikhal: *puts the necklace on*
** (4) Locke stares **
(2) GM Voice: They dont the necklaces.... they don't feel anything particularly special...
** (5) Evanthe looks down..."I think mine is broken." **
(3) Tanja: ((... */cry*))
(4) Locke: ((dont the necklace?))

(5) Evanthe: ((don))
** (2) Sonya blinks.. **
(1) Mikhal: where is the closest library of lucion from here?
(3) Tanja: much for kicking Alain around today...

(2) Sonya: Surely you noticed the Ice elves chanting themselves....
(3) Tanja: ::sighs heavily:: there goes the rest of my afternoon
(1) Mikhal: not counting the one in Krasevae
(2) Sonya: No doubt there is some sort of special command involved..
(5) Evanthe: ((go go power rangers))

(3) Tanja: ((fuzzy kitties))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
** (5) Evanthe nods, "Probably" **
(3) Tanja: ((with your powers combined))
(4) Locke: ((POWER PUPPIES))

(1) Mikhal: ((earth!))
(3) Tanja: ((air! lol))
(4) Locke: ((fire!!11))
(5) Evanthe: So, shall we search for this library?
(5) Evanthe: Perhaps some of it is still standing

(3) Tanja: ::crestfallen look::: i guess....
(5) Evanthe: So we can find *something*
(4) Locke: lets
(2) Sonya: There is a small one to the southeast on the road to the next city as a roadside station and private monastary... I suggest you try there.
** (5) Evanthe nods. "Thanks Sonya" **

** (5) Evanthe holds out a hand to Locke **
(5) Evanthe: Shall we get going then?
(1) Mikhal: *mounts Junon again*
(4) Locke: yes, lets move
** (4) Locke jumps on with Evanthe **
(3) Tanja: ::Nudges Cinder in the right direction and starts off::

** (5) Evanthe trots off **
** (2) Sonya Salutes as they head away.. **
** (5) Evanthe turns waving "Good luck guys! We'll see you again!" **
(1) Mikhal: we can pick up more supplies now
** (5) Evanthe speeds up to a faster gallop **
(3) Tanja: ::thinks to self---one track mind...::

(4) Locke: ::thinks to self--yeesh::
(2) Sonya: They head back to the fountain square... and back toward the southern gate
(5) Evanthe: I just can't help but be amused at how we all got involved with this.
(5) Evanthe: Who would have thought things would lead to this..?
(3) Tanja: yeah it is kinda crazy....i don't even know who you people are

(2) GM Voice: Back through the tunnel that was bored through the ice.. and out again into the midday sun.. it feels actually warm despite the snow all around
(4) Locke: yeah...
(5) Evanthe: And yet we rely on each other for survival..
(5) Evanthe: And..*looks to Mikhal* occasional amusement.
(3) Tanja: ::hides a laugh in some coughing::

(1) Mikhal: i would of laughed a week ago if i was told that this would happen
(1) Mikhal: *amused look at Tanja* so much for not talking to me anymore *smiles*
(4) Locke: I would've had a few laughs before offering the person that told me a drink
(3) Tanja: i haven't decided if you're worth talking to yet
** (5) Evanthe 's lips twist in amusement. **

(4) Locke: ::mutters:: you just did
(3) Tanja: of course i did...i'm trying to figure out which way's better
(5) Evanthe: So much for group chemistry *cheerfully*
(3) Tanja: group chemistry's overrated  ::sniffs::
(4) Locke: it's a start

** (5) Evanthe laughs **
(5) Evanthe: Nonetheless, we're all in this together now.
(1) Mikhal: atleast this is amusing
(4) Locke: ((lets all hire a prostitute :D))
(2) GM Voice: They head south along the river for a bit... the flowing current heads sharply south...

(1) Mikhal: and how do you exactly decide if i am worth talking to?
(5) Evanthe: He's nothing if not persistant.
(3) Tanja: he is that...
** (5) Evanthe chews on one of the rations **
(3) Tanja: that's easy....if you keep insulting me for no reason, you're not worth talking to

(1) Mikhal: i was just joking around
(2) GM Voice: They turn southeast when the oppurtunity presents itself.. heading into the tall pine forests that surround Krasevae to the south
(1) Mikhal: i didn't think you would react that like
(3) Tanja: ((duhn duhn duhn))
(1) Mikhal: ((like that*))

(3) Tanja: 'cause it was a bad joke.
(4) Locke: I guess you haven't been on many dates
(3) Tanja: you really don't know how to talk to a girl
(3) Tanja: ((*FFXI conversation flashbacks*))
(1) Mikhal: ((how are you malady? XD))

