Tobias Kinsella

From Np Hogwarts

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[[Category:Fifth Years]]
[[Category:Slytherin Fifth Years]]
| caption= Nothing For Something
| PB= Sean Faris
| character_name= Tobias Kinsella
| ljaccount = tobias_kinsella
| hometown = Galway, Ireland
| year = Fifth Year
| House = [[Slytherin]]
| favorite_subjects = Transfiguration
| worst_subjects = Herbology
| mun_lj = f4l
== Personality ==
Tobias is a manwhore. He'll shift any girl that's willing to put out, or who he feels he can talk into putting out. He's a charmer and a chancer, if he gets caught he's in trouble. Away from the girls, however, Tobias is a good friend. He's there for his mates and he's very honest. Despite the influence of one of his mates, Tobias has become quite studious, he is focused on doing well in Charms and Transfiguration. Really, he could care less about the other subjects. He'll only pursue what he's interested in. He's quite laid back/lazy in that sense. But for what he is interested in? Tobias could be its most passionate follower.
He is arrogant, and makes no secret of it. Tobias seriously considers himself to be one of the most impressive students at Hogwarts. It's not as if he's lying with some of the statements he makes, it's that he actually believes it. Tobias has convinced himself that this is true. He's a terrible liar, which is why he prefers to stick to the truth, no matter how warped his version of it is. He does have a tendency of mitching class and going flying or running instead. He'd prefer to be outdoors doing something than stuck inside a dungeon learning about mixing plants and animals.
Tobias is arrogant, but this is both a strength and a weakness. The confidence can be good for the boy, but he doesn't control it. This is when it becomes a weakness. However, without this confidence, Tobias wouldn't have the friends he has or the position on the Quidditch team. His arrogance drives him to prove himself as better than others, he wants to highlight his strengths.
He is honest and loyal to his friends, he won't lie to them. Tobias stands strong next to the Quartet, he has full faith in the others, believing they'd do the same for him. He's very trusting of them, though it may not be the wisest thing to do.
He has a very short attention span, and gets distracted quite easily. Tobias needs something to really capture his interest before he can actually pursue it. He is a ladies man, but lacks the dedication not to cheat. Tobias really has no problem kissing and telling. He's so arrogant that he's very confident in his ability, he believes that the girls would have nothing negative to say about him even if he called them a bad snog.
Tobias is very two faced to everyone except the Quartet. They see both sides, select people will only see one. His words can be very harsh, he really is an asshole. Tobias doesn't take other peoples feelings into account very well, he sees what he believes and that's it. He's very impatient and snaps easily, he has a very short temper that emerges often enough. Tobias tries to use his wand more often than his fists, he dislikes physical fighting. He views it as unnecessary, all you have to do is know the right spells.
He is inconsiderate, conceited, uncompromising, arrogant, mean and brutally honest. Tobias uses his charm to get the girls to put out for him and then goes about talking crap about them. Though, if they were a good snog, he'd fully credit them to it. He doesn't care about how people view him, as long as his three friends are beside him, he's happy.
== Fears ==
Tobias fears rejection, hence the amount of girls he chases after. He can handle being rejected by the randomers, but when he starts to like a girl this fear of rejection is often what drives him. With his short attention span, he finds it very hard to focus on one girl. Tobias will break up with them for no reason other than he got bored of trying to be faithful. And so they can't reject/dump him.
He fears his 7th and final year in the school. None of the Quartet will be there with him and he'll have to rely on himself while there. Or make new friends. This task is very daunting to Tobias, he has screwed enough people over that it wouldn't be all that easy to find people that didn't have something against him. He only hopes he'd be made Head Boy like Colin, then he could demand respect...and for the year, he would probably aquire some temporary fake friends in love with power.
== History ==
Tobias was born in Galway in 1989. His parents were Lisa and Andrew Kinsella, who live in an Ceathra Rua, a small village/area outside Galway that is placed in the Gaeltacht. His mother works in the Ministry and his father works around the rural area helping set up sports teams for the kids around there. Tobias was encouraged to join these teams, and did so quite happily, unlike his brother [[Aodhan Kinsella]] who was born in 92. He and his brother didn't get along, and were total opposites. Tobias got along with his father very well, whereas Aodhan grew to dislike and despise him and his muggle ways.
