Aknier Kaer Seremela - Magi

From Reydala

    • Aknier tossed and turned in his bed, not finding the sleep he wished for. He rose, searching for his spellbook and praying an extra bit of reading would cause narcalepsy to take hold. Instead, browsing, his thoughts turned to the newer arcanist who wore armor from head to toe and yet was able to still reliably cast his spells. Curiosity taking hold, he closed the book, put his hat on, stepped outside his room and wandered up stairs, knocking on several doors.
    • Kaer was laying on top of the covers of his bed; in a state of light sleep. Still wearing his armor in case emergency struck, his slumber was easily broken at the sound of knocking on his door. With a quick move to his sword, he stood up and then relaxed. No attacker would knock first. He walked over to his door, and slowly opened it.
    • Aknier: "Er...ah! Kaer, hello...How are you?"
    • Aknier peeked through the door.
    • Kaer: "Hn... good evening, Sir Aknier. I am well, thank you. Are you alright, sir?"
    • Aknier: "I'm fine, thank you..." *pauses for a moment, hesitating* "It's been bothering me. I've asked you this before, but you're an arcanist?"
    • Kaer seems slightly confused at Aknier's actions. "I am indeed. An arcanist and a member of the Full Moon Enforcers."
    • Aknier blinked, remembering his occupation and what Kaer said to him earlier that day. "Let me ask about that later. How is it that you're even able to cast spells under so much metal?"
    • Kaer can't help but smile alittle at the question. "Both training as well as the proper... equipment. But sir, casting in all this is nothing interesting when compared to your abilities. A grasp on both the Arcane and the Divine, correct?"
    • Aknier scratched the back of his head. "Ah yes...well it's really rather simple once you realize they both come from the same source..."
    • Aknier: "They differ in energy and what is needed to understand to use them, but they are both powered by the unreality that is in the very air we breath..."
    • Kaer nods at this. "That is true. Still the two styles had always seemed so different, thus to be as skilled as you are in the both is most impressive."
    • Aknier: *grins* "You flatter me needlessly, but it's not without appreciation. Still, I'm in awe of your ability to more subtly gesture when so constrained."
    • Kaer: "Ah, thank you sir. For what seemed to be the longest time I could fight, sword and armor, but also cast arcane, yet never draw the two together. Eventually, a connection was made, and the style of combat became second nature."
    • Aknier: "Ironically not far from my own duel nature." *chuckles*
    • Aknier paused, then looked at seemly nothing with a distant look in his eyes.
    • Aknier: "You said something to me earlier...something about there being two sides to the moon..."
    • Kaer looks at Aknier, his face going from a smile to a more serious expression. "Ah... yes. I apologize for this yet again, but I heard some of a conversation between you and Madam Seremela, where you mentioned Lucion Wizards... I had hoped to assure you of some faith in those who practice the arcane, that all are not like they were. Just as the Enforcers share two sides of one moon, many arcanists seem to sadly parallel that."
    • Aknier frowned. "Forgive me...I acted rashly. I had a...bad experience with the New Moon Enforcers many years ago that still stings every now and then. I know all too well there are many wizards under Lucion that work for the betterment of others."
    • Aknier: *more quietly* "Several years ago, I too was a wizard of Lucion..."
    • Kaer shakes his head. "Those who do such acts reflect on us all. It is up to all the others to bring those to justice."
    • Kaer then heard what Aknier said, of his past. "...That event was a catylist of change?"
    • Kaer lets out a slight sigh, then begins to take off his armor. Although it may seem like something to keep him busy, it was also done in the hopes to be taken as a friendly gesture. He moved to the back of the room, invitnig Aknier inside.
    • Aknier noted, well aware of even sutble signals that Kaer sent.
    • Aknier: "My master at the time knew of my divine poential though I myself had no realized it. He originally wished for me to be a cleric of Lucion in addition to being a wizard knowing that potential (despite the fact that divine worship isn't considered proper for the god of Mages I understand...)"
    • Aknier: "After that event, I was upset that Lucion would contract with those who were corrupt, and I left to instead give my services to Mulinel."