(2) GM Voice: ((A malady is a disease..))
(1) Mikhal: i havn't been on any dates
(3) Tanja: ((that's what he called me))
(4) Locke: ((goddamn FFXI junkies *jealous* ;-;))
(3) Tanja: ((i think he was going for m'lady, but he said it malady))

(3) Tanja: that explains everything  ::snort::
(1) Mikhal: ((it was quite a funny conversation, patti posted it in her LJ a while back))
(4) Locke: *cough*
(4) Locke: ((oh, heheh))
(1) Mikhal: there wasn't exactly a lot of time for dating when you only stay in a city for a week or 2

(5) Evanthe: Oh, that's right. You're part of the circus?
(3) Tanja: you're in showbiz and you've never been on a date?
(2) GM Voice: Through the trees... They begin to see a tall structure ahead..
(3) Tanja: what'd you do in the circus?
(1) Mikhal: there was just enver really time

(4) Locke: ((it's all about prostitutes and one-night stands in showbiz))
(3) Tanja: ((*ignores urging to continue plot*))
(1) Mikhal: i was the strongman for the circus
(4) Locke: we can see that
(3) Tanja: and you STILL never been on a date?

** (4) Locke looks at sword **
** (5) Evanthe spies the structure **
(1) Mikhal: well, not a realy date
(5) Evanthe: We're almost there!
(1) Mikhal: ((Real*))
(3) Tanja: what's a fake date?

(3) Tanja: ((wham bam thank-you-ma'am?))
(1) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
** (5) Evanthe coughs "I'm not so sure I want to know." **
(3) Tanja: you're right, you're right....forget i asked

(1) Mikhal: plus, the circus was sort of a cover in the first place
(5) Evanthe: A cover?
(4) Locke: a cover?
(5) Evanthe: Like a secret identity?
(3) Tanja: ::Incredulous look::

(5) Evanthe: Ooh, tell me more.
(3) Tanja: okay, now it sounds like you're reaching...
(1) Mikhal: we were mercenaries for hire
(4) Locke: interesting
(3) Tanja: why'd you need to have a cover for that?

(2) GM Voice: They come up to a path leading toward the building in the distance..... The structure is quite austere... Quite square, with four large columns in front that rise to the roof...
(4) Locke: explains where you got those huge one-hit-KOs
(1) Mikhal: because sometimes we had to target a single person
(3) Tanja: ((*everyone rides past, too busy talking*))
(1) Mikhal: and a traveling circus is a pretty good cover, and it provides extra money

(3) Tanja: why'd they build a library int he middle of the woods?
(5) Evanthe: Mercenary...interesting..
(5) Evanthe: I bet you have lots of stories!
** (5) Evanthe looks around for people. **
(1) Mikhal: naturally

(2) GM Voice: No people are scene in the immediate area...
** (5) Evanthe dismounts Mochie, and heads for the front doors. **
(3) Tanja: its ..... quiet
(1) Mikhal: ((*detect evil!*))
(3) Tanja: ::dismounts,follows::

(5) Evanthe: Aaaanybody home?
(3) Tanja: ((yah no kidding))
(3) Tanja: ((can i switch to my warrior/cleric/wizard/thief hybrid Neptune real quick?))
(5) Evanthe: ((;D))
(1) Mikhal: ((can i switch to evil saturn?))

(5) Evanthe: ((trident love))
(3) Tanja: ::Looks around for signs of recent activity::
(3) Tanja: ((den!))
(5) Evanthe: ((lol))
(2) GM Voice: As Evanthe calls out... they notice someone climbing out of a window to the left...

** (4) Locke runs to the window **
(3) Tanja: ::stares::: well, that's not a good sign...
(1) Mikhal: *dismounts Junon*
(3) Tanja: ((wait don't run!))
(5) Evanthe: Uh

(3) Tanja: ((he coudl be bad!))
(5) Evanthe: What was that?
(4) Locke: ((too late))
(2) NPC: He spots the party looking at him... laughs a little, and begins to hoof it into the woods
(3) Tanja: uh...

(1) Mikhal: *chases after him*
(5) Evanthe: What the hell...
(5) Evanthe: Stop him!
(4) Locke: what a peculiar laugh...
(2) NPC: Just then.... something bursts through the window, breaking the glass...!

(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (5) Evanthe shields her head **
(5) Evanthe: ((bomber!))
(4) Locke: ((I'm right next to the window :o))
(3) Tanja: ((more zombies!))