The two boys were raised by the sea, and were taught to swim at an early age. Both learned how to surf and the like down in Achill on most nice weekends. Andrew tried to teach the both of them hurling and gaelic, as well as soccer and rugby in the bigger clubs. Tobias took to these activities quite happily, learning as he got a little older, it was a good way to meet girls. He still goes training over the summer holidays after returning home.
They were home taught, as their parents knew to expect a call from Hogwarts when the two turned 11. Lisa saw no point in sending them to a primary school if they'd have to leave two years early. Tobias was more than a little surprised to be sorted into [[Slytherin]], as his mother had only ever had bad words for the House. He was even more surprised when Aodhan followed. Tobias was, initially, quite upset when he was sorted. However, since then he has grown to love the House. It's unique history and unbreakable loyalty captured him in at once.
Tobias is tall enough at 5'10”. He has short brown hair that he refuses to grow out. He is average weight, though remains quite slim due to the amount of exercise he does over the year. Tobias makes a point of continuing his muggle training when he can. He has dark brown eyes and light coloured skin. He doesn't have glasses, but had to wear braces for the first two years of school.
== Family ==
Tobias is the eldest of two, and is three years older than his brother Aodhan. His parents are Lisa and Andrew Kinsella. Lisa is the head of the Irish Quidditch Association, and works in the Ministry organising matches and teams within Ireland. Andrew is a football coach for one of the local teams.
He gets on very well with both parents, he just wants to make them proud. When he was younger, Tobias spent a lot more time with his father than his mother, but upon arriving at Hogwarts he found himself growing closer to his mother. She could sympathise with the magical problems he was encountering. When it became apparent that he had the same skill for Transfiguration, Lisa made a point of encouraging him to work in this class. Not wanting to let her down, Tobias worked hard and it's now one of his favourites. He does whatever either of them ask of him and love them both deeply, he doesn't think they'd like how he acts at school so he tries to make up for it in other ways. Ways that he thinks could matter more in the long run.
Tobias and Aodhan simply don't get along. They are practically polar opposites and are well aware of this fact. When they were younger, Tobias always tried to wind Aodhan up and did so quite successfully. It was how he amused himself on a rainy day, and made sure never to hit his younger brother. He didn't want to be seen as violent. As Aodhan got older, however, Tobias's teasing became more physical. He deemed that Aodhan was asking for it. The first three years away from Aodhan was good for the violent side of Tobias, sadly it's beginning to show through once again. Unlike most brothers, Tobias isn't exactly protective of Aodhan. He doesn't care if someone insults him, he doesn't care if he gets beaten up or bullied or called names. As far as Tobias is concerned, that's his own business. However, Tobias does love his brother. He just doesn't like him. If it were a case of life or death, or severe injury, Tobias would be right there for him trying to prevent it. He is family after all.
The Slytherin fears the Death Eaters, and in turn what they could do to his family. He dreads what his mother might be getting herself into with her outspoken political attitude, he fears their safety. He hasn't found enough drive in himself to do something on his own inititive yet, so far all he has done is listen to his mother. Tobias only hopes what he's done so far will be enough.
== Friends & Foes ==
Tobias has various friendships, aquaintances and enemies, he can barely keep track of them all. Below are the ones that matter or affect him the most at this current time.
[[Lucas Longshore]]: Lucas and Tobias met by accident in Tobias's first year when Lucas had decided he wanted a protegè. Tobias filled the spot quite well until the end of last year when he started thinking for himself again. Tobias, however, would consider Lucas his best friend of the three. He's known him the longest and is always up for a laugh. They've gotten drunk together far too many times to count, and as far as Tobias is concerned, he'll always be there for Lucas. No matter how ridiculous the situation may be. Though, he may have to take the piss out of him first.
