Vitus, Robert
From Lane Co Oregon
The city wayfarer, weary of the nervous strain incident to extensive business operations, and longing to step into an atmosphere of rest and homely usefulness, would realize his desires through a visit to the farm owned by Robert Vitus and his brother August. These enterprising and highly successful men own an ideal stock and grain farm of one thousand acres three miles northeast of Springfield, which, for general appointments, for scientific and modern management and excellence, has few equals in this part of Oregon. The work of plowing and preparing for the seed six hundred acres of land can scarcely be appreciated by the average farmer, yet this is the amount devoted to small grains on the Vitus farm, the rest being used for a large stock-raising enterprise. None but the finest of stock reach the markets from this farm, and here in their best development may be found registered Cotswold sheep, full-blooded Aberdeen Angus cattle and Poland-China hogs. One sheep alone yielded twenty-one pounds of wool. The brothers entertain the greatest liking for their chosen occupation, and to them their fine animals offer a field of study of which they have never neglected to avail themselves. Both are competent judges of fine stock, are men of high character and more than ordinary ability, and their association with this county has been productive of a raised standard along agricultural and stock-raising lines.
Robert Vitus was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 19, 1861, and in his younger days had the advantages of the public schools of Springfield, Ill., and Missouri. With his father and brother he came to Oregon in 1878, and the three carried on business until 1900, when a division was made of their large property, the brothers thereafter continuing alone. May 5, 1898, Mr. Vitus was united in marriage with Mary Kimmel, daughter of Peter Kimmel. He and his wife died in Germany, their native land. Three children have been added to the family, Robert August, John and Arthur Wilhelm. In politics Mr. Vitus is a Republican, but he has no political aspirations. The friend of education and advancement, his work and character command the honest admiration of all who know him, and the circle of his friends and well-wishers is a large one.
"Portrait & Biographical Record of the Willamette Valley Oregon." Chapman Publishing Company, 1903. p. 1250.