Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1912)
From Lane Co Oregon
Contents |
January 1
Coburg has 1,200 inhabitants, a new $20,000 school building, a fine water system, and electric light
continuous service, in fact, all modern improvements. Coburg is only one mile from the McKenzie river, noted
for its fine fishing and hunting.
The scenery along the banks of the McKenzie is magnificent. The mountains on the east side of Coburg are
only one mile away, covered with fine timber, wild fruits, and all kinds of wild game and small streams which
abound with the finest of mountain trout. Coburg has a state bank, five stores that are doing a large
business, a bakery, a hotel, hardware and furniture store, restaurant, theater or public hall, moving picture show,
a large saw mill with a capacity of 100,000 feet per ten hours, and gives employment to 100 to 150 men every
day in the year.
Coburg's prosperity reflects the prosperity of the
Willamette valley, which embraces a large area of farm lands, that in productiveness will compare with any in the
world. The growing season is long and the sunshine almost
uninterrupted. Low humidity neutralizes the effect of high temperatures, and the nights are invariably cool.
There is very little snow fall in the winter, and the cold is never extreme. Electric storms, blizzards, or
destructive storms are left out of the reckoning, and in recounting the products of the valley we give hay and
grain first place. Along the river are vegetable gardens. Vegetables include potatoes, onions, cabbage, beets,
parsnips, cauliflower, radishes and carrots and more. Radishes, cabbage and onions grow all the year around.
One acre of carrots or beets will produce from 50 to 75 tons. Irish potatoes produce from 150 to 200 bushels
to the acre. Berries and small fruits produce abundantly.
One big blackberry bush will produce enough for an average family. It has been demonstrated that it is a
good fruit
country, and orchards in this section produce abundantly. It is the small tract of land that solves the problem of
success for most men, and nowhere will the small tract prove more profitable than here. The valley around
Coburg consists of large farms and small ones. A 600 acre ranch devoted to grain and hay, and a small farm
devoted to fruit and vegetables. We raise most all kinds of fruits, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, cherries,
plums, and apricots. We also have some very fine stock ranches, and the stock live on the range the year
around without other food than grass.
We also have a fine country for the dairying business, and the farmers now have on foot a milk condensing
plant for Coburg. chickens and other fowls are raised to excellent advantage and there are many here giving
close attention to the poultry
business. Eggs are always a good price, the demand for eggs and poultry being far in advance of the supply.
Eggs are never less than 20 cents per dozen and as high as 45 cents,there is always a cry for Oregon eggs.
Chickens sell for 12 1/2 to 13 cents per pound; turkeys from 18 to 30 cents per pound; ducks and geese from 11
to 18 cents per pound.
We also have some very good ranches for raising, hogs. You can grow corn and alfalfa and hog raising is
very remunerative. So much for the production of the soil of this part of the Willamette valley, with such a
variety of richness.
Coburg is the center of a large area - the marketing and shipping point. Coburg is not a boom town. Only a
dozen years ago, Coburg was a town of about 200, but it has grown steadily, and each year there are new,
modern homes being built. We are only eight miles from Eugene,(the county seat), and an
educational center.
The heart of the business life of Coburg is the Commercial Club, which is untiring in its efforts to attract new
settlers and capitol, and to further in every way the welfare of the town and community. The Commercial Club is
now working with very bright prospects for a pike road to Eugene, and have it promised this coming summer.
The Club is also working for a canning factory, a milk condensing plant, a box factory, sash and door factory,
flouring, mill and a laundry. We want more people-- people with large and small capitol. We have the land and
we want you.
NEW LANDLORD AT COBURG HOTEL Final arrangements were completed the latter part of last week whereby Mr. J. D. Pirtle becomes Coburg's new landlord in the hotel here. Mr. Higgenbotham has made a reputation among transient men at least, as setting a good table, providing a good bed, etc.. Mr. Pirtle has been in the meat market business and real estate business in Coburg and has made his home here for about seven years. It can be said of J. D. that he is enterprising. He believes in running business in the modern western style and we advocate for the hotel business to receive some improvements in many ways. We look for big business for Mr. Pritle and hope he may have it. -- Journal.