    • Aknier: "...not many know, but the truth is, I was raised in an orphanage by her clerics...it was the only home I knew after that event."
    • Aknier: "I had a mentor there as well...her name was Sharlana Pisces. She taught me the path to the Holy Mother of the Oceans."
    • Kaer: "Hmm... I can understand your reasoning, and am actually glad you did as you did. Many times I too wonder why those who hail to Lucion do such actions, but can do little more than my own duty to stop them. Not as an arcanist, but as a person."
    • Kaer: "Well, you did the complete circle, Sir Aknier. It is good you had a place to goto, after those events."
    • Aknier smiled a little.
    • Aknier: "Indeed...I'm not sure what I would have done otherwise...perhaps go back, hat in hand (forgive the pun)..."
    • Aknier: "Regardless, I follow this path because I enjoy it, no longer because I am ashamed of who I once was."
    • Seremela knocks softly on the door frame, leaning in against it with the door open, her other hand holding the satin robe that hung across her shoulders shut, partially covering her matching and obviously custom tailored nightgown that fell to her ankles and dragged slightly upon the floor behind her. A shift of her stance sent one shoulder of the robe slipping partly, revealing a thin strap for the gown. Grinning a little at the two, despite how serious their conversation, she gave a playful sigh. "You know, tis considered rude to chatter at such hours where others may hear and be disturbed...."
    • Kaer smiles at the pun. "That's the only way to follow such a pa- Greetings, Madam."
    • Aknier turns his head. "Oh Serem---"
    • Aknier tried not to let his eyes wander.
    • Aknier: *ahem* "Hello Seremela."
    • Kaer turns as well. But being as just as he is, no eye wandering problems here.
    • Seremela nods to them both, giving another smile. "May I join you two?"
    • Kaer nods. "Certianly, madam. Unless Sir Aknier objects."
    • Kaer added the last thing comment with a smirk, noting Aknier's reaction.
    • Aknier started to grin, but gave a cough at the last comment from Kaer. "If you don't mind the drivel of a man telling a semi-depressing tale of the past, I have no objections whatsoever."
    • Aknier really tried to not let his eyes wander.
    • Seremela takes a step into the room then, shutting the door behind her, pausing to place the robe back upon her shoulder. "Perhaps I can help prevent you from being too depressing then." With the door secure, she joined the two of them, giving up on the robe when it slipped again, having forgotten her sash. "Now, where in your tale were you?"
    • Aknier: "I was telling Kaer of when I joined the church of Mulinel as a cleric after my first encounter with the New Moon Enforcers, and of Sharlana, you may have overheard..."
    • Kaer nods. "It is interesting to think, all of us with quite different stories, yet still here. But please, go on."
    • Aknier turns to Kaer with a small smile. "I did mean to say that, particularly after the events of a few days ago, I've let go of my akward feelings towards the enforcers...both thanks to that event and yourself."
    • Aknier: "If you wish to lead by example, you are succeeding ever so slowly, I respect your desire to bring justice to the world through the arcane arts (even if the whole bringing justice part is a bit zealous for my taste)."
    • Kaer: "We each have our own means, simply a matter of what to do with them, and how to do it."
    • Aknier , feeling more relaxed, took a seat in an empty chair, still trying not to let his eyes wander over Seremela.
    • Aknier: "So limited we are as mortals, but perhaps it makes our struggles that much more epic...worthy of bards to spin tales..."
    • Seremela not having much to add, she takes this opportunity to just move to the window and look out, resting her side slightly against its frame, smiling as she looked to the moon. "Hm... We have already done much, have we not? And I do believe they have already spread our story far and wide, if you recall their greetings after the mines..."
    • Kaer sets his armor down against the wall, then set his shield and sword down against the armor. Smiling slightly, he sits down on his bed, in his blue-themed clothing under his armor.
    • Seremela chuckles, shaking her head as her thoughts turn to what lies ahead. "And now, even more awaits us. Such a wonder how it all falls into place... " Turning her head, she looks back to them both, still managing her usual charming smile. "Tis comforting to know I have people such as yourselves at my side."
    • Aknier: *with a smile* "Appreciated. Funny how all the arcanists should gather as so."
