Zak Reso

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Zak Reso

Violent Junkie

Played ByWade Robson
LJ accountuserinfo.gif zak-reso
HometownDublin, Ireland
Current YearSixth Year
Hogwarts HouseGryffindor
Favorite SubjectsDefence Against Dark Arts
Worst SubjectsTransfiguration

userinfo.gif f4l


Zak Reso

Zak grew up as a muggle in Dublin city, showing signs of magic only when running from danger. Now he's a sixth year Gryffindor in Hogwarts, and quite honestly, not much has changed.

Annoying. Loud. Outgoing. Idiot. Honest. Fun. Loyal...these are some of the words that you could use while describing Zak Reso. He is outgoing and fun, rarely considers the consequences to his actions. Zak is confident and quick. He is friendly and trustworthy, honesty means a lot to him despite his own lying to his parents, he never did tell them that he was bisexual. He's not subtle in the least and is a little dense to be quite honest. Zak has a quick temper and is very proud. He doesn't take insults lightly even though he'll hand them out with ease. He's a walking contradiction and he knows it.

Zak is 6'3", tanned and slim. He has longish, bleached hair and dark brown eyes. However, he wears red contact lenses, so red eyes. He is handsome and puts a fair amount of effort into his appearance. Zak is bisexual and is very comfortable with himself. His parents didn't know of this, but his friends definitely did. He was a bit of an exhibitionist, to tell the truth.

He believes himself to be a skilled soccer player, and in truth, is quite good. Zak played for local clubs before attending Hogwarts. He tries to practice as much as possible, but really lacks the time and facilites. He is very interested in Quidditch. He wanted to try out for the Quidditch team, but unfortunately overslept and missed the trials. He holds a minor grudge against the Captain at the time, for not letting him have a try out later that day. However, he managed to become a Beater later in the term after Gavin left. And much to Zak's dismay, he ended up losing the position yet again after being sent to Azkaban.


Family was and is, very important to Zak. He grew up an only child and holds his parents very close to his heart. He was born on the 4th of February 1988 to Aoife and Darren Reso. The two owned a small flat on Bachelors Walk right in the centre of Dublin city. His parents were good people who worked hard and earned what they had. In Zak's 4th year, his Grandfather passed away from cancer. The small Reso family were left a small fortune, which led to them being able to pay off the flat. The parents left the rest of it in Zak's account, along with the money from the Government and an agreed amount from the workplace. They wanted to be sure he had a head start in funds that the both of them lacked. Darren was a History teacher in St. Jareds in Tallaght. He took the DART in and out every morning. Aoife was a nurse in Crumlin Children's Hospital.

On the 18th November 2005, Aoife and Darren Reso were found dead in their home. They were burned to death.

As it stands, Zak is the only Reso that is still alive today. He has no uncles or aunts, or cousins that he's aware of. Zak's parents left him everything.

Friends & Foes

Zak, is admittedly, not very popular outside his own House. The Gryffindors are the only ones to really know the boy for who he is, they're the only ones he really opens up to. His best friends include Remy Cowan, Calie Myres, Chloe Hughes (who he briefly dated in December 2005), Jesse Martin and Barrett Barbosa. He is also friends with Amaury Oniyama and Camilla Lee

Remy Cowan is one of Zak's closest and best friends. He thinks very highly of Remy, Zak defends his friend no matter what. He is very loyal to Remy, because Remy was always there for him, through the thick and the thin. He was there to get drunk with, to talk, to listen, to feek...he's also a muggleborn and actually knows what Zak is on about when he brings up popular culture in conversation. They met on the train in first year and hit it off at once. Zak and Remy dated briefly in their 5th year, broke up after a week preferring to be casual partners.

Barrett Barbosa is like Zak's muscle. They met in their first year, and really are an odd pairing. Barrett is quiet, calm and loves animals and plants. Zak is loud, hyperactive and has a black thumb. Zak saved Barrett after he fell into the lake, and they quickly became friends after that. Barrett has saved Zak from many a beat down over the last six years. One of their first times working together was during the infamous firstie heist that takes place after Christmas. The two worked together to avoid getting caught, and they managed to succeed! Hurrah for them!

Jesse Martin is someone who Zak secretly admires an awful lot. Zak considers him to be a top musician and a very trustworthy friend. Often times, he is far too serious for Zak's liking, but they do get along well enough when Zak calms down and relaxes properly. They got to know each other a little from first to fifth year, but Zak was preoccupied with other friends. They have only really gotten to know each other this year. Jesse has had to live in the same dorm as Remy and Zak for the last six years, have some sympathy for the boy.

