Stewart, John W

From Lane Co Oregon

Revision as of 22:55, 13 September 2007 by (Talk)

Prominent Springfield businessman and general store owner for 38 years.


The subject of this sketch, a view of whose livery establishment in Eugene City appears in this volume, was born in Macoupin county, Illinois, January 6, 1837, but when quite young accompanied his parents to Missouri, and afterwards to Iowa. In 1852 he crossed the plains to Oregon, settled in Lane county about five miles from Eugene City, in the Forks of the Willamette, where his father took up a donation claim, and there they resided until 1855, when the family moved into town. Our subject engaged in a mercantile business in Springfield with his brother for about ten years, and two years ago established his present stable and barn. He married, October 6, 1864, Miss Louisa M. Duncan, and has three children.

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