Verdiem Transforms Green Technology with Three Key Breakthroughs (6-Sep-07)

From Lauraibm


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Full article: Verdiem Transforms Green Technology with Three Key Breakthroughs (6-Sep-07)

Verdiem and HP announce a power-management solution for HP's PCs running Verdiem's Surveyor.

  • Enables customers to measure and control energy used by PC networks, by putting PCs into low-power states.
  • Surveyor reduces PC energy consumption by a third, on average.
  • A 5,000-PC network pumps over 6 million pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere a year. Thats the same as 475 mid-size vehicles on the road.

Text of Article

Software Developer Joins with HP to Deliver Next-Generation Energy-Efficiency Solutions and Networks That Help the Enterprise and Environment

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Verdiem Corporation today announced a new offering with HP that will transform green technology by providing business PC users with first-of-a-kind solutions and networks designed to enhance and accelerate energy efficiency at the enterprise level.

The agreement brings together Verdiem’s SURVEYORTM enterprise PC network power-management solution -- which is currently maximizing energy efficiency for hundreds of public- and private-sector entities -- with the performance, reliability and environmentally conscious design of HP business desktop PCs.

“Verdiem believes the Internet revolution shouldn’t get in the way of our increasingly sustainable society,” said Kevin Klustner, Verdiem’s CEO. “Our relationship with HP shows that the innovative technology minds that developed the digital world are now helping to take care of our world.”

“HP business desktops optimized with Verdiem power management software will help IT departments take their environmental efforts to the next level,” said Kevin Frost, vice president, HP. “We are helping customers reduce energy consumption by combining some of the most energy-efficient PCs available for businesses today with software that can help save energy and cut operating costs.”

Changing the Way Green PCs Are Used in the Workplace

Verdiem’s relationship with HP delivers three key environmental breakthroughs that will change the way PCs are perceived and used in the enterprise marketplace:

  • A unique, joint hardware and software solution to drive energy efficiency inside the enterprise. By pre-installing Verdiem’s customized SURVEYOR client software applet on its new PCs, HP will enable PC networks to measure, manage and reduce the amount of energy they consume. The HP Compaq dc7800 and dc5700 business desktop series include 80 percent efficient power supplies standard, as well as optional low-power processors and chipsets.
  • The ability for IT to easily manage the power consumption of their PCs from the convenience and security of the datacenter. With the click of an icon button, HP business desktop users can harness Verdiem’s SURVEYOR and regulate the amount of energy their PC is consuming. The icon will also help educate users about the systems’ environmental features and inform IT managers about the benefits of remote power management and the potential energy savings that Verdiem's and HP’s combined offering provides.
  • Provides an end-to-end PC network power-management ecosystem. From the customized SURVEYOR applet, HP business desktop users will be able to access the Verdiem-built calculator on the HP web site that will tell them how energy efficient their PC is as well as their energy-efficiency savings and whether they’ve made good environmental choices.

HP recently set a goal of reducing its global energy use by 20 percent by 2010. The company plans to achieve this objective by delivering energy-efficient products and services such as Verdiem’s SURVEYOR software to customers and instituting energy-efficient practices at worldwide facilities.

Verdiem’s Environmental Commitment

By placing PCs and their monitors into low-power states whenever they’re not in use, SURVEYOR can significantly decrease thermal loads, reduce microprocessor draw and make devices run quieter through less frequent fan operation without decreasing productivity.

The average PC consumes 600 kWh annually, but up to two-thirds of that electricity is wasted supply because most PCs are running at full power when no one is present. On average, SURVEYOR lowers energy consumption for each PC by one third per year.

This is well worth noting because running a 5,000-PC network, for example, pumps about 6.65 million pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere a year. That’s the equivalent of 475 mid-size vehicles driving on the road for a 12 month-period. When SURVEYOR is used with the same 5,000-PC network, it cancels out the CO2 emissions equivalent of 110 mid-size vehicles for a year.

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