January 15
COBURG MEN HAVE A SKUNK FARM Though there has been a great deal of jesting done regarding the skunk farm for the past week, yet the ground has been leased, fenced, and the proprietors have begun collecting the varmints. Messrs. Latham and Kincart are rather new in this line yet the Mr K. has been on several farms, and has a general knowledge of the business -- at least they think they can make a success of the venture. They expect to get fifty to sixty of the animals and we are informed that they will produce about 1,000 every year. The herd will be bred for black with a short stripe, the price being about twice that for the spotted, or what is known as the white skunk. The revenue from the enterprise will be realized from the sale of the fur. The price per hide ranges from 20 cents for the lowest to about $4 for the best. The proprietors are offering $1 for live animals delivered to their corral, which is just east of the Coburg ball park. Of course they want the darker colored ones, if possible, but are accepting any color at present. Several have begun trapping the varmints and Mr. Latham told the writer they expected to buy and trap at least 50 more before the first of March. - Journal
COBURG BRIDGE MADE UNSAFE BY HIGH WATER J. A. Hanns, of Coburg , telephoned the guard early this morning that the wagon bridge across the McKenzie river near this city is in a dangerous condition for travel, made so by the high water that prevailed during the latter part of last week.
Mr. Hanns says that he examined the structure yesterday and found that the South approach was very weak
on account of several piling being washed out, and he advised the county court to close the bridge to traffic until
the damage can be repaired.
He thought that to cross with a heavy load would be very dangerous.
January 17
MRS. SAGERS SERIOUSLY HURT IN RUNAWAY AT COBURG BRIDGE Mrs. Sagers, who resides with her brother, C. E. Myler at 817 Beech avenue, was seriously injured in a runaway at the Coburg bridge this morning. Her right arm was broken and she sustained several bad cuts and bruises. Mrs. Sagers was riding in a buggy with her brother when the horse became frightened at something in the road and started to run. Mr. Myler was thrown to the ground before the horse reached the bridge, but Mrs. Sagers kept her seat. In the center of the bridge they met a farmer with a heavy wagon and before he could get out of the way the horse and buggy crashed into the wagon. Mrs. Sagers was thrown forcibly out and the horse broke loose and ran on. The farmer picked the injured woman up and brought her and Mr. Myler to town. Dr. Cannon attended Mrs. Sager's injuries and found that her right arm between the wrist and elbow was broken. Curiously enough she suffered a similar injury in a runaway at Seattle about six months ago. The new break is about an inch from the place where the bone broke the first time.
January 20
Marcola Section Hand Killed With His Own Weapon
While returning to Marcola from a hunt near Spores Station yesterday afternoon, John Petroff, a bulgarian section hand on the Wendling branch of the S. P., was shot and killed accidently by a discharge of his own gun. Petroff and several other countrymen of his went to Spores Station on a hand car to hunt. During the afternoon they got on the car for the purpose of returning to Marcola. After they had gone about a mile and a half they saw a jack rabbit, and stopping the car got off to kill him. Petroff was the last man to leave the car. As he got off he grabbed the barrel of the gun and pulled it toward him. The hammer caught on the handle of the hand car and discharged the weapon, the whole charge entering his abdomen and inflicting a mortal wound from which he died in three minutes. W. F. Walker of Springfield was notified and prepared the body for burial. The facts being so thoroughly proven, an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Petroff was 23 years old and single.
January 23
The article appearing in the Register on Jan. 11, and dealing with the old cemetery in south Springfield, is wrong in several respects, and we were asked by Mayor Welby Stevens to make the necessary corrections. In an interview with Isaac Stevens who was visiting the Welby Stevens home, the Springfield news correspondent secured the following data.
In the summer of 1847, W. M. Stevens and Jacob Spores, accompanied by their families, crossed the plains and arrived at a small settlement near Salem about the middle of Oct. Mr. Spores did not remain there long, but came up the river and located on a claim north of what is now known as the Coburg bridge. Mr. Stevens left his family at the settlement near Salem and came on horseback to where Spores was located. He rode to the top of the butte overlooking the part of the valley now occupied by Springfield, and was so favorably impressed by its appearance that he returned to Salem for his three oldest sons, and with their help built a house and fenced three acres of ground. This house was built during the winter of 1847, and was the first one constructed on that side of the river, its exact location being two miles north of Springfield, and his claim proved to be a veritable garden spot. It took Mr. Stevens and his sons the greater part of the winter to finish the above mentioned task, and as soon as spring opened the rest of the family was brought down from the settlement. There were ten children in the family, three girls, and seven boys, at the time of the arrival, but early in 1849 a daughter, Mandelia, was born, and she was the first white child to be born in Lane County. The children were Harrison, Ashley, Bee, Isaac, James, father of mayor Stevens, William,, and Charles; Mrs. S. J. Armitage, Mrs. George Thompson, Green Linville and Mandelia, who died at the age of five. Uncle Isaac is the only son living, and Mrs. S. J. Armitage of Eugene, Mrs. Geo. Thompson of San Francisco, and Mrs. Green Linville of Lakeview, Ore. are the surviving daughters. William M. Stevens was accidentally killed by a horse May 25, 1860.
