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'''Please do not post details of scarce breeding birds (those included in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, amended 2000). Any such reports will be removed.'''
===Friday 2nd January===
'''Please note that this site has now been moved to:'''
*Rainham Marshes: still 2 '''Penduline Tit''' present (directions from visitor centre, '''Serin''' by visitor centre a.m. (Birdguides).
*[[Brent Res]]: 2 Firecrests by hide at 09.20 (Andrew Self).
*Banstead Downs GC: 1 Firecrest (Steve Gale).
*Osterley Park: Meadow Pipit 4, Stonechat 1, Fieldfare 12, Redwing 25, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming, Nuthatch 4, Coal Tit 1, Mandarin 10, Egyptian Goose 5, Gadwall 4, Siskin 20+, Shoveler 37, Skylark 1 (Keith Fisher).
*Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: Water Rail showing well at Temple Gate reedbed 08:25hrs, Common Snipe flushed from Hyde Park Meadows 09:15hrs, ad Mediterranean Gull (German-ringed) at Round Pond to 10:45hrs at least (twice flew toward Long Water); also, 2 Egyptian Goose, m Mandarin, Green Woodpecker, Meadow Pipit on Parade Ground (Des McKenzie).
*Wormwood Scrubs: 1 pair Stonechat, 2 Reed Bunting, a pair of Mistle Thrush & 1 Goldcrest (Kim Dixon, David Lindo & Roy Nuttall).
*Stoke Newington Reservoirs: 'eastern-type' Chiffchaff still present in willows along New River footpath (eastern side), 102 Gadwall (v high count), 17 Shovelers, presumed female Scaup x Tufted Duck hybrid, 8 Goldcrests, 3 Water Rails (Mark Pearson & Tony Butler Mark Pearson, Tony Butler and Paul Cook [ Hackney Wildlife]).
*Mayesbrook Park: 2 Little Egret, Snipe, Meadow Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Goldcrest, Green Woodpecker.(Paul Hawkins)
===Thursday 1st January===
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===Happy New Year to all London Birders===
*London Wetland Centre: Greylag Goose NW, 116 Wigeon, m Mandarin, 2 Water Rail, 15 Common Snipe, 2 Stonechat (m/f); (late p.m.): no sign of Bitterns; Peregrine female landed on Marsh; Woodcock; Yellow-legged Gull 1st-w (only large gull on site) (J.Wilczur), Peregrine had spent rest of day perched on nearby building; also 3 Jack Snipe, 2 Water Pipit, Stonechat, 16 Siskin, 2 Chiffchaff, >20 Common Snipe, Goldcrest, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming, 1 hybrid Tufted/Ring-necked duck, 3 Pintail, 1 Shelduck, 5 Egyptian Geese, plus 4 Bar-headed Geese to roost at dusk (Martin Honey).
*Trent Park Area: 9 Yellowhammer, 20+ Siskin, 43 Fieldfare, 6 Redwing, 1 Bullfinch, 1 Kestrel, 2 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Treecreeper, 2 Nuthatch, 3 Goldcrest, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Common Gull, 1 Shoveler, 2 Mandarin Duck, 60+ Jackdaw (James Arquette).
*Bedfont Lakes CP: 3 Smew (1m, 2f), 3 Water Rail (Adam Cheeeman).
*South Norwood Lake: 2 Mute Swan, 8 Cormorant, 70+ Black-headed Gull, 4 Common Gull, 2 Herring Gull, 15 Tufted Duck, 5m 1 f Shoveler, 2 Collared Dove, 1 Siskin, 3 Nuthatch, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker (drumming), 12+ Long-tailed Tit, 20+ Ring-necked Parakeet, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Redwing, Goldfinch, 3 Pied Wagtail (John Watson,  Gavin Hawgood).
*Queen Mother Res (permit access): 4 Scaup, '''Great Northern Diver''', ad '''Caspian Gull''' (Birdguides).
*Isle of Dogs: regular ad '''Ring-billed Gull''' again on Thames foreshore 200m east of Glenaffric Ave slipway off Saunders Ness Road till 12.45 at least (Sean Huggins).
*Beddington SF: 2 Shelduck, Wigeon, Water Rail, 2 Common Snipe, 2 Green Sandpiper, 1w '''Iceland Gull''' (later seen at Holmethorpe), 4 Water Pipit, 2 Chiffchaff, Brambling (Dip or Glory).
*Holmethorpe SP: 1w '''Iceland Gull''' earl afternoon (same bird as at Beddington SF) before relocating to Watercolour Pit (Birdguides).
*Wraysbury GP: '''Red Kite''' over the new excavations at 12:15hrs (Birdguides).
*Rainham Marshes: 2 '''Penduline Tit''' stll present by Aveley Pool; directions from visitor centre; also a probable '''Caspian Gull''' (Birdguides), Little Grebe, 2 Great Crested Grebe, c.18 Pintail, pr Peregrine, 12 Water Rail, Jack Snipe, 2 Green Sandpiper, 3 Common Sandpiper, 3 Yellow-legged Gull (2 ads and third-winter), 7 Ring-necked Parakeet, 2 Short-eared Owl, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Water Pipit, Rock Pipit, 2 Fieldfare, 7 Cetti's Warbler, '''Dartford Warbler''', Chiffchaff, Goldcrest, 2 Bearded Tit, Coal Tit, 4 Corn Bunting (ELBF, Dominic Mitchell).
