
From Reydala

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(Still a work in progress~  Going to finish up ONE of these days.  I'm serious!)
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== General Information ==
[[Image:Kaer.jpg|thumb|300px|Kaer -- Punishing people in the name of the moon, or some such.]]
'''Name:''' Kaer Gaelnic
'''Name:''' Kaer Galnic
'''Race:''' Human
'''Race:''' Human
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'''Gender:''' Male
'''Gender:''' Male
'''Age:''' 27
'''Date of Birth:''' Nichts (Niente) 18th, 3351
'''Class(es):''' Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight
'''Date of Death:''' Verdor (Cadere) 32nd, 3399
'''Classes Known''' Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight/Fatespinner/Paladin/Divine Emissary
'''Alignment:''' Lawful Good
'''Alignment:''' Lawful Good
'''Deity:''' Lucion
'''Deity:''' Lucion, though also following many of the same ideals as Dizal.
'''Height:''' 6'2"
'''Height:''' 6'2"
'''Build:''' Muscular, but not ridiculously so(Most of that muscle is just to be able to wear armor)
'''Weight:''' During the travels - 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shieldLesser after the point he began researching the ethereal until the end of his life.
'''Build:''' Muscular, but mostly just enough to wear his armor.  Often wearing armor that obscures his build for the most part.  More frail as the years waged on him.
'''Hair:''' Gray, and medium short length.
'''Hair:''' Gray, and medium short length.
'''Eyes:''' Steel blue/gray.
'''Eyes:''' Steel blue-grayish colour.
'''Appearance:''' During the travels - Relatively tall man.  Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face.  Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back.  With sword at his left side, you almost have a cliché knight.
After he began his research and put less thought towards his own condition, he had a more exhausted and worn expression.  Regardless, he frequently wore the suit of armor he became known with for much of his life.
'''Personality:''' Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight.  Throughout his travels with his companions he shifted from a more zealous defender of good to one who embodied the concept of justice he so often fought for.  For all of Kaer’s life he spoke properly, often using more words then would be needed to explain things.  He also would use titles such as “Sir” or “Madam” for nearly everyone.
'''Religious Ideals:''' What his ideals of following the gods eventually became could be described by the words Balance and Redemption.  Balance of unreality in the world, and a balance of making sure that evil and chaos do not run rampant.  Redemption for those who do wrong, no matter what.
== Equipment ==
During his travels, the following items were almost always carried on Kaer’s person.
*'''Mythril Full-Plate''' - Strong armor used for defending.  It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear].  Includes Gauntlets.
*'''Shield''' - A light shield that would have no hindrance to his casting abilities.  He eventually reached a skill level where the material of which the shield was composed of did not impact his spell casting capabilities.
*'''Longsword''' - An important sword Kaer has used for years.  Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending.  It's made of Ademantium.  The sword holds a bit of family history.  Despite his own enhancements to it, the sword remains a treasure and heirloom.
*'''Wizardry Supplies:''' Including Material Components, Spellbooks, and Scrolls.
*'''Rope:''' Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of those who need to be restrained.
*'''Grapple Hook:''' Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
*'''Masterwork Artisan Tools:''' Used for forging items of the highest quality.
*'''Masterwork Daggers:''' Simple reagents used for the spell [[Destroy Unreality]], often kept safe within his armor.
*'''Bag of Holding:''' A bag crafted by his friend [[Aknier]], it was used to frequently hold anything from a small armory of swords to a modest library of books and scrolls.
== History ==
=== Gaelnic Family Background ===
For those seeking a blade or suit of armor in northern and eastern Riscana, the name Gaelnic would often come up.  The name was associated with a family trade of blacksmithing carried through generation after generation, holding pride in being one of the first to learn some secrets from the dwarves.  While it always remained a relatively small family, the art of the craft was passed from father to eldest son.  This tend continued for what could have and must have been thousands of years, until the birth of Sara Gaelnic.
The Gaelnic family was always more concerned with keeping their craft top notch then they were with how the equipment was being used.  It was not exactly being concerned with the profits turned, but with knowing that the highest quality weapon was crafted.  This changed when Sara Gaelnic was born.  As an only child it was suspected that she would continue to carry the craft, yet even as a young girl she held lofty ideals of right and wrong, and simply selling a weapon to someone who could easily be a crook was something she did not believe in.  A direct result of this was that Sara took up the sword herself, so that if ever there were those who would defile a weapon crafted in her family’s name, she could bring them to justice.  At least, that was initially her motivation.  As she learned the way of the sword, she became attached to the ideals of Dizal.  Eventually, she went on to become a paladin at the young age of sixteen.  After obtaining the title and rank, she began to fight for what she believed to be just, as well as served as a principle protector and leader of the city of Lajournin.
All the while, the current head of the Gaelnic family was searching for a way to keep the art alive.  Multiple apprentices were taken in, few of them lasting more then a few months.  However from these there was one young man who remained.  Bearing no actual surname from having no family, a young man by the name of Alex trained in the art of blacksmithing for multiple years.  He brought in his own, albeit somewhat limited, knowledge of the arcane to excel, eventually going on to be thought of as the successor to the Gaelnic art.  Conveniently enough, he also had fallen for the current master of the crafting art’s daughter, Sara.  One day, before Sara Gaelnic left on one of her frequent patrols throughout the countryside around Lajournin, Alex confessed to her and also gave her a blade he had been working on for many months.  A longsword which would help her defeat her enemies, yet also serve to protect her from harm.  A few months after her return, the two were wed.  Some years after that, they had a child.  A boy they named Kaer Gaelnic.
=== Early Years ===
Growing up, Kaer stayed mostly within the city of Lajournin.  Neither Sara nor Alex Gaelnic wished to force their child down a path, be it of forging or of swordplay; rather they simply allowed him to learn what he wished to.  Somewhat luckily, as a child Kaer was a sponge to knowledge, quickly learning both of his parents’ specialties, as well as much general knowledge.  All the learning he did as a child caused him to view the world in a somewhat cold, logical fashion.  While he had many of the same beliefs as his mother, he assessed situations based on careful consideration and the likely impacts and results, not putting as much of an emphasis on how it would effect the people it would.
