All rules

From Nomicapolis

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{{Message box|Solid red|[[101]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
This page should be used for research of historical rules and proposals it is '''not''' a definative list of current rules, as such no player should rely on this page for an accurate representation of the current ruleset. This page is '''not''' updated regularly.
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins. The Initial Set consists of Rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-213 (mutable).
{{Message box|Solid red|[[102]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.
==All rules==
{{Message box|Solid red|[[103]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.
(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)
{{Message box|Solid red|[[104]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[105]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[106]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
All proposed rule-changes shall be written down before they are voted on. If they are adopted, they shall guide play in the form in which they were voted on.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[106]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
No rule-change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule-change may have retroactive application.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[107]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Each proposed rule-change shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule-change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.
If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[108]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Rule-changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[109]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[110]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
If a rule-change as proposed is unclear, ambiguous, paradoxical, or destructive of play, or if it arguably consists of two or more rule-changes compounded or is an amendment that makes no difference, or if it is otherwise of questionable value, then the other players may suggest amendments or argue against the proposal before the vote. A reasonable time must be allowed for this debate. The proponent decides the final form in which the proposal is to be voted on and, unless the Judge has been asked to do so, also decides the time to end debate and vote.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[111]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[112]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[113]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule-changes must never become completely impermissible.
{{Message box|Solid red|[[114]] is an immutable rule.|It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for more information.}}
[[Category:Immutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Rule-changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule-changes are as permissible as other rule-changes. Even rule-changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule-change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[201]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
A Player may take a turn at any time. All players begin with zero points.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[202]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
One turn consists of two parts in this order: (1) proposing one rule-change and having it voted on, and (2) subtracting 291 from the ordinal number of their proposal and multiply the result by the fraction of favorable votes it received, rounded to the nearest integer. (This yields a number between 0 and 10 for the first player, with the upper limit increasing by one each turn; more points are awarded for more popular proposals.)
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[203]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
A rule-change is adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. If this rule is not amended by the end of the second complete circuit of turns, it automatically changes to require only a simple majority.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[204]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
If and when rule-changes can be adopted without unanimity, the players who vote against winning proposals shall receive 10 points each.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[205]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
An adopted rule-change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[206]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
When a proposed rule-change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[207]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Each player always has exactly one vote.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[208]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
The winner is the first player to achieve 200 (positive) points.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[209]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
At no time may there be more than 25 mutable rules.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[210]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.
If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.
If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or to defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[211]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
If players disagree about the legality of a move or the interpretation or application of a rule, then the most recent player that took a turn is to be the Judge and decide the question. Disagreement for the purposes of this rule may be created by the insistence of any player. This process is called invoking Judgment.
When Judgment has been invoked, no rule-change may be voted on without the consent of a majority of the other players.
The Judge's Judgment may be overruled only by a unanimous vote of the other players taken before the next turn is begun. If a Judge's Judgment is overruled, then the player preceding the Judge in the playing order becomes the new Judge for the question, and so on, except that no player is to be Judge during his or her own turn or during the turn of a team-mate.
Unless a Judge is overruled, one Judge settles all questions arising from the game until the next turn is begun, including questions as to his or her own legitimacy and jurisdiction as Judge.
New Judges are not bound by the decisions of old Judges. New Judges may, however, settle only those questions on which the players currently disagree and that affect the completion of the turn in which Judgment was invoked. All decisions by Judges shall be in accordance with all the rules then in effect; but when the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the point at issue, then the Judge shall consider game-custom and the spirit of the game before applying other standards.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[212]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or if by the Judge's best reasoning, not overruled, a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the first player unable to complete a turn is the winner.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[301]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly><!---->
In a vote, the following definitions will apply for consent or failure: A simple majority shall constitute a number greater than 50% of total votes. A supermajority shall constitute at least 66% of total votes. Unaminous consent shall constitute all votes being positive.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[302]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Players are limited to one Nomicapolis account in play. A new player may join by registering an account and then adding themselves to the census. A player may leave be removing themselves from the census. If a player who has left the game wishes to rejoin, they may do so, but they will start as a brand new player.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[303]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
1. When a rule is proposed, there will be a period of three days of debate until it may be voted on.
1.1 If any player requests it, the debate time will be extended until this player is satisfied or they have abandoned the discussion.
1.1.1 This objection time may be overridden at anytime by the player who proposed the rule thus bringing the proposal straight to a vote.
1.1.2 If three days have elapsed and there is already votes registered for a proposal, no player may extend debate time, including the player who proposed it.
1.2 The proposing player may declare the proposal ready for vote before the three days have elapsed.
2. No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page.
3. If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset. If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[304]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Quorum for a vote shall be no fewer than 2 players.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[305]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
1. No player may gain or lose points.  This rule takes precedence over all other mutable rules.
2. If there exist at any time 25 mutable rules, this rule is automatically repealed.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[306]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 22:26, 12 April 2006 (PDT).
1. In order for a proposal to be "proposed in the proper way" and thus satisfy rule 104/105, it must contain the following elements:
:a) The correct number; i.e. the next number in the sequence.
:b) Verbiage that creates an actual or potential change to Nomicapolis play.
:c) The user name of the proposer.  This should follow the proposal number and precede the text of the proposal in the format used in the proposal of this rule.
:d) Each numbered rule change proposal must have its own Nomicapolis article page and discussion page with the proposal number as the title of the page.
2. If a player believes that a rule was not proposed in the proper way, and/or was proposed in an improper way, he should create a section in the discussion page for that rule headed "Improper Proposal".  Following the header, the player should state his reasons why he believes the proposal is not proper.  Players may then vote on whether the proposal is proper.
:a) A claim of improper proposal must be made before the proposal is declared to have passed or failed.
:b) The rules for voting on claims of improper proposal and determining whether the claim passes or fails shall be the same as the rules for voting on and determining whether mutable rule changes pass or fail at the time the claim is made.
:c) If a claim of improper proposal passes, then the proposed rule is discarded without completion of a proposal vote. The proposer loses points as if his proposal had been voted down. If the claim fails, the vote on the proposal continues as usual.
:d) When a claim of improper proposal passes or fails, the claimant and voters in the claim action gain or lose half as many points as they would have had the claim been a proposal vote with a number equal to the proposal number of the proposal in question.
:e) A player may not make a claim of improper proposal against a proposal he/she originated.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[307]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
This is a proposal to repeal rule 202. Upon acceptance, rule 202 shall be removed from the rule set.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[308]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]]
Rule [[201]] is amended to read, in entirety, "A player may propose a rule change at any time.  Each player begins the game with 0 points."
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[309]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[310]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
Rule 301 is amended to read, in entirety, "In a vote, the following definitions will apply for consent or failure: A simple majority shall constitute a number greater than 50% of total votes. A supermajority shall constitute at least 66% of total votes. Unaminous consent shall constitute all votes being positive. In a vote in which there are more than two options (for example, when there is an election for a title and there are three candidates running), the option which recieves the greatest number of votes will win."
