Template:Environmentalism II

From Lauraibm

Full article: Environmentalism, Phase II (23-Aug-07)

IBM has announced that it is teaming up with the Beacon Institute for Rivers and Estuaries to launch a new high tech system to monitor the health of the Hudson River. The system, known as the river and estuary observatory network, will consist of a series of sensors that collect data 24 hours a day along the 315-mile length of the river. The system will gather, sort and analyze data from throughout the river in real time and allow scientists to study how the river's ecosystem responds to everything from global warming to local sewage spills. It will measure the amounts of salt, sediment, oxygen and pollution in the water, map fish populations and even track particular fish species. It will allow scientists to study how the river’s ecosystem responds to a variety of circumstances, such as global warming. Once the system is up and running, it is expected to be replicated on rivers throughout the world.

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