During this time of learning, Kaer stumbled into a local Library of Lucion.  There he found himself able to indulge in all the knowledge he could find, quickly developing a passion for the arcane arts.  Neither of his parents objected to this path he undertook, not even if he would have stoped learning what they would teach him themselves.  Even his mother, Paladin of Dizal, held no problem to her son growing into a follower of Lucion.  After all, Kaer held his own sense of right and wrong, and that was all she could ask for. 
As Kaer grew into a teenager, it became his desire to somehow use this talent for the arcane to work as a bridge to connect the talents he had learned from his parents:  Forging weapons and going into combat with them.  After much study that rapidly improved all three of his disciplines separately, he still remained unable to combine them all.  Frustration grew as he read various theories, yet was unable to actually apply them to his own style.  He was only able to brush the surface of such a complex merger of spells and swords.
While he was off pondering these ideas, a small crisis occurred one day.  Sara Gaelnic was out of the area and a panicked man came with news of a hostage situation within the nearby forests.  Feeling that it was his obligation to cause this situation to end and that the hostage takers must be brought to justice, he picked up his mother’s sword, hoping she would forgive him for using the weapon, and headed to the forest himself. 
He was greatly outnumbered and barely survived the situation, but still was able to be the victor while only using the weapon, not having an opportunity to use spells at all.  Kaer would later somewhat jokingly but also partially seriously confess the victory as a result of a burning passion for justice.  Regardless of the how, the end result of this was that Kaer was able to make a connection between his disciplines, and began to read, study, and attempt to master the art of a style of fighting known as the “Spellsword.”
=== Spellsword and the Enforcers ===
For more years did he devote his time to his studies, the art of forging, the techniques of swordplay, and of course the technique of the spellsword.  Using a rare amount of mythril that his father had acquired, under proper guidance Kaer created the suit of armor and shield he wore for many, many years.  With this armor he was able to fully train in the way of the spellsword.  But to further his training even more, he felt he would need proper guidance and as such went out to seek and find the group of Arcanists he had heard of in passing while he spent his time at the Library of Lucion:  The Enforcers.  He spoke many times over his years in study with a member named Geon; who Kaer knew that if he were able to find him again, he would be able to join the organization, master his art, and also potentially be able to help fight for justice and balance. 
As Kaer prepared for his departure from Lajournin to find The Enforcers, his mother stopped him at the door.  Sara Gaelnic’s objective was not to prevent her son from leaving, however, but was to give to him the very blade he used when he made the revelation of the spellsword.  While at first he felt unable to accept such a gift, both his mother and father insisted it was alright.  Further, Sara felt it was time to pass on her combative duties to the younger generation.  Once Kaer accepted the longsword, she took a vow of peace, knowing that her son would carry on her legacy as well as forge one of his own with that blade.  She would go on to become a very important leader and figure among the people of Lajournin.
After leaving Lajournin at the age of fifteen, Kaer traveled from Library to Library following any lead he could on the location of The Enforcers.  After many fruitless moths of searching, Kaer eventually encountered the man he had met before; Geon.  One conversation later, Kaer went to travel with the Full Moon Enforcers; ultimately becoming an apprentice of Geon’s to assist in the struggle to maintain balance between reality and unreality.  Even if the primary objective of the Enforcers is to bring balance, Kaer would not forget his roots and would continue to do his missions as an Enforcer, but also fight for what he believed to be just.
Over the next twelve years, Kaer improved all of his arts to an admirable level of skill.  He would stop back at Lajournin every few years to see the state of things, and check on his parents.  Kaer managed to return back to see his father upon his deathbed, vowing to keep the Gaelnic tradition of crafting alive.  A few years after that visit back to Lajournin, Kaer would trip within a particularly trip-able part of the Enforcer base and both cause a large collapsing pile and encounter what could easily be described as his destiny...
=== Travels With The Group ===
After an initial agreement that seemed to be for mutual convenience, Kaer traveled with [[Dante]], [[Aelis]], [[Wren]], [[Brother Ted]], [[Arciel]], [[Dagnir]], and [[Seremela]].  The objectives of all groups seemed to be aided by this arrangement; the party wished to find their kidnapped friend, [[Aknier]], and Kaer was send under order of [[Geon]] to assist them while Kaer would rescue others held hostage by the New Moon Enforcers, the root of all the kidnappings.  However, soon the situation soured upon Kaer seeing [[Seremela]] manipulate reality to defeat the New Moon Enforcer Brant.  Kaer turned his blade to his temporary ally, causing a rift that would seem to be nearly impossible to mend.  Regardless, all pressed on and in the end the operation was successful.
However, while at first Kaer thought he would no longer be traveling with the somewhat eccentric group of travelers, fate would once more play its hand.  With the intervention of [[Xavier]], the Full Moon Enforcers were interested in this being that seemed to cooperate with [[Seremela]].  As such, it was thought that she as well as this [[Xavier]] must be protected from the dark witch [[Laviege]], and Kaer was the one for the job.  With the memories of a blade in his hand pointed towards her, a somewhat disagreeable set up was placed, and Kaer’s latest instructions were put in place…
In the duration after this, many things happened.  With time, even the initial rifts formed between Kaer and the others would heal, even to the point where all were able to move on.  As the travels continued, he even began to learn from the others.  Allies came and went, but he stayed true to his charge to protect [[Seremela]], even after her past had been uncovered, even after his duty should have since unneeded.  Regardless of the perplexity of a situation where a Riscanan was in charge of the protection of the Leyandren Princess, he stayed true to his vow, not being as narrow-minded as many of his fellow countrymen would have.
During these travels Kaer mastered his skills.  His grasp of the arcane greater, his ability to battle with steel improved, and his blacksmithing ever becoming more refined.  Not only his abilities rapidly improving to meet the dangerous situations he would become involved in, but his mind and mentality improved in this time.  Less of it was the ideal of justice and more of the practice and carrying out of it; the proper way to carry out such actions.  This was a change that would continue for quite some time, even into the end of his travels.
