Gabrielle Linford

From Np Hogwarts

Player Name // Username: Tina // acidroses

Player House: Ravenclaw

Character Name: Gabrielle Linford

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw

Character Age: 17

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? 7th

If you prefer, you can be a Hogwarts Staff or Hogsmeade shop owner. Please note requested position here. (Check availability first!) N/A

What kind of wand does your character possess? 8 in. Ash with Phoenix feather.

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? *Nimbus with mod permission only* No, not the athletic type.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise. Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi, etc. are extremely rare and you MUST have Mod Permission.): She's very good with charms and transfiguration. She's a perfectionist with a very keen memory. Gabrielle is very independent, often choosing to do thing herself over working with others. She loves to read, is fairly intelligent and has a great craving to learn, hence being in Ravenclaw.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: She's extremely proud, making pride her tragic flaw and causing her to be very competitive. She's also very stubborn and finds it hard to simply 'forgive and forget'. She tends to be bored easily, constantly losing interest in one thing and becoming curious in another.

Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here -- although check the list ( first!: Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and medium stature. PB: Katy Rose

Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, or a pureblood? Explain it. Pureblood. She comes from a long line of pureblood witches and wizards all of whom are very proud of their pure lineage.

Character Background/History: Gabrielle was born January 27th, 1988 in London. She spent part of her childhood in France, attending Beauxbaton Academy for her first 4 years of school. She passed through her first 4 years of school with fairly good grades, though her lack of respect for many teachers and their theology kept her from becoming anything near a brilliant student there. Her favorite subject was Potions and she was, and is, an extremely proficient potion-maker. At 15, her family moved back to England. She transfered to Hogwarts for 5th year and was sorted into Ravenclaw. Gabrielle has a younger sister named Cecilia (age 7).

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