
From Reydala

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(Basic Information)
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[[Category: Characters]]
[[Category: PC]]
[[Category: Retired]]
== Basic Information ==
== Basic Information ==
[[Image:Wren.jpg|thumb|200px|Scribbles of Wren, without and with her over-garments.]]
'''Name''': Wren
'''Name''': Wren
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'''Necklace''': A plain pearl attached to a simple chain, it has the effect of calming one who looks into it. Normal jewelry? Narcotic container? Demonic parasite devouring the wearer’s mind? You be the judge.
'''Necklace''': A plain pearl attached to a simple chain, it has the effect of calming one who looks into it. Normal jewelry? Narcotic container? Demonic parasite devouring the wearer’s mind? You be the judge.
'''Bracers''': Hand-me-downs from Seremela. They're stylish '''and''' afford some semblance of protection, to boot!
== Personality ==
== Personality ==
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'''NPCs''' – See: Past History. It’s a secret to everyone!
'''NPCs''' – See: Past History. It’s a secret to everyone!
'''[[Arciel]]''' – Wren never interacted with the elven woman much, but found her to be a rather gloomy travel partner. Were that she was more preachy she'd probably have pulled Arciel aside for a little "don't hold onto the emotional baggage so much" chat. But Wren's certainly not preachy.
'''PCs''' – An excerpt from Wren’s travel log follows as thus:
'''PCs''' –  
“We’re a pretty interesting little ragtag bunch, lemme elaborate on a case-by-case basis here. Alphabetical-by-name order because I really don't know a better way to do it!
'''[[Dagnir]]''' – She never spoke with the druid much, so really has no opinions on him either way. He did seem very serious about guarding Seremela, chivalry being an amirable trait... if not one that Wren finds a bit overdone at times.
'''[[Aelis]]''' – Like me she was in the tavern at the wrong time, like me she decided to tag along and help out, unlike me she’s an Elf. Basically this means she’s short, nimble, and pretty foxy – all three of those seem to be pretty much universal among Elves. She’s less down from the whole “rescue from a kidnapping” bit than most of the others – probably because she didn’t know Aknier for more than 5 minutes. This makes her more pleasant to be around than the others (no offense intended to the others… but, they are kinda gloomy at times.)
'''The Boss''' – Real name: '''[[Dante]]''' - Dante is the member of the group Wren's likely the closest to. She has a decent amount of respect for him, and finds his wise-cracking and oft-sarcastic manner a breath of fresh air from the rest of the group - who's often-serious nature often results in what she'd refer to as "bad vibes". She calls him "Boss" due to what she refers to mentally as a "joke taken past it's natural lifespan and given second life."
'''[[Arciel]]''' – She’s probably the one of the bunch I’ve talked to the least. Not –really- for lack of trying, but she acts the part of an “unapprochable ice queen” most of the time. Like Aelis, she too is an Elf, which makes me feel taller than usual. She acts like she’s got a bunch of emotional baggage. I find that kinda worrisome; can’t be good for her. You should try to live life happy, and with an Elf’s lifespan (scribblemarks, the next line is scratched out) Nah, not my job to be preachy.
'''[[Mikhal]]''' – While his draconic heiritage did cause her a momentary pause, Wren quickly got over it. Like most of the others, she hasn't really spoken with him much: a sitaution she'll likely attempt to remedy on all fronts in the near-future.