[[Colin Mayfield]]: Tobias met Colin through Lucas, and the two got along quite well. Colin has a tendency of calming Tobias down if he's hyperactive or getting him riled up if there's a fight occuring. He thinks Colin is a good friend, he's grateful to have him. Tobias also prefers to have Colin on his side for a fight, as he has discovered recently that his punches do indeed hurt.
[[Alex Departie]]: Alex is another Slytherin Tobias got to know through Lucas. He is kind of unaware of Alex's violent tendencies, though he is used to the odd comment from the boy. Tobias's manwhorishness has grown from Alex and Lucas. The two influenced Tobias with their own behaviour around the girls. He would def. prefer to have Alex on his side in a fight, and gets along quite well with him.
[[Hannah Salix]]: Tobias and Hannah met in 1st year and hit it off quite well. Hannah's slightly insane reasoning and Tobias's spontaneous actions meshed together and the two have grown to be good friends. Tobias loves Hannah because she can make him laugh, and he'd like to think she'd be there for him no matter what. Thiough this comes into question frequently enough. Despite this, he'd always have her back.
[[Stephanie McCoy]]: Steph and Tobias also met in 1st year, most likely through Hannah who is friends with the both of them. They knew each other from being in Slytherin but only really started talking after Hannah introduced them. They got along okay until Tobias developed a crush on Steph for all of two weeks. They had a nasty break up like thing, and haven't gotten along very well since then.
[[Jul Agate]]: These two met on the train to Hogwarts and got into a fight over Quidditch teams. Their relationship just went down from there. They encouraged a strong anti-Slyth/anti-Gryff feeling amongst their House, especially where Quidditch was involved. They competed to get on their own House team first, with Jul winning and playing the final match last year. Tobias however, made sure not to let her get away with it by getting all of the Slytherin 5th years and below, taunting the poor girl from the stands.
== School ==
His strongest classes are Transfiguration and Charms. Transfiguration is easily his favourite and best class, he loves everything about it and studies it the most. Tobias is very interested in animagi and intends to pursue this interest. He is skilled with his wand, which helps him in DADA as well. Despite his dislike for theory or actual study, the 'muggle' half of Tobias has found great interest in History of Magic. It's most interesting for him to compare the timelines of magical history and muggle history. Things like the Bay of Pigs now makes a lot more sense and a seems a little less pointless...but just a little.
In school, Tobias has trouble with Herbology and Potions. He finds them to be the most mind numbing classes every created. Plants don't like him and he doesn't like plants. Tobias has no interest in this area of magic and therefore lacks the motivation to put any effort in. Same with Potions, though his impatience comes into play there as well. Often, Tobias ignores the instructions for boiling time etc. and skips ahead, simply wanting to be finished. It's not rare for Tobias to be the last leaving class after having to clean up a mess. He will be lucky to pass either of these classes. The rest of his classes are fairly average, bordering on A's and E's depending on his level of interest. It's not rare for Tobias to be one of the last ones in the Dungeon cleaning up his mess...and he's not exactly fond of the Potions professor since receiving a detention on one of the first days back.
He is a fairly intelligent student, receiving a mixture of E's and A's. He is aiming to receieve an 'O' in Transfiguration for the O.W.L exams.
Tobias is a strong Quidditch player, flying is a passion of his. He adores the feeling of freedom it brings. He tried out each year since 2nd year, but was only deemed good enough at the start of this year. This proves his ambition, his desire and passion for things that strike his interest. Tobias just won't give up until he gets what he wants. He is the Slytherin Keeper and is a 5th year prefect.
== Astrology ==
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.
On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind.
Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo. Add to them a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. But their pride may go before a fall, as uncontrolled impetuosity is likely to bring them low. Fortunately it is rare that a Leo is so undisciplined as to give way thoroughly to this list of vices, and their tendencies to them are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Those who are afflicted with them also have the intelligence it takes to consciously and actively overcome them.