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[311]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]]
Rule [[203]] is hereby amended to read, in entirety:
"A rule-change is adopted if and only if a simple majority of those voting on the rule change vote 'For' the proposal. This rule defers to rule [[304]]."
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[312]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]]
Rule [[211]] is hereby repealed.
{{Message box|Solid grey|[[313]] is a repealed rule.|It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the  [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Repealed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 18:00, 28 October 2006 (EDT)
All debate on a given proposal will last no more than 14 days and will last a minimum of 24 hours.  Debate will continue on a given proposal until there has been 24 hours of silence on the debate or 14 days has passed since the proposal was introduced.  After debate proposals will be voted on.  Voting will last no less than 24 hours and no more than 7 days.  The vote will end when all registered voters, as indicated on the Census as of the time the vote started, have voted or when it has been 24 hours since the last vote has been cast on the given proposal.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[314]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --Shivan 12:15, 6 November 2006 (EST)
1. Any player who has not voted on a proposal or debated on one within the last 14 days shall be declared inactive.
1.1 If there have been no proposals to vote on since the player's previous vote, he or she cannot be declared inactive.
2. A player's status will change from inactive to active after he or she has voted on at least one proposal.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[315]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Simulacrum|Simulacrum]] 13:58, 10 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[209]] is hereby repealed.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[316]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 00:19, 12 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[309]] is hereby repealed.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[317]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 15:54, 14 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[212]] shall be amended to read as follows: If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of a rule change cannot be determined with finality, or if by a simple majority not overruled, a rule change appears equally legal and illegal, then the player with the most points is the winner.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner.
{{Message box|Solid Grey|[[318]] proposal has failed.|It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Failed proposal]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 13:50, 15 November 2006 (EST).
Whenever a rule's number changes for any reason, all rules which reference that rule by number are automatically amended narrowly and specifically to reflect that change in number.  Automatic amendments generated by this rule take effect without a vote.  Rules amended by this rule retain the number they had prior to such amendment.  This rule takes precedence over all rules, mutable or immutable, which govern the way in which rule changes are made.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[319]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Shivan|Shivan]] 16:45, 16 November 2006 (EST)<br>
This rule takes precedence over rule [[207]]
1. A player who is currently declared inactive shall recieve only ½ vote.<br>
2. All players that are declared inactive do not count against the total number of players for purposes of the quorum.<br>
3. When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points). This cannot cause the player's points to go in the negative.<br>
4. When a player is declared inactive the census page shall be edited and refactored to account for the change in status.
{{Message box|Solid Grey|[[320]] proposal has failed.|It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Failed proposal]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 22:15, 17 November 2006 (EST)
The Mayor of Nomicapolis will be voted for on the first of every month. The Player that recieves the most votes will become the Mayor. In the event of a tie between 1 or more Players the Player that recieved the most votes first will become the Mayor. The Mayor will be responsible for introducing all proposals and declaring the resolution of all proposals after debate and voting has been concluded. The Mayor will be expected to always have at least 1 proposal active, either open for debate or open for voting. The Mayor may resign the position at any time. The Mayor may be expelled with a supermajority vote. At any time there is not an active Player as Mayor a special vote for a new Mayor will be immediately conducted.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[321]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 22:16, 17 November 2006 (EST)
The Judge of Nomicapolis will be voted for on the first of every month. The Player that recieves the most votes will become the Judge. In the event of a tie between 1 or more Players the Player that recieved the most votes first will become the Judge. The Judge will be responsible for resolving any and all problems with proposals and rules. The Judge will be expected to use their best judgement and resolve all problems within 7 days. The Judge may resign the position at any time. The Judge may be expelled with a supermajority vote. At any time there is not an active Player as Judge a special vote for a new Judge will be immediately conducted.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[322]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 22:14, 17 November 2006 (EST)
When a rule is passed the player that proposed it shall gain 10 (positive) points.
{{Message box|Solid Grey|[[323]] proposal has failed.|It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Failed proposal]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 09:43, 21 November 2006 (EST).
1. A player may nominate a player for the title and position "Supreme Grammarian" at any time, unless the current Supreme Grammarian has held that position for a continuous period fewer than 7 days immediately prior to the present date.  In the latter case, no "Supreme Grammarian" nominations may be made.
2. To nominate a player for "Supreme Grammarian," a player must:
:# Create a page titled "Supreme Grammarian Nomination X+1" where X is the number of the previous Supreme Grammarian Nomination.  The first such nomination shall be titled "Supreme Grammarian Nomination 1".
:# List on that page the name of the player to be nominated.
:# Create an appropriate discussion page for the nomination, with Summary, Debate, and Voting sections.
:# Link the nomination page to the Nomicapolis Main Page and to the Proposals page.
3. The nomination will then be debated and voted upon as if it were a rule change proposal.
4. If the nomination passes, the current Supreme Grammarian, if any, will be removed from that position and the nominated player will become Supreme Grammarian.
5. The player designated as "Supreme Grammarian" shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
:# The Supreme Grammarian shall examine all rules in the ruleset for grammar and spelling errors.
:# Upon finding grammar and spelling errors in the ruleset, the Supreme Grammarian shall fix them.  Rules so amended retain their old rule numbers.
:# The Supreme Grammarian shall create a page with a list of all rules containing grammar and spelling errors, along with the corrections he or she made to those rules.  This list shall be linked to the Nomicapolis wiki's main page.
:# If any player disagrees with the Supreme Grammarian's corrections, he or she may dispute the corrections on the correction list's discussion page.
:# The Supreme Grammarian's corrections which are disputed automatically become rule change proposals and are voted on in the normal way.  The Supreme Grammarian shall assign these proposals proper numbers, create proper pages for them, and link them appropriately.
:# When a new proposal is made, the Supreme Grammarian shall examine it for grammar and spelling errors.
:# If the Supreme Grammarian deems that a proposal contains grammar and/or spelling errors, he shall post a corrected version of the proposal in the "Debate" section of that rule's discussion page. Such corrected version shall be clearly labeled SUPREME GRAMMARIAN.
:# If no player disputes the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version of the proposal before the end of the debate period, the Supreme Grammarian's version is the proposal voted on and enacted if the vote carries.
:# If one or more players dispute the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version, then the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version in the debate becomes a claim of improper proposal.  That claim must be adjudicated in the normal way before the proposal may be voted upon.
6. The Supreme Grammarian may resign the position at any time.  If the Supreme Grammarian ever becomes inactive, he or she is considered to have resigned.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[324]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Shivan|Shivan]] 12:13, 23 November 2006 (EST) <br>
No rule may mention a player's name.
{{Message box|Solid Grey|[[325]] proposal has failed.|It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Failed proposal]]</includeonly>
--[[User:Tom Foolery|Tom Foolery]] 13:16, 23 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[311]] is hereby amended to read, in entirety:
#A simple majority is required to approve any new rule.
#A super-majority is required to repeal or amend any rule.
#Any new rule that negates a previous rule by removing it or by eliminating its entire effect is considered a repeal of the previous rule, and as such, requires a super-majority to pass.
#Any new rule that negates a previous rule by removing, or by eliminating part of its effect is considered an amendment of the previous rule, and as such, requires a super-majority to pass.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[326]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Tom Foolery|Tom Foolery]] 13:49, 23 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[313]] is hereby amended to read, in entirety:
#All debate on a proposal shall last between 24 hours and 14 days at the discretion of the person proposing the rule change. Said person is responsible for setting a debate limit at the time of the proposal by including the statement: "Debate will end for this proposal at **date and time**" in the  "Proposer's summary and declarations" section of the talk page for that proposal.
#The person proposing the rule change shall call a vote at the end of the debate. The debate period can be cut short by the proposer with the calling for of a vote. Should the proposer fail to call a vote within 14 days, the proposed rule change shall be dismissed. If a vote is called, it will end when all registered voters, as indicated on the Census as of the time the vote started, have voted or when it has been 24 hours since the last vote has been cast on the given proposal.
#A vote will be called on a proposal by adding the following statement: "Debate is closed, this proposal must now be voted on." at the beginning of the "vote" section of the talk page for that proposal.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[327]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Shivan|Shivan]] 00:39, 24 November 2006 (EST)
A player can choose to abstain on a proposal. To do this the player shall cast his vote on ABSTAIN. Votes cast on abstain count neither for nor against the proposal in question. They do count for the quorum.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[328]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Tom Foolery|Tom Foolery]] 08:56, 24 November 2006 (EST)
#The Judge shall make a judgement whenever called upon to do so by any active player.
#The Judge shall abide by ''stare decisis.''