Calie Myres is another of Zak's closest friends, they met on platform 9 3/4 in their first year. They hit it off quite well, and Zak holds both Calie and Chloe in very high regard. He crushed on both of them at different times over the years, and dated Chloe in December 2005. He loves the two girls very much, and hates to see either of them hurt. Zak is quite protective of them when they're dating. No one is good enough for them...not even him.

Amaury Oniyama is someone Zak doesn't really understand. He is very quiet, and Zak rarely knows how to act around the boy. He finds it hard to concentrate around Amaury, or at times, to take him seriously. He got to know Amaury this year through Jesse.

Camilla Lee is another person Zak doesn't understand. She's a lovely girl, and he's very appreciative of her support and kindness, he just doesn't think he's worth it. Zak feels she could easily find someone more deserving for her attention. However, he recognises that she is sensitive and tries to be kind to her regardless, it's not like he needs anymore enemies.

Enemies such as Alex Varian, a 7th Gryff who he managed to piss off upon his first day in Hogwarts. Slytherin foes such as Caer Forelin, Colin Mayfield and James Rippner. Caer, particularly, has proven to be one of his more dangerous enemies.


Zak was sorted into Gryffindor within seconds of putting the Sorting Hat on his head. He was very happy with the sorting as Gryffindor was the House with the most appeal. He loved the idea that he was in the House known for bravery, something he isn't really very well known for.

He took his OWL exams last year and did reasonably well, all things considered. Zak could've done much better had be bothered, but he simply wasn't interested. His scores were as follows:

Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Muggle Studies: O
Arithmacy: E

Zak's favourite and best classes are Defense Against Dark Arts and History, he is also very good at Muggle Studies, though he is a muggle. So most of it is already common sense. The subjects he kept for NEWT level were:

Astronomy, Charms, DADA, History of Magic, Muggle Studies and Transfiguration.

He struggles in Transfiguration, easily finding it the most difficult of the subjects he kept up. Zak did reasonably well at OWL level, but didn't realise just how much work NEWT lever Transfig required. Unless he steps it up a gear, Zak looking at receiving lower than a 'P' this summer.


Yup, young Mr. Reso here has been in Azkaban. It all really started with his parents death...

When his parents died, Zak took it really badly. He started drinking a lot, he would drink to get rid of the pain. To blur his mind. To forget about reality. But this habit was recognised by his roommates, Jesse, Remy and Barrett. They went about hiding his drink, much to Zak's dismay. He felt betrayed, and started speaking to the three even less than before. Zak called in help from the muggle world, this help was accompanied by a white powder. One Zak recognised all too well, a friend of a friend had introduced it to him when they were much younger. Until now he had managed to avoid the temptation, but at this moment in time, life was all too much. And Zak wanted a break.

This habit grew quickly, without his friends recognising the signs. No longer was he chatty, outgoing, fun or loud. This new Zak was quiet, violent, 'studious' and angry. They thought he was suffering withdrawals, going through some form of recovery stage of depression...anything and everything except for the solution itself. On the night of a Slytherin party, Zak left early and managed to avoid the Death Eater attack that followed. His wand was found at the scene, and Zak was taken to Azkaban. Guilty until proven innocent.



Your positive traits are originality, idealism, plus you are independent and honest. The more often you allow yourself to express the positive side of your nature that is how often you will feel fulfilled and you will see your life as a wonderful adventure. You have the power to help people to overcome their problems and you are seen as a bright spot in many lives. When young you are usually leaders of your generation but you should try not to cling to youthful opinions and lose that forward looking nature to ultra-conservatism. Awareness of the problem will go far to combat it.

You rarely lose hope due to your positive and optimistic outlook on life even when life gets difficult. Aquarius is an air sign and you must realize that aquarians need air, both physically and metaphorical. You must also realize just how stubborn you can be and should try to counter the tendency. You must not let your originality become too perverse as then others will be embarrassed or seriously annoyed. The Aquarian independence can also make themselves very remote from others thereby causing the Aquarian some emotional problems.


truthful, intense, motivated by contest, is resolute and inflexible.

People born under the year of the Dragon appear to have magical traits, they are strong and full of energy and forever on the go. Some of their more negative traits include: eccentricity, a tendency towards being arrogant and very trying. However they do have many fans and expect the same level of excellence from others that they expect from themselves. They are also full of pride. Other traits include: failing to practice what they preach, over confident, a tendency to intimidate others, feel themselves to be above the law, and can be illogical, domineering and obstinate. In many cases they fail to identify their foes. Although energetic they are liable to become obsessive. On the plus side they seldom hold grudges and are generally quick to forgive. Dragons are said to be able to accomplish great things and those born in this year are also said to represent the horns of destiny. Needing a cause for which to fight, Dragons will never merely stand back and accept their fate or what life brings.

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