(4) Locke: ((a dragon!!))
(2) NPC: It looks like a large panther.. comprised entirely of ice... It starts to chase after the one who just went running!...
(1) Mikhal: ((reydala has no dragons))
(4) Locke: ((awww))
(4) Locke: ((I shall start cross breeding animals until I get a dragon))

(5) Evanthe: Uh..on second thought
(5) Evanthe: Maybe we should just let that thing eat him
(3) Tanja: ((some sort of lizard/shark/bat combo would be a good start...))
(1) Mikhal: *Decides not to chase after seeing the panther*
(2) NPC: A few other humans lead out the doorway, with worried glances on their faces... "What happend?..." They turn to the party

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: it could be somebody important...
(2) NPC: ((Lean out the window...>_>))
(4) Locke: good question
(5) Evanthe: We were hoping you could tell us?

(3) Tanja: how the heck should we know? we just rode up!
(2) NPC: They sigh audibly, and you hear a call from within "Sir! One of Jaze's creations has gone wild...... again!"
(4) Locke: who's Jaze?
(1) Mikhal: that person who ran into the forest?
(4) Locke: no... doesn't look like it

(2) NPC: "So he got away?.. I was hoping it would get him this time..." The human remaining leaning out the window looks at the party's horses... "Say.. think you could do us a favor?"
(4) Locke: why would he make his own creations chase after him?
(3) Tanja: ::looks instantly canny:: depends....
(3) Tanja: see, we're kinda in a hurry, so any detour we take would be...well...inconvenient
(4) Locke: ((XD))

(4) Locke: ((look where rewards got us last time?))
(2) NPC: He waves his hand dismissively "We'll make it worth your while.. but it's essential we get that creature back..!"
(1) Mikhal: alive..?
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Evanthe: ((:3))

(2) NPC: He nods. "Alive!"
(3) Tanja: ((peachy))
(4) Locke: oh Sor, help us... *sighs*
(5) Evanthe: Welp, let's get going
(3) Tanja: ((i need some tranquilizer arrows))

(5) Evanthe: Sounds like an adventure!
(1) Mikhal: *sarcastic tone* that simplifies matters! *rolls eyes*
** (5) Evanthe remounts Mochie and spurs her off towards the creature **
(3) Tanja: (( the Mystery Machine!))
(2) NPC: "Oh... and if You see Jaze.. you might want to help him too.. but you don't have to"

(3) Tanja: duly noted
(3) Tanja: ::mounts up and follows speedily::
(4) Locke: who's Jaze?
(2) NPC: "Thanks!" He says cheerfully.. humming as he heads back inside..
(3) Tanja: that guy we saw

(4) Locke: the maniac laughing getting chased down?
(3) Tanja: that'd be him
(2) NPC: "Taken Care of!" is heard from inside as they speed away...!
(5) Evanthe: Wheeee, this might be fun!
(4) Locke: ((I'd vouche to stay behind and investigate, but that'd get difficult))

(5) Evanthe: ((yeah poor Tony))
(2) NPC: ((Party pooper ^_^))
(3) Tanja: ((i think we tried that once in a prior RPG))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((how'd it go?))

(1) Mikhal: ((slow))
(3) Tanja: ((the SMRPG, i mean....i don't think it went well))
(4) Locke: ((I can stay behind and you can make up what I find out and what happens :p))
(2) NPC: They head through following the obvious tracks made in the snow... one humanoid, one feline..
(5) Evanthe: ((oh, I don't remember)

(5) Evanthe: ((FINE *kicks Locke off the back of her horse*))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Evanthe: Big kitty...
(4) Locke: Ice Kitty

(3) Tanja: Crazy Guy...
(3) Tanja: ::follows th TRACKS in the SNOW::
(3) Tanja: ((so as not to be tricked with illusions))
(3) Tanja: (('cause i'd never live it down if i did it twice))
(4) Locke: ((too late, the tracks are illusions))

(3) Tanja: ((Lol))
(3) Tanja: ((i can see tony doing that too))
(5) Evanthe: ((that IS something he would do))
(2) NPC: Eventually.. the feline comes into view.. still bounding after a panicking human in front of him..!
(4) Locke: ((XD))

(5) Evanthe: Maybe someone can ride by and pick him up!
(3) Tanja: i'm faster!
(5) Evanthe: ...someone that's not me.
(5) Evanthe: Mochie is strong, but three people is a bit much.
(4) Locke: ((Angel should've kicked me off, so she can pick him up))

(5) Evanthe: ((is he cute?))
(5) Evanthe: ((I so will))
(3) Tanja: ::spurs Cinder on in an attempt to overtake Jaze::
(4) Locke: ((XD
(4) Locke: ))

(2) NPC: He looks back behind him to check on the cat... and notices the party coming toward him...
(3) Tanja: wait!
(3) Tanja: we're here to help!
(3) Tanja: ((not necessarily wait...))
(3) Tanja: ((since we don't want him to get eaten))

