Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1910)

From Lane Co Oregon

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COBURG MAN UNDERGOES SURGICAL OPERATION Clarence Alford underwent an operation for appendicitis at his home yesterday. The operation was performed by Dr. Mendenhall, of Coburg and Dr. Scaiefe of Eugene. Mr. Alford has been working for the mill company here until Christmas, when he was suddenly taken ill. The patient is improving nicely.

SCHOOL GIRL INJURED Ethel Sidwell fell on the frozen ground at school yesterday morning during the first recess and was badly bruised up. She and three other girls were running down a steep bank near the schoolhouse, and Ethyl, becoming overbalanced,fell, striking her head on the ground, which was hard as cement.


BOOTH KELLY COMPANY WILL DREDGE MILL RACE AT COBURG The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. unloaded a big donkey engine from the car here today. The engine will be taken up to do some dredging in the mill race. A number of men also were sent here by the company to work on the race.

One of the mill teams will be used to do the lighter work. They are preparing the race for the spring drive which will Probably be quite a large one.

EXCITING RUNAWAY A little excitement was started this morning. when a team of horses belonging to the Booth Kelly Company, left standing in the street, became frightened at the escaping steam from an engine and ran away. The horses were standing by the company's office. From there they ran toward the railroad and bummed against a box car; one horse fell. Turning north they ran over a switch and broke it off. They finally stopped and were brought back by one of the men.


COBURG MAN KILLS TWO COUGARS Walter Smith of Coburg, was in the city today exhibiting on the streets the pelts of two big cougars which he killed in the hills north of Coburg Saturday. Smith was out hunting when he suddenly spied four of the huge cats in a bunch about 200 yards away. He began firing at them with his rifle and succeeded in bringing down two of them and wounding a third, but it and a fourth got away. The Animals had been killing sheep in that vicinity and often came down to the valley after their prey. Smith was offered a handsome sum for the hides today but refused to sell then. He will have them mounted and use them for rugs. The fur if in splendid condition. The Largest of the animals killed measured seven feet tip to tip.


New Fischer Bally Mill Running Steadily At Springfield The new Fischer Bally sawmill will put its first crew of men on this week and is now running steadily, receiving, eight carloads of logs from the camps up the river each day. The force consists of 30 men. this adds considerably to the payroll of this city, and it will probably be increased before long. Its location could not be better.


NEW LOGGING ENGINE ARRIVES FOR BOOTH KELLY WENDLING OPERATIONS Fred Nealy, traveling mechanic of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, and N. Rhodes, Superintendent of bridge construction of the Southern Pacific Company, were in Springfield passed through here for the Booth Kelly Company's ten mile long logging railroad at Wendling. The engine is the largest of its type in this state, and is of the very latest pattern of logging locomotive, which require the greatest flexibility for steep Grades and narrow curves, and great power.

The engine is really a combination of two, and it has four cylinders. The drivers are 44 inches in diameter and the immense machine is equipped with the Arragonett reverse gear, the Westinghouse E-T equipment, and the cylinders are of the Walsher-Harte valve type, which is the latest device known in railway Manufacture. Rhodes is along to inspect the line to see whether it will safely carry the weight of the monster. The track, which is ten miles long, is laid with 60-pound rails, which are heavier than the Southern Pacific Company uses in Springfield. There are 72 cars on the road, 26 of which belong to the Booth Kelly Company. It is said that there is enough timber along this line to cut 300,000 feet of timber a day for 20 or 3O years.

SPRINGFIELD ITEMS John Buchanan, the Fall Creek stage driver, wishes there was no such-thing as a Natron cut-off, or perhaps, rather, that the county road commissioner would force the railroad to build a decent road. The trip that used to be made in a couple or three hours from Fall Creek, only a distance of 18 miles, now require six and eight hours, according to the weather. This is scarcely three miles an hour. The roads are still very bad, and the stage does not arrive in the evening until 8 or 9 o'clock.

BIG LOGS ARRIVE AT SAWMILL The sawmill Friday was handed a bunch of big toothpicks in a shipment of logs from. Wendling. There was one stick that was 42 feet long and was five feet in diameter at the small end. It is from these sticks that the big bridge timbers, which are in demand all over the world, are cut. The unloading force had their hands full in sliding them off the cars. The heavy men could not be seen when they got behind the car. The sawmill is again running after a ten-day spring lay-off for overhauling,. The new carriage has not arrived yet, being delayed somewhere enroute.

