Current ruleset
From Nomicapolis
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Proposed by Applejuicefool | Proposed by Applejuicefool | ||
- | Rule 211 is hereby repealed. | + | Rule [[211]] is hereby repealed. |
Revision as of 10:45, 8 November 2006
This is the current ruleset. Any changes to this must be approved as outlined within the ruleset. To propose any change to this ruleset please go to the Proposals page and follow the instructions there. If there is any inconsistency between this list and individual rules pages, the individual rules as displayed on their respective pages shall prevail. Please update this page with any recent changes to the rules as outlined on the proposal page. See the category Current rule for a up-to-date list of all the current rules.
Contents |
Immutable Rules
All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins. The Initial Set consists of Rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-213 (mutable).
Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.
A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.
(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
All proposed rule-changes shall be written down before they are voted on. If they are adopted, they shall guide play in the form in which they were voted on.
No rule-change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule-change may have retroactive application.
Each proposed rule-change shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule-change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.
If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.
Rule-changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.
In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.
If a rule-change as proposed is unclear, ambiguous, paradoxical, or destructive of play, or if it arguably consists of two or more rule-changes compounded or is an amendment that makes no difference, or if it is otherwise of questionable value, then the other players may suggest amendments or argue against the proposal before the vote. A reasonable time must be allowed for this debate. The proponent decides the final form in which the proposal is to be voted on and, unless the Judge has been asked to do so, also decides the time to end debate and vote.
The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.
A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.
There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule-changes must never become completely impermissible.
Rule-changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule-changes are as permissible as other rule-changes. Even rule-changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule-change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.
Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.
Mutable Rules
If and when rule-changes can be adopted without unanimity, the players who vote against winning proposals shall receive 10 points each.
An adopted rule-change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it.
When a proposed rule-change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.
Each player always has exactly one vote.
The winner is the first player to achieve 200 (positive) points.
At no time may there be more than 25 mutable rules.
If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.
If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.
If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or to defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.
If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or if by the Judge's best reasoning, not overruled, a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the first player unable to complete a turn is the winner.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner.
Players are limited to one Nomicapolis account in play. A new player may join by registering an account and then adding themselves to the census. A player may leave be removing themselves from the census. If a player who has left the game wishes to rejoin, they may do so, but they will start as a brand new player.
1. When a rule is proposed, there will be a period of three days of debate until it may be voted on.
1.1 If any player requests it, the debate time will be extended until this player is satisfied or they have abandoned the discussion.
1.1.1 This objection time may be overridden at anytime by the player who proposed the rule thus bringing the proposal straight to a vote.
1.1.2 If three days have elapsed and there is already votes registered for a proposal, no player may extend debate time, including the player who proposed it.
1.2 The proposing player may declare the proposal ready for vote before the three days have elapsed.
2. No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page.
3. If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset. If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.
Quorum for a vote shall be no fewer than 2 players.
1. No player may gain or lose points. This rule takes precedence over all other mutable rules.
2. If there exist at any time 25 mutable rules, this rule is automatically repealed.
Proposed by Applejuicefool 22:26, 12 April 2006 (PDT).
1. In order for a proposal to be "proposed in the proper way" and thus satisfy rule 104/105, it must contain the following elements:
- a) The correct number; i.e. the next number in the sequence.
- b) Verbiage that creates an actual or potential change to Nomicapolis play.
- c) The user name of the proposer. This should follow the proposal number and precede the text of the proposal in the format used in the proposal of this rule.
- d) Each numbered rule change proposal must have its own Nomicapolis article page and discussion page with the proposal number as the title of the page.
2. If a player believes that a rule was not proposed in the proper way, and/or was proposed in an improper way, he should create a section in the discussion page for that rule headed "Improper Proposal". Following the header, the player should state his reasons why he believes the proposal is not proper. Players may then vote on whether the proposal is proper.
- a) A claim of improper proposal must be made before the proposal is declared to have passed or failed.
- b) The rules for voting on claims of improper proposal and determining whether the claim passes or fails shall be the same as the rules for voting on and determining whether mutable rule changes pass or fail at the time the claim is made.
- c) If a claim of improper proposal passes, then the proposed rule is discarded without completion of a proposal vote. The proposer loses points as if his proposal had been voted down. If the claim fails, the vote on the proposal continues as usual.
- d) When a claim of improper proposal passes or fails, the claimant and voters in the claim action gain or lose half as many points as they would have had the claim been a proposal vote with a number equal to the proposal number of the proposal in question.
- e) A player may not make a claim of improper proposal against a proposal he/she originated.
This is a proposal to repeal rule 202. Upon acceptance, rule 202 shall be removed from the rule set.
Proposed by Applejuicefool
Rule 201 is amended to read, in entirety, "A player may propose a rule change at any time. Each player begins the game with 0 points."
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
Rule 301 is amended to read, in entirety, "In a vote, the following definitions will apply for consent or failure: A simple majority shall constitute a number greater than 50% of total votes. A supermajority shall constitute at least 66% of total votes. Unaminous consent shall constitute all votes being positive. In a vote in which there are more than two options (for example, when there is an election for a title and there are three candidates running), the option which recieves the greatest number of votes will win."
Proposed by Applejuicefool
Rule 203 is hereby amended to read, in entirety:
"A rule-change is adopted if and only if a simple majority of those voting on the rule change vote 'For' the proposal. This rule defers to rule 304."
Proposed by Applejuicefool
Rule 211 is hereby repealed.