(4) Locke: don't wait....
(4) Locke: Mikhal, grab your rope
(4) Locke: if you still have it
(5) Evanthe: We all have rope, I think.
(1) Mikhal: ((well, he can get eaten. that guy asid we could help him if we wanted to))

** (5) Evanthe gets out her rope **
(5) Evanthe: Maybe I can get the cat!
(3) Tanja: ((so am i overtaking Jaze or what? 'cause i think you gotta do skillchecks up the wazoo to lasso someone...besides, it hurt him))
(4) Locke: we can try tie the feline down, by tripping it
(5) Evanthe: ((Yup))

(5) Evanthe: ((I'd go for trying to pick him up))
(5) Evanthe: ((and we'll try to lasso the cat))
(2) NPC: ((Let's do this first))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Locke: ((lol))

(3) Tanja: ((and you wanted us to split up?  ;c) ))

(2) NPC:
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives

(1) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [7,2] = (9) Init
(3) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [1,4] = (5)

(3) Tanja: ((5?!?))
(4) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
(5) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [14,5] = (19)
(4) Locke: ((3))
(1) Mikhal: ((you fail))

(4) Locke: ((I win :D))
(2) NPC: Jaze [1d20-1] -> [9,-1] = (8) Init
(2) NPC: You're all about 40 feet behind the tiger, and gaining on it fast..!
(5) Evanthe: ((I thought it was a panther))
(4) Locke: ((same))

(5) Evanthe: ((it's a LIGER))
(2) NPC: ((It is, I'm just dyslexic sometimes))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: ((but a liger is a lion and a tiger..not a panther and a tiger ;D))

(2) NPC: Jaze is 20 feet in front of the tiger, running and tripping all over himself.. he won't stay in front for long...!
(3) Tanja: ((i'm confused what we need init for if we can't hurt the panther))
(1) Mikhal: ((that would be a piger? XD))
(5) Evanthe: ((we can't *kill* it))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))

(5) Evanthe: ((*hums*))
(2) NPC: ((The Panther's not necessarily following the same rules ;) ))

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(5) Evanthe: ((so should i try to lasso it?))

(3) Tanja: ((why not? >.>))
(5) Evanthe: ((or shoot it trying not to hit any vital organs?))
** (5) Evanthe attemps to lasso the BEAST **
(3) Tanja: ((you might hit jaze))
(5) Evanthe: ((thank god i put a *few* points into ride ;_;))

(3) Tanja: ((i'll loan you my Use Rope skills))
(2) NPC: Evanthe Keeps her speed and concentrates on the beast... taking her rope into her hands...
(5) Evanthe: ((oh yeah, I have a few of those too))
(2) NPC: ((Ride Check, Ranged to Hit check, Then Use Rope check.. In other words.. 3d20 ^_^))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))

(5) Evanthe: [3d20] -> [6,11,16] = (33)
(5) Evanthe: ((as i fall off my horse))
(4) Locke: ((is that good?))
(3) Tanja: (( didn't stay on your horse, you missed the panther, but you tied a darn good knot))
(5) Evanthe: ((falling off my horse? no))

(4) Locke: ((coz... I can get my own horse if you do))
(5) Evanthe: ((thanks for the concern! xD))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) NPC: Evanthe tries to steady her horse enough to throw the lasso.. But she can't steady it enough at this speed to allow her to throw it accurately enough... it falls short
(5) Evanthe: ((shucks))

(2) NPC: The panther catches up to within 10 feet of Jaze...!

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(9): : Mikhal

(5) Evanthe: ((try to trip it or something!))
** (1) Mikhal catches up to the panther on his horse and attempts to hit it with the flat of his greatsword **

(1) Mikhal: Ride Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(1) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+6] -> [5,6] = (11)
(5) Evanthe: ((and mikhal knocks his own horse out))
(3) Tanja: ((and kills the panther))
(5) Evanthe: ((:D))

(4) Locke: ((nuu! we lose the reward))
(2) NPC: Mikhal has to really push his horse to get on an even level with him... but the beast dodges his slash sideways..!

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(8): Jaze

(3) Tanja: ((still want me to ride ahead to grab jaze?))

(5) Evanthe: ((duck and roll!))
(2) Jaze: "Help help help help help help help help help help help!!!"
(3) Tanja: ((or did you want me to use my rope on the panther?))
(5) Evanthe: (xDDD))
** (2) Jaze runs like all hell to the south **

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(5): Tanja

(5) Evanthe: ((try your rope, that's cool))
(5) Evanthe: ((I don't really mind))
(3) Tanja: ::takes out her silk rope, and attempts to lasso the panther::

(3) Tanja: ((do i get any extra bonuses for my skill points into use rope?))
(2) Jaze: ((yes))
(5) Evanthe: ((I figured he manually configured mine in)
(3) Tanja: [3d20] -> [4,6,5] = (15)
(3) Tanja: ((well...))