He was in a corral trying to catch the horse and was struck in the breast by a rail which was dislocated by the horse in his efforts to get away. Mrs. Stevens death occurred in September 1879. During the famous gold strike in California in 49, Mr, Stevens Sr. operated a ferry at the foot of the butte near the present location of the Charles Rivett residence, and it was made of two canoes lashed together. At the same time the two older sons operated a ferry on the McKenzie, near where the Coburg bridge now is. Their boat was made of boards cut by the old whipsaw method. In order to span the river they were forced to make a rope of rawhide, which took five large hides in its construction.
During the first year the family were so unfortunate as to lose their entire bunch of hogs. Feed was scarce and the porkers were turned loose to feed on camas that grew in abundance over the ground upon which the town of Springfield now stands. It was thought that they became the prey of wolves and cougars.
Antedating the arrival of W. M. Stevens in this vicinity was the location at Pleasant Hill by Elijah Bristow and
Billy Dodson. These two men came to that vicinity in 1846, but the Bristow family did not arrive until 1848, the
same year that Elias Briggs and T. J. Hendricks came. The Briggs family resided at Pleasant Hill until the next
year, when they cane here and took up claims. Elias took up the present town site and Isaac took the one
adjoining it on the east. Elias was the donor of the cemetery site which the News reported incorrectly last week.
The old grist mill which was operated by Messrs Briggs, was built in 1854. These men also constructed the mill
The lumber used in the construction of the mill was sawed at a mill located near what is now called the
Hayden Bridge. This mill was built in 1853 and was owned by Felix Scott, father of Rodney Scott, ex-county
judge. It was the first sawmill in Lane County.
To Felix Scott Jr. must be given the credit for opening the McKenzie road, now leading to Eastern Oregon.
The first grist mill was located over in the Cloverdale country and was owned by Billy Jones. It also, was built in
1853. Mr. Scott Sr. came to California in 1845, and the next year, he came through this locality, accompanied
by Eugene Skinner. They were on their way to Yamhill county, but in going through, Mr. Skinner staked out his
claim which the city of Eugene now occupies.
While Briggs was the man who owned the land upon which Springfield now stands, he was not the first to
locate upon this side of the river, as can be determined by the foregoing
statements, which are sufficiently conclusive in themselves, but they may be corroborated by a perusal of any
authentic record of early history dealing with this part of the state. We fear that our worthy contemporary's
rhetorical outburst relative to Uncle Isaac's pursuit of a wisp of smoke was either a phantom, or the result of one
of those often indulged pipe dreams.
Isaac Briggs was a blacksmith, and at one time had a shop, which was located in the vicinity of the spring,
near Mill and B Streets.
The first store was conducted by a man named J. N. Donald, and the building, occupied a site near the
corner of Mill and Main Street. Mr. Donald owned what is now known as Douglas Gardens, having purchased
it from a man named Harper.
On the old plot of our city, first filed in 1856, can be found descriptions of distances and locations as being so
many chains, links etc.. from Donald's store.
From Donald the mercantile business passed to Dunn and from him to Stewarts and Rosenblatt and on down
to H. M. Stewart, who still conducts a similar business.
February 12
WENDLING COUPLE IN DIVORCE COURT Mrs. Hattie Fletcher instituted suit in the circuit court today against her husband, Cammie Fletcher, for divorce on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. They have resided for several years at Wendling, where they were married on April 17, 1906. Mrs. Fletcher alleges in her complaint that her husband during their married life had been of a jealous, crabbed and cross disposition and has often unjustly accused her of being intimate with other men, besides at one time threatening to kill her. On account of these actions, she alleges, she was compelled to leave him and come to the home of her mother in Eugene .