*Thorndon CP: 'some 'grey and white' '''Mealy Redpoll''' as well as a few Lessers amongst a flock of some 80 birds in the thicker woodland west of the enclosure i.e. nearer to the first car-park (EssexBirders).
*Bookham Common: '''Hawfinch''' from The Plains Car Park 10:10hrs (Birdguides).
*[[Brent Res]]: Firecrest behind hide at 08.30 (Andrew Self).
*Amwell GP: 2 drake & 1 female Smew, also Bittern (but outside LNHS Area) (Andrew Self).
*East India Dock Basin/Bow Creek Ecology Park: Little Grebe, 6 Shelduck, pair Gadwall (Thames), c280 Teal, female Peregrine (Millennium Dome), female or immature Black Redstart, Goldcrest, 3 Long-tailed Tit, Chaffinch, 8+ Greenfinch. Afternoon visit: 49 Redshank, Common Sandpiper (waders in Bow Creek high tide roost), 2 Pied Wagtail, singing Song Thrush, Goldfinch (Nick Tanner).
*Ten Acre Wood (Hillingdon): 5 low-flying, calling Golden Plover E, Spr'awk, sev. RN Parakeet, 4 Lesser Redpoll feeding on willowherb seeds, pr Bullfinch (Neil Anderson).
*Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens: ad Mediterranean Gull (German-ringed) showing well at Round Pond to 12:00hrs at least; 352 Greylag Goose, 2 Egyptian Goose, m Mandarin, 3 Gadwall, 43 Shoveler, Little Grebe, fem Sparrowhawk, 170+ Common Gull, 2 Stock Dove (1 singing), c30 Ring-necked Parakeet, Tawny Owl showing well at day-roost, Grey Wagtail, Song Thrush, singing Mistle Thrush, Chiffchaff, c5 Goldcrest, 35+ Long-tailed Tit, 3 Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, 6 Jay, 31 Magpie, Jackdaw south over Round Pond 11:55hrs, 5 Chaffinch, c10 Goldfinch (52 species in total)  (Des McKenzie).
*Paddington Green: 30 Herring Gull on local rooftops (Des McKenzie).
*Crossness: 2 Peregrine, 2 Barn Owl, 135 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Common Sandpiper, 345 Lapwing, 30 Redshank, 1 Curlew, 120 Dunlin, 2ad Yellow-legged Gull, 2 Wigeon, 122 Shoveler, 161 Gadwall, 750 Teal, 206 Shelduck, 3 Rock Pipit, Water Pipit, 7 Stonechat, 21 Redwing, 40 Linnet (66 species in total) (John Archer).
*Black Park: Firecrest with tit-flock 300m north of main car park 11:00hrs (Birdguides).
*Dagenham Chase LNR (7.50am-4.25pm): 64 species recorded inclusive of Feral Rock Dove, highlights include male Firecrest, 40 Golden Plover over then 6 on playing fields, 1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Wagtail, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Little Owl, 3+ Water Rail (one seen well), 3+ Bullfinch, 5+ Chiffchaff, 10 Greylag Geese, several Rook and lots of Goldcrest (Vince Halley-Frame and Paul Hawkins). Full New Years Day list click here > [[User:vincenthalleyframe | Dagenham Chase LNR]].
*Cowley: male Blackcap in Hamilton Road this a.m. (Roger Morton).
*Fairlop: Goldeneye, Water Rail, Woodcock, Stonechat (ELBF).
*Seventy Acres Lake: Pintail, Water Rail (ELBF).
*Abney Park Cemetery: Firecrest, Redwing (Mark Pearson)
*Stoke Newington Reservoirs: yesterday's potentially interesting Chiffchaff still present along New River path (TB per MJP)
*Trent Park Area: 1 female Mandarin Duck, Lower Lake; 2 Common Buzzard, together, at Vicarage Farm; 1 fem Kestrel, at Park Farm - caught an earthworm; 45 Golden Plover, at Park Farm; 59 Lapwing, at Park Farm; 1 Woodcock, flushed, Williams Wood, 13:40 GMT; 1 Green Woodpecker; 1 fem Stonechat, at Vicarage Farm; 34 Fieldfare,(9 Park Farm, 25 Ferny Hill Farm); 6 Song Thrush,(2 Vicarage Farm, 4 Parkside Farm); 4 Redwing, Parkside Farm; 6+ Goldcrest; 2 Treecreeper; 5 Coal Tit;  4 Bullfinch,(1 female, at Vicarage Farm, 2 females, together, at Park Farm, 1 Seedfield Spinney); 11 Yellowhammer, together, at Vicarage Farm (Robert Callf & Robin White).
==Archived News==
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Current revision as of 14:16, 18 December 2009

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