(5) Evanthe: ((yeah we're not doing so good xD))
(3) Tanja: ((i hope its +30))
(2) Jaze: Tanja keeps speed with the panther but can't steady her ride enough to even get off a shot...!
(3) Tanja: ((i should've stuck to riding ahead))

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(5) Evanthe: ((shoot the damn thing!))
(4) Locke: ((me?))
(5) Evanthe: ((sure))
(5) Evanthe: ((shoot it's leg or something))
(4) Locke: ((I don't even know if I can use the crossbow >.>;;))

(2) Jaze: ((You can))
(4) Locke: ((ooh, cool))
(4) Locke: (wait... arrows >.>;;))
(2) GM Voice: ((1d20 if you're shooting))
(5) Evanthe: ((You got 10 bolts))

(1) Mikhal: ((crossbows use bolts, not arrows))
(5) Evanthe: ((so go ahead))
** (4) Locke takes out the crossbow that was stored in his pack, and aims it at the feline's hind legs **
(4) Locke: ((:D))
(4) Locke: [1d20] -> [13] = (13)

(4) Locke: ((ooh :o))
(3) Tanja: ((maybe he'll take pity on us))
(2) GM Voice: Locke tries to aim his bow but it's a bit unsteady on the horse.... his bolt plows into the snow behind the ice creature...!
(4) Locke: ((aww))

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(3) Tanja: ((does this mean jaze gets eaten?))
(5) Evanthe: ((this is almost pathetic))
(4) Locke: ((heheh))

(1) Mikhal: ((it's a penality to make a called shot (i.e. aiming at a part of the body)))
(3) Tanja: ((i don't think we could've hit on a 13 anyway, scott))
(2) GM Voice: ((I didn't take that into account... =p))
(1) Mikhal: ((oh XD))
(2) GM Voice: ((15 with his bonuses... almost..;) ))

(5) Evanthe: ((oh siht))
(3) Tanja: ((damn))
** (5) Evanthe aims her bow at the panther, hoping to take its attention away from Jaze **
(5) Evanthe: [1d20+5] -> [5,5] = (10)
(5) Evanthe: ((wow))

(3) Tanja: ((yeah...))
(5) Evanthe: ((I demand a reroll))
(5) Evanthe: ((I had something in my eye))
(5) Evanthe: ((affected my dice))
(2) GM Voice: ((You have to make a ride check too....buttt you missed anyway, so...))

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe lands an arrow into the snow!
(3) Tanja: ((lol))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): : Mikhal

(3) Tanja: ((can we reroll if we do the ride check? >.>))
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh just a sec((
(5) Evanthe: ((someone hit it))
(5) Evanthe: ((Can I throw Locke at it next time?))
(2) GM Voice: The panther takes a swipe at mikhal's horse...!

(1) Mikhal: ((noooo!))
(3) Tanja: ((quick...check it into a tree!))
(4) Locke: ((sure, I want to be eaten by it))
(5) Evanthe: ((not the horsie ;_;))
(1) Mikhal: ((does this mean the panther stopped running?))

(2) GM Voice: A claw of ice rips into Junon... the horse rears up on it's hind legs... ((Ride Check!))
(3) Tanja: ((egads))
(1) Mikhal: Ride Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(1) Mikhal: ((>_>))
(1) Mikhal: ((tony jinxed openRPG!))

(3) Tanja: ((...and Mikhal falls on his neck, paralyzing him for the rest of the adventure))
(4) Locke: ((wow))
(4) Locke: ((*heal skill*))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal remains in control of his steed... thankfully, avoiding a nice bump on the ice below

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(8): Jaze

(3) Tanja: ((i'm running ahead to see if i can pick him up))
(2) GM Voice: ((Oh...yes Mikhal's turn))
(5) Evanthe: ((okay))
(2) GM Voice: ((Go aheadd))
(1) Mikhal: ((did the panther stop?))

(2) NPC: It stopped concentrating on keeping up with Jaze, but is running right beside you
(5) Evanthe: ((jump on his head and bite him))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
** (1) Mikhal throws himself bodily at the panther **

(1) Mikhal: ((XD))

(5) Evanthe: ((whoa))
(3) Tanja: ((egads...i think we were
(1) Mikhal: ((what rolls do i need to make? :) ))
(3) Tanja: ((that...probably wasn't the smartest thing in the world..))
(2) NPC: Mikhal leaps from his mount, aiming for the panther..!

