Poopgang Halo 2 Clan

From Poopgang

The PoopGang Halo 2 Clan was formed in August 2005 and currently has 14 Members. Since its creation the clan has been the central hub for all PoopGang related Xbox Live activity. The main thread has since become the general Live thread from which all PoopGang Xbox Live games are organised. As a result, sessions within the clan have not been exclusively Halo 2 based although most still are. Examples of some games played other than Halo 2 include Project Gotham Racing 2, Outrun 2, Burnout 3 and Street Fighter Anniversary collection.

[edit] List of Members

Gamertag Forum Username

SillySprout SillySprout

MightyJaffacake Parkreiner/Thanatos

Super KingUK Superking

tommyccfc Tommy (St. Nick from GR)

GloriousAha Aha

mikejennings mikejennings

Steve007 Steve

Drew813 Drew813

Dalagonash Dalagonash

RearViewMirror2 Craig

Dark Excalibur HieBieJieBie

Meinman Aneurin

evilben89 Satan

Aside from the above list there are also several PoopGang members who compete as part of the Clan on a regular basis despite not officially being part of it. Such members include Big Frank, Dunk Nut, Tigasefi and occasionally aaronayl1 as well as several Random Fury members. It should also be noted that several members of the Poopgang forum have been given clan invites, but have yet to accept them.

[edit] Clan popularity and History

Throughout the clans life it has seen varying degrees of Popularity. Generally it has retained several "core" members whom have played the most "regularly" throughout the clans existence. Core members include, Parkreiner/Thanatos, Craig, Superking and Satan. Sessions normally include at least one or two of these members.

Aside from the core members there are several members of the clan whom have either played occasionally throughout the clans life or have played regularly for certain periods. Examples of the former include Big Frank, Aha and possibly SillySprout (The founder of the clan). Examples of the latter could include Dunk Nut and Tigasefi.

The clan was officially formed on 16th August 2005 by SillySprout. The first member to join was Parkreiner who was invited to join on the 23rd August 2005. Within its first month a total of 4 members plus SillySprout registered with the clan. The Clans popularity grew over the next few months and between September and October a total of 9 new members joined. This period marked the height of the clans popularity.

Since then the clans growth has slowed. However there have been a few more recent clan members. These include Aneurin and Satan (although it should be noted that Satan was already an active member despite not officially joining the clan). Even more recently Dunk Nut has been present in several sessions and Drumstick has recently joined in sessions of Project Gotham Racing 2 and hopes to become a more active member in the coming weeks, although it seems unlikely that he will become an official member of the clan as he does not currently own a copy of Halo 2 and cannot accept any clan invitations. Seven has also expressed interest in joining in the near future.

[edit] External links

Halo 2 Clan thread Clan Stat page

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