#A new page entitled "Decisions of the Judge" shall be created to hold such decisions, and shall be maintained by the current Judge.
#The decision of the Judge can only be overruled by a unanimous vote of all active players, except the player who was Judge at the time of the decision in question.
{{Message box|Solid Grey|[[329]] proposal has failed.|It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Failed proposal]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 10:32, 25 November 2006 (EST)
1. Voting on a proposal may not begin unless any lower-numbered proposals that may exist are eligible to be voted upon as well.
2. After voting has begun on a proposal, voting on that proposal must continue until both of the following conditions have been met:
* Normal voting time periods for that proposal have expired, as set forth in other rules;
* Voting has ended on all lower-numbered rules.
3. This rule takes precedence over other rules which deal with the timing of voting and of enacting rules.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[330]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 10:46, 25 November 2006 (EST)
There exists a type of entity called "Citizen of Nomicapolis", a term which may be shortened to "Citizen" without the meaning being altered.
When this rule goes into effect, a number of Citizens is created equal to 5,000 for each active player, and 2,500 for each player whose status is other than "active."
New Citizens are not automatically added by this rule when new players join the game or when players gain "active" status.  Citizens are not automatically eliminated by this rule when players leave the game or lose their "active" status.  This rule provides for a one-time creation of Citizens, and this rule will not further affect the number of Citizens in the game.
Other rules may be adopted which will affect the number or nature of Citizens in the game.
The number of Citizens in the game is termed the "Population of Nomicapolis" or, simply, "Population."  The Population shall be posted on the Nomicapolis main page.  If the Population changes for any reason, this posting shall be updated to reflect the correct Population. 
The Judge of Nomicapolis shall be responsible for calculating and properly posting the current Population.  The preceding sentence of this rule defers to rules which assign this duty to another player.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[331]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:TomFoolery|TomFoolery]] 10:51, 25 November 2006 (EST)
#Rule changes that transmute mutable rules into immutable rules may adopted if and only if the vote for the change is unanimous among eligible voters.
#As soon as a mutable rule is transmuted to immutable, it shall be moved to the immutable section of the current ruleset by the player declaring the vote ended.
{{Message box|Solid Blue|[[332]] is a mutable rule.|This rule is current, please view the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]] for its vote archives and any discussion. }}
[[Category:Mutable rule]]
[[Category:Current rule]]
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 15:39, 25 November 2006 (EST)
Each active player will be allowed to have three (3) proposals active at any time.  An active proposal is one that has first been proposed, secondly is in the debate stage or voting stage, and finally has not been passed or rejected.
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<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 10% 1em 10%;">
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-top:5px Solid Pink; border-right:5px Solid Pink; border-bottom:5px Solid Pink; border-left:5px Solid Pink;"
| <big>'''[[333]] is a proposal to amend rule [[204]].'''</big>
| Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Tucana25|Tucana25]] 00:34, 26 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[204]] is amended to read, in entirety: 
"1. This rule applies only to votes for amendments to the Ruleset. 
1.1 This rule does not apply to any point changes related to Rule [[322]]. 
2. The players who vote against against winning proposals shall receive 5 (positive) points each. 
3. In circumstances when the player who proposed the rule change in question votes against it, they shall receive no additional points." 
Should Proposal [[327]] be adopted an additional sentence shall be added as such: 
"2.1No player choosing to 'abstain' from a vote shall be awarded additional points for that vote.
{| align="center"
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 10% 1em 10%;">
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-top:5px Solid Pink; border-right:5px Solid Pink; border-bottom:5px Solid Pink; border-left:5px Solid Pink;"
| <big>'''[[334]] is a proposal to amend rule [[303]].'''</big>
| Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:TomFoolery|TomFoolery]] 12:25, 26 November 2006 (EST)
Rule [[303]] is hereby amended to read, in entirety:
#No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page.
#If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset. If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.
#No player, having once voted for a proposal or election, shall be allowed to change their vote on that proposal or election. Any player who erroneously casts a vote, shall be allowed a total of 30 minutes, from the time that their first erroneous vote was cast, in which to fix the error. After the 30 minute grace period, their vote will stand as cast.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[335]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
--[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 18:33, 26 November 2006 (EST)
Any Player may accuse another Player of braking the rules.  The Judge will determine if the accused Player is guilty and will determine the punishment.  A Player found guilty may ask for a decision to be overturned.  The decision of the Judge may be overturned by a unanamious vote, which the Judge and the accused Player will not be allowed to vote.  The decision of the vote may not be overturned.
{| align="center"
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 10% 1em 10%;">
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-top:5px Solid Pink; border-right:5px Solid Pink; border-bottom:5px Solid Pink; border-left:5px Solid Pink;"
| <big>'''[[336]] is a proposal to amend rule [[310]].'''</big>
| Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --Shivan 07:04, 27 November 2006 (EST)
Rule 310 is ammended to read, in entirety:
"In a vote, the following definitions will apply for consent or failure: A simple majority shall constitute of a greater number of FOR than AGAINST votes. A supermajority shall constitute of least 2 FOR votes to every 1 AGAINST vote. Unaminous consent shall be defined as not having any AGAINST votes. In a vote in which there are more than two options (for example, when there is an election for a title and there are three candidates running), the option which recieves the greatest number of FOR votes will win."
{| align="center"
<div style="text-align: center; margin: 0 10% 1em 10%;">
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-top:5px Solid Pink; border-right:5px Solid Pink; border-bottom:5px Solid Pink; border-left:5px Solid Pink;"
| <big>'''[[337]] is a proposal to amend rule [[319]].'''</big>
| Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 11:17, 27 November 2006 (EST)
Amendment to [[319]]
Players that are declared inactive do not count as registered voters.  A player who is currently declared inactive, and therefore an unregistered voter, shall recieve only ½ vote when and if they do vote.  When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points). This point lose cannot allow the player to have any more points less than 0 points than the player may already have. When a player is declared inactive the census page shall be edited to account for the change in status.  Inactive players are allowed to make one (1) rule proposal.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining votes a player has.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[338]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Applejuicefool|Applejuicefool]] 13:21, 28 November 2006 (EST).
Nomicapolis is hereby defined as an ongoing game divided into rounds of play. 
Any use of the word "winner" in the Nomicapolis ruleset should be taken to mean "winner of a round of play."
A "round of play" is defined as a period of Nomicapolis participation ending when a winner is determined. 
When a round of play ends, all players' scores are reset to zero.
Following the end of a round of play, a subsequent round of play shall begin.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[339]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:Dayd|Dayd]] 14:21, 28 November 2006 (EST)
A Player may only gain or lose points as the rules then in effect dictate.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[340]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by--[[User:Tucana25|Tucana25]] 00:07, 29 November 2006 (EST)
1. All elected positions shall be decided by the active voters of the census. 
2. Any proposal to create future elected positions must state the tenure of the position and how officials may be removed from office.
3. The election process shall follow this procedure:
3.1 Elections will take place on the first day of every month, according to EST.  Not all positions must be voted on every month, depending on the length of the office.
3.2 At any time after the results of the election have been adopted, nominations may be made for the next election.  A player may not nominate themselves.  A player must accept their nomination in the appropriate forum to receive votes during that election.  Should no nominations be put forward before election day, the incumbant officeholder shall retain their office for the normal term laid out for that individual office.
3.3 Newly elected officials will take office at the begining of the second day of the month, according to EST.
4. No player may hold more than one elected position simultaneously.  A player holding an elected position must resign before accepting a nomination for other elected positions.  Players may accept a nomination for office while holding that position without resigning.  Should any office be vacated for any reason, the result will be an emergency election.  The protocol for emergency elections shall follow Rules [[313]] and [[304]].
5. No player may be determined "winner" during an emergency election.  No player may be determined "winner" during election days (the first day of any given month).
6. Any conflicts in this proposal with Rule [[321]] regarding the position of Judge shall defer to that Rule.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[341]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by --[[User:TomFoolery|TomFoolery]] 11:16, 28 November 2006 (EST)
#Should the game become unplayable, the current Judge shall assume the role of Governor General.
#All rules then in play shall be suspended until the governor General announces that the game is playable again.
#The Governor General shall repeal or amend rules as required to make the game playable again.
#The Governor General shall declare a winner; if a winner is not evident in accordance to the rules then in play, then the Governor General shall declare the player with the most points to be the winner.
#The player declared winner shall be awarded the right to cast two votes on all subsequent proposals and elections in the next round of play.
This rule takes precedence over every other rule.
{{Message box|Solid Green|[[342]] is a proposal to enact a rule.|Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the [[:{{NAMESPACE}} talk:{{PAGENAME}}|discussion page]].}}
<includeonly>[[Category:Proposed rule]]</includeonly>
Proposed by [[User:Simulacrum|Simulacrum]] at 02:57, 1 December 2006 (EST).
1. The offical game time will be Eastern Standard Time (EST). Any specific times mentioned in proposals or their respective debate/vote pages, must, henceforth, be represented in the offical game time format.
1.1 An example of the official game time format is as follows: 02:57, 1 December 2006 (EST)
2. Any player may make a timestamp edit at the TOP of the debate/vote pages in order to determine if or when a deadline was or will be reached.
2.1 Timestamp edits do not meet the requirements for continuation of debate or vote unless the use of the timestamp is relavent to the debate.