(5) Evanthe: ((if he misses))
(5) Evanthe: ((i'll die laughing))
(3) Tanja: ((you and me both))
(1) Mikhal: ((and me))
(2) NPC: ((Melee To hit.. Grapple))

(1) Mikhal: [1d20+5] -> [19,5] = (24)
(5) Evanthe: ((YAY))
(3) Tanja: ((a high roll!))
(1) Mikhal: ((and grapple is 1d10+STR mod?))
(1) Mikhal: ((err..1d20))

(3) Tanja: ((now it'll wait 'til next turn to claw your face off))
(2) NPC: ((Yup))
(4) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(1) Mikhal: ((<3))

(1) Mikhal: ((i foget you can't do hearts >_>))
(1) Mikhal: ((forget, even))
(5) Evanthe: ((so while he wrestles with the panther))
(5) Evanthe: ((let's take his horse and run away))
(3) Tanja: ((sounds good))

(2) NPC: Mikhal leaps from his steed onto the panther, and brings it to the ground..! It tries to bite his face off but mikhal frantically dodges it's bites
(4) Locke: ((my turn? :D))
(1) Mikhal: ((i r teh winnar))
(3) Tanja: ((i'm after him))
(5) Evanthe: ((tries to bite his face off xD))

** (2) NPC jaze doesen't stop running for his life... he trips over a tree root and and falls flat on his face.. "Oof!" **

(2) NPC:
Next init:
(5): Tanja

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(3) Tanja: :::rides ahead to pick Jaze up before the panther gets back up again::

(3) Tanja: (('cause i don't want to hit mikhal on accident))
(2) Jaze: Tanja rides ahead to where Jaze is lying prone in the snow..... Ride check!..
(3) Tanja: ((do i still need dice for that, even though we're not really riding hell-bent through the woods anymore?))
(3) Tanja: ((rats))
(3) Tanja: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)

(5) Evanthe: ((yay :D))
(3) Tanja: ((*cheer*))
(2) GM Voice: She goes side saddle and scoops up the snow covered Jaze from the snow, and discovers he's suprisingly light
(3) Tanja: Well...that was easy enough...
(5) Evanthe: Good job Tanja!

(2) Jaze: He spits out some snow onto the ground... "Thanks Lady!"
(3) Tanja:'re welcome
(2) Jaze: He doesen't look a day over 14...

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(3) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(3) Tanja: ((i'll never get a guy in this game))
(4) Locke: ((I don't have rope to tie the damn thing >.>))
(5) Evanthe: ((i do!))
(1) Mikhal: ((i also have rope..but i'm a bit busy))

(4) Locke: ((so is... grabbing the rope, jumping off the horse and tying the monster's legs viable? XD))
(2) Jaze: ((If it's Evanthe's.. sure))
(5) Evanthe: ((sure take my rope))
** (4) Locke grabs a hold of Evanthe's rope, jumping off the horse and runs towards Mikhal and the feline wrestling **
(5) Evanthe: ((he made him 14 so I wouldn't flirt i tell you))

(5) Evanthe: ((he's trying to Eva-proof his NPCs))
(1) Mikhal: ((flirt with him anyways))
(5) Evanthe: ((ew no))
(2) GM Voice: ((D20 Use rope check!))
** (4) Locke tries to ties the feline's legs up **

(4) Locke: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
(4) Locke: ((*hopes* XD))
(3) Tanja: ((i hate to rain on this awesome parade we've got going on....but how're we gonna get a live, biting cat back to the library?
(3) Tanja: ))
(1) Mikhal: ((tie a rope around it's mouth))

(5) Evanthe: ((We can leave it tied to a tree))
(2) GM Voice: Locke falls from his horse and lands near where Mikhal and the Beast are frantically tackling each other.. He grabs the legs of the beast and successfully ties them together!..
(5) Evanthe: ((and tell them to go get it themselves))
(2) GM Voice: It squirms a little but it's mobility is now greatly hampered.. and Mikhal has a much easier job

(2) GM Voice:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(19): Evanthe

(5) Evanthe: Mikhal! Can I use your rope?
(5) Evanthe: ((I should tie Mikhal to the cat))
(3) Tanja: ((Lol)

(4) Locke: ((XD))
(1) Mikhal: go fot it
(4) Locke: ((bondage))
** (5) Evanthe tries to tie the cat's muzzle ((ooh pain)) **
(5) Evanthe: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)

(5) Evanthe: ((-.-))
(3) Tanja: ((egads))
(5) Evanthe: ((don't let him bite my face off ;_;))
(2) GM Voice: Evanthe can't get a solid tie on the beast, instead it snaps at her hand!
(2) GM Voice: She gets a rather nasty wound from giant cat teeth.. ((5 damage))

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(9): : Mikhal

(5) Evanthe: ((I will not be trying that again))
(2) GM Voice: The Panther struggles against Mikhal...
(1) Mikhal: ((do i have to make anotehr grapple check to do stuff?))

