Raegan Patrick

From Np Hogwarts


Name: Raegan Patrick

LJ: raeganpatrick

Played By: Larisa Oleynik

Birthdate: January 25, 1989

Age: 16

Gender: Chica

Wand: Birch with dragon heartstring core, 11 ¼ inches

Blood: Muggleborn

Birthplace: Canterbury

Location: London

Status or Class: Working/Middle

Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/English & Welsh/Anglican


Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Amelia Patrick/46/Florist

Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Charles Patrick/48/Architect

Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: none

Pet Name/Species: All are at home: Pippi/Gerbil, Steve/Dog, Dustin/Cat

OWL Scores:

Astronomy: A

Charms: E


Herbology: A

History of Magic: A

Potions: A

Transfiguration: E

Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies: O

Other Subject #2: Care of Magical Creatures: E

10 Words to describe your character:

brazen, spontaneous, adventurous, sarcastic, brash, optimistic, stubborn, friendly, funny, antagonistic



Raegan has a very strong personality. She’ll tell you how it is whether you want to hear it or not. She speaks without thinking which usually gets her in trouble. She’s very lazy but will work hard for something if she really wants it. She likes giving people nicknames and there's usually a long string of words that she associated together to get to that point. She’s fun loving (if you’re not on her bad side). She’s not a starter of fights, but a finisher. She fights fire with fire and doesn't take the high road. She gives everyone one chance and once they blow it, she won't just forgive and forget. She'll drop you like a bad habit if she sees it's fit.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Muggle Studies: She’s obviously going to excel in Muggle Studies considering both her parents are Muggles. She’s not that braindead.

DADA: She’ll never back out of a fight, especially when it involves things she loves. She’s strong willed and will try her hardest when it comes to anything that really means a lot to her. Plus, she likes to learn things which she can use against other people. Assuming she remembers it and is careful enough not to get caught.

Creative: She’s very right-brained. She appreciates everything around her and will try to use that to her advantage when it’s needed. When she sits by windows, she can’t help but stare at the scenery and let her mind go a mile a minute.

Confident: She doesn’t let anything anyone else says to her get her down. If someone is shooting off about her, you better believe she’ll give it right back. For the most part, she’s confident in the non-cocky way. Unless she’s provoked, then look out.

Outgoing: She’s a total people person. She’ll talk to anyone, even strangers which got her into trouble as a child. A total extrovert, she doesn’t care if her actions make her look like an idiot.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Astronomy: The main reason Raegan is on the verge of getting a bad grade is because this class takes place at night. When it gets dark out, she just wants to sleep, or at least take a nappy. Unfortunately, this class gets in the way of this. She is amused by Professor Sly and likes looking up at the stars, but sometimes it’s not enough.

Potions: Raegan likes to experiment. When she’s told not to put a certain ingredient in a potion, she wants to know why. She’s learning to control herself more often since the potions are becoming more advanced. But at times, she wants to give a potion that extra zing and hope that there will be pretty colors and lights.

Lazy: If there’s something more exciting and fun to do than what she’s actually doing at the moment, she’ll drop everything. She likes to procrastinate in order to keep herself amused. She once had teal hair but got tired of dying it all the time. So now it’s back to her dirty blondeness.

An instigator: Raegan is amused by many things. And one of those things are fights. They can be fights between student, professors, or whoever. If she’s rooting for one side, she’s going to keep pushing because she doesn’t know when to quit.

Irresponsible: She means well, but sometimes she just forgets things.

Mouthy: One thing she knows how to do is shoot off. When someone is trying to get the best of her when it comes to words, they better be prepared because she’s extremely witty. At times, things just fly out of her mouth without her realizing what she just said.

Impulsive: Raegan lives for the moment and will attempt anything but without thinking of the consequences. She thinks about how much fun something will be or how funny it’ll be to laugh at.

Reckless: This can sometimes come to her friends. Like her impulsiveness, this also includes people. Whether it’s bets or jinx casting for amusement, she thinks about the present and not what will happen to her or her friend once the amusement is over.

Short attention span: Her mind is always wandering. If something can’t hold her attention long enough, she’ll think about what things she can do today instead of just sitting there. Although it’s hard for her in class if she’s sitting by a window, her friends, or sees anything shiny and pretty. She does try to work on this though.


Although she would hate to admit it, she fears Death Eaters since she is Muggleborn. She doesn’t like to think about what could happen to her, her family, or her friends. Of her friends, she’s most worried about O’Neill because he’s in the same boat. Her fear of them comes across as anger because she doesn’t understand how people could be so discriminative over something like blood. She displaces her anger by doing very well in DADA so she’s ready for any situations that will arise.

