Eva Kaufman-Slyvester

From Np Hogwarts

Eva Mirah Kaufman-Sylvester


Played ByRose Byrne
LJ accountuserinfo.gif competitionmiss
Current YearSeventh
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsTransfiguration
Worst SubjectsHistory of Magic

userinfo.gif echochaser9


Eva Mirah


Eva is not an innately curious girl. She doesn't particularly care to find out more about the world around her or to figure how things work. When striped down to the bare minimum of everything, Eva would more than likely leave everything alone if it didn't serve a purpose for her, becoming entirely apathetic towards her. Rather she is a fiercely competitive girl. She cannot stand to be beaten in anything that she wants. If wants something, she will have it, regardless of the limitation put in place to prevent her from it. She is the best in what she wants to be the best in, and if she doesn't like something or it doesn't suit her, then she puts no effort into it.

Eva is strong willed, to put it lightly, but there is a bit of borderline madness in everything she does. She is so competitive, so driven, that she is almost (quite possibly already) insane, because she just doesn't know when to stop, there is no 'off' switch in her head. She is heartless, cruel, sweet only when it gets her something she wants and never without motivation. She's not a 'light' child, but she is by no means unhappy. To quite the contrary, Eva would consider herself to be quite satisfied and content with her life. She doesn't see typically see the use for people or social situations, rather tending to stick to herself and venture into the crowd when necessary to prove her point and her greatness. People are for beating not for keeping. She employs a 'use them and lose them' policy towards everyone (exceptions are rare). She's a bitch, but that's just putting it mildly.

When confronted with conflicted, Eva will run through whether or not it is worth getting involved in her head before continuing it. She rarely starts fights unless she is sure that she will a) win and b) winning will be beneficial to her in the long run. She doesn't like to get her hands dirty and will usually hex her competitor or get into a verbal spat rather then physically fighting them. If the fight is about to turn physical, she will defer to someone else. She doesn't get involved.


Magical: Eva is talented in wandwork, finding it simple and mindless and a perfect way to get things done. She uses whenever she can to achieve her means. She works incredibly hard to speed ahead in Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, shoving and threatening down the competition due to her drive that she will be the best and the fact she wants to be the best in all things that look the best. She knows that Potions is practical which is why she contiues to work to excel in it, despite her own opinion that her professor is insane.

The professor whom she adores is Moreau, finding a sort of idol worship for her. She does well in DADA mostly to please Moreau, not just becaues of the practically of it. She thinks of the woman as someone to be admired.

Personality: Eva is driven. If she wants something she will go for it until she has it in her hands, never letting go of it. She is competitive, which is good, because it helps push and motivate her to do more when her apathy would leave her not doing much of anything. She has the ability to remain calm under pressure, because it takes a lot to fluster her (mostly because she finds all others under deserving and not to be a threat).

She's charasmatic, and a very competent and soothing speaker, which is a good thing given her lack of real people skills. She can be charming, when she wants to be or when it's necessary, and she's a smart girl, which doesn't hurt anything.


Magical: Because Eva is generally apathetic, she doesn't care or put forth effort into subjects that she doesn't think are worth it. If it won't look good on a future job application or isn't practical on a face value than she she sees no point to it all. As a result she has generally failed misterably, at subjects such at History of Magic (she thinks that Binns should be exterminated from the castle and that it's so dull and pointless, despite the fact that she'll gather info on people when necessary), Herbology (plants are idiotic and fool's work), and even her uncle's own subject of Astronomy (there's no point to looking at the stars).

She has never even attempted Care of Magical Creatures, not simply because she finds most animals to be ridiculous and foul creatures. To be perfectly frank, they don't like her much either.

Personality: Eva doesn't do people. She's manipulative and cruel, and because of this she is very good at driving people away. She is genuinely apathetic towards them, lacking empathy the empathy necessary needed to form a true lasting bond. She sees them as tools, as means to ends, nothing else.