(1) Mikhal: ((*has never grappled something before >_>))
(2) GM Voice: ((Make an opposed grapple check cause it's trying to get free))
(1) Mikhal: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(5) Evanthe: ((haha! it fails))
(2) GM Voice: Mikhal easily keeps it under control

(4) Locke: ((it's tied down :x))
(5) Evanthe: ((just its hind legs though, right?))
(1) Mikhal: *Takes the rope from Eva and tries to tie it's muzzle*
(1) Mikhal: Use Rope Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [2,2] = (4)
(1) Mikhal: ((;-;))

(5) Evanthe: ((okay))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Mikhal: ((We suck))
(5) Evanthe: ((looks like the muzzle is staying snapping wide open))
(4) Locke: ((XD))

(2) GM Voice: ((Trying to use the rope would break the pin you just got on it... you need both your hands for that.. ;) ))
(1) Mikhal: ((oh.. XD))
(3) Tanja: ((Grow another set))
(5) Evanthe: ((try to punch it unconcious!))
(1) Mikhal: *tries to bash the panthers head into the groud, knocking it unconscious*

(1) Mikhal: [1d20+4] -> [9,4] = (13)
(5) Evanthe: ((:D))
(3) Tanja: ((won't that break the hold too?))
(1) Mikhal: ((..i don't think so?))
(3) Tanja: (('cause of the whole hands tied thing?))

(2) GM Voice: Mikhal tries to headbutt the creature into the ice! ((1d3))
(3) Tanja: ((that works too))
(1) Mikhal: ((i'd headbutting it? alrighty))
(1) Mikhal: ((1d3+str mod?))
(2) GM Voice: ((yeah))

(3) Tanja: ((because your hands are keeping the panther tied))
(1) Mikhal: [1d3+4] -> [1,4] = (5)
(4) Locke: ((wow... what action *videos*))
(5) Evanthe: ((I"ll just watch from here on out))
(2) GM Voice: The Panther doesen't look like it's going under.. It's questionable whether a being made of ice can even lose unconciousness anyway..

(2) GM Voice:
Next init:
(8): Jaze

(1) Mikhal: ((hint hint?))
(5) Evanthe: ((okay I somehow missed that he was made of ice))
(2) Jaze: Jaze takes out a book from his backpack and frantically starts flipping pages... "Come on come on.. where is it..."

(3) Tanja: might want to hurry....
** (5) Evanthe favors her injured hand. "Maybe" **
(2) Jaze: "Here!" He waves his hand in the air, gesturing while he chants some words...

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(5): Tanja

(3) Tanja: ((oh...that was effective))

(3) Tanja: ((thanks jaze))
(1) Mikhal: ((he is still casting))
(5) Evanthe: ((maybe takes a turn to finish))
(2) Jaze: ((He's casting he's casting =p))
(3) Tanja: ((eesh okay okay))

(3) Tanja: ((jeez))
(5) Evanthe: ((xD))
(3) Tanja: ((can i still...y' stuff without disturbing him?))
(2) Jaze: ((Waiting?))
(3) Tanja: ((yeah, probably))

(2) Jaze: ((Well.. aside from pushing the horse to breakneck speeds))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(3) Tanja: ((okay, waiting))

(2) Jaze:
Next init:
(3): Locke

(3) Tanja: ::grits teeth, thnking to self--hurryhurryhurry...::
(3) Tanja: ((*yawn*))
(5) Evanthe: ((errr))
(2) Jaze: ((*Poke*))
(5) Evanthe: ((make him wait too :D))

(4) Locke: ((*...finishes the video and puts it up on eBay*))
(3) Tanja: ((you realize its your turn, right? lol))
(2) Jaze: ((*Poke poke poke*))
** (4) Locke grabs the other rope and tries to tie the muzzle again **
(4) Locke: ((I know :x))

(5) Evanthe: ((d20 :D))
(4) Locke: [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
(2) Jaze: Thanks to Mikhal's pin, Locke easily ties the beast.
(4) Locke: ((well.... that thing just doesn't want to be muzzled))
(5) Evanthe: ((three failed attempts, let's call it a night))

(5) Evanthe: ((ooooooooh))
(4) Locke: ((I tied it :o))
(5) Evanthe: ((WITH A 2?))
(5) Evanthe: ((*scrolls up*))
(2) Jaze: ((Basically anything but a 1...=p ))

(2) Jaze: ((Mikhal pinned it inbetween then and now))
(5) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(5) Evanthe: ((*psst* DM hates elves, pass it on))

(2) Jaze:
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round

(4) Locke: ((XD))

(4) Locke: ((I'm half elf))
(1) Mikhal: ((elves are love ;-;))
(5) Evanthe: ((well then it'd have to be dm hates GIRLS))
** (2) Jaze comes to the end of his spell.. gesturing at the beast. **

(2) Jaze: The creature goes immobile.. free to be transported...
(2) Jaze: "Phew..."
** (5) Evanthe exhales a breathe **
(5) Evanthe: You wanna start explaining what that was about?