    • Kaer also smiles. "I have only traveled with you all for a short time, but I am glad. Funny, though. Birds of a feather?"
    • Seremela shrugs her shoulders, causing the robe to slip that much further without care. "Short or not, and even with our choppy beginnings, you have proven to be a valiant companion Kaer."
    • Seremela chuckles, nodding her head, even bringing her hand up to let a little flare of light dance across her palm. "It would seem! Though it is partly due to your inability to speak softly at night."
    • Kaer scratches the back of his head. "Indeed. Initally I was afraid of you, but that fear has turned more to respect, madam. And my apologies to the voice volume."
    • Seremela uses the same hand to brush the hair back from her neck and shoulder, drawing it behind her slender pointed ear, "I fear with these it cannot be helped." Grins, letting the hair drop back down. "I am glad to know your fear has passed, tis not a comforting feeling to be feared..."
    • Aknier grins. "She heard your voice before your armor, that's an imrpovement!"
    • Seremela laughs at that, a very dainty sound that suits her smaller stature. "I do suppose that just shows skill on his behalf."
    • Kaer gestures to his armor. "It is lighter than you would imagine. It assists the arcane arts greatly."
    • Seremela looks to his armor curiously, noticing that it seems to hold the same sheen as her tiara, if not at least the same smooth look. "Hmm... ah... then it would be made of...?"
    • Seremela sits back on the windowsill, legs crossed at her ankles, awaiting his answer.
    • Aknier drew a cup from his things and muttered a spell to fill it with water, with another to heat it. He perked up upon hearing the question, curiosity fill him as his cup was.
    • Kaer smiles, proud of the armor he wears. "Mythril. My father crafted it before I left home in hopes of joining the Enforcers."
    • Seremela smiles to that, nodding, her thoughts had been confirmed. "Tis very impressive craftsmenship. I have seen little superior to it, please send him my compliments."
    • Aknier muttered the word on his tongue, remembering it from a previous adventure with Tristen.
    • Aknier: "Wow...indeed, your father must be a master smith (and resourceful) to have been able to craft such a suit."
    • Kaer: "Ah, I will be sure to next time I see him, thank you, Madam."
    • Kaer: "If you don't mind my speaking of my family, father was often busy with his smithing, yes. In the area, he was rather well known." *Kaer smirks* "He taught me much of what he knew, but it was more of a hobby to me than the career he took"
    • Seremela leans back on the slightly cool window, shivering a bit though not bothering to move away. "Kaer, speak of whatever you would like at this hour. Especially if it is fond memories of family."
    • Aknier nods as if to add to Seremela's statement.
    • Aknier still tried not to let his eyes wander however.
    • Seremela catches the fact that Aknier is struggling with his gaze and manages to mask a faint grin, apparently her playful feminine nature came back with her memories.
    • Kaer leans his head back, in thought, then normalizes the angle after about two seconds. Head normlaized, and eyes still not at all struggling not to stare. After all, justice. "Well, there is not much to tell. Father was a blacksmith, Mother was in a sense the person who protected the villiage I was born in."
    • Kaer smirks again, as if remembering a certian event. "Both were suprised when I started learning the arcane. Not disapointed, but still suprised."
    • Aknier nods, absorbed in Kaer's stroy, as well as his seeming ability not to struggle, powered by justice.
    • Seremela tilts her head slightly, hair falling over the covered shoulder, nearly reaching the floor from her current seated position. "And why were they surprised?"
    • Kaer: "Hm. Well, mother served as a paladin, and father was a smith. They must have expected me to follow in one path more than walk something completely different."
    • Aknier: "A paladin..." *laughs* "Well that explains why you devote yourself to your ideals. Which of the gods did she serve? Regal?"
    • Kaer shakes his head. "No, she served Dizal. Even though I didn't follow her, I still held many of the same beliefs."
    • Kaer remembers his mother smiting something one time while talking about JUSTICE, and can't help but laugh.
    • Kaer: "Er..." *Stops laughing, realizing it might have been a slight specticle. And alittle loud, for this time of night.*
    • Aknier doesn't seem to mind, glad to see Kaer seeming to relax.