Current revision as of 11:03, 30 May 2007

This page should be used for research of historical rules and proposals it is not a definative list of current rules, as such no player should rely on this page for an accurate representation of the current ruleset. This page is not updated regularly.


All rules


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. The rules in the Initial Set are in effect whenever a game begins. The Initial Set consists of Rules 101-116 (immutable) and 201-213 (mutable).


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

Initially rules in the 100's are immutable and rules in the 200's are mutable. Rules subsequently enacted or transmuted (that is, changed from immutable to mutable or vice versa) may be immutable or mutable regardless of their numbers, and rules in the Initial Set may be transmuted regardless of their numbers.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

All proposed rule-changes shall be written down before they are voted on. If they are adopted, they shall guide play in the form in which they were voted on.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

No rule-change may take effect earlier than the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it, even if its wording explicitly states otherwise. No rule-change may have retroactive application.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

Each proposed rule-change shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule-change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

Rule-changes that transmute immutable rules into mutable rules may be adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. Transmutation shall not be implied, but must be stated explicitly in a proposal to take effect.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

If a rule-change as proposed is unclear, ambiguous, paradoxical, or destructive of play, or if it arguably consists of two or more rule-changes compounded or is an amendment that makes no difference, or if it is otherwise of questionable value, then the other players may suggest amendments or argue against the proposal before the vote. A reasonable time must be allowed for this debate. The proponent decides the final form in which the proposal is to be voted on and, unless the Judge has been asked to do so, also decides the time to end debate and vote.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

A player always has the option to forfeit the game rather than continue to play or incur a game penalty. No penalty worse than losing, in the judgment of the player to incur it, may be imposed.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

There must always be at least one mutable rule. The adoption of rule-changes must never become completely impermissible.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

Rule-changes that affect rules needed to allow or apply rule-changes are as permissible as other rule-changes. Even rule-changes that amend or repeal their own authority are permissible. No rule-change or type of move is impermissible solely on account of the self-reference or self-application of a rule.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.

Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and unregulated, with the sole exception of changing the rules, which is permitted only when a rule or set of rules explicitly or implicitly permits it.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

A Player may take a turn at any time. All players begin with zero points.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

One turn consists of two parts in this order: (1) proposing one rule-change and having it voted on, and (2) subtracting 291 from the ordinal number of their proposal and multiply the result by the fraction of favorable votes it received, rounded to the nearest integer. (This yields a number between 0 and 10 for the first player, with the upper limit increasing by one each turn; more points are awarded for more popular proposals.)


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

A rule-change is adopted if and only if the vote is unanimous among the eligible voters. If this rule is not amended by the end of the second complete circuit of turns, it automatically changes to require only a simple majority.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

If and when rule-changes can be adopted without unanimity, the players who vote against winning proposals shall receive 10 points each.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

An adopted rule-change takes full effect at the moment of the completion of the vote that adopted it.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

When a proposed rule-change is defeated, the player who proposed it loses 10 points.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Each player always has exactly one vote.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

The winner is the first player to achieve 200 (positive) points.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

At no time may there be more than 25 mutable rules.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

If two or more mutable rules conflict with one another, or if two or more immutable rules conflict with one another, then the rule with the lowest ordinal number takes precedence.

If at least one of the rules in conflict explicitly says of itself that it defers to another rule (or type of rule) or takes precedence over another rule (or type of rule), then such provisions shall supersede the numerical method for determining precedence.

If two or more rules claim to take precedence over one another or to defer to one another, then the numerical method again governs.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

If players disagree about the legality of a move or the interpretation or application of a rule, then the most recent player that took a turn is to be the Judge and decide the question. Disagreement for the purposes of this rule may be created by the insistence of any player. This process is called invoking Judgment.

When Judgment has been invoked, no rule-change may be voted on without the consent of a majority of the other players.

The Judge's Judgment may be overruled only by a unanimous vote of the other players taken before the next turn is begun. If a Judge's Judgment is overruled, then the player preceding the Judge in the playing order becomes the new Judge for the question, and so on, except that no player is to be Judge during his or her own turn or during the turn of a team-mate.

Unless a Judge is overruled, one Judge settles all questions arising from the game until the next turn is begun, including questions as to his or her own legitimacy and jurisdiction as Judge.

New Judges are not bound by the decisions of old Judges. New Judges may, however, settle only those questions on which the players currently disagree and that affect the completion of the turn in which Judgment was invoked. All decisions by Judges shall be in accordance with all the rules then in effect; but when the rules are silent, inconsistent, or unclear on the point at issue, then the Judge shall consider game-custom and the spirit of the game before applying other standards.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

If the rules are changed so that further play is impossible, or if the legality of a move cannot be determined with finality, or if by the Judge's best reasoning, not overruled, a move appears equally legal and illegal, then the first player unable to complete a turn is the winner.

This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining the winner.


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This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

1. When a rule is proposed, there will be a period of three days of debate until it may be voted on.

1.1 If any player requests it, the debate time will be extended until this player is satisfied or they have abandoned the discussion.

1.1.1 This objection time may be overridden at anytime by the player who proposed the rule thus bringing the proposal straight to a vote.

1.1.2 If three days have elapsed and there is already votes registered for a proposal, no player may extend debate time, including the player who proposed it.

1.2 The proposing player may declare the proposal ready for vote before the three days have elapsed.

2. No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page.

3. If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset. If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.


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This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 22:26, 12 April 2006 (PDT).

1. In order for a proposal to be "proposed in the proper way" and thus satisfy rule 104/105, it must contain the following elements:

a) The correct number; i.e. the next number in the sequence.
b) Verbiage that creates an actual or potential change to Nomicapolis play.
c) The user name of the proposer. This should follow the proposal number and precede the text of the proposal in the format used in the proposal of this rule.
d) Each numbered rule change proposal must have its own Nomicapolis article page and discussion page with the proposal number as the title of the page.

2. If a player believes that a rule was not proposed in the proper way, and/or was proposed in an improper way, he should create a section in the discussion page for that rule headed "Improper Proposal". Following the header, the player should state his reasons why he believes the proposal is not proper. Players may then vote on whether the proposal is proper.

a) A claim of improper proposal must be made before the proposal is declared to have passed or failed.
b) The rules for voting on claims of improper proposal and determining whether the claim passes or fails shall be the same as the rules for voting on and determining whether mutable rule changes pass or fail at the time the claim is made.
c) If a claim of improper proposal passes, then the proposed rule is discarded without completion of a proposal vote. The proposer loses points as if his proposal had been voted down. If the claim fails, the vote on the proposal continues as usual.
d) When a claim of improper proposal passes or fails, the claimant and voters in the claim action gain or lose half as many points as they would have had the claim been a proposal vote with a number equal to the proposal number of the proposal in question.
e) A player may not make a claim of improper proposal against a proposal he/she originated.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

This is a proposal to repeal rule 202. Upon acceptance, rule 202 shall be removed from the rule set.


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This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

All rule-changes proposed in the proper way shall be voted on. They will be adopted if and only if they receive the required number of votes.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Rule 301 is amended to read, in entirety, "In a vote, the following definitions will apply for consent or failure: A simple majority shall constitute a number greater than 50% of total votes. A supermajority shall constitute at least 66% of total votes. Unaminous consent shall constitute all votes being positive. In a vote in which there are more than two options (for example, when there is an election for a title and there are three candidates running), the option which recieves the greatest number of votes will win."


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Applejuicefool

Rule 203 is hereby amended to read, in entirety:

"A rule-change is adopted if and only if a simple majority of those voting on the rule change vote 'For' the proposal. This rule defers to rule 304."


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Applejuicefool

Rule 211 is hereby repealed.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Simulacrum 13:58, 10 November 2006 (EST)

Rule 209 is hereby repealed.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Dayd 00:19, 12 November 2006 (EST)

Rule 309 is hereby repealed.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 13:50, 15 November 2006 (EST).