One of the largest occurrences which occurred was a plan later revealed to be put together by the Lord of the [[Blackthrone]], [[Hald]].  Assassinations of many leaders in the material plane had been taking place, and all the while he had been preparing a spell which would turn the already somewhat disagreeing and aggressive half dragon population of [[Leyandra]] into the form of out of control dragons.  It was too late to stop, and this plan came to pass, although it was resisted.
The group defeated and returned many half dragons to their normal state, as per the request and with the aid of [[Anarechnavaylis]], queen of the dragons.  After a great stand at the town of [[Sanoan]], the adventurers were heroes in their own right, yet the story that would be known and told for generations was yet untold…
=== Battle On The Blackthrone ===
The crusade of the Lord of the Blackthrone, [[Hald]], caused changed in the world.  Many people charged in to fight, among those were the group.  Under instructions from [[Anarechnavaylis]] to return to her a stray of hers; the servant of [[Hald]], [[Veatrarch]], the group traveled once more into a hotspot of trouble, entering the Blackthrone though the assistance of [[Elsa]].  There, they completed their mission and were able to defeat [[Veatrarch]] and return his soul to the Dragon Queen.  However as they made their exit, the voice of the God [[Regial]] was heard.  He had been defeated by his brother [[Hald]] while attempting to end this crusade.
As the world began its descent into chaos, many diplomatic occurrences happened.  Meetings between the Gods, discussion between nations, it seemed as if heaven and earth each needed to put up their resistances.  During this time, Kaer made what could be considered his most fatal mistake.  He launched a one man investigation to [[Laviege]]’s floating island fortress, suspecting she was planning some sort of foul play, only to be trapped by the Dark Witch.  They spoke and rather then kill him, she let Kaer escape, but escape with a curse on him; a taint that would influence the rest of his life.
Through the efforts largely credited to [[Seremela]], there is a temporary treaty of [[Riscana]] and [[Leyandra]], and after many conflicts with Hald’s generals, [[Azazel]], [[Destral]], [[Khader]], and [[Matreya]]; another visitor met with the group.  The Archdevil Lady [[Kali]]. 
[[Kali]] told the group of the plan that her fellow Archdevil [[Sidral]] had put into motion.  [[Sidral]], who had encountered the group long before Kaer’s time, had put his own greedy ambitions into motion.  Long had he envied the power of [[Hald]] and now he saw the opportunity to strike once more.  He would be able to defeat the battle weary [[Hald]] and take his power… only this plan would not hold the most success.  Defeat of [[Hald]] would lead to the lowering of a barrier protecting his realm, the [[Blackthrone]].  With the absence of the barrier, all would be able to enter, even the power seeking dark witch, [[Laviege]]. 
While the rest of the world fled, the group prepared to descend into the hell known as the [[Blackthrone]] once more.  This time, however, their objective was to defeat the resident ruler of the realm, expecting it to be [[Sidral]].  They climbed [[Hald]]’s tower, they defeated all enemies, and then finally, they faced off against the victor of the previous battle, [[Sidral]].
The rest, as they say, is history…
=== After Sidral's Fall ===
As the ripple of chaos that flew through the world began to slow and stop, things returned to normal.  After all seemed in order; Kaer bid his companions, by now his very dear friends, farewell, then departed for the Enforcer Base.  After giving a debriefing, he went back to his hometown of Lajournin for time off and a new location for him to do work on behalf of the Enforcers.  Things were quiet and peaceful for the next two years.
But this peace was not to last, for it was written by a man driven mad by [[Laviege]] that there would be no peace for Gaelnics.  Lajournin had been experiencing higher then normal levels of background unreality, and the source of the problem appeared to be Kaer.  As he began to investigate, he spoke once more to what could only have been [[Laviege]].  She told him that there would be no end to the hatred, and told him to expect praying for his own demise.  He would be the root of so many deaths.
One of the first that would be targeted would be Kaer’s mother, Sara Gaelnic.  Hearing the threat from [[Laviege]], Kaer rushed out to find her, barely stopping a demon from causing her demise.  Seeing someone he cared of so close to being destroyed by the dark witch caused Kaer to begin thinking of countermeasures.  It was not enough to simply run or hide, rather perhaps the next best solution would be to go on the offensive.  It was time to begin a massive research project that many would call nothing but foolhardy.  Once it seemed his mother would be safe with protection from the Enforcers, and that Lajournin would be safe from future attacks, he embarked on the road, beginning a somewhat nomadic period of his life…
=== Planning And Researching ===
=== The Tower ===
=== Declining Years ===
=== And Beyond... ===
== Relationships ==
'''Sara Gaelnic:'''  ''”I lived a life by what you taught me, and for that I hold few regrets.  Thank you, mother.”''
There was no person in the world Kaer respected more then his mother.  She taught him so much, and it was her footsteps he followed in.  While he did not want to walk the same path as his mother, he used her as an example and a theory of how to live his life, learning the exact methods as he went on.  Even though she outlived him, Kaer was happy that she was able to live a full life spite the foolishness of his actions which caused the near extinction of his family name.
'''Alex Gaelnic:'''  ''”With me, our art may no longer be passed on, yet the legacy will not be forgotten.”''
A man who died long before the Enforcer did, even long before he went on his travels that would help forge him and his comrades into legends, Alex was still a man revered by Kaer.  He respected and held the art of blacksmithing highly. One of his few regrets was that there would not be another blood Gaelnic to carry on the art for another generation.
'''[[Elsa]]:'''  ''”For being told that there would be no peace, you helped me live a life one could only dream of.  For that, I thank you, and pray you will be well… forever.”''
Fellow arcanist, eventual friend, and later lover; Elsa filled many roles in what would prove to be the later years in Kaer’s life.  She supplied the location of refuge where Kaer spent many of his years peacefully.  The two would eventually have a child,.  The largest regret Kaer would hold in his life would be getting Elsa involved with the curse Laviege put on his name.  None the less, he always would look back at his time with her as some of his happiest, regardless of his research, his curse, or his eventually failing body.
'''[[Geon]]:'''  ''”Perhaps some of my oddities can be blamed on you, my teacher.  What I accomplished certainly was a result of what you taught me, however.”''