    • Aknier: "I should very much like to meet your family one day Kaer. They sound like noble people."
    • Aknier smiled and looked over to Seremela as if asking her thoughts on such an idea.
    • Seremela perks a bit seeing Aknier's glance to her, chuckling and giving a nod of agreement, "Aye, sounds like a wonderful idea."
    • Kaer smiles "Ah, thank you, sir Aknier."
    • Aknier: "Hmmm...a thought's come over me...Kaer, where is your shield if I may? I assume it's made out of the same material as your armor?"
    • Kaer nods. "My father jokingly claimed I took his masterworks before I left."
    • Aknier smiled. "Indeed. Would it be alright if I looked at it for just a few moments?"
    • Kaer: "Certianly, Sir Aknier." *Pulls his shield out of the pile of equipment, then offers it to Aknier.*
    • Aknier set his cup down and accepted the shield, walking over to a more clear space of the room. He took the shield in one arm, and began to wave it around to feel the weight. He then took several defensive stances with the shield, suggesting an uncanny proficency for one who didn't wear armor...
    • Aknier: "Amazing...it's as though the shield's not even there..."
    • Seremela watches Aknier with a small grin of utter amusement across her full lips.
    • Aknier: "I bet even Seremela could use this without so much as a bother to her spellcasting."
    • Aknier hands the shield back to Kaer.
    • Kaer also is grinning. "It is a nice piece of equipment. Asides protecting me, the armor also is quite important to me."
    • Seremela chuckles, resting her palms at either side against the windowsill, "Ah, but it would clash horribly with my outfits."
    • Kaer: "Well, if you found something in a nice blue... ... ..." *Trails off*
    • Aknier took a seat and another sip of his drink, chuckling at Seremela's comment. "Health before beauty I'd believe, but to each their own."
    • Aknier raises an eyebrow "Unless of course Kaer could design something..."
    • Seremela smirks, though playfully, at Aknier, then blinks to Kaer, staring for a moment before she gives another laugh. "Bring it up with my tailor, should we ever find him."
    • Kaer: "Sir Aknier brings up a good point. Although I specalize in weapons more so, I could craft a piece if you so desired. Or alternatly, the tailor be contacted."
    • Aknier tapped at the small Scarlet Blue stone that floated and circled his head and gave him a boost to his intellectual powers, muttering. "You give me too many ideas..."
    • Aknier sat forward suddenly, with a very sober look on his face. "Hey...Kaer..."
    • Kaer blinks. Then, for lack of better reply at this situation -- "...Yes?"
    • Aknier: "As a wizard...you carry a spellbook correct?"
    • Kaer: "But of course, sir."
    • Aknier: "I'm going to make a big suggestion here...but as I see it, we will be traveling together for a while it seems."
    • Aknier: "Even already, we've become brothers in arms, fighting along side each other, trusting each other with our very lives. We have similar goals."
    • Aknier: "...do you see where I'm going with this?"
    • Seremela smirks at Aknier, then looks to Kaer, "What he is beating around the bush about, is I believe he wishes to share spells..."
    • Kaer nods. "I figured as much."
    • Kaer: "But that is not a bad idea at all. It would benifit both of us. Although... durring when we were rescuing you, Sir Aknier, I aquired a second spellbook with an... interesting selection. But none the less, I would be willing to share spells, yes."
    • Seremela sighs, though it's obvious it's more out of jest than anything, "Ah, and here is where I become useless in the conversation, as your books serve me no purpose..."
    • Aknier jokingly scoffs at Seremela. "What you lack in versility, you make up in sheer power. I'm envious!"
    • Kaer: "Come now, madam. Although you miss out on our book talk, you yourself have such a natural ability to as a spellcaster."
    • Seremela chuckles, taking another of her smaller spells and using it to make her entire body temporarily shimmer with flares of lavendar and white lights, her playful way of bragging. "Well I suppose I cannot blame you for that Aknier..."
    • Aknier sees the shimmers and realizes his eyes have wandered...quickly looking back to Kaer, he adapted a more serious look, despite the smile.
    • Kaer grins at Aknier, once again noticing a sudden movement that gives away his previous actions.