Another possible fear is life after Hogwarts. Raegan has few interests and isn’t hell bent on becoming a certain thing. She would rather have fun while she’s there instead of worrying about what the future holds. A Death Eater could rip her face off at any point and she doesn’t want to be remembered as that one girl who lived her school career in a library and was only seen at meal times.


Raegan was born in Canterbury. Her parents moved to London while she was still a baby in order for her mother to open her own flower shop. They live on the outskirts of the city in a house her father designed. It’s big enough to have relatives over but it’s not big enough to have a staff waiting on them. Her father wanted it that way so Raegan wouldn’t be spoiled. She would know how to carry her own weight and not have everything done for her. Call it a humbling experience. Raegan spent quite a bit of time at her mother’s shop when growing up. Her parents didn’t believe in nannies. Although she was a handful, her mother got some help from her employees. Sometimes, they would take turns being their children in to keep Raegan company.

Physical Description:

Hair: Dirty Blonde (dyed teal), a little wavy

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'6"

Build: Average weight, athletic looking

Other: No freckles, mischievous grin

Significant Relationships:


Mom: Raegan has a very strong relationship with her mom since she spent so much time with her in her early years. She knows her mom’s emotions in and out and knows what will set her off and what won’t. She knew how to use this to her advantage, but didn’t do it often.

Dad: Raegan’s relationship isn’t as strong as her mom’s, but it’s still a good one. Their relationship has her dad’s job to blame. As an architect, he spent much of his time traveling and getting home late. Fortunately, he spent half the week out of town and the other half home before Raegan went to bed.


O’Neill: Her best mate and what keeps her head from getting too far up into the clouds. O’Neill is probably the sole reason why she works enough to get good grades and not fail out of school. Besides the fact of not being around him everyday, she feels that because she’s older, she should set a good example. Granted that doesn’t happen often, but she feels she at least owes him that. When it comes to girls, she feels a little protective of him although she’ll give the best advice she can on the matter. If a girl breaks his heart, she’ll be quick to pick up the pieces and get him over it as soon as possible. She’ll also give the girl a talking...or yelling to. Ultimately, she knows that O’Neill will have her back when anything comes along and she loves the comfort in that. He’s the closest thing to home she’s got at Hogwarts and she won’t let anything change that.

Tristan: She loves the fact that she can joke around with him and he’s not quick to get mad. He doesn’t treat her any different due to her blood status and she loves him for it. Since they’re in the same year, she knows she can turn to him for help when she needs it. She enjoys the time she has with him at school because she knows she will never see him once they graduate. It bums her out, but she makes the best of it..even though sometimes she has to be the referee when he and O’Neill get into their little spats. At times, Raegan wishes he wasn’t Pureblood so they can all be old together and share the stupid stories of their school days.

Von: When O’Neill isn’t around at a certain moment, Von is the next best thing when it comes to pranks and the like. Whether it be charging for breakfast or adventures on the high seas, she knows he’ll want in no questions asked. She likes his tattoos and finds it amusing when girls swoon over them. She uses that to her advantage when she needs to get back at him for whatever reason.

Elanor: Raegan likes discussing all things Muggle with Elanor. She likes being able enough to "teach" another about a certain subject. Besides feeding her ego, she likes helping Elanor out with something that she would never be able to get at home considering the whole pureblood/death eater thing. Raegan wants her to be more talkative and outgoing so she usually seeks her out in social situations. If at any time she sees Elanor alone, Raegan feels the need to keep her company, even if she doesn’t want to be around people.

Candace & Carrington: Raegan likes these two even if they are more serious than she is. She likes to include them when she's having fun and won't pressure them continuously if they turn her down. She doesn't have many really close friends that are girls, so these two take those spots.

Mason: She hates him in the face.

Penny: They have a hate/hate relationship. They can be civil but it doesn't happen often, if at all. It's been a feud for years.

Rowan: Extremely dislikes/hates her. What she hates about her the most is her elitist pureblood attitude.

Tom: A Muggle friend of Raegan and O'Neill. He's pretty popular among their other Muggle friends and often the two ask themselves "What would Tom do in this situation?".

Special Considerations:

She has a current Shooting Star model. Although she’s sometimes a bit clumsy on her feet, she’s the total opposite on a broom. So she’s pretty damn good in the flying department.

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