The Enforcer who would always be looked up to and admired by Kaer, despite his quirks.  It was him who brought Kaer into the Enforcers, helping him become a talented arcanist, and also directing him to the opposition of Laviege.  Knowing the Geon would be leading and continue to lead the Enforcers always was something which helped put Kaer’s mind at ease on the situation of the organization.
'''Mulie:'''  ''”I will miss our friendly greetings.  Be sure to give Seremela a hand slap when next you see her.”''
It only took one Freedom of Movement; but in that single high five the Enforcer and the Familiar would become friends for eternity.  With their preferred method of greeting secured, a close and unbreakable bond was formed.
'''[[Lucion]]:'''  ''”Perhaps, even in death I can be of use to you, my lord.”''
Lucion was the deity that Kaer served for his entire life.  While he adopted many of the teachings of others, he always considered himself a Lucionite.  After Kaer’s death, he went on to continue serving Lucion from within Lucion’s tower.  While the enforcer longed for rest after all his life research and battles, knowing that somewhere he would have descendents kept him from becoming a flower in the stone garden.  He continues his work, trying to make sure those related to him still do well, all while doing his part to help the world from where he is.
'''[[Laviege]]:'''  ''”Someday, may you find peace.  Until that day, I will keep watching and hoping.”''
In the end, it was a cross between Laveige’s curse and Kaer’s foolhardy research that ended the Enforcer’s life.  However, Kaer found peace in all this.  When he was younger, before he had traveled with the group that he would call his closest companions, Kaer felt nothing but loathing for the Dark Witch.  After multiple encounters with her, though, his opinion changed.  He still would never associate with her willingly, but if she could somehow stop her vile actions without having to be killed, and live a less violent, evil life, he would have been satisfied.  In the end, he could feel nothing but pity for Laviege, praying that someday she would be able to find peace without destroying the world.
=== Party Member Relationships ===
'''[[Aelis]]:'''  ''”May the return to normalcy at Ellanariel be peaceful, madam.”''
While he only traveled with Aelis for a short time, he hoped that his once companion faired well after the damage caused to Ellanariel from both dragons and devils, and that she would be able to resume her life as was.
'''[[Aknier]]:'''  ''”It was an honor to unravel the arcane with you.  Take care of them, my friend.”''
While the two disagreed and would discuss and debate on some issues along the road, they served as a series of checks to one another while further advancing their own knowledge and studies.  The two arcanists were able to push one another forward in their own researches, each bettering themselves as they went along.  Through this, the two became and would remain close comrades, often sharing spells and theories as they would come and go.  It was through that cooperation that the two would become close friends in their lives.
'''[[Dagnir]]:'''  ''”Maybe the grove help you find peace.”''
The druid and spellsword argued on many issues in the short time they spent together.  That said, it did not mean that Kaer did not respect the shape shifter.  When Dagnir departed, Kaer hoped for him the best.
'''[[Dante]]:'''  ''”Your methods were always questionable, yet you will also always be my comrade.  Who the hell do you think we are?”''
Kaer and Dante shared a somewhat strange relationship.  While the enforcer would often cringe seeing the former pirate’s actions, he did in fact learn much from him.  In the end, it was Dante’s nature and attitude that helped teach Kaer on how to deal with the actions of others, and that no matter what, some people will always be themselves.  For that, the Jovian was held as a friend to the Enforcer.
'''[[Locke]]:'''  ''”Another round, raise a glass.  You have earned it, sir.”''
'''Appearance:''' Relatively tall man.  Putting aside the gray hair he has a young faceAlso wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back.  Sword at his side, and you almost have a cliché knight.
The two never talked all that often, yet for what it was worth, Kaer held much respect for the drinking clericHe was not quite a fan of the celebrations that Locke was, but the two none the less the two got along well during their travels.
'''[[Mentat]]:'''  ''”Always an odd one, even until our last encounter.  Fair well.”''
While the Psion was only around for a short period of time and did leave an impact on the party, it was not all a bad thing.  Kaer was not particularly the most fond of Mentat, yet at the same time he did not hold as much dislike and disdain towards him as the rest of their companions did.  He could not argue that Mentat’s departure, no matter how sudden, was not likely for the best.
'''Mythril Full-Plate''' - Strong armor used for defendingIt also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear].
'''[[Mikhal]]:''' ''”Despite your stature, you were a larger man then IMay you lead Sanoan to prosperity, sir.”''
'''Mythril Light Steel Shield''' - A light shield that virtually has no hindrance to casting.
Kaer knew that he was not Mikhal’s favorite person to deal with in the world; however that did not mean the two did not get along.  In battle the two cooperated and worked well together, it was simply often disagreeing on methods.  That said; Kaer enjoyed the company of the half dragon, wishing that someday a Lucionite like himself would be able to apologize and make amends for the actions Lucion took upon the dragons all those years ago.
'''Enchanted Longsword''' - An important sword Kaer has used for years.  Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending.
'''Misc Equip'''
'''[[Seremela]]:'''  ''”To serve you was a privilege, madam.  I am sure you will be a fine leader, and an excellent goddess.  Thank you, my dear friend.”''
'''Rope:''' Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of people to be brought to justice.
The relationship between the Elven Princess (later queen) and the Enforcer was quite a ride.  From their initial meeting to their mutual dislike and distrust, later to accepting their situation, then later building on to become friends and comrades, their travels were interesting ones.  Kaer would have given his life for her had it been requested, and not due to the charge of her protection, but to aid a close comrade.  In the end, he was happy to have served her -- not as an Enforcer, not as one protecting her, not as a Riscanian helping Leyandrian royalty, but as a friend.
'''Grapple hook:''' Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as we all know climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
'''Masterwork Artisan tools:''' Used for crafting, and crafting well.
'''[[Wren]]:''' ''”With your unsurpassed, albeit spacey, wisdom of the world, you were a superb companion. May the winds stay at your back, madam.”''
Wren was a comrade that Kaer always respected.  While often she seemed as if she were detached to the world around, she held amazing insights that he himself would never have thought of.  The monk was an invaluable ally, and a friend that could be relied on.  He viewed her as one who embodied the values of one who follows Cyphus, and was glad to have been able to travel and learn from one such as her.
== Final Thoughts ==