    • Aknier: "Very well, I thank thee Kaer."
    • Aknier begins to pull out both his spellbooks.
    • Kaer gives a bow, then goes to his amor pile and takes out his spellbooks.
    • Aknier: "I actually must admit, I have a second spellbook myself...one that I have a feeling was the second biggest reason the New Moons had attempted to capture me."
    • Kaer: "That powerful of a book?"
    • Aknier: "I am not sure...do you know of the archmage Varaan?"
    • Seremela chuckles after Aknier's head darts like that, then turns her gaze out the window again as they chatter on about their spellbooks. At least she'd already gotten her meditation in.
    • Kaer taps his finger to his chin for a few minutes. "I believe I have heard stories through various libraries, yes."
    • Aknier: "He must have been famous indeed...to make a long story short I have had the high honor of inhereting his spellbook."
    • Kaer looks shocked. "How did... that must have been something."
    • Aknier nods, looking down at the floor, a bit of sadness overcomming him.
    • Aknier: "Master Varaan is dead."
    • Kaer: "Oh... I'm sorry, Sir Aknier."
    • Aknier: "It was his time. We found out through a golem he had created with his last breath that he had passed into Sor's garden."
    • Aknier: "At the time, we were in a race against time to save a child...Metaphon gave me the book of his master, saying it would aid me greatly."
    • Seremela listens though her gaze stays out at the moon, rather enjoying its light bathed upon her, the story holding her interest as it was before her time with the group.
    • Aknier: "Now that I remember Metaphon, I do truely believe you should both meet him. He is but a piece of the master, but nonetheless an infinite source of wisdom. Perhaps you could both learn something from him."
    • Aknier: "At any rate, the book...it is an intresting book...it seems he had truely collected a lifetime of spells...but he wrote in the very Old Draconic language we don't use anymore..."
    • Kaer slowly nods. "When things here calm down, perhaps. But... ?"
    • Aknier: "It is extremely difficult to decipher...I've had a hard time doing so. If I didn't know better, I'd almost say the spells are...shifting, somehow, and rearranging themselves."
    • Aknier hands the great book to Kaer.
    • Aknier: *grabs the other book* "And then this is my spellbook, a modest collection, but a decent one nonetheless. Er...and don't mind the large dent in the middle..."
    • Aknier looks up a bit.
    • Aknier: "When I first met Mikhal and fought along side him, we were attacked by Ice Elves...ironically in that same turn to rescue that child, Jaze..."
    • Aknier: "I was their prisoner. I managed to free myself, but I would not have gotten far if Mikhal and others with him you sadly have not had the fortune to meet, rescued me."
    • Kaer accepts the first of the books, seeming excited, but also curious as to what it holds. "You have been through many adventures, have you not, Sir Aknier?"
    • Aknier: "Of course, being their prisoner, they had destroyed my one and only crossbow. When I ran out of spells, my book was the only weapon at my disposal."
    • Aknier: *coughs at the statement, but smiles warmly when Kaer speaks* "To say the least...I was a mere appretenice hardly worthy of the title Wizard when I met Mikhal..."
    • Seremela perks her head, then turns to look back over at Aknier. "Ah, you use a crossbow? I am sure you could find one here to replace the one they destroyed, if you wanted Aknier."
    • Kaer: "You seem to have come out fine, though, sir." *Kaer then collects his two books.* "This first book is from a man named Brant, of the New Moon Enforcers. We had to defeat him, and then to open a door to get to you, we needed information inside of this book."
    • Kaer then offers his book. "This is the spellbook I have used over the years. Putting aside my random thoughts I occasionally write, it is time tested."
    • Aknier: *laughs* "I appreciate the gesture Seremela. I had long replaced that crossbow, only shortly after that adventure in the frozen north. And as it turned out, i was overworking myself, there's a spell that acts just like a crossbow...'Launch Bolt.' "
    • Aknier opens both books, studying them.
    • Aknier: "Ah yes...Brant was an odd fellow...so devoted to his magical door..."
    • Aknier: "Of what little I learned of him anyways."
    • Kaer does the same with the two books Aknier handed him. "He was, however I can still respect him, as he died for a cause he believed in."