February 15
Thomas Browning today instituted suit in circuit court against the Booth Kelly Lumber Company for damages
in the sum of $7650 for an injury sustained while the plaintiff was in the employ of the company at the Coburg
mill. He alleges that on August 22, 1911, while transporting lumber on a truck from one side of the yards of the
Coburg mill to the other, a part of the load of lumber slipped off the truck and struck him on the cheek, breaking
his lower jaw. He further alleges that the accident was due to the carelessness and negligence of the company,
going into detail as to the alleged causes of the accident. William and Bean are attorneys for the plaintiff.
February 27
WENDLING MAN IS INDICTED FOR BOOTLEGGING The grand jury last evening returned three indictments against J. W. Redding, of Wendling, charging him with violation of the local option law. He was arrested this morning and brought to Eugene. He appeared for arraignment this afternoon, but his attorney, C. A. Wintermeier, who was appointed by Judge Harris to defend him, waived the reading of the indictments and tomorrow at nine a. m. set as the time for entering a plea. Redding's son keeps a store at Wendling and it was at that place that the old man is accused of the unlawful sale of liquor.
March 9
TRAIN WRECK ON MOHAWK BRANCH TODAY About 11 o'clock a. m. today several cars on a log train on the Wendling branch flew the track between Marcola and Donna, tearing up the track for several rods and necessitating the wiring to Portland for the wrecking crew. An engine and caboose were sent up from Eugene and the passengers transferred from the regular passenger and brought to Eugene on time. This afternoon the same conveyance hauled the passengers up as far as the wreck, where they were transferred. The track where the wreck occurred is torn up considerably and it will take several days to put it in good shape again.
April 2
Hazel Dell Girl Beats Savage Cougar Off With Stick
Monday afternoon, as Miss Florence Holt was coming from High Prairie, she took a short cut across Salmon Creek to her home. She had her little dog Rex with her. After climbing the steep hill on the south side of Salmon Creek, the trail lies through a dense growth of fir brush. When she was about midway of this thick brush the dog was attacked a few feet from the trail, when he suddenly set up a howl as though he was being, killed. Florence thought perhaps he had found a steel trap and got caught.
She ran back and ran into the thick brush to where her dog seemed to be in trouble, and when she got to
where she could see, she was startled to find her dog in a death struggle with a full grown cougar. She thought
perhaps the brute had got away with some one's trap and could not run. At the same time she saw that Rex was
no match for the cougar, and she must act quickly. She looked about for a club, but the only one in sight was a
dry limb which lay about three feet from the cougars head. She sprang for that and mauled the brute over the
head until it was glad to drop the dog and beat a hasty retreat into the brush.
Having saved her dog, Florence lost no time in running to C. M. Dunning's, an eighth of a mile distant, and he
took his dog and returned to the place, and the dog soon found the cougar and put it up on a log that lay six or
eight feet from the ground. Dunning could not get sight of the brute on account of the brush, and when it saw
him it jumped and the dog soon put it up a small tree, where Dunning got a long shot with a 25-20, but as the
cougar was on the move he made a bad hit and shot it through the side too far back to disable it, and it left the
tree and made another run.
Dunning made another shot, but missed and it took to another tree. He shot it through the back of the
shoulder, which still failed to disable it, and when he went to look again he found that he had no cartridges, but
he saw that the cougar was going to jump, and he made a run for the tree. When it did jump, Dunning, dog and
cougar were mixed up until they did not know which was which, but Dunning got in a blow on its head that
settled the cougar. He had only his gun to strike with. He found he had a large female cougar and it measured
seven feet from tip to tip.
Rex, the little dog is somewhat disfigured, but still in the ring. He has a cut on his side about six inches long,
one ear is split, and there are four tooth marks on his jaw, a like number over his eye, and his neck is chewed up
considerable, but in a day or two he will be ready for another scrap. The parents of the little girl naturally feel
pretty proud of her, and begin to think she can take her own part, at least with a cougar.