Current revision as of 01:39, 4 May 2009

(Still a work in progress~ Going to finish up ONE of these days. I'm serious!)


General Information

Kaer -- Punishing people in the name of the moon, or some such.

Name: Kaer Gaelnic

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Nichts (Niente) 18th, 3351

Date of Death: Verdor (Cadere) 32nd, 3399

Classes Known Fighter/Wizard/Spellsword/Eldritch Knight/Fatespinner/Paladin/Divine Emissary

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: Lucion, though also following many of the same ideals as Dizal.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: During the travels - 177 lbs without armor, 205 lbs with armor and shield. Lesser after the point he began researching the ethereal until the end of his life.

Build: Muscular, but mostly just enough to wear his armor. Often wearing armor that obscures his build for the most part. More frail as the years waged on him.

Hair: Gray, and medium short length.

Eyes: Steel blue-grayish colour.

Appearance: During the travels - Relatively tall man. Putting aside the gray hair he has a young face. Also wearing a full suit of armor, complete with a shield carried on his back. With sword at his left side, you almost have a cliché knight. After he began his research and put less thought towards his own condition, he had a more exhausted and worn expression. Regardless, he frequently wore the suit of armor he became known with for much of his life.

Personality: Justice loving, spell casting, sword using mageknight. Throughout his travels with his companions he shifted from a more zealous defender of good to one who embodied the concept of justice he so often fought for. For all of Kaer’s life he spoke properly, often using more words then would be needed to explain things. He also would use titles such as “Sir” or “Madam” for nearly everyone.

Religious Ideals: What his ideals of following the gods eventually became could be described by the words Balance and Redemption. Balance of unreality in the world, and a balance of making sure that evil and chaos do not run rampant. Redemption for those who do wrong, no matter what.


During his travels, the following items were almost always carried on Kaer’s person.

  • Mythril Full-Plate - Strong armor used for defending. It also is light [comfy] and easier to cast in [wear]. Includes Gauntlets.
  • Shield - A light shield that would have no hindrance to his casting abilities. He eventually reached a skill level where the material of which the shield was composed of did not impact his spell casting capabilities.
  • Longsword - An important sword Kaer has used for years. Time tested to be able to aid his attacking or defending. It's made of Ademantium. The sword holds a bit of family history. Despite his own enhancements to it, the sword remains a treasure and heirloom.
  • Wizardry Supplies: Including Material Components, Spellbooks, and Scrolls.
  • Rope: Used for grapple-hooking as well as constricting the movement of those who need to be restrained.
  • Grapple Hook: Used in conjunction with rope for climbing, as climbing and jumping in armor is hard enough.
  • Masterwork Artisan Tools: Used for forging items of the highest quality.
  • Masterwork Daggers: Simple reagents used for the spell Destroy Unreality, often kept safe within his armor.
  • Bag of Holding: A bag crafted by his friend Aknier, it was used to frequently hold anything from a small armory of swords to a modest library of books and scrolls.


Gaelnic Family Background

For those seeking a blade or suit of armor in northern and eastern Riscana, the name Gaelnic would often come up. The name was associated with a family trade of blacksmithing carried through generation after generation, holding pride in being one of the first to learn some secrets from the dwarves. While it always remained a relatively small family, the art of the craft was passed from father to eldest son. This tend continued for what could have and must have been thousands of years, until the birth of Sara Gaelnic.

The Gaelnic family was always more concerned with keeping their craft top notch then they were with how the equipment was being used. It was not exactly being concerned with the profits turned, but with knowing that the highest quality weapon was crafted. This changed when Sara Gaelnic was born. As an only child it was suspected that she would continue to carry the craft, yet even as a young girl she held lofty ideals of right and wrong, and simply selling a weapon to someone who could easily be a crook was something she did not believe in. A direct result of this was that Sara took up the sword herself, so that if ever there were those who would defile a weapon crafted in her family’s name, she could bring them to justice. At least, that was initially her motivation. As she learned the way of the sword, she became attached to the ideals of Dizal. Eventually, she went on to become a paladin at the young age of sixteen. After obtaining the title and rank, she began to fight for what she believed to be just, as well as served as a principle protector and leader of the city of Lajournin.

All the while, the current head of the Gaelnic family was searching for a way to keep the art alive. Multiple apprentices were taken in, few of them lasting more then a few months. However from these there was one young man who remained. Bearing no actual surname from having no family, a young man by the name of Alex trained in the art of blacksmithing for multiple years. He brought in his own, albeit somewhat limited, knowledge of the arcane to excel, eventually going on to be thought of as the successor to the Gaelnic art. Conveniently enough, he also had fallen for the current master of the crafting art’s daughter, Sara. One day, before Sara Gaelnic left on one of her frequent patrols throughout the countryside around Lajournin, Alex confessed to her and also gave her a blade he had been working on for many months. A longsword which would help her defeat her enemies, yet also serve to protect her from harm. A few months after her return, the two were wed. Some years after that, they had a child. A boy they named Kaer Gaelnic.