Whenever a rule's number changes for any reason, all rules which reference that rule by number are automatically amended narrowly and specifically to reflect that change in number. Automatic amendments generated by this rule take effect without a vote. Rules amended by this rule retain the number they had prior to such amendment. This rule takes precedence over all rules, mutable or immutable, which govern the way in which rule changes are made.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by --Shivan 16:45, 16 November 2006 (EST)

This rule takes precedence over rule 207

1. A player who is currently declared inactive shall recieve only ½ vote.
2. All players that are declared inactive do not count against the total number of players for purposes of the quorum.
3. When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points). This cannot cause the player's points to go in the negative.
4. When a player is declared inactive the census page shall be edited and refactored to account for the change in status.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 22:15, 17 November 2006 (EST)

The Mayor of Nomicapolis will be voted for on the first of every month. The Player that recieves the most votes will become the Mayor. In the event of a tie between 1 or more Players the Player that recieved the most votes first will become the Mayor. The Mayor will be responsible for introducing all proposals and declaring the resolution of all proposals after debate and voting has been concluded. The Mayor will be expected to always have at least 1 proposal active, either open for debate or open for voting. The Mayor may resign the position at any time. The Mayor may be expelled with a supermajority vote. At any time there is not an active Player as Mayor a special vote for a new Mayor will be immediately conducted.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Dayd 22:14, 17 November 2006 (EST)

When a rule is passed the player that proposed it shall gain 10 (positive) points.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 09:43, 21 November 2006 (EST).

1. A player may nominate a player for the title and position "Supreme Grammarian" at any time, unless the current Supreme Grammarian has held that position for a continuous period fewer than 7 days immediately prior to the present date. In the latter case, no "Supreme Grammarian" nominations may be made.

2. To nominate a player for "Supreme Grammarian," a player must:

  1. Create a page titled "Supreme Grammarian Nomination X+1" where X is the number of the previous Supreme Grammarian Nomination. The first such nomination shall be titled "Supreme Grammarian Nomination 1".
  2. List on that page the name of the player to be nominated.
  3. Create an appropriate discussion page for the nomination, with Summary, Debate, and Voting sections.
  4. Link the nomination page to the Nomicapolis Main Page and to the Proposals page.

3. The nomination will then be debated and voted upon as if it were a rule change proposal.

4. If the nomination passes, the current Supreme Grammarian, if any, will be removed from that position and the nominated player will become Supreme Grammarian.

5. The player designated as "Supreme Grammarian" shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  1. The Supreme Grammarian shall examine all rules in the ruleset for grammar and spelling errors.
  2. Upon finding grammar and spelling errors in the ruleset, the Supreme Grammarian shall fix them. Rules so amended retain their old rule numbers.
  3. The Supreme Grammarian shall create a page with a list of all rules containing grammar and spelling errors, along with the corrections he or she made to those rules. This list shall be linked to the Nomicapolis wiki's main page.
  4. If any player disagrees with the Supreme Grammarian's corrections, he or she may dispute the corrections on the correction list's discussion page.
  5. The Supreme Grammarian's corrections which are disputed automatically become rule change proposals and are voted on in the normal way. The Supreme Grammarian shall assign these proposals proper numbers, create proper pages for them, and link them appropriately.
  6. When a new proposal is made, the Supreme Grammarian shall examine it for grammar and spelling errors.
  7. If the Supreme Grammarian deems that a proposal contains grammar and/or spelling errors, he shall post a corrected version of the proposal in the "Debate" section of that rule's discussion page. Such corrected version shall be clearly labeled SUPREME GRAMMARIAN.
  8. If no player disputes the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version of the proposal before the end of the debate period, the Supreme Grammarian's version is the proposal voted on and enacted if the vote carries.
  9. If one or more players dispute the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version, then the Supreme Grammarian's corrected version in the debate becomes a claim of improper proposal. That claim must be adjudicated in the normal way before the proposal may be voted upon.

6. The Supreme Grammarian may resign the position at any time. If the Supreme Grammarian ever becomes inactive, he or she is considered to have resigned.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

--Tom Foolery 13:16, 23 November 2006 (EST)

Rule 311 is hereby amended to read, in entirety:

  1. A simple majority is required to approve any new rule.
  2. A super-majority is required to repeal or amend any rule.
  3. Any new rule that negates a previous rule by removing it or by eliminating its entire effect is considered a repeal of the previous rule, and as such, requires a super-majority to pass.
  4. Any new rule that negates a previous rule by removing, or by eliminating part of its effect is considered an amendment of the previous rule, and as such, requires a super-majority to pass.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Shivan 00:39, 24 November 2006 (EST)

A player can choose to abstain on a proposal. To do this the player shall cast his vote on ABSTAIN. Votes cast on abstain count neither for nor against the proposal in question. They do count for the quorum.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tom Foolery 08:56, 24 November 2006 (EST)

  1. The Judge shall make a judgement whenever called upon to do so by any active player.
  2. The Judge shall abide by stare decisis.
  3. A new page entitled "Decisions of the Judge" shall be created to hold such decisions, and shall be maintained by the current Judge.
  4. The decision of the Judge can only be overruled by a unanimous vote of all active players, except the player who was Judge at the time of the decision in question.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 10:32, 25 November 2006 (EST)

1. Voting on a proposal may not begin unless any lower-numbered proposals that may exist are eligible to be voted upon as well.

2. After voting has begun on a proposal, voting on that proposal must continue until both of the following conditions have been met:

  • Normal voting time periods for that proposal have expired, as set forth in other rules;
  • Voting has ended on all lower-numbered rules.

3. This rule takes precedence over other rules which deal with the timing of voting and of enacting rules.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 10:46, 25 November 2006 (EST)

There exists a type of entity called "Citizen of Nomicapolis", a term which may be shortened to "Citizen" without the meaning being altered.

When this rule goes into effect, a number of Citizens is created equal to 5,000 for each active player, and 2,500 for each player whose status is other than "active."

New Citizens are not automatically added by this rule when new players join the game or when players gain "active" status. Citizens are not automatically eliminated by this rule when players leave the game or lose their "active" status. This rule provides for a one-time creation of Citizens, and this rule will not further affect the number of Citizens in the game.

Other rules may be adopted which will affect the number or nature of Citizens in the game.

The number of Citizens in the game is termed the "Population of Nomicapolis" or, simply, "Population." The Population shall be posted on the Nomicapolis main page. If the Population changes for any reason, this posting shall be updated to reflect the correct Population.

The Judge of Nomicapolis shall be responsible for calculating and properly posting the current Population. The preceding sentence of this rule defers to rules which assign this duty to another player.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --TomFoolery 10:51, 25 November 2006 (EST)

  1. Rule changes that transmute mutable rules into immutable rules may adopted if and only if the vote for the change is unanimous among eligible voters.
  2. As soon as a mutable rule is transmuted to immutable, it shall be moved to the immutable section of the current ruleset by the player declaring the vote ended.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Tucana25 00:34, 26 November 2006 (EST)

Rule 204 is amended to read, in entirety:

"1. This rule applies only to votes for amendments to the Ruleset.

1.1 This rule does not apply to any point changes related to Rule 322.

2. The players who vote against against winning proposals shall receive 5 (positive) points each.

3. In circumstances when the player who proposed the rule change in question votes against it, they shall receive no additional points."

Should Proposal 327 be adopted an additional sentence shall be added as such:

"2.1No player choosing to 'abstain' from a vote shall be awarded additional points for that vote.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 11:17, 27 November 2006 (EST)

Amendment to 319

Players that are declared inactive do not count as registered voters. A player who is currently declared inactive, and therefore an unregistered voter, shall not recieve a vote until they propose a proposal. When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points). This point lose cannot allow the player to have any more points less than 0 points than the player may already have. When a player is declared inactive the census page shall be edited to account for the change in status. Inactive players are allowed to make one (1) rule proposal.

This rule takes precedence over every other rule determining votes a player has.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

(This rule was transmuted to immutable status by 345)

Proposed by Applejuicefool 13:21, 28 November 2006 (EST).

Nomicapolis is hereby defined as an ongoing game divided into rounds of play.

Any use of the word "winner" in the Nomicapolis ruleset should be taken to mean "winner of a round of play."

A "round of play" is defined as a period of Nomicapolis participation ending when a winner is determined.

When a round of play ends, all players' scores are reset to zero.

Following the end of a round of play, a subsequent round of play shall begin.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by--Tucana25 00:07, 29 November 2006 (EST)

1. All elected positions shall be decided by the active voters of the census.

2. Any proposal to create future elected positions must state the tenure of the position and how officials may be removed from office.

3. The election process shall follow this procedure:

3.1 Elections will take place on the first day of every month, according to EST. Not all positions must be voted on every month, depending on the length of the office.

3.2 At any time after the results of the election have been adopted, nominations may be made for the next election. A player may not nominate themselves. A player must accept their nomination in the appropriate forum to receive votes during that election. Should no nominations be put forward before election day, the incumbant officeholder shall retain their office for the normal term laid out for that individual office.