'''[[Dagnir]]''' – An Elven (or half, likely) druid (noting that in the case of the male Elf, “foxy” is oft-substituted with “delicious eyecandy”) he’s a bit of a taciturn individual. That said, I can’t claim to know him well. He often seems to be more comfortable either with Seremela or in the wild than among people. He does, however, turn into an absolutely adorable (if not monstrously large) tiger at will. I really can’t say anything bad about someone like that.
'''[[Seremela]]''' – Again, a member of the party with whom Wren hasn't spoken much. Seremela's determination and iron resolve impress Wren and have earner her the monk's respect.
'''The Boss''' – Real name: '''[[Dante]]'''. “Boss” comes from a spur-of-the-moment action that I believe I shall take above and beyond the joke’s lifespan. Anyway, he’s a rather brash human male. Infinately sarcastic, somewhat abrasive, and more or less pugnatious: he’s the source of many fireworks among this bunch. That said, he’s not all that bad. If you don’t take his comments to heart, he’s a rather amusing individual.
'''[[Aknier]]''' - While she hasn't interacted with the Cleric much, Wren find his company rather enjoyable. She considers him a good person overall, and has noted in a corner of her mind that his inn makes a '''mean''' chicken dumpling soup. In the future, it's quite likely there will be questioning on that topic.
'''[[Mikhal]]''' – Mikhal is… interesting. He looks as though he’s a wild elf, or at least half wild Elf. I’d have originally said he might have been half-human, but those wings he seems to have grown I’d put my money more on dragonic heritage. He’s a pretty nice guy overall, sorta jovial. I’ven’t talked to him much(fix that later), but we seem to get along well ‘nuff.
'''[[Kaer]]''' – While Wren finds that Kaer's zeal for "justice" can be somewhat taxing to listen to at times, she generally derives more amusement than irritation from it. He's extremely competent in a battle when things turn sour, and Wren coulsn't really ask for much more in a traveling companion.
'''[[Seremela]]''' – Rounding out the three elven sisters is Seremela. She seems to be very close to Aknier, probably the most out of the assembled group; might be why she usually seems pretty withdrawn. A nice girl, I’d say she’s adorable but that’d be kinda odd – especially because she’s probably over one-hundred years old. Regardless, she's incredibly petite, even compared to the Elven norm.
'''Locke''' - Wren's barely met the man, having been quite the opposite of lucid for a good amount of time since his joining. From what she's seen so far however, it's believed the two will get along just fine.
Interesting cast, huh? Hopefully things’ll pan out alright for all parties involved …and hopefully I’ll get the recipie for that meal I ordered. Delicious.”
End excerpt.
'''Retired PCs'''
'''[[Aelis]]''' – Wren enjoyed the elven woman's company while she was around; at the time Aelis was probably the least grim out of the traveling group - this made her the top person to hang out with in Wren's book.
'''[[Aknier]]''' - Having known Aknier for the whole of a few minutes, Wren can't say much about him other than his tavern serves a '''mean''' chicken dumpling soup.
'''Mentat''' - Wren found the Psion slightly odd, but not entirely bad company. While his impulsiveness sometimes caused negative results (in her opinion, at any rate) she couldn't really entirely fault him for it - happens to the best of us.
'''[[Kaer]]''' – Similar to Aknier in the "barely-known" category, dissimilar in that she's gotten a feel for his personality. While Wren can't fault Kaer's intentions, she thinks he could stand to tone the "zeal issue" down a bit. Notta bad guy, otherwise.
'''Mentat''' - Another new companion Wren doesn't know much about. She really doesn't have much of an opinion about him yet, neither good nor bad.