Early Years

Growing up, Kaer stayed mostly within the city of Lajournin. Neither Sara nor Alex Gaelnic wished to force their child down a path, be it of forging or of swordplay; rather they simply allowed him to learn what he wished to. Somewhat luckily, as a child Kaer was a sponge to knowledge, quickly learning both of his parents’ specialties, as well as much general knowledge. All the learning he did as a child caused him to view the world in a somewhat cold, logical fashion. While he had many of the same beliefs as his mother, he assessed situations based on careful consideration and the likely impacts and results, not putting as much of an emphasis on how it would effect the people it would.

During this time of learning, Kaer stumbled into a local Library of Lucion. There he found himself able to indulge in all the knowledge he could find, quickly developing a passion for the arcane arts. Neither of his parents objected to this path he undertook, not even if he would have stoped learning what they would teach him themselves. Even his mother, Paladin of Dizal, held no problem to her son growing into a follower of Lucion. After all, Kaer held his own sense of right and wrong, and that was all she could ask for.

As Kaer grew into a teenager, it became his desire to somehow use this talent for the arcane to work as a bridge to connect the talents he had learned from his parents: Forging weapons and going into combat with them. After much study that rapidly improved all three of his disciplines separately, he still remained unable to combine them all. Frustration grew as he read various theories, yet was unable to actually apply them to his own style. He was only able to brush the surface of such a complex merger of spells and swords.

While he was off pondering these ideas, a small crisis occurred one day. Sara Gaelnic was out of the area and a panicked man came with news of a hostage situation within the nearby forests. Feeling that it was his obligation to cause this situation to end and that the hostage takers must be brought to justice, he picked up his mother’s sword, hoping she would forgive him for using the weapon, and headed to the forest himself.

He was greatly outnumbered and barely survived the situation, but still was able to be the victor while only using the weapon, not having an opportunity to use spells at all. Kaer would later somewhat jokingly but also partially seriously confess the victory as a result of a burning passion for justice. Regardless of the how, the end result of this was that Kaer was able to make a connection between his disciplines, and began to read, study, and attempt to master the art of a style of fighting known as the “Spellsword.”

Spellsword and the Enforcers

For more years did he devote his time to his studies, the art of forging, the techniques of swordplay, and of course the technique of the spellsword. Using a rare amount of mythril that his father had acquired, under proper guidance Kaer created the suit of armor and shield he wore for many, many years. With this armor he was able to fully train in the way of the spellsword. But to further his training even more, he felt he would need proper guidance and as such went out to seek and find the group of Arcanists he had heard of in passing while he spent his time at the Library of Lucion: The Enforcers. He spoke many times over his years in study with a member named Geon; who Kaer knew that if he were able to find him again, he would be able to join the organization, master his art, and also potentially be able to help fight for justice and balance.

As Kaer prepared for his departure from Lajournin to find The Enforcers, his mother stopped him at the door. Sara Gaelnic’s objective was not to prevent her son from leaving, however, but was to give to him the very blade he used when he made the revelation of the spellsword. While at first he felt unable to accept such a gift, both his mother and father insisted it was alright. Further, Sara felt it was time to pass on her combative duties to the younger generation. Once Kaer accepted the longsword, she took a vow of peace, knowing that her son would carry on her legacy as well as forge one of his own with that blade. She would go on to become a very important leader and figure among the people of Lajournin.

After leaving Lajournin at the age of fifteen, Kaer traveled from Library to Library following any lead he could on the location of The Enforcers. After many fruitless moths of searching, Kaer eventually encountered the man he had met before; Geon. One conversation later, Kaer went to travel with the Full Moon Enforcers; ultimately becoming an apprentice of Geon’s to assist in the struggle to maintain balance between reality and unreality. Even if the primary objective of the Enforcers is to bring balance, Kaer would not forget his roots and would continue to do his missions as an Enforcer, but also fight for what he believed to be just.

Over the next twelve years, Kaer improved all of his arts to an admirable level of skill. He would stop back at Lajournin every few years to see the state of things, and check on his parents. Kaer managed to return back to see his father upon his deathbed, vowing to keep the Gaelnic tradition of crafting alive. A few years after that visit back to Lajournin, Kaer would trip within a particularly trip-able part of the Enforcer base and both cause a large collapsing pile and encounter what could easily be described as his destiny...

Travels With The Group

After an initial agreement that seemed to be for mutual convenience, Kaer traveled with Dante, Aelis, Wren, Brother Ted, Arciel, Dagnir, and Seremela. The objectives of all groups seemed to be aided by this arrangement; the party wished to find their kidnapped friend, Aknier, and Kaer was send under order of Geon to assist them while Kaer would rescue others held hostage by the New Moon Enforcers, the root of all the kidnappings. However, soon the situation soured upon Kaer seeing Seremela manipulate reality to defeat the New Moon Enforcer Brant. Kaer turned his blade to his temporary ally, causing a rift that would seem to be nearly impossible to mend. Regardless, all pressed on and in the end the operation was successful.