April 3
BAD RUNAWAY ACCIDENT AT MARCOLA Springfield, April 3. - Drs. Barr and Pollard were called Monday to the home of Sherman Adams near Marcola to treat his brother who was severely hurt in a runaway accident, at a railroad crossing on the spur leading, to the sawmill between Marcola and Mabel. Young Adams was going to work in the morning with a team and wagon, carrying a harrow on the wagon. Near the crossing the team became frightened and ran away. Adams was thrown out and had his foot caught. He was dragged across the railroad track and over the Mohawk bridge before he was released. He is suffering from a ruptured lung and has one rib broken, but will recover.
April 13
WENDLING PEOPLE CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN VICTIMS OF SWINDLE Wendling Ore., March 13, 1911. To the Editor of the guard -- One of the smoothest swindles ever perpetrated in this
locality, in the manner of securing subscribers to a map of the United States, was effected by G. B. Hockett
during the closing days of March. Claiming to be the owner of one-half interest in the "Pacific Northwest," and
also one of the publishers of the map, he visited Wendling and the logging camps of the Booth Kelly Company,
securing more than one hundred names by gross
misrepresentations, in most cases, sufficient to fill a large volume.
With the greater number of signers he adroitly concealed the fact that they were signing an order on the B. K.
Lumber Co. for $3.75. In some cases he placed the order the of $2.25 after the signature, but pay day revealed
the fact that $3.75 was taken from the check. Hockett said the maps would not be ready for delivery for three
months or more, but a shipment of perhaps 75 arrived before April 10th, and three or more publishers are
represented, Hockett not included. In reply to a letter of inquiry sent to the "Pacific Northwest," Mr. Phillip S.
Bates, the publisher, says-. Mr. Hockett has no interest in the
publication in any way shape or form.
May 13
WILLIAM CHURCHILL, LANE PIONEER OF 1851, HAS PASSED BEYOND William Churchill, one of Lane County's best known pioneers, died at his home at 941 Oak street, Eugene, May 12, 1912, at 8:30 p. m., at the age of 87 years, one month and eight days. Mr. Churchill was born in Kentucky, but in early childhood moved to Illinois and later to Iowa. From this state, he with his wife and two children, now J. S. Churchill of Marcola, and Mrs S. L. Knox, of Cottage Grove, drove across the plains with an ox team to Oregon in 1851. He lived for the past 30 years in Eugene. Mr. Churchill heard Mr. Abraham Lincoln during his stirring campaigns in Illinois, and until he was stricken with paralysis 10 days ago his mind was clear as a bell. It was noted in the Guard on the occasion of his last birthday that he read the paper through a Magnifying glass and discussed its contents. Even after he was stricken his mind ,was clear until two days ago when he became unconscious. Mr. Churchill was the father of nine children of whom six with his wife survive him. Mrs. Churchill has paralytic a for six years. His children are John S. Churchill of Marcola; Mrs. S. L. Knox, of Cottage Grove; H. H. Churchill of Santa Rosa, Cal.; A. P. Churchill of Bohemia, and Mrs. Corinne Alley, of Roseburg,. Mr. Churchill was a member of the Christian Church which he joined in his boyhood, and has ever been an enthusiastic worker. He lived for many years at Monmouth, where his children were educated in the Christian College, now state normal, of which institution he was long the treasurer. He was a warm advocate of temperance and a loyal citizen of Oregon and of the United States. He was entitled to the designation of "old settler", as he was among the first dozen families from the east that settled in the state.
Hopkins Farm House Near Coburg burns
J. W. Shumate who was out at his ranch yesterday, reports that the residence on the Hopkins farm, two
miles east of Coburg, was burned to the ground.
The family was away when the fire broke out, and the house and all its contents were burned. The fire broke
out about noon, and its cause is unknown.
JOHN WALKER KILLED IN REMARKABLE MANNER AT COBURG John Dennison Walker, the year and a half old son of Chester A. Walker and wife of Coburg, met death in a most remarkable manner at the family home at 11 O'clock Sunday afternoon. The family home is located near the McKenzie river, and the child was playing on the rear step, his mother standing in the doorway watching him. A crew of booth Kelly loggers were at work on the river bank blasting out some driftwood. They placed a top blast on a pile of drift, and set it off, little thinking that there would be any danger to anyone, in fact, knowing that a top blast seldom ever causes any damage to anything except the object upon which the explosive is placed. The charge was set off, and a piece of driftwood probably a foot and a half long, and quite thick, containing a big knot, flew directly toward the Walker house, 450 feet away. Before the loggers or anyone realized what had happened, the chunk of wood struck the little boy on the head, killing him almost instantly. The logger ran to the house to render all assistance possible, but nothing could be done to save the child's life. The mother was almost distracted on account of the suddenness of the babe's death, and her grief was pitiful to behold. The Justice of the Peace of Coburg called a coroner's jury, in the absence of Coroner Gordon, and held an inquest. The jury found that the death of the child was about as herein stated, and that no one was to blame.