Current revision as of 01:50, 4 May 2009


Basic Information

Scribbles of Wren, without and with her over-garments.

Name: Wren

Aliases: Charlotte Algiz (Real name, discarded/long-unused)

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Deity: Cyphus

Age: 29

Height: 5’10”

Weight: Roughly 150 lbs.

Hair: Dark brown. Long and typically tied back in a braid.

Eyes: Brownish-red. A “Burgundy” coloration.

Skin: Lightly tanned.

Build: Tall, lithe. She's well-muscled, but it all amounts to "wire" more than bulk.

Visible Equipment

Outerwear: A loose and baggy shirt/pants set, of a pale white color. Wren wears the shirt open, almost like a jacket; it’s held against her waist by a belt. Both shirt and pants have many small hidden pockets within them, excellent for hiding or keeping small items.

Other clothing:A tight, snug fitting shirt and similar shorts. Both a dark shade of red – similar to the color of her eyes – and created with the intent to be as unobtrusive to movement as possible.

Belt: A simple rope belt. If asked Wren will swear that it somehow helps clear her mind and allow her to focus… however, with her typical actions this may cause one to wonder how she acts when unfocused.

Boots: A nondescript pair of comfy boots. An enchantment has been placed upon them that, when the heels are clicked together, the wearer’s metabolism and body in general moves faster for a short time. (Read: gets a “Haste” bonus.)

Gloves: Tight, leather, fingerless gloves. They allow for more prescision of movement, and raise the “coolness” of one’s overall appearance.

Necklace: A plain pearl attached to a simple chain, it has the effect of calming one who looks into it. Normal jewelry? Narcotic container? Demonic parasite devouring the wearer’s mind? You be the judge.

Bracers: Hand-me-downs from Seremela. They're stylish and afford some semblance of protection, to boot!


  • Put simply, Wren is exceptionally laid back. In a single word, she is unflappable.
  • Generally the good-natured type, it’s incredibly difficult to get on Wren’s “bad side” – this is, assuming she even has one.
  • For as spaced-out as she may seem, and for as weak her grasp on reality and her surroundings can seem at times, Wren has an almost uncanny sense of orientation. Wether it's an act or not is debatable.


Past History: While not tight-lipped about her past, her family, and other such topics Wren is somewhat evasive about them. Queries will often be half-answered, perhaps leaving the questioner less knowledgeable on the subject than they were previously… Apparently, wherever she comes from, the culture enjoys making others confused – as Wren seems somewhat smirky after inquiries are befuddled or dropped.

Education: Wren’s education seems to have been fairly thorough. She has an excellent grasp of written and spoken common, as well as mathematics.

Employment: As befitting a vagabond, Wren is a mercenary. While she doesn’t have much of a reputation (and, according to her, she doesn’t really care for one) she is nonetheless known to be dependable – a good quality.


NPCs – See: Past History. It’s a secret to everyone!

Arciel – Wren never interacted with the elven woman much, but found her to be a rather gloomy travel partner. Were that she was more preachy she'd probably have pulled Arciel aside for a little "don't hold onto the emotional baggage so much" chat. But Wren's certainly not preachy.


Dagnir – She never spoke with the druid much, so really has no opinions on him either way. He did seem very serious about guarding Seremela, chivalry being an amirable trait... if not one that Wren finds a bit overdone at times.

The Boss – Real name: Dante - Dante is the member of the group Wren's likely the closest to. She has a decent amount of respect for him, and finds his wise-cracking and oft-sarcastic manner a breath of fresh air from the rest of the group - who's often-serious nature often results in what she'd refer to as "bad vibes". She calls him "Boss" due to what she refers to mentally as a "joke taken past it's natural lifespan and given second life."

Mikhal – While his draconic heiritage did cause her a momentary pause, Wren quickly got over it. Like most of the others, she hasn't really spoken with him much: a sitaution she'll likely attempt to remedy on all fronts in the near-future.

Seremela – Again, a member of the party with whom Wren hasn't spoken much. Seremela's determination and iron resolve impress Wren and have earner her the monk's respect.

Aknier - While she hasn't interacted with the Cleric much, Wren find his company rather enjoyable. She considers him a good person overall, and has noted in a corner of her mind that his inn makes a mean chicken dumpling soup. In the future, it's quite likely there will be questioning on that topic.

Kaer – While Wren finds that Kaer's zeal for "justice" can be somewhat taxing to listen to at times, she generally derives more amusement than irritation from it. He's extremely competent in a battle when things turn sour, and Wren coulsn't really ask for much more in a traveling companion.

Locke - Wren's barely met the man, having been quite the opposite of lucid for a good amount of time since his joining. From what she's seen so far however, it's believed the two will get along just fine.

Retired PCs

Aelis – Wren enjoyed the elven woman's company while she was around; at the time Aelis was probably the least grim out of the traveling group - this made her the top person to hang out with in Wren's book.

Mentat - Wren found the Psion slightly odd, but not entirely bad company. While his impulsiveness sometimes caused negative results (in her opinion, at any rate) she couldn't really entirely fault him for it - happens to the best of us.

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