3.3 Newly elected officials will take office at the begining of the second day of the month, according to EST.

4. No player may hold more than one elected position simultaneously. A player holding an elected position must resign before accepting a nomination for other elected positions. Players may accept a nomination for office while holding that position without resigning. Should any office be vacated for any reason, the result will be an emergency election. The protocol for emergency elections shall follow Rules 304 and 326.

5. No player may be determined "winner" during an emergency election. No player may be determined "winner" during election days (the first day of any given month).

6. Any conflicts in this proposal with Rule 321 regarding the position of Judge shall defer to that Rule.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Simulacrum at 02:57, 1 December 2006 (EST).

1. The offical game time will be Eastern Standard Time (EST) as indicated by the server. Any specific times mentioned in proposals or their respective debate/vote pages, must, henceforth, be represented in the offical game time format.

1.1 An example of the official game time format is as follows: 02:57, 1 December 2006 (EST)

2. Any player may make a timestamp edit at the TOP of the debate/vote pages in order to determine if or when a deadline was or will be reached.

2.1 Timestamp edits do not meet the requirements for continuation of debate or vote unless the use of the timestamp is relavent to the debate.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 11:39, 1 December 2006 (EST).

In the event that there are fewer than three (3) active players in the game, an inactive player may become active by declaring that change in status on the Nomicapolis main page.

This rule takes precedence over other rules in determining how inactive players may become active.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tucana25 20:54, 1 December 2006 (EST)

Rule 319 shall be repealed.

Rule 314 shall be amended to read:

1. Any player who has not voted on a proposal or debated on one within the last 14 days shall be declared inactive.

1.1 If there have been no proposals to vote on since the player's previous vote, he or she cannot be declared inactive.

2. All players that are declared inactive do not count against the total number of players for purposes of the quorum.

3. When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points).

4. When a player is declared inactive the "Census Page" and "Nomicopolis Population" shall be edited and refactored to account for the change in status.

5. A player's status will change from inactive to active after he or she has submitted one rule-change proposal.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tucana25 01:34, 5 December 2006 (EST)

1. Any player may declare themselves Mayor of a "named territory" within the limits of Nomicapolis (for example: Mayor John Smith of JohnSmithTown or Mayor Jennifer Rogers of JRogVille).

2. Only one player may be named Mayor of a "named territory" at any given time. Players may resign as Mayor of a "named territory" at any time.

3. Any "named territory" shall be governed by the current ruleset in place for Nomicapolis.

4. Each Mayor shall be responsible for maintaining a home page for that "Named Territory" on the players own user page.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 21:16, 5 December 2006 (EST)

No proposal may be made to amend, repeal, or transmute a current rule (mutable or immutable) if there is already an active proposal to amend, repeal, transmute, or otherwise references that particular rule.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tucana25 23:11, 5 December 2006 (EST)

Any player maintaining 'inactive' status for 6 consecutive months shall be assumed to have left the game and shall be reclassified as having 'departed' status. A player who expects to attain 'inactive' status may petition the census on the Game Direction page to extend the time limit beyond 6 consecutive months. That petition would follow the current rule-change proposal format in place. Any player who becomes classified as 'departed' must follow the guidelines set forth by Rule 302 to rejoin the game.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by: Chuck 20:25, 6 December 2006 (EST)

1. Wherever the rules refer to a player having some number of votes (such as one), this shall mean that a player is eligible to cast that number of votes per proposal, in accordance with all rules in effect.

2. No player may divide, combine, or otherwise alter the number of votes that he or she is eligible to cast on a particular proposal, unless the rules specifically permit it.

3. Wherever the rules refer to a fractional vote, the vote shall only be considered fractional for the purposes of totaling the number of votes. A player is always eligible to cast a fractional vote as though it were a single vote, e.g. a player does not require two half-votes to be eligible to vote.

4. Neither fractional votes nor multiple votes cast by a single player on a proposal shall have any different affect on quorum than a single vote. For the purposes of determining quorum, any number of votes cast by a player shall be treated as a single whole vote.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --TomFoolery 16:21, 8 December 2006 (EST)

The winner of an election for the position of Judge shall be awarded 20 points.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --TomFoolery 16:21, 8 December 2006 (EST)

  1. No player who resigns from the office of Judge may be nominated for, or elected to, said position in the election following their resignation.
  2. No player who is expelled from the office of Judge by a super-majority vote, per 321, may be nominated for, or elected to, said position in the two elections following their resignation.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 12:52, 9 December 2006 (EST)

The Scorekeeper of Nomicapolis will be voted for on the first of every month. The Player that recieves the most votes will become the Scorekeeper. In the event of a tie between 1 or more Players the Player that recieved the most votes first will become the Scorekeeper. The Scorekeeper will be responsible for keeping track of the score and updating the Scoreboard. The Scorekeeper will be expected to follow all rules in play and update the Scoreboard in accordance with the rules determining points. The Scorekeeper may resign the position at any time. The Scorekeeper may be expelled with a supermajority vote. At any time there is not an active Player as Scorekeeper a special vote for a new Scorekeeper will be immediately conducted.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.


Nomicapolis is divided into five cantons. These cantons shall be named as follows:

  • North Canton
  • South Canton
  • East Canton
  • West Canton
  • Center Canton

Cantons may be referred to by additional or alternate names only as the rules permit.

The North Canton borders the East, West, and Center Cantons. The South Canton borders the East, West, and Center Cantons. The East Canton borders the North, South, and Center Cantons. The West Canton borders the North, South, and Center Cantons. The Center Canton borders all of the North, South, East, and West Cantons.


Each Citizen of Nomicapolis is considered to be a resident of a single "home" canton.

When new Citizens of Nomicapolis are created, and no rule otherwise specifies their residency, these new citizens shall be distributed amongst all cantons such that each canton receives an equal number of citizens. Any remainder will be assigned to the Center Canton.

When Citizens of Nomicapolis are removed for any reason, and no rule otherwise specifies where this removal took place, each canton shall reduce its citizens such that each canton decreases by an equal amount. Any remainder will come from the Center Canton.

Initially, the North, South, East, and West Cantons shall have 12,000 citizens each. The Center Canton shall have 4,500 citizens. If insufficient citizens exist for these residents to be assigned, sufficient immigrants will be added to reach this population. If the population exceeds 52,500, at the time of initial population, then the remaining citizens shall be assigned as though they were new citizens.


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 09:30, 15 December 2006 (EST).

A special page shall be created entitled "2006-07 Winter Holiday Season".

Any player may post on that page stories, poems, sets of song lyrics, images, or any other brief statements; or any combination thereof; related to one or more of the winter holidays.

Any player who makes such a post or posts prior to the deadline listed below shall receive 5 points per item posted; however, no player may receive more than 15 points for posts to the 2006-07 Winter Holiday Season page.

This rule is intended as a fun holiday exercise and is not intended to offend anyone. Offensive additions to the 2006-07 Winter Holiday Season page shall be deleted and shall score no points for the poster. The Judge shall make the final determination as to what constitutes an "offensive" post, and may, at his discretion, assess a penalty of up to 5 points upon a player whose post is exceptionally egregious.

The deadline for posting to the 2006-07 Winter Holiday Season page shall be midnight on the last day of winter: March 20, 2007.

At the deadline, this rule shall automatically be amended - retaining the same rule number it has at the time of the amendment - to read:

"The page entitled '2006-07 Winter Holiday Season' shall remain as part of the permanent record of Nomicapolis, to demonstrate holiday spirit to future Nomicapolitans."


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This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tucana25 10:55, 20 December 2006 (EST)

This rule applies to the entity known as the "Citizen of Nomicapolis". The number value associated with number of "Citizens" shall be variable based on the players listed on the census. The number of "Citizens" shall equal 5,000 for each active player, and 2,500 for each player whose status is other than "active." Whatever player, according to the ruleset, is given responsibility for calculating and properly posting the current Population shall continue to do so upon the ratification of this proposal.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by--Dayd 01:43, 21 December 2006 (EST)

After a vote where the out come is passed or failed (examples may include: rule proposal votes, improper proposal votes) a popularity rating will be assessed toward everyone who voted.

  • A vote cast for that is also part of the majority will be worth +15 popularity.
  • A vote cast against that is also part of the majority will be worth +10 popularity.
  • A vote cast for that is also part of the minority will be worth -5 popularity.
  • A vote cast against that is also part of the minority will be worth -10 popularity.

