Talk:Behind the Webtoon - Characters

From Psycho Bonus Stage


Fanfiction ideas

Secret Lives! That girl from Alias, for example. Okay, the following PBS characters are NOT double agents, but I want you to suggest Secret lives for them.


  • Yo Yo Mom suggested that Joel is gay.


  • Maybe Elly could be secretly going out with Phillus.--User:Rya's lover/sig 10:48, 14 Jan 2006 (EST)
    • That would be a huge shock to Joel, considering the "Dramatic Reenactment" of ep85. Will strongly consider including this in. --Psychosis 20:46, 15 Jan 2006 (EST)
  • Note from Psychosis: There could be a secret love triangle (see Cassidy and Rya)


  • Hmmm, I was thinking maybe Phil and his secret wife Rya could be running a secret underground gambling ring...(the plot thickens...) --Rubyrulez 22:44, 20 Jan 2006 (EST)...
    • Great idea. If this is the only idea given for Phil, I will accept. --Psychosis - User:Psychosomatic/sig 03:28, 21 Jan 2006 (EST)
  • This is probably just because I'm a PhilxRya shipper, but I think it would be cool if there was something special between them--even just a close friendship would be nice. --User:Shippinator Mandy/sig 14:36, 21 Jan 2006 (EST)



  • Note from Psychosis: There could be a secret love triangle (see Cassidy and Elly)


  • Note from Psychosis: There could be a secret love triangle (see Elly and Rya)




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