Jeremy Pitt

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 13:47, 27 October 2006 by Hope99 31516 (Talk | contribs)

Jeremy Michael Pitt

Sex Addict

Played ByJustin Chatwin
LJ accountuserinfo.gif jeremy_pitt
HometownKensington, England
Current Year7th
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsCharms, Potions
Worst SubjectsTransfiguration

userinfo.gif hope99_31516


Jeremy Pitt

In Ten Words: caring, cocky, confident, friendly, fun-loving, loyal, lazy, shagadelic, spoiled, unmotivated


Jeremy does well in Potions and Charms. The classes come naturally to him and he doesn't have to study or show up really. He prides himself in being a ladies man and up until recently, he'd done it well and not gotten into much trouble with it. They boy doesn't lack in the confidence department and can normally achieve anything he sets his mind to. When motivated, can do excel at everything he does. He's truly a caring individual and would do anything to help a friend.


Where as Jeremy can do well in Potions and Charms without trying, his other classes don't come so easily. Unfortunately, he rarely applies himself. He is awful at Transfiguration (even when he does try). He's lazy and takes Divination, CoMC and Herbology because he thinks they are birdy classes (meaning you can fly right through and they've rarely let him down.). Jeremy doesn't have any real goals for the future and though he started out as a very driven, motivated boy, he really only intends to live off of his trust fund and have fun. Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, right? Much like his future, his main agenda at Hogwarts, is to have a good time.


Jeremy is a half-blood but he keeps that to himself. His mother was a barmaid, his father a wizard. Sparks flew when they met and that created Jeremy. After Jeremy was born, his mother and father agreed that he would benefit more from living with his father. His mother, knowing nothing of the wizarding world, didn't realize how hard it would be to find him later in life. His father is a wealthy pureblood who cares a great deal about blood lines or has always put forth the effort to look like he did. Jeremy's muggle mother was rarely spoken of when he was a child. Around the age of 6, his father married his step-mother.

When first starting school, Jeremy was very driven and motivated to be the best he could be. He wanted to make something of himself, though he wasn't sure what that was and he had a thirst to be just as good as the pureblood he pretended to be. However, during his third year, he learned how easy it was to blow off classes... and that, combined with the realization that he didn't exactly have to work for anything or work to make people believe his bloodline, made him into the slacker he is today.

During his seventh year at Hogwarts, Jeremy finally met his birth mother - Mari Sawyer - during a chance meeting between her and his father at Hogwarts and learned he has a whole set of half-siblings, including Bryant Sawyer with whom he holds a mutual animosity and Isabella Sawyer who he completely adores.





  • Birthdate: October 25, 1987
  • Sign: Scorpio. The Scorpion. Fixed, water, yin - planetary rulers: Mars and Pluto.
  • Keywords: "I DESIRE"

Scorpio is the eighth house of the Zodiac and governs the genitalia. Positive traits include magnetic charisma, ambition, drive, a penetrating mind, curiosity, intensity of focus, emotional depth, consistency, persistence, willpower, and the potential for inner transformation and regeneration; negative traits include selfishness, obsessiveness, vindictiveness, hypersensitivity, ruthlessness, cynicism, an inability to understand the word "moderation," and jealousy. It is said that Scorpios embody both the best and the worst of all that are born under the stars, and that there are three kinds of Scorpios: wicked scorpions, cunning serpents, and saintly eagles. What each Scorpio becomes is entirely up to that Scorpio.


What is said of Slytherins born under all other signs is doubly true of Slytherins born under Scorpio. (Or was it that what is said of Scorpios is doubly true of Scorpios sorted into Slytherin?) There is no middle ground here - these wizards can embody all that is the very best in the world... or all that is the very worst. They are heroes, or they are villains. They are attracted to the dark, twisted, and forbidden mysteries of the world from the day they are born, and only they can determine whether they will study the dark arts in order to oppose them, or to embrace them. However, as Scorpio is a sign of transformation and regeneration, it is not impossible for even the most evil of dark wizards to turn to the path of good... Scorpio Slytherins have uncanny wisdom, insight into human psychology, and high "emotional IQ's." They are incredibly ambitious, often exist in a state of total ego, and if misused or hurt, can nurse the wound and seethe for decades. Still, although they are often tempted to do horrible things in the name of glory or discovery, they nevertheless are often the kindest, most compassionate, and most forgiving people of all, for they have seen their own inner darkness, faced it, and do not run from it when they encounter it in others.

About the Player

Crystal is 24 years old and lives in the state of Georgia with her two sons, Zack and Isaac, and her husband, Daniel. Most of the time, you can find her online under the AIM SN hope31516.

Crystal userinfo.gif hope99_31516
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