Current revision as of 22:09, 4 August 2006

Tobias Kinsella

Nothing For Something

Played BySean Faris
LJ accountuserinfo.gif tobias_kinsella
HometownGalway, Ireland
Current YearFifth Year
Hogwarts HouseSlytherin
Favorite SubjectsTransfiguration
Worst SubjectsHerbology

userinfo.gif f4l



Tobias is a manwhore. He'll shift any girl that's willing to put out, or who he feels he can talk into putting out. He's a charmer and a chancer, if he gets caught he's in trouble. Away from the girls, however, Tobias is a good friend. He's there for his mates and he's very honest. Despite the influence of one of his mates, Tobias has become quite studious, he is focused on doing well in Charms and Transfiguration. Really, he could care less about the other subjects. He'll only pursue what he's interested in. He's quite laid back/lazy in that sense. But for what he is interested in? Tobias could be its most passionate follower.

He is arrogant, and makes no secret of it. Tobias seriously considers himself to be one of the most impressive students at Hogwarts. It's not as if he's lying with some of the statements he makes, it's that he actually believes it. Tobias has convinced himself that this is true. He's a terrible liar, which is why he prefers to stick to the truth, no matter how warped his version of it is. He does have a tendency of mitching class and going flying or running instead. He'd prefer to be outdoors doing something than stuck inside a dungeon learning about mixing plants and animals.

Tobias is arrogant, but this is both a strength and a weakness. The confidence can be good for the boy, but he doesn't control it. This is when it becomes a weakness. However, without this confidence, Tobias wouldn't have the friends he has or the position on the Quidditch team. His arrogance drives him to prove himself as better than others, he wants to highlight his strengths.

He is honest and loyal to his friends, he won't lie to them. Tobias stands strong next to the Quartet, he has full faith in the others, believing they'd do the same for him. He's very trusting of them, though it may not be the wisest thing to do.

He has a very short attention span, and gets distracted quite easily. Tobias needs something to really capture his interest before he can actually pursue it. He is a ladies man, but lacks the dedication not to cheat. Tobias really has no problem kissing and telling. He's so arrogant that he's very confident in his ability, he believes that the girls would have nothing negative to say about him even if he called them a bad snog.

Tobias is very two faced to everyone except the Quartet. They see both sides, select people will only see one. His words can be very harsh, he really is an asshole. Tobias doesn't take other peoples feelings into account very well, he sees what he believes and that's it. He's very impatient and snaps easily, he has a very short temper that emerges often enough. Tobias tries to use his wand more often than his fists, he dislikes physical fighting. He views it as unnecessary, all you have to do is know the right spells.

He is inconsiderate, conceited, uncompromising, arrogant, mean and brutally honest. Tobias uses his charm to get the girls to put out for him and then goes about talking crap about them. Though, if they were a good snog, he'd fully credit them to it. He doesn't care about how people view him, as long as his three friends are beside him, he's happy.


Tobias fears rejection, hence the amount of girls he chases after. He can handle being rejected by the randomers, but when he starts to like a girl this fear of rejection is often what drives him. With his short attention span, he finds it very hard to focus on one girl. Tobias will break up with them for no reason other than he got bored of trying to be faithful. And so they can't reject/dump him.

He fears his 7th and final year in the school. None of the Quartet will be there with him and he'll have to rely on himself while there. Or make new friends. This task is very daunting to Tobias, he has screwed enough people over that it wouldn't be all that easy to find people that didn't have something against him. He only hopes he'd be made Head Boy like Colin, then he could demand respect...and for the year, he would probably aquire some temporary fake friends in love with power.


