Clan's Crusade

From Psycho Bonus Stage

A PM to Psychosis

Original message by Clan rHrN, April 8th, 2006 11:22 PM

Somehow my title has been defaced. Can you revert it back to Yata-Locking Mod?

Original message by ===PsYchOsIs===, April 8th, 2006 11:37 PM

Well...after searching for the cause, I found it actually to be a gimmick title, won when 30 posts are reached. The next title can be found at fifty.

And following the circumstances of the past week or so, I'm sad to say that I cannot "Yata-Locking Mod" you. Although the reason being is actually NOT because of your disconnection from PBS. It is actually because of the attacks at Ruby, Mandy, as well as some of the defacement of some of the episodes.

Now, the purpose of a moderator is usually being someone that the regular users can trust, that can take care of forums in the proper manner and block users if they spam or flame people. While biased moderators are not a good idea (and by this, I mean people who have a certain opinion and who would do anything (like editing posts or blocking people who don't agree) to achieve their goal), a person who knows the rumours and know about what to do with the right people would make an excellent mod (in my opinion anyway). Sadly, you do not fit the requirements.

Please do not see this as a reason to flame myself. I am only trying to be a responsible admin and not put the forums into any danger.



Well... I guess you have a point. But I still seek redemption for PBS. Even if I have to wait for PBS2.

A message about a "replacement" from 'a new user'


Hi. Can I replace Clan for contributions? Your story's awesome! Yata-Garasu 09:51, 13 Apr 2006 (EDT)

Wait for a response before making any contributions please. --Join the TRR wiki today! --Rubyrulez Talk, Part of PBS
Wasn't Yata-Garasu a character that Clan made up? This guy seems suspicious... User:===PsYchOsIs=== - For when too much Bonus Stage is not enough... 11:11, 13 Apr 2006 (EDT)
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