For all her calmness and rationality, if it looks like she is going to be beaten in something, she will lose her calm and snap. She doesn't have much of a moral compass and will gladly toss it outside the window. Be it with yelling, or threatening, the only time she will let people get to her are those who are going (or look like they are going to) beat her. She will be come paranoid, threaten, and claw her way back to the top.


Eva will not let anyone know her fears. She does not believe in showing them or letting any indication that she is at all "flappable" be shown to the world at all. She likes the calm, unshakable façade she maintains. One of her greatest fears is that someone will find out that she has a fear and then use it as a weapon to beat her. She is cautiously fearful of being beaten, but she uses her fear as a motivator to drive her. She is afraid of being trapped and destroyed by her own game.

Eva hates the concept of actually needing someone and becoming co-dependent on them. She doesn't like the idea of losing her ability to stay on her own and go through people like matchsticks. She wants to be on her own forever.


Eva has been since her birth, a very strong willed and independent child. From the base facts and the raising of her parents, her childhood was not unhappy, in fact it could be considered to be quite the opposite, her parents striving to instill a balance in their oldest daughter. For the most part, it worked, for a little while at least.

She is ten months older than her sister, Gretchen, in one of those odd sort of coincidences, making them what is affectionately known as "irish" twins and placing her sister as the only person whom Eva is willing to have a more than momentary connection to. She was raised in proper society, her father being more or less more a properish pureblood and her mother, a half-blood of passing distinction. Their family passed along with neutrality that is boderline tinted and well, Eva didn't so much care about politics, as it didn't very concern her.

She was fairly apathetic child, who engaged in some fairly sinister activities on occasion, ranging from the verbal harassment of the local children (muggle and otherwise), to larger things, depending on what caught her fancy. Nothing ever caught her fancy for long, and she was rarely caught. Her magic first manifested itself fairly young, when she caused one of the boy's in town to have boils spring up on his face, much to her amusement.

When Eva was nine years old, her father was obliviated, under shady circumstances and is currently a resident in St. Mungo's, something that had a profound effect on the girl. It turned a borderline apathetic child, into a fiercely competitive one, making her determined to not be like her father (nor like her mother who now is her father's keeper). Her grandmother is now the watchter of her and her sister.

Eva refuses to discuss her parents. What happened to them and what they are, represents failure to her. Her early Hogwarts years has been spent proving that she is distinctly nothing like them.

Physical Description:

Eva is about 5'6" tall and is thinner, but has a body that she knows is pretty and walks with an inner confidence and grace. Her skin is olive tone and her hair is dark brown (with almost a reddish tint in the sun), with a loose wave to it falling past her shoulders. Her eyes are dark brown matching her hair in colour.

Hogwarts House:

Year: 7th

House: Slytherin

Why are they in that house?

Eva is a Slytherin because she asked for best and said that that was where she belonged. She doesn't have the bookish tendencies of Ravenclaw, but boy, is she driven. She's ruthless, she's cunning, she's proud, and she knows it. She employs the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" policy on a regular basis. Slytherin is perfect for her.

Significant Relationship:

Slytherin Scorpions:

What is said of Slytherins born under all other signs is doubly true of Slytherins born under Scorpio. (Or was it that what is said of Scorpios is doubly true of Scorpios sorted into Slytherin?) There is no middle ground here - these wizards can embody all that is the very best in the world... or all that is the very worst. They are heroes, or they are villains. They are attracted to the dark, twisted, and forbidden mysteries of the world from the day they are born, and only they can determine whether they will study the dark arts in order to oppose them, or to embrace them. However, as Scorpio is a sign of transformation and regeneration, it is not impossible for even the most evil of dark wizards to turn to the path of good... Scorpio Slytherins have uncanny wisdom, insight into human psychology, and high "emotional IQ's." They are incredibly ambitious, often exist in a state of total ego, and if misused or hurt, can nurse the wound and seethe for decades. Still, although they are often tempted to do horrible things in the name of glory or discovery, they nevertheless are often the kindest, most compassionate, and most forgiving people of all, for they have seen their own inner darkness, faced it, and do not run from it when they encounter it in others.

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