However, while at first Kaer thought he would no longer be traveling with the somewhat eccentric group of travelers, fate would once more play its hand. With the intervention of Xavier, the Full Moon Enforcers were interested in this being that seemed to cooperate with Seremela. As such, it was thought that she as well as this Xavier must be protected from the dark witch Laviege, and Kaer was the one for the job. With the memories of a blade in his hand pointed towards her, a somewhat disagreeable set up was placed, and Kaer’s latest instructions were put in place…

In the duration after this, many things happened. With time, even the initial rifts formed between Kaer and the others would heal, even to the point where all were able to move on. As the travels continued, he even began to learn from the others. Allies came and went, but he stayed true to his charge to protect Seremela, even after her past had been uncovered, even after his duty should have since unneeded. Regardless of the perplexity of a situation where a Riscanan was in charge of the protection of the Leyandren Princess, he stayed true to his vow, not being as narrow-minded as many of his fellow countrymen would have.

During these travels Kaer mastered his skills. His grasp of the arcane greater, his ability to battle with steel improved, and his blacksmithing ever becoming more refined. Not only his abilities rapidly improving to meet the dangerous situations he would become involved in, but his mind and mentality improved in this time. Less of it was the ideal of justice and more of the practice and carrying out of it; the proper way to carry out such actions. This was a change that would continue for quite some time, even into the end of his travels.

One of the largest occurrences which occurred was a plan later revealed to be put together by the Lord of the Blackthrone, Hald. Assassinations of many leaders in the material plane had been taking place, and all the while he had been preparing a spell which would turn the already somewhat disagreeing and aggressive half dragon population of Leyandra into the form of out of control dragons. It was too late to stop, and this plan came to pass, although it was resisted.

The group defeated and returned many half dragons to their normal state, as per the request and with the aid of Anarechnavaylis, queen of the dragons. After a great stand at the town of Sanoan, the adventurers were heroes in their own right, yet the story that would be known and told for generations was yet untold…

Battle On The Blackthrone

The crusade of the Lord of the Blackthrone, Hald, caused changed in the world. Many people charged in to fight, among those were the group. Under instructions from Anarechnavaylis to return to her a stray of hers; the servant of Hald, Veatrarch, the group traveled once more into a hotspot of trouble, entering the Blackthrone though the assistance of Elsa. There, they completed their mission and were able to defeat Veatrarch and return his soul to the Dragon Queen. However as they made their exit, the voice of the God Regial was heard. He had been defeated by his brother Hald while attempting to end this crusade.

As the world began its descent into chaos, many diplomatic occurrences happened. Meetings between the Gods, discussion between nations, it seemed as if heaven and earth each needed to put up their resistances. During this time, Kaer made what could be considered his most fatal mistake. He launched a one man investigation to Laviege’s floating island fortress, suspecting she was planning some sort of foul play, only to be trapped by the Dark Witch. They spoke and rather then kill him, she let Kaer escape, but escape with a curse on him; a taint that would influence the rest of his life.

Through the efforts largely credited to Seremela, there is a temporary treaty of Riscana and Leyandra, and after many conflicts with Hald’s generals, Azazel, Destral, Khader, and Matreya; another visitor met with the group. The Archdevil Lady Kali.

Kali told the group of the plan that her fellow Archdevil Sidral had put into motion. Sidral, who had encountered the group long before Kaer’s time, had put his own greedy ambitions into motion. Long had he envied the power of Hald and now he saw the opportunity to strike once more. He would be able to defeat the battle weary Hald and take his power… only this plan would not hold the most success. Defeat of Hald would lead to the lowering of a barrier protecting his realm, the Blackthrone. With the absence of the barrier, all would be able to enter, even the power seeking dark witch, Laviege.

While the rest of the world fled, the group prepared to descend into the hell known as the Blackthrone once more. This time, however, their objective was to defeat the resident ruler of the realm, expecting it to be Sidral. They climbed Hald’s tower, they defeated all enemies, and then finally, they faced off against the victor of the previous battle, Sidral.

The rest, as they say, is history…

After Sidral's Fall

As the ripple of chaos that flew through the world began to slow and stop, things returned to normal. After all seemed in order; Kaer bid his companions, by now his very dear friends, farewell, then departed for the Enforcer Base. After giving a debriefing, he went back to his hometown of Lajournin for time off and a new location for him to do work on behalf of the Enforcers. Things were quiet and peaceful for the next two years.

But this peace was not to last, for it was written by a man driven mad by Laviege that there would be no peace for Gaelnics. Lajournin had been experiencing higher then normal levels of background unreality, and the source of the problem appeared to be Kaer. As he began to investigate, he spoke once more to what could only have been Laviege. She told him that there would be no end to the hatred, and told him to expect praying for his own demise. He would be the root of so many deaths.

One of the first that would be targeted would be Kaer’s mother, Sara Gaelnic. Hearing the threat from Laviege, Kaer rushed out to find her, barely stopping a demon from causing her demise. Seeing someone he cared of so close to being destroyed by the dark witch caused Kaer to begin thinking of countermeasures. It was not enough to simply run or hide, rather perhaps the next best solution would be to go on the offensive. It was time to begin a massive research project that many would call nothing but foolhardy. Once it seemed his mother would be safe with protection from the Enforcers, and that Lajournin would be safe from future attacks, he embarked on the road, beginning a somewhat nomadic period of his life…

Planning And Researching

The Tower

Declining Years

And Beyond...


Sara Gaelnic: ”I lived a life by what you taught me, and for that I hold few regrets. Thank you, mother.”

There was no person in the world Kaer respected more then his mother. She taught him so much, and it was her footsteps he followed in. While he did not want to walk the same path as his mother, he used her as an example and a theory of how to live his life, learning the exact methods as he went on. Even though she outlived him, Kaer was happy that she was able to live a full life spite the foolishness of his actions which caused the near extinction of his family name.

Alex Gaelnic: ”With me, our art may no longer be passed on, yet the legacy will not be forgotten.”

A man who died long before the Enforcer did, even long before he went on his travels that would help forge him and his comrades into legends, Alex was still a man revered by Kaer. He respected and held the art of blacksmithing highly. One of his few regrets was that there would not be another blood Gaelnic to carry on the art for another generation.

