
From Ouroboros

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The Vios are a four-legged species of predators, characterized by strange and often bizarre fur patterns (which are often a part of the mating and predatory process) and a calm demeanor. They are in constant competition with the Corol, their natural rivals.



The brain of the Vios is unusually large. It is capable of formulating a variety of strategies, to rival those of an ordinary human mind. However, it has no language center, and as such, the Vios are incapable of intercommunication to the extent that humans are. Vios are generally calm and calculating, never moving too quickly and only striking when it really counts.

The Tear

The Vios have a highly specialized organ, referred to by mages as the "Tear" (not crying-tear, but rip-tear). It is a strange, highly specialized organ which relies solely on magic. It is an interconnection between a highly complex organ similar in basic design to a kidney and a lung and a small carrying sack wherein various minerals and vitamins taken from deceased creatures are used to generate health.

The small carrying sack also has some mild filters, which are used to only filter in the minerals and vitamins that are useful in the Vios' particular magic. By a coincidence, these are most common in their rivals, the Vios, making them their preferred prey.

They can manipulate magical energies using the Tear in three ways. Firstly, they can alter (with great pain) their own form, reducing the brilliance of their fur patterns. Secondly, they can (much more difficultly) alter a Corol's form to make it look more like a Vios. Thirdly, they can suck various mental energies out of Corols. This give them a temporary "high", where their energy is at top notch levels.

Tears are not generally a poached for organ, although the occasional interested mage may give them a look over, they cannot be used once the Vios' nerves die.

Fur Patterns

Their fur patterns, which seem to have no distinct genetic link or obvious generality, are used often to confuse and almost hypnotize prey, leaving them strangely confused and mentally drained. There is much talk of magic in these furs, and thus there is a large Viosian fur poaching industry, leading to a decrease in the species. This is especially threatening to their existence due to their precarious situation with the Corol.


They typically live rather long lifespans, especially compared to their natural rivals, the Corol. This leads to a low rate of reproduction, meaning that although there is a relatively small amount of Vios in existence, they are a tough and intelligent species, keeping themselves alive and healthy so that they might endure.


Predatory Tactics

Unlike normal predators of Terr, the Vios hunts by going out in the open and confusing their prey with their brilliant fur patterns. While the prey is mesmerized by the brilliant colors, they strike, killing it.

Conflict with the Vios

For as long as anyone can remember, the Vios and Corol have been fierce opponents of each other, as they both have occupied the same spot as top predator on Vein, their home planet. While being vastly stronger, more intelligent, and better equipped to fight than any other creatures on their planet, the Vios and Corol are almost exactly on par with each other. The long life spans of the Vios compared to their relative durability, innate magic and intelligence directly, and complementarily, contrasts the weaker and stupider Corol. Both species have an equal amount of positives and negatives, leading to a environmental stalemate that has been going on for generations upon generations.

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