WILLIAM Co.MAN HAS BAD ACCIDENT Last Wednesday, William of Eugene took a load of telephone poles to Harrisburg, and on his way back to Eugene with only the running gear of the wagon, he was riding on the front bolster, and he crossed a ditch near Clive Taylor's place, which is in a turn in the road, his horses jogging along on a trot, the bolster turned, pitching him on his head in front, of the wagon, the front wheel running over his head and the hind wheel over his body. However he managed to stop the team, and with a degree of pluck found in few men he managed to get onto the wagon and drove the team into town where Doctors Jarnagan and Mendenhall dressed his wounds. They found his head badly lacerated with one large cut in the skull, and several bad bruises and three broken ribs. He left his team and went to Eugene on the train. A driver came for the team Thursday.-- Journal.
The new principal will be S. E. McCormick of Idaho; The third and fourth grades will be taught by Mrs. S. M.
Pate, who taught fifth and sixth last year; The fifth and sixth grades will be taught by Miss Ethyl McFarland, who
taught the seventh last year, will teach the eighth this year, while Miss Ralston will again teach the primary. A
teacher for the seventh has not yet been hired.
MR. JEFFRIES WILL SPEAK AT WENDLING I take great pleasure in informing my friends, that I have entirely recovered from my illness and am physically, morally and spiritually a better man than before my operation. I now intend to give my entire attention to the following work; On Sunday at 2 p. m. I will talk to the men only at camp 4 near Wendling, Camp 2 and 3 will join. My subject will be the anatomy of man and woman. I have drafted on a chart, explaining to men who participate in existing evils that are driving them to despair, degradation and death, by the multiplied thousands. I will distribute literature from the state board of health on this subject. AARON ,JEFFRIES at Y.M.C.A, Eugene.
INTEREST IN COBURG SKUNK FARM BOUGHT Last Monday Len Latham bought out Mr. Kincart's share of the skunk ranch, which is situated about a mile east of town. Len is now sole owner of the ranch and informs us that he has lost about 200 on account of them digging out, but thinks he has it fixed now so they cannot get away; he has about 200 mostly young ones. He is paying $1 per head as usual. He also informs us that he will start up a feathery ranch in the near future.
ZACK DENISON SUES BOOTH KELLY FOR DAMAGES Zack Denison, through Mrs. M. L. Canay, his Guardian ad litem, today began suit in the circuit court against the Booth Kelly Lumber Company for $2500 damages, which he claims on account of an accident in the company's mill at Wendling. He alleges that on June 6, 1912, while working in the mill, the left index finger was crushed between two cogs which he alleges were not properly covered, and which he says the company negligently and carelessly left unguarded.
Last Monday evening, the Coburg City Council gave
consideration to the electric street light proposition. Mr. Harrington of the Oregon Power Co. was present, and
discussion, a motion was put, to put in the lights if an
agreement could be reached with the power co. The only question seems to be in the rate per lamp. With a
monthly expenditure of $50 Coburg should be very well lighted, and we trust a
satisfactory arrangement can soon be reached.
DEPOT IS ROBBED Last Saturday night the depot was entered through a window on the east side, and a trunk was taken from the baggage room, and carried some distance up the track, where it was broken open. It was found the next morning near the ball ground badly disarranged and a suit of cloths and a couple of pocket knives and a few small articles missing. The guilty ones made their escape, and no clue has been found to the identity.-- Cob. Journal
WENDLING LOGGER BADLY CUT ON ARM Claud Witt, a logger in the Booth Kelly Camp at Wendling, was severely, though not dangerously, cut yesterday by falling on his axe, the edge of which was upturned. He was badly cut on the left arm below the elbow, but none of the leading arteries or muscles were severed. His speedy and complete recovery is expected. He was brought to the Eugene Hospital yesterday.