Tobias was born in Galway in 1989. His parents were Lisa and Andrew Kinsella, who live in an Ceathra Rua, a small village/area outside Galway that is placed in the Gaeltacht. His mother works in the Ministry and his father works around the rural area helping set up sports teams for the kids around there. Tobias was encouraged to join these teams, and did so quite happily, unlike his brother Aodhan Kinsella who was born in 92. He and his brother didn't get along, and were total opposites. Tobias got along with his father very well, whereas Aodhan grew to dislike and despise him and his muggle ways.

The two boys were raised by the sea, and were taught to swim at an early age. Both learned how to surf and the like down in Achill on most nice weekends. Andrew tried to teach the both of them hurling and gaelic, as well as soccer and rugby in the bigger clubs. Tobias took to these activities quite happily, learning as he got a little older, it was a good way to meet girls. He still goes training over the summer holidays after returning home.

They were home taught, as their parents knew to expect a call from Hogwarts when the two turned 11. Lisa saw no point in sending them to a primary school if they'd have to leave two years early. Tobias was more than a little surprised to be sorted into Slytherin, as his mother had only ever had bad words for the House. He was even more surprised when Aodhan followed. Tobias was, initially, quite upset when he was sorted. However, since then he has grown to love the House. It's unique history and unbreakable loyalty captured him in at once.

Tobias is tall enough at 5'10”. He has short brown hair that he refuses to grow out. He is average weight, though remains quite slim due to the amount of exercise he does over the year. Tobias makes a point of continuing his muggle training when he can. He has dark brown eyes and light coloured skin. He doesn't have glasses, but had to wear braces for the first two years of school.


Tobias is the eldest of two, and is three years older than his brother Aodhan. His parents are Lisa and Andrew Kinsella. Lisa is the head of the Irish Quidditch Association, and works in the Ministry organising matches and teams within Ireland. Andrew is a football coach for one of the local teams.

He gets on very well with both parents, he just wants to make them proud. When he was younger, Tobias spent a lot more time with his father than his mother, but upon arriving at Hogwarts he found himself growing closer to his mother. She could sympathise with the magical problems he was encountering. When it became apparent that he had the same skill for Transfiguration, Lisa made a point of encouraging him to work in this class. Not wanting to let her down, Tobias worked hard and it's now one of his favourites. He does whatever either of them ask of him and love them both deeply, he doesn't think they'd like how he acts at school so he tries to make up for it in other ways. Ways that he thinks could matter more in the long run.

Tobias and Aodhan simply don't get along. They are practically polar opposites and are well aware of this fact. When they were younger, Tobias always tried to wind Aodhan up and did so quite successfully. It was how he amused himself on a rainy day, and made sure never to hit his younger brother. He didn't want to be seen as violent. As Aodhan got older, however, Tobias's teasing became more physical. He deemed that Aodhan was asking for it. The first three years away from Aodhan was good for the violent side of Tobias, sadly it's beginning to show through once again. Unlike most brothers, Tobias isn't exactly protective of Aodhan. He doesn't care if someone insults him, he doesn't care if he gets beaten up or bullied or called names. As far as Tobias is concerned, that's his own business. However, Tobias does love his brother. He just doesn't like him. If it were a case of life or death, or severe injury, Tobias would be right there for him trying to prevent it. He is family after all.

The Slytherin fears the Death Eaters, and in turn what they could do to his family. He dreads what his mother might be getting herself into with her outspoken political attitude, he fears their safety. He hasn't found enough drive in himself to do something on his own inititive yet, so far all he has done is listen to his mother. Tobias only hopes what he's done so far will be enough.

Friends & Foes

Tobias has various friendships, aquaintances and enemies, he can barely keep track of them all. Below are the ones that matter or affect him the most at this current time.

Lucas Longshore: Lucas and Tobias met by accident in Tobias's first year when Lucas had decided he wanted a protegè. Tobias filled the spot quite well until the end of last year when he started thinking for himself again. Tobias, however, would consider Lucas his best friend of the three. He's known him the longest and is always up for a laugh. They've gotten drunk together far too many times to count, and as far as Tobias is concerned, he'll always be there for Lucas. No matter how ridiculous the situation may be. Though, he may have to take the piss out of him first.

