Architects of the Monolith

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Architects of the Monolith



[edit] What is Known

The only thing that is known about the Architects, is that they were once a Bloodline tied closely to the Ordo Dracul that was wiped out by the Lancea Sanctum. Anything beyond that is speculation at best.

[edit] What is Not Known

"In the modern nights, those few Damned who know of the Architects of the Monolith think of them as an eccentric brood of Ventrue. Those who have had any direct contact may know that the line clings to antiquated notions of architecture, following Napoleonic ideals of city planning and ritual to keep the kine pacified. An even smaller number know that the brood is actually a bloodline, begun in Paris in the late 18th century, closely linked to the Ordo Dracul and known for producing brilliant Guardians and Kogaion. Those who have had direct experience with the Architects speak of darker things, of madness and destruction, and the sensation of being looked upon as a god would a flea.

Although all of these rumors have an element of truth, the last are most accurate. Every member of the bloodline believes she can literally control the world by channeling mystical energy through the focus of looming architecture. The line�s founder even believes her lineage can make cities the focus of reality, turning both God and nature into mere trivialities banished to the shadow of her monolith. Bound by this mad and impossible vision, the bloodline works secretly and circumspectly. The result is a cult motivated by madness, backed by visions of conquest, and powered by esoteric sorcery. Though members� insane visions of dominance are only so much torpor-delusion, the harm they can cause is very real. After all, individuals sacrificed for their plans aren�t any less dead, and communities wracked by their �progress� aren�t any less ruined."

From Bloodlines: The Hidden

[edit] An Unknown Family

"Ermenjart knew she could neither accomplish [her vision] alone nor trust outsiders with the plan ... So it was that a bloodline emerged from la Charpentière�s efforts to see her plan to fruition, yet to keep it secret among trusted childer." Bloodlines p.33

  • Ermenjart la Charpentière
    • active
      • active
        • active
        • active
          • active
          • active
    • Lord ______ Main de Gloire, murdered by the Lancea Sanctum 1869
      • perished with sire
      • missing [NPC, new player welcome to flesh out and take over]

[edit] An Unknown Organisation

The Main de Gloire

Section d�Or .......

  • Clef de Voûte:
  • Oeil:
  • Oeil:

Section d�Or .......

  • Clef de Voûte:
  • Oeil:
  • Oeil

Lion de Zion

[edit] Mere Rumors

  • The Architects of the Monolith never existed and are a mere wives' tale created by the Sanctified as a warning to those who would oppose them.
  • The Architects have returned and are among us and watch us from their towers of madness.
  • The Architects of the Monolith are merely the Ventrue of the Ordo Dracul.

[edit] OOC

There are approved childer and grandchilder of Ermenjart la Charpentière in play. If you are interested in joing the bloodline or seeking PC links, please contact: AMST Bloodlines

Architect players have opted for maximum secrecy - a trait which some PCs maintain to fascinating IC extremes. Any information that players do choose to display here is strictly ooc unless otherwise marked.

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