First Impressions

From Reydala

Music For the Entry-"Big Shell West Bristol"

---Three Years Earlier---

"Shutat! Grab the last bag and let's go!"

A tall man dressed in red grunted with effort as he swung a heavy sack over his shoulder, before he pivoted in the direction of the speaker. "Hold your horses! These things are heavy!"

The first man merely pointed behind the Jovenite, and as Shutat looked behind him he felt his legs go cold, as though they were suddenly dunked in a cask of ice water. City guards, dozens of them, armed with assorted pikes, axes, and torches to chase off the night as much as pirates. As they spotted him and began to charge, Shutat weighed his options.

First, he could try to fight them all. He imagined himself a fair hand with a blade, but even he didn't think he could take on 30 armed guards all by his lonesome. He could try to talk his way out of it, but somehow he didn't think his position was a strong one, what with all the pillaging and whatnot. Lastly, he could make a break for it, get to the ship, and get outta Dodge.

It took him about two seconds to make his decision.

The next day, the city's residents would SWEAR that they could have heard a loud, single voice yelling "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" from the center fountain all the way to the docks.

Later found the crew in their favorite tavern, caroursing and drinking and doing other miscellany that off-duty pirates do. As the elven singer began her set, four men sat in a corner table, one of them with damp white hair. He glared at his tablemates as they continued snickering.

"It's not THAT funny."

"Shu'at, you jump'd in the OCEAN."

"Well, it was either that or die!"

"Th' ship was TEN FEET from yeh."

"Well, I couldn't see it!" This prompted a new round of laughter, while Shutat scowled at the lot of them. "I hate you guys."

Turning from the table, he watched the singer as she sang about yesterday. "Man, she's pretty."

Shutat's shipmate, hat brim hiding the upper part of his face, merely frowned and shook his head. "I'd forget it, m'man. She hates humans."

The Jovenite turned back to his companion. "Why do you say that, Daved?"

Daved pushed the brim of his hat back, showing his pointed elf ears and his brilliant blue eyes. "I can tell. For one thing, she doesn't speak Common."

Shutat jerked a thumb towards the stage. "But the song...?"

Daved shook his head again. "She can memorize songs, but she can't understand it. If you listen closely, some of the pronunciations are off."

"Well, still...I've gotta meet her." Shutat brightened up. "You can translate!"


"Why not?"

"Because it's a waste of time, Shutat. Trust me. SHE DOESN'T LIKE HUMANS."


Daved slammed his fist into the table. "I said no!"

Three hours later found Shutat and Daved alone in the common room, as the elven band finished for the evening. Scraping the chair back, Shutat strode up to the stage, and raised a hand in greeting. "Hi!"

The singer stopped what she was saying, and looked up at the taller man flatly. She asked a question in elvish, and her group burst out laughing.

Running a hand through his hair embarraesedly, Shutat tried to respond. "Uh...nice singing?"

Daved walked up behind Shutat and smoothly interceded the conversation. The girl's expression softened slightly as the two conversed in elvish. After several awkward minutes, which Shutat mostly spent exchanging glares with the rest of the group, Daved looked back to his compatriot.

"She said her name's Enna, and while she appreciates you being a fan, she doesn't want to talk to you. Not now, not ever."

As Enna nodded and turned to leave, Shutat yelled "Wait!" and grabbed the smaller girl's arm. Her turning and snarling was the last thing he remembered before losing conciousness.

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