PIONEER AND BANK PRESIDENT J. C. BRATTAIN DIES Springfield, Ore., Sept. 5. - J. C. Brattain, president of the First National Bank of Springfield, died suddenly at his home at 1 o'clock today, aged about 65 years Mr. Brattain had been ailing for a few days but was not considered seriously ill. Shortly before one o'clock he complained of being weak and faint and lay upon the bed. In a few moments he died. Mr. Brattain was a pioneer who came to Lane County with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brattain in 1852. He was thrifty and prosperous and acquired a large farm which was recently incorporated into the city of Springfield. He was one of the organizers and principal stockholders of the First National Bank. He never married. The Brattains were always prominent in Lane county affairs, his brother, Hon. Henry C. Brattain, was once representative in the state legislature. Mr Brattain leaves a brother W. C.
Brattain, who lives in the state of Washington, and a sister, Mrs. Frank Smith, who has remained with him a
great deal in recent years. He also has two nephews in Lane county, Edward and Charles Brattain, who live on
Camp Creek.
Monday evening the installment of the street lighting system was completed and the lights turned on for the
first time in several months.
Wednesday evening quite a change was made in one of our business houses when George sold the
butcher shop to Paul A. Smith, who took possession immediately. George will work for awhile until he gets the
hang of the thing. Paul has lived in or near Coburg for almost all of his life. He was unmarried about a year ago
and moved into town just last week. George will work on the ranch in the day and stay here, in town at night. --
NEW LUMBER TARIFF FOR MOHAWK POINTS New freight tariffs are, being put into effect by the Southern Pacific which will serve to give a large number of producers and shipping points in Oregon a much better foothold in the competitive markets in the Rocky Mountain, Middle Western, and even the Eastern markets. Some of these reduced rates have already been applied and the balance of them will be made operative on November 4. The new rate to Denver is $8, to Omaha $10 and to St. Louis and Chicago $11, replacing the following rates: From Yarnell and Wendling, Oregon to Denver, $8.25, to Omaha, $10.25, and to St. Louis and Chicago $11.25.
MANY SAWMILL EMPLOYEES ARE INJURED AT WENDLING Wendling Ore. Nov. 8. - It is getting to be a common thing in Wendling for the Booth Kelly Company's employees to be hurt or killed. Last Saturday four men had to be taken out to the hospital. One of the men, Mr. Bridge was seriously hurt by one wheel of a truck going through the dock and tipping a load of lumber over on him. Mr. Simms was badly crushed between a car and a post at the upper camps and two others whose names are not known to the writer were badly hurt. Mr. Hays father and brother of Hayden were up in a buggy to visit him last Saturday. The large sawmill at Mabel has shut down, and probably will not start up again until about Jan. 1.
MARCOLA MAN CONVICTED OF BOOTLEGGING Benjamin Weber, who was convicted in Judge Bryson's court a few days ago of a charge of bootlegging, contrary to the local option liquor law, was today sentenced to serve 30 days in the county jail and to pay a fine of $400. He has begun his sentence and will probably serve a good part of the fine, as he claimed that he has no money. At the time of Webbers arrest the officers confiscated a barrel of whiskey and now have it in the sheriff's office(not on tap though) There is a question as to what can be done with the liquor.
WENDLING NEWS David Bishop, who shot himself at a chivari about a month ago, is among us again. The new school room at Wendling is nearing completion, although the delay in the shipment of windows has retarded the work considerable.
DR. ATWOOD PAYS FINE OF $250 Dr. H. C. Atwood, one of the Portland men arrested by the government officials two weeks ago on charges of violating the postal statutes in using them for the purpose of furthering criminal practices, was arraigned before Judge R. S. Bean in the federal court today, and he pleaded guilty. He was fined $250. Some leniency was shown in the Atwood case. There was only one count against the man and because this was the first prosecution made by the postal authorities on this charge, it was not regarded as an aggravated offence. - Journal
FORMER MOHAWK VALLEY RESIDENT IS DEAD Michael Sherman Workman, of Beaverton Oregon , died at St. Vincent hospital at Portland, December 18, 1912. The cause of his death was carcinoma. His age was forty-seven years. Interment was at Crescent Grove cemetery near Beaverton, December 20. Mr. Workman was a former resident of the Mohawk valley, where he is well known.