(3) Tanja: ::catches up with the others::
** (2) Jaze jumps off the horse, goes over to the ice beast.. **
(1) Mikhal: *experimentaly tries picking the panther up*
(5) Evanthe: ((because I take no consideration distance and hearing range))

(5) Evanthe: ((of))
(3) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Jaze: As Mikhal picks it up...
** (2) Jaze coughs.. **

(2) Jaze: You see.. well...
(2) Jaze: It was, an experiment of sorts..
(3) Tanja: ((his dice rolls are as bad as ours, apparently))
(5) Evanthe: ((lol))
** (2) Jaze stares at his creation.. **

(1) Mikhal: *hands the reins of Junon to Locke*
** (4) Locke grabs on **
(5) Evanthe: Gone wildly awry, it seems
(2) Jaze: I neglected to accomodate for it's unique features... a simple oversight, anyone could have done it
(3) Tanja: well...what's done is done...i guess all that's left is to bring it back

(3) Tanja: oh....and you too, jaze
** (2) Jaze bites his lip slightly. **
(5) Evanthe: Aren't you a bit young to be dabbling in such dangerous experiments?
(5) Evanthe: What are you? 12?

(2) Jaze: Hey! I'm a master wizard!
(2) Jaze: Everyone far and wide knows my name!
** (5) Evanthe looks dryly from the panther back to Jaze **
(5) Evanthe: So I see.
(3) Tanja: ::rolls eyes skyward:: yessir, jaze sir

(4) Locke: ::whispers to Evanthe:: who's Jaze?
(5) Evanthe: That guy, apparently
** (2) Jaze pokes at the monster in Mikhal's hands.. deep in study... **
(2) Jaze: They walk back to the library..

(5) Evanthe: Hey Hey dont' get any bright ideas of bringing it back to life
(3) Tanja: ((i'm falling asleep in my
(2) Jaze: "Pfft! It's obviously still alive, I just stunned it for awhile!"
(5) Evanthe: You mean that thing will come out of its stun?!
** (5) Evanthe quickens the pace a little **

(3) Tanja: hopefully after we're long gone
(3) Tanja: then its their problem again
(2) Jaze: As they near the entrance... 3 humans are standing outside the door..
(5) Evanthe: We brought your cat and your boy
(2) Jaze: "Of course it will!.. I wouldn't want to kill my creature..."

** (2) Jaze Hides behind the horses. **
(3) Tanja: ::Deliberately moves to expose Jaze::
(2) NPC: The eldest looking of them shakes his head.... "He's always causing trouble.. I'm sorry for that... And for having you go fetch him.." he elbows the one standing beside him
(4) Locke: ((he's the new Harry Potter :O))

(3) Tanja: this country seems full of people eager to make others do their work for them... ::mutters to self::
(1) Mikhal: *deposits the ice panther infront of the 3 men*
(2) NPC: "Jaze.... what have we learned...?"
(2) Jaze: "Umm.... Don't go summoning ice creatures in the house?..."
(4) Locke: ....

** (5) Evanthe looks indignant **
(5) Evanthe: What about endangering the lives of others?
(3) Tanja: ::sighs::
** (4) Locke remains speechless **
** (5) Evanthe holds out her injured hand in emphasis **
** (2) Jaze blinks... **

(2) Jaze: "You people did fine"
** (2) Jaze waves his hand dismissively **
(5) Evanthe: Why you little
(5) Evanthe: He would have eaten you if we hadn't of come along!

(5) Evanthe: What then!
(2) NPC: The elderly one coughs... "Jaze.... I'll talk to you later, Please go inside"
** (2) Jaze reluctantly goes back inside... dragging the panther behind him... making faces at Evanthe **
** (5) Evanthe makes faces back **
(3) Tanja: kids these days...

** (5) Evanthe sobers "Uh..yeah...darn kids" **
** (4) Locke uses the heal skill to check on Evanthe's hand **
(2) NPC: "I don't know why you've come... but we'll try and help you any way we can... come in, come in!...
(5) Evanthe: Sure!
(5) Evanthe: Got any food? *follows him in*
(2) NPC: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(3) Tanja: lol

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