Elsa: ”For being told that there would be no peace, you helped me live a life one could only dream of. For that, I thank you, and pray you will be well… forever.”

Fellow arcanist, eventual friend, and later lover; Elsa filled many roles in what would prove to be the later years in Kaer’s life. She supplied the location of refuge where Kaer spent many of his years peacefully. The two would eventually have a child,. The largest regret Kaer would hold in his life would be getting Elsa involved with the curse Laviege put on his name. None the less, he always would look back at his time with her as some of his happiest, regardless of his research, his curse, or his eventually failing body.

Geon: ”Perhaps some of my oddities can be blamed on you, my teacher. What I accomplished certainly was a result of what you taught me, however.”

The Enforcer who would always be looked up to and admired by Kaer, despite his quirks. It was him who brought Kaer into the Enforcers, helping him become a talented arcanist, and also directing him to the opposition of Laviege. Knowing the Geon would be leading and continue to lead the Enforcers always was something which helped put Kaer’s mind at ease on the situation of the organization.

Mulie: ”I will miss our friendly greetings. Be sure to give Seremela a hand slap when next you see her.”

It only took one Freedom of Movement; but in that single high five the Enforcer and the Familiar would become friends for eternity. With their preferred method of greeting secured, a close and unbreakable bond was formed.

Lucion: ”Perhaps, even in death I can be of use to you, my lord.”

Lucion was the deity that Kaer served for his entire life. While he adopted many of the teachings of others, he always considered himself a Lucionite. After Kaer’s death, he went on to continue serving Lucion from within Lucion’s tower. While the enforcer longed for rest after all his life research and battles, knowing that somewhere he would have descendents kept him from becoming a flower in the stone garden. He continues his work, trying to make sure those related to him still do well, all while doing his part to help the world from where he is.

Laviege: ”Someday, may you find peace. Until that day, I will keep watching and hoping.”

In the end, it was a cross between Laveige’s curse and Kaer’s foolhardy research that ended the Enforcer’s life. However, Kaer found peace in all this. When he was younger, before he had traveled with the group that he would call his closest companions, Kaer felt nothing but loathing for the Dark Witch. After multiple encounters with her, though, his opinion changed. He still would never associate with her willingly, but if she could somehow stop her vile actions without having to be killed, and live a less violent, evil life, he would have been satisfied. In the end, he could feel nothing but pity for Laviege, praying that someday she would be able to find peace without destroying the world.

Party Member Relationships

Aelis: ”May the return to normalcy at Ellanariel be peaceful, madam.”

While he only traveled with Aelis for a short time, he hoped that his once companion faired well after the damage caused to Ellanariel from both dragons and devils, and that she would be able to resume her life as was.

Aknier: ”It was an honor to unravel the arcane with you. Take care of them, my friend.”

While the two disagreed and would discuss and debate on some issues along the road, they served as a series of checks to one another while further advancing their own knowledge and studies. The two arcanists were able to push one another forward in their own researches, each bettering themselves as they went along. Through this, the two became and would remain close comrades, often sharing spells and theories as they would come and go. It was through that cooperation that the two would become close friends in their lives.

Dagnir: ”Maybe the grove help you find peace.”

The druid and spellsword argued on many issues in the short time they spent together. That said, it did not mean that Kaer did not respect the shape shifter. When Dagnir departed, Kaer hoped for him the best.

Dante: ”Your methods were always questionable, yet you will also always be my comrade. Who the hell do you think we are?”

Kaer and Dante shared a somewhat strange relationship. While the enforcer would often cringe seeing the former pirate’s actions, he did in fact learn much from him. In the end, it was Dante’s nature and attitude that helped teach Kaer on how to deal with the actions of others, and that no matter what, some people will always be themselves. For that, the Jovian was held as a friend to the Enforcer.

Locke: ”Another round, raise a glass. You have earned it, sir.”

The two never talked all that often, yet for what it was worth, Kaer held much respect for the drinking cleric. He was not quite a fan of the celebrations that Locke was, but the two none the less the two got along well during their travels.

Mentat: ”Always an odd one, even until our last encounter. Fair well.”

While the Psion was only around for a short period of time and did leave an impact on the party, it was not all a bad thing. Kaer was not particularly the most fond of Mentat, yet at the same time he did not hold as much dislike and disdain towards him as the rest of their companions did. He could not argue that Mentat’s departure, no matter how sudden, was not likely for the best.

Mikhal: ”Despite your stature, you were a larger man then I. May you lead Sanoan to prosperity, sir.”

Kaer knew that he was not Mikhal’s favorite person to deal with in the world; however that did not mean the two did not get along. In battle the two cooperated and worked well together, it was simply often disagreeing on methods. That said; Kaer enjoyed the company of the half dragon, wishing that someday a Lucionite like himself would be able to apologize and make amends for the actions Lucion took upon the dragons all those years ago.

Seremela: ”To serve you was a privilege, madam. I am sure you will be a fine leader, and an excellent goddess. Thank you, my dear friend.”

The relationship between the Elven Princess (later queen) and the Enforcer was quite a ride. From their initial meeting to their mutual dislike and distrust, later to accepting their situation, then later building on to become friends and comrades, their travels were interesting ones. Kaer would have given his life for her had it been requested, and not due to the charge of her protection, but to aid a close comrade. In the end, he was happy to have served her -- not as an Enforcer, not as one protecting her, not as a Riscanian helping Leyandrian royalty, but as a friend.

Wren: ”With your unsurpassed, albeit spacey, wisdom of the world, you were a superb companion. May the winds stay at your back, madam.”

Wren was a comrade that Kaer always respected. While often she seemed as if she were detached to the world around, she held amazing insights that he himself would never have thought of. The monk was an invaluable ally, and a friend that could be relied on. He viewed her as one who embodied the values of one who follows Cyphus, and was glad to have been able to travel and learn from one such as her.

Final Thoughts

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