Abstaining, along with any other vote that is neither for nor against, shall be worth 0 popularity. In the event that there is no clear majority or minority (i.e. for and against recieved the same number of votes) 0 popularity will be assessed. Popularity will be tracked on the Scoreboard.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by: chuck 12:43, 21 December 2006 (EST)

A rule shall not take effect if it contains any of the following provisions:

  • It rewards or punishes players based on how or whether they voted for it.

A rule that has failed to take effect shall be treated as a Failed Proposal, regardless of its vote results.

This rule takes precedence over any other rule that determines whether a rule may take effect.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Tucana25 13:38, 27 December 2006 (EST)

This rule takes precedence over rule 207

Any player who has not voted on a proposal or debated on one within the last 14 days shall be declared 'inactive'. If there have been no proposals to vote on since the player's previous vote, he or she cannot be declared 'inactive'. A player's status will change from 'inactive' to 'active' after he or she has made one proposal. Only players deemed to have 'active' status at the beginning of a proposal's voting period may vote for that proposal. All players that are not deemed to have 'active' status shall not count against the total number of players for purposes of the quorum. When a player is declared inactive he or she loses 10 points (Gains 10 negative points). When a player changes to or from 'active' status, the census page shall be edited and refactored to account for the change in status.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by --Finisterre 05:26, 28 December 2006 (EST)

I propose rule 335 be amended to:

Any Player may accuse another Player of a violation of the rules. The Judge will determine if the accused Player is guilty and, if guilty will determine the punishment. A Player found guilty may ask for a decision to be overturned. The decision of the Judge may be overturned by a unanamious vote, in which the Judge and the accusing Player will not be allowed to vote. The decision of the vote may not be overturned.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 01:17, 1 January 2007 (EST)

A round of play will last until a winner is declared or the end of three (3) full months which ever comes first. If a winner is not declared before the end of the last month the winner(s) of the round will be the player(s) with the most points.

All players scores will be reset to 0 when this rule takes effect.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

proposed by --Finisterre 06:23, 1 January 2007 (EST)

I propose that Rule 324 be repealed.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Dayd 18:29, 4 January 2007 (EST)

The order and stages of a rule will be as follows.

  1. Rule Proposed
  2. Rule Debated
  3. Rule Voted on
  4. Rule Passed or Failed
  5. Points Calculated
  6. Rule is added to ruleset if passed.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Applejuicefool 10:07, 9 January 2007 (EST)

1. This rule shall take effect at 12:01 am (EST), February 1, 2007.

2. Upon passage of this rule, each Citizen of Nomicapolis shall gain an attribute called "Age." Initially, the existing Citizens of Nomicapolis shall be divided evenly among the seven possible Age values, listed below.

3. The possible values for the Age attribute shall be:

a. Infant
b. Young
c. Young Adult
d. Adult
e. Middle-aged
f. Elderly
g. Ancient
These values represent a sequence wherein “Young” follows “Infant”, “Young Adult” follows "Young," etc.

4. On the first day of each month, all citizens who had been designated "Ancient", and half the citizens who had been designated "Elderly", shall die and be removed from the Population. Following this event, each remaining citizen’s Age shall progress to the next value in the sequence.

5. On the first day of the month, following the events in clause #4, one new "Infant" citizen shall be born and added to the population for each citizen designated as "Adult"; in addition, one new "Infant" citizen shall be born and added to the population for every two (2) citizens designated either as "Young Adult" or as "Middle-aged".

6. Population of each age category and changes to these populations shall be applied proportionately to each of the geographic regions of Nomicapolis.

7. The Judge shall no longer have the responsibility of keeping up with the Population. Instead, the Scorekeeper shall maintain the total population of Nomicapolis on the Main Page. The Scorekeeper shall also maintain a separate page entitled Population of Nomicapolis listing the total population, and demographic details of the population including the number of citizens of each Age and which Canton they inhabit.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed by --Dayd 20:41, 9 January 2007 (EST)

A round of play will last until the winner(s) is(are) declared or the end of three (3) full months which ever comes first. If the winner(s) is(are) not declared before the end of the last month no winner(s) will be declared for that round.

A new round will begin when this rule takes effect.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Dayd 01:53, 12 January 2007 (EST)

Any player that is not active for a complete round will be removed from the Census at the beginning of the next round.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Finisterre 05:26, 15 January 2007 (EST)

Any Player who achieves a negative score of 25 points or below will immediately have their score set to 25 (positive), and gain 100 popularity. A player may only use the effects of this rule once in any given round, even if their score falls below 25 points again.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Tucana25 22:47, 21 January 2007 (EST)

Rule 304 shall be amended to read:

Quorum shall be defined as such:
  1. Quorum is based on active number of players.
  2. Quorum is half the number of active players. If that number is a fraction, it shall be rounded up to the next whole number (if there are 5 active players, quorom would be 3; 7>4, 9>5, etc).
  3. Quorom for a vote shall be no fewer than 2 players.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

This rule is proposed by --Tucana25 23:21, 21 January 2007 (EST)

Rule 334 shall be repealed.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Tucana25 00:19, 22 January 2007 (EST)

Rule 326 shall be amended to read:

  1. All debate on a proposal (Stage 2) shall last up to 14 days at the discretion of the person proposing the rule change. Said person is responsible for setting a 'suggested' debate limit at the time of the proposal by including something in the spirit of the statement: 'Debate will end for this proposal at **date and time**' in the "Proposer's summary and declarations" section of the talk page for that proposal.
  2. Any player may call for a vote (Stage 3) following the end of the 'suggested' debate time limit. The debate period can be cut short by the proposer with the calling for of a vote. Should the proposal not get called to a vote within 14 days, the proposed rule change shall be dismissed. If a proposal is dismissed in this way, the proposer shall lose 5 (five) points.
  3. If a vote on a proposal is called for, it should be indicated by adding the following statement: "Debate is closed, this proposal must now be voted on." at the beginning of the "vote" section of the talk page for that proposal. No player may modify the article page of a proposal while a vote is being conducted on that proposal, except to place a protection on the page. If a call is made to vote on a proposal in the proper way (as laid out above), it will end when all registered voters, as indicated on the Census as of the time the vote started, have voted or after 14 days have elapsed since a vote was called. No player, having once voted for a proposal or election, shall be allowed to change their vote on that proposal or election. Any player who erroneously casts a vote, shall be allowed a total of 30 minutes, from the time that their first erroneous vote was cast, in which to fix the error. After the 30 minute grace period, their vote will stand as cast.
  4. Voting may be 'closed' by any player once the following two conditions are met: Quorom has been met and no votes have been cast in the last 48 hours (2 Earth days). If a rule gains the number of "for" votes required to pass or the number of "against" votes required to be defeated, any player may declare an end to voting on the proposal. Voting shall be considered 'closed' when a declaration of Pass/Fail (Stage 4) has been noted above the "Proposer's summary and declarations" section of the talk page(under the Proposed by...).
  5. If voting ends on a passing proposal, the player who declared the vote ended must immediately make the proposed change to the published ruleset (stage 5). If voting ends on a defeated proposal, no player may add it to the ruleset.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed By BobTHJ 01:17, 30 April 2007 (EDT)

Whenever a number would be specified in a proposed rule, its proposer may instead specify a string in the following format:


The [XXX] in the above should be substituted with any stock ticker symbol for any publicly traded stock with historical information readily available on leading financial websites. The number in question shall be equal to the hundredths digit (cents, a number from 0-9) of the most recent closing price of the specified stock, and shall vary over time as the stock price changes.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by --Tucana25 23:21, 1 May 2007 (EDT)

Each Canton of Nomicapolis may declare a Dynasty in any Canton they are leader of. This Dynasty shall be named under the Public Announcements page, under the Canton Rankings. A Dynasty name shall last as long as that player is leader of that Canton and cannot be changed unless a claim of improper procedure (offensive name, duplicate name, etc.) is put before the Judge.

Any Dynasty may declare war on another Dynasty so long as they border each other geographically. A declaration of war shall last until withdrawn by the player who declared it, or when either Dynasty ends. If a player withdraws their declaration of war, they must wait until the first day of the next month to make a new declaration of war. No more than 1 (one) declaration of war may be announced at a time by a given player.