Colin Mayfield: Tobias met Colin through Lucas, and the two got along quite well. Colin has a tendency of calming Tobias down if he's hyperactive or getting him riled up if there's a fight occuring. He thinks Colin is a good friend, he's grateful to have him. Tobias also prefers to have Colin on his side for a fight, as he has discovered recently that his punches do indeed hurt.

Alex Departie: Alex is another Slytherin Tobias got to know through Lucas. He is kind of unaware of Alex's violent tendencies, though he is used to the odd comment from the boy. Tobias's manwhorishness has grown from Alex and Lucas. The two influenced Tobias with their own behaviour around the girls. He would def. prefer to have Alex on his side in a fight, and gets along quite well with him.

Hannah Salix: Tobias and Hannah met in 1st year and hit it off quite well. Hannah's slightly insane reasoning and Tobias's spontaneous actions meshed together and the two have grown to be good friends. Tobias loves Hannah because she can make him laugh, and he'd like to think she'd be there for him no matter what. Thiough this comes into question frequently enough. Despite this, he'd always have her back.

Stephanie McCoy: Steph and Tobias also met in 1st year, most likely through Hannah who is friends with the both of them. They knew each other from being in Slytherin but only really started talking after Hannah introduced them. They got along okay until Tobias developed a crush on Steph for all of two weeks. They had a nasty break up like thing, and haven't gotten along very well since then.

Jul Agate: These two met on the train to Hogwarts and got into a fight over Quidditch teams. Their relationship just went down from there. They encouraged a strong anti-Slyth/anti-Gryff feeling amongst their House, especially where Quidditch was involved. They competed to get on their own House team first, with Jul winning and playing the final match last year. Tobias however, made sure not to let her get away with it by getting all of the Slytherin 5th years and below, taunting the poor girl from the stands.


His strongest classes are Transfiguration and Charms. Transfiguration is easily his favourite and best class, he loves everything about it and studies it the most. Tobias is very interested in animagi and intends to pursue this interest. He is skilled with his wand, which helps him in DADA as well. Despite his dislike for theory or actual study, the 'muggle' half of Tobias has found great interest in History of Magic. It's most interesting for him to compare the timelines of magical history and muggle history. Things like the Bay of Pigs now makes a lot more sense and a seems a little less pointless...but just a little.

In school, Tobias has trouble with Herbology and Potions. He finds them to be the most mind numbing classes every created. Plants don't like him and he doesn't like plants. Tobias has no interest in this area of magic and therefore lacks the motivation to put any effort in. Same with Potions, though his impatience comes into play there as well. Often, Tobias ignores the instructions for boiling time etc. and skips ahead, simply wanting to be finished. It's not rare for Tobias to be the last leaving class after having to clean up a mess. He will be lucky to pass either of these classes. The rest of his classes are fairly average, bordering on A's and E's depending on his level of interest. It's not rare for Tobias to be one of the last ones in the Dungeon cleaning up his mess...and he's not exactly fond of the Potions professor since receiving a detention on one of the first days back.

He is a fairly intelligent student, receiving a mixture of E's and A's. He is aiming to receieve an 'O' in Transfiguration for the O.W.L exams.

Tobias is a strong Quidditch player, flying is a passion of his. He adores the feeling of freedom it brings. He tried out each year since 2nd year, but was only deemed good enough at the start of this year. This proves his ambition, his desire and passion for things that strike his interest. Tobias just won't give up until he gets what he wants. He is the Slytherin Keeper and is a 5th year prefect.



The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.

On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind.

Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo. Add to them a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. But their pride may go before a fall, as uncontrolled impetuosity is likely to bring them low. Fortunately it is rare that a Leo is so undisciplined as to give way thoroughly to this list of vices, and their tendencies to them are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Those who are afflicted with them also have the intelligence it takes to consciously and actively overcome them.

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