Mrs. John Deadmond Of Springfield Shoots Man Twice Springfield, Dec. 28.-- Harry Carsaw was shot through a finger and received a scalp wound over the eyes from a bullet from a pistol in the hands of Mrs. John Deadmond, of the Deadmond rooming house, about 3 o'clock this afternoon. It is impossible to gather all the details of the story correctly, but the
prevalent story is to the effect that Carsaw went to the room of a friend in the Deadmond house and that Mrs.
Deadmond did not want him there for some cause. He it is said, went into a room and locked the door, and
when the proprietress who did not know him, ordered him out, he refused to do so, and refused to let her in.
She, so the story goes, did not know who was in the room and broke down the door, at which he began to abuse
her, it is alleged, and she got a pistol and shot him in the finger. He jumped through the window to the roof of an
adjoining pool hall, when Mrs. Deadmond took another shot and grazed his forehead. He fell off the roof to
the sidewalk and was somewhat stunned. His wounds are not considered serious and he retained
consciousness throughout though somewhat stunned and sore afraid. It is not known positively whether he
was drunk or not.
Pioneer Mrs. Sarah Spores Of Coburg Dies Two Weeks After Husband Mrs. Sarah Phiena Spores, widow of the pioneer Henry Spores, who died only a little over two weeks ago, died at the family home at Coburg, Friday evening at five o'clock, December 27, 1912, at the age of 64 years and two months. The funeral will be held at the home Sunday at 1 p. m. with the interment in the Gillespie cemetery north of Eugene. Rev. J. S. McCallum will conduct the services. Mrs. Spores died just two weeks and a day after the death of her husband, and their funerals will be exactly two weeks apart. Mrs. Spores was very ill at the time of her husband's death, and her death was not unexpected. Sarah Philena Monroe was born near Canton Ohio, October 27, 1848- At the age of four years she, with her parents moved to Iowa, settling near Centerville, in Appanoose county. When 17 years of age, in the spring of 1865, she and her parents emigrated across the plains to Oregon, settling near Coburg, making the journey in a few days over six months. On February 6, 1868, she was married to Henry Spores. To this union twelve children were born, of whom seven are still living, four daughters and one son having preceded her. Those living are six sons and one daughter as follows: Edgar, Elmer, Jake, Carson, Walter, Melvin, and Ethel. Besides her children Mrs. Spores is survived by one brother, who is 72 years of age, and resides at the old home in Iowa. Mrs. Spores mother lived to be 102 years of age, having died on February 11, 1911.
GEORGE HALL, BOOTH KELLY EMPLOYEE MISTAKEN FOR DEER George Hall, a logger employed by the Booth Kelly Lumber Company in the timber above Wendling, was mistaken for a deer Saturday and shot by M. C. Broom, another logger. He died 12 hours after the shooting.
Hall was out hunting with two companions, Bert Cox and C. H. Green, and left camp No. 2 early Saturday
morning. Broom was in another party consisting of himself, W. G. McAlister and F. M. Armstrong. They left
perhaps about the same time from camp No. 4, but neither party knew of the other's presence in the woods.
About 11 o'clock in the forenoon Broom saw something move in the brush and thinking it was a deer, fired. He
was horrified to hear a man cry out in pain, and he and the other members of his party ran in the direction from
which the cry came. They found Hall, with whom they were acquainted, lying on the ground in great agony and
with a bullet hole clear through his body. The ball had entered his back and came out through his abdomen.
The members of both hunting parties carried the wounded man to Broom's house not far away, and Dr. Fanning,
the Booth Kelly physician at Wendling was sent for. When he arrived he examined hall's wound and declared
that recovery was impossible. His strength and vitality was all that kept him alive for twelve hours. He passed
away at 11 o'clock Saturday night.
The shooting occurred four miles back of Wendling, in the mountains, where deer abound in large numbers.
W. F. Walker the Springfield undertaker, who took charge of the body, was
deputized by Coroner Gordon to investigate the shooting, and to hold an inquest, but after enquiring into the
shooting he
considered an inquest unnecessary. It was plain to be seen that it was another case of "mistaken for a deer"
which have been so numerous during the past few years.
The unfortunate man was aged 26 years and has a brother at Hubbard Oregon, where the remains will be
sent tomorrow morning on the Willamette Limited train for burial.
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