This is a repealed rule.
It is kept for historical purposes. For more information read the discussion page.

Proposed by --Tucana25 23:33, 9 May 2007 (EDT)

Rules 328 and 363 shall be repealed.


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This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by Wooble 11:26, 11 May 2007 (EDT)

On the second day of each month, a Dynasty which has declared war on another dynasty shall lose citizens equal to (0.5% * RANDOM: AAPL) * (Young Adult + Adult population), for each Dynasty they have declared war on. 75% of those citizens lost shall be Young Adults and 25% shall be Adults.

In addition, any Dynasty which has had war declared upon it by another Dynasty shall lose (0.5% * RANDOM: MSFT) of its total population, taken evenly from each age group.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by BobTHJ 15:09, 11 May 2007 (EDT)

On the first day of each month, immigrants arrive in a canton of Nomicapolis looking for homes. After the Scorekeeper updates Population totals, the number RANDOM: MCD is determined and the Scorekeeper takes action based on its value:

0-1: The Scorekeeper adds 10 to the population of each age group of the North Canton 2-3: The Scorekeeper adds 10 to the population of each age group of the South Canton 4-5: The Scorekeeper adds 10 to the population of each age group of the East Canton 6-7: The Scorekeeper adds 10 to the population of each age group of the West Canton 8-9: The Scorekeeper adds 10 to the population of each age group of the Central Canton

The Scorekeeper shall keep a record on the Public Announcements page of which Canton received immigrants for each month since this proposal was passed.


This is an immutable rule.
It must be transmuted before it can be amended or repealed. See the discussion page for more information.
Proposed by: Wooble 23:20, 11 May 2007 (EDT)

All players must always abide by all the rules then in effect, in the form in which they are then in effect. This rule takes precedence over all other rules.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed by BobTHJ 11:17, 18 May 2007 (EDT)

At any time, the leader of a Canton may set an Industry Index (an integer between 0 and 10, inclusive) for their Canton by posting it to the Public Announcements page. Unless otherwise specified, the default Industry Index for any Canton is 3. Canton Leaders may change the Industry Index for their Canton at any time. The Industry Index is a measure of how hard the citizens of that Canton are directed to work.

On the 10th day of each month the Scorekeeper shall deduct Popularity from each Canton Leader equal to RANDOM:DIS times the Industry Index for that Canton minus 10 (New Popularity = Old Pop - ((RANDOM:DIS * Ind Index) - 10)). This represents how content the citizens of each Canton are with their leadership.

On the 15th day of each month, the Scorekeeper shall set the Industry Points of each Canton as follows (unspent Industry Points from the previous month are lost): Industry Points = Industry Index * (Adult Pop + (Middle-aged pop / 2) + (Young Adult pop / 3)) * [random number] (The above figures represent the population for that Canton only) In the above calculation, replace [random number] with the following:

  • North Canton - RANDOM: GOOG
  • South Canton - RANDOM: AMZN
  • East Canton - RANDOM: YHOO
  • West Canton - RANDOM: EBAY
  • Central Canton - RANDOM: CSCO

The Industry Point total should be rounded down to the nearest integer. Industry Points represent the labor power of the citizens of each Canton.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed By: BobTHJ 11:28, 22 May 2007 (EDT)

A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of a mutable rule; (2) the enactment, repeal, or amendment of an amendment of a mutable rule; or (3) the transmutation of an immutable rule into a mutable rule or vice versa.

(Note: This definition implies that, at least initially, all new rules are mutable; immutable rules, as long as they are immutable, may not be amended or repealed; mutable rules, as long as they are mutable, may be amended or repealed; any rule of any status may be transmuted; no rule is absolutely immune to change.)


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

Proposed By BobTHJ 02:16, 23 May 2007 (EDT)

Each proposed rule-change shall be given a number for reference. The numbers shall begin with 301, and each rule-change proposed in the proper way shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the proposal is adopted.

If a rule is repealed and reenacted, it receives the number of the proposal to reenact it. If a rule is amended or transmuted, it receives the number of the proposal to amend or transmute it. If an amendment is amended or repealed, the entire rule of which it is a part receives the number of the proposal to amend or repeal the amendment.


This is a mutable rule.
This rule is current, please view the discussion page for its vote archives and any discussion.

Proposed By BobTHJ 10:40, 23 May 2007 (EDT)

The state of affairs that constitutes winning may not be altered from achieving n points to any other state of affairs. The magnitude of n and the means of earning points may be changed, and rules that establish a winner when play cannot continue may be enacted and (while they are mutable) be amended or repealed.


This is a proposal to amend rule 381.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.
Proposed by: Wooble 13:28, 24 May 2007 (EDT)

At any time, a player may make a "Canton Ranking" Game Announcement. This announcement should contain a list of the Cantons in ranked order. Any Canton Ranking Game Announcement supersedes any previous Canton Ranking Game Announcement made by the same Player, and shall remain in effect until that Player makes a new Canton Ranking Game Announcement. Canton Ranking Game Announcements made after 12:01 AM Eastern Time on the first day of a month but before Leader assignments have been made for the month shall go into effect after Leader assignments have been made and before non-Leader Players are assigned Canton residency for the month.

At the beginning of each month, the Scorekeeper shall assign Leaders to Cantons as follows:

1. Any Active Player who is the only Player to rank a Canton first in his or her rankings shall be that Canton's leader.

2. If two or more players rank a given Canton first in their rankings, the players' Popularity shall be compared. For the purposes of this comparison, the incumbent Leader of the Canton shall receive a bonus of 10 popularity, plus an additional bonus of 20 popularity if the Canton is in a Dynasty and another bonus of 20 popularity for each other Dynasty that has declared war on the Canton. The Player with the highest popularity who has ranked the Canton first shall become Leader. If two or more players are tied for the same popularity, then the Player who has been continuously Active for the longest period of time shall become the Leader.

3. The rankings of Players, if any, who are still not Canton Leaders shall be compared according to the above 2 procedures after removing previously assigned Cantons from their rankings. This continues until each Canton has a Leader or until every Player leads a Canton.

A Player may only be leader of one (1) Canton at a time. Choosing a new Canton will forfeit leadership in previous Cantons. If two players are tied for the same popularity, then the Player listed first on the Census shall have first choice of Canton.

Leadership of Cantons shall be retroactive to 12:01 AM on the first day of each month regardless of when the Scorekeeper announces the rankings.


This proposal has failed.
It is kept for historical purposes. See why it failed on the discussion page.

In a conflict between a mutable and an immutable rule, the immutable rule takes precedence and the mutable rule shall be entirely void. For the purposes of this rule a proposal to transmute an immutable rule does not "conflict" with that immutable rule.


This is a proposal to enact a rule.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.

Proposed By: BobTHJ 01:52, 1 June 2007 (EDT)

A Canton Leader may spend Industry Points to build structures in their Canton. All available structures that can be built shall be listed on the Available Structures wiki page.

Each Structure has the following attributes:

  • Type - a name for this type of structure
  • Cost - The number of Industry Points required to build this Structure
  • Effect - A summary of changes that this structure has on its owner Canton while its status is Operating
  • Maintenance - The amount of Industry Points required to maintain this Structure
  • Status - One of the following values: "Operating", "Unstaffed", or "Abandon".

A Canton Leader can build a Structure in their Canton by Game Announcement. To do so, they must reduce the Industry Points for their Canton by the Cost of the chosen structure. A Structure can not be built if its cost would cause it's owner Canton to have a negative number of Industry Points.

A Structure remains in a Canton until it is destroyed, regardless of which player leads that Canton.

On the sixteenth day of each month, for each Canton, the Scorekeeper shall take the following steps for each Structure in that Canton whose Status is not "Abandon", examining Structures in order from oldest to newest:

  1. Set the status of the Structure to "Operating"
  2. If the Canton's Industry Point total is greater than the Structure's Maintenance cost, reduce the Canton's Industry Point total by that Structure's Maintenance cost, then skip all remaining steps.
  3. The Canton Leader's Popularity is reduced by 3.
  4. The Structure's status is set to "Unstaffed"

A Canton Leader may set the Status of any Structure in their Canton to "Abandon" by Game Announcement. A Canton Leader may set the Status of any Abandon Structure in their Canton to "Unstaffed" by Game Announcement, and by paying a number of Industry Points equal to half that Structure's Cost.





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