
From Reydala

Revision as of 08:15, 6 December 2006 by Kaer (Talk | contribs)


General Info

Name: Kaer Galnic

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Class(es): Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Lucion

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shield.

Build: Muscular, but not ridiculously so. (Most of that muscle is just to be able to wear armor)

Hair: Gray, and medium short length.

Eyes: Steel blue/gray.

Appearance: Relatively tall man. Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face. Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back. Sword at his side, and you almost have a cliché knight.

Personality: Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight. He developed an overly strong sense of justice, and will fight for what he believes in, his own justice. He tries to avoid killing when ever possible. For some reason, he has a bad habit to speak in the most proper way possible, and also refers to most everyone as "Sir" or "Madam"


Mythril Full-Plate - Strong armor used for defending. It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear]. Includes Gauntlets.

Mythril Light Steel Shield - A light shield that virtually has no hindrance to casting.

Enchanted Longsword - An important sword Kaer has used for years. Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending. It's made of Ademantium. The sword holds a bit of history, as it was originally a sword crafted by Kaer's father, and given to Kaer's mother many, many years ago. She used the sword for many years before all but retiring from Paladin duties, and passing the blade onto Kaer.

Misc Supplies

Rope: Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of people to be brought to justice.

Grapple hook: Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as we all know climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.

Masterwork Artisan tools: Used for crafting, and crafting well.



Sara Galnic - Kaer’s mother, Paladin of Dizal, and probably highly respected. She was in sense a guard for the town of Lajourin.

Alex Galnic - Kaer’s father. Respected blacksmith, and a master of his trade. He taught Kaer what he knows in regards of crafting, a skill with Kaer is quiet talented in.

Geon - (To be added later)

Seremela - The first person Kaer met in the group. He currently views her as a potential threat, however, due to a mysterious spell she cast. Were he a more radical Enforcer he might have killed her by now, but everyone gets the benefit of the doubt in this man’s justice!

Dante - Based on his actions, Dante seems to be a jerk, however something leads Kaer to think this guy might be some kind of enigma. Or just a guy who does whatever he thinks is fun. Kaer will find out which way some day. (And probably find out the hard way)

Mikhal - Kaer does not have much of an opinion of Mikhal. He seems like a good person, as he saved Kaer from that one pit, and the dragon heritage is at the very least interesting.

Aelis - Kaer sees her as an odd one, this one. She seems to be the most normal of the group, for some reason. Someday, this image quite possibly will be shattered in the most glorious way possible.

Dagnir - In part because of his extreme neutrality, this druid bothers Kaer, however his intent has never seemed to be unjust, so even if it’s a slight bother, at least he’s for sure not an enemy.

Wren - Another… odd one. Kaer can’t make much sense of her, but she seems to be a solid fighter. Also seems to be good, when coherent, based on her actions with Janus.

Arciel - From what Kaer saw, she showed little more than being a true professional at what she did. He however never had an opertunity to speak to her much.

Aknier - The first meeting has so far been Aknier assaulting some innocent New Moon Enforcer with a weapon. Only time will tell what happens with this.

Present Day

After having the group trip on top of him, Kaer currently finds himself traveling them them under Geon's instructions. At the very least, traveling with them will make for good stories.

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