    • Seremela nods a little to Aknier, "I see, I did not know of that spell. Interesting though. That reminds me.... I do need to find my bow...." Drifting off into thought again, she turns her gaze away.
    • Kaer turns a page in one of the books. "You use a bow, madam?"
    • Aknier nods to Seremela. "Neither had I for a time."
    • Seremela brings her feet up and rests them on the windowsill as well, bringing her knees up to her chest, the length of the nightgown preventing any real movement of the fabric. "Hmm? Ah, yes, most of my people do. Father taught me how to use it, though much against Mother's wishes."
    • Kaer: "I have heard many elves do use bows, but mother taught me never to take a sterotype for certian." *Kaer says this with his attention still on the book, still.*
    • Aknier continues looking over Brant's book.
    • Aknier: "I could symapthize more with him if his methods to reach his goal were less corrupt."
    • Aknier stops at a page and suddenly scowls.
    • Aknier: "Protection from Good and Magical Circle against Good. Pah...the spells to enslave Angels."
    • Aknier: "My suggestion is that you should burn these sometime so they can't be used against us, really..."
    • Kaer: "Hmm... I had never bothered altering or damaging his spellbook, but the fact that it could be used against us someday... you probably are right."
    • Aknier: "Nathicana forbid that should happen indeed. At any rate, they're no use to us still."
    • Aknier continues reading on.
    • Seremela sighs at that thought, looking down at her city. "Why would anyone wish to trap an Angel.... I do not understand the minds of those so evil.... "
    • Kaer turns a page through Aknier's spellbook, studying that one first. "Such is the difference in the Enforcers. A pitty. Such a similar goal, but the way of operating is just..."
    • Aknier: "...corrupted?"
    • Kaer: "To be fair, they see us as too soft. But corrupted explains it well."
    • Aknier: "I am glad you and your breathern are really nothing like them, truely..."
    • Aknier: *a blue flash comes across Aknier's eyes* Don't know why I immediately said Angel or got mad there...it really could be any creature of the heavens. Even Miru.
    • Aknier: All the Magic Circle spells work against creatures of those far away planes...only it would be plan stupid to try to enslave a devil or deamon. Least one loses their head to the fiend."
    • Seremela frowns at that particularly, her little familiar sound asleep back in her room. "Gods help the fool who dares harm anyone dear to me, and that includes my Miru."
    • Kaer nods. "Only proves the uselessness of the spells to us. Also for the saftey of Miru" *Kaer nods again, then decides to check out the other book*
    • Aknier begins coping spells into his spellbook of what he could that night. After a time, satisfied, he stood up.
    • Aknier: "I think I should take my leave so I can get some rest in tonight."
    • Kaer has also copied spells. "That is fine, sir Aknier. I thank you again for this."
    • Aknier bows. "Thank *you* greatly as well Kaer. I look forwarding to increasing our knowledge and command of the arcane together."
    • Seremela rises as well, setting her feet upon the floor first without even the slightest of sounds, stepping away from the window with her usual grace. "Then to both of you, goodnight, I do hope you rest well in these chambers. If you require anything, simply ask of it..."
    • Aknier turns to Seremela. "As well as yourself, Seremela."
    • Aknier: "Ah...thank you."
    • Kaer: "It will be a great advancement for us both."
    • Kaer also turned to Seremela. "Thank you, madam. If something enters your room, I will know and be there. Rest well."
    • Aknier: "Seremela...as well. Apparently you have the power to cast from scrolls as we do, even if you can't learn from them. If you see us casting something you like, don't hesitate to ask one of us to write out a scroll for you."
    • Aknier: "I figured I should mention that."
    • Seremela nods her head to Kaer, smiling. "Thank you for your ever mindful watch." Then moving to pass Aknier, she moves upon her toes a bit and playfully pecks his cheek, for no real reason other than she felt like it. She is a princess after all. "Alright then Aknier, I shall keep a closer eye on your spells."
    • Kaer smirks at this display, and then goes back to putting on his armor. Somehow, it's easier to sleep in the armor than without.
    • Aknier opened the door and left the room for his own quarters, grateful for the newfound trust in his allies...and friends.
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