LOGS ARE ON THE-- DECREASE AT SPRINGFIELD Although there has been a remarkable increase in the population of Springfield, there has been one unusually large decrease. This is in the canine population of the city. It was estimated that there were 250 dogs in the city a couple of months or so ago, before the license ordinance was passed. Now there are fifty, because the city marshal is sure that there is not a yellow cur within the city limits without a tag, and there have been fifty tags sold. The city pound master has killed no less than 50 of the animals, which number included nearly every known variety. Many owners sent their dogs to the country or disposed of them rather than pay the tax.


MAN ARRESTED FOR SHOOTING MRS. RENSHAW'S HORSE ON COBURG RD. A man believed to be the one who shot and killed Mrs. W. M. Renshaw's horse on Coburg road north of Eugene on May 23, 1909, is in the county jail, having been arrested late this afternoon by Deputy Sheriffs R. M. Pratt and George Fisk at the Schofield Chemical works, where he was employed. The man gives his name as Anderson, was identified by Mrs. Renshaw after his arrest as the one who attempted to hold her up and who shot her horse and fired several shots at her when the wounded animal dashed past him. He is about 26 or 28 years of age and has been working for Schofield for some time past. It was through information furnished Sheriff Bown by C.E Fero that Anderson was placed under arrest. It is said that while the latter was intoxicated a short time ago, he became quite talkative and spoke of the shooting of Mrs. Renshaw's horse in such a way that he was suspected of the crime. Anderson is charged with assault with intent to kill and will be arraigned before Judge Bryson, of the Justice court at 7 o'clock.


ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATING AT COBURG Over one hundred Eugene Odd Fellows are in attendance at the anniversary exercise at Coburg today, 71 having gone over on the special train and the remainder in auto- mobiles and carriages. The train consisted of three coaches and an engine when it left Eugene, and while the cars were not filled here, they were more than crowded by the time they left Springfield, for many of the three-linlers from that city boarded the train and took in the exercises. A round trip rate of 60 cents from, Eugene and 50 cents from Springfield was given by the S. P. Company. The program was as follows. Opening song by all, "America"- Prayer by Chaplin J. D. Wigle- Address of welcome, Mayor George A. Drury's Address of the day, F. G. M. William Carter. A basket dinner was served in the I.O.O.F. hall. The parade was held at 1:30, beginning at the I.O.O.F. hall, Proceeding West to Willamette St, north to Locust, east on Locust to Harrison, north on Harrison to Van Duyn, west on Van Duyn to Willamette, south on Willamette to Dixon east on Dixon to Skinner, north on Skinner to McKenzie, thence to the depot grounds. The march was headed by the band, followed by the canton, encampment, subordinates and Rebekahs.


WENDLING LOGGER T.C. BELL DIES FROM INJURIES T. C. Bell, the Booth Kelly logger, whose serious injury by being crushed beneath a log was chronicled in yesterday's Guard, died at the Eugene hospital last evening between 6 and 7 o'clock. The physicians at the hospital could find no bones broken, but internal injuries were the cause of his death. He was aged 28 years and single. He leaves a brother near Marcola, where the remains will be taken for burial.

The lumber company appears to be in no manner responsible for his death. 5-5-1910- An inquest over the remains of Thomas C. Bell, who was injured in the logging camp of the Booth Kelly Lumber Co. at Wendling May 3, and died at the Eugene hospital that evening, as a result of the injuries, was held at the Gordon undertaking parlor, this afternoon by Coroner W. F. Gordon. The jury empaneled consisted of the following: George A. Dyson, A. L. Smith, Karl Villa, Fred H. Robinson, B. B. McKinney and B. F. Crum. They found that no one was to blame for his death. Six witnesses were examined and the story of the accident was as follows. Bell was hauling out logs by steam cable on the, morning of May 3rd, when he signaled to pull the logs had one end against a big tree and instead of turning around and freeing itself from the tree, as expected, the log very suddenly swung around and struck him in the body, injuring him internally.


BOOTH KELLY RECEIVES HUGE DONKEY ENGINE Springfield, May 14.- The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. will undertake a big job next week when it will take the biggest donkey engine that was ever brought into the county over 20 miles of mountain wagon road and across The McKenzie river to its logging operations at Forrest Camp above Walterville. The engine has two cylinders each 11x13 and weighs 44,000 pounds. The boiler will be as difficult as the engine for the big piece of steel must go in one piece and it weighs 11,000 pounds. The road there is very rough and steep in places and much blocking and building will have to be done. The engine is too heavy for any bridge and will have to be taken across the river on a specially constructed ferry.

NO NIGHT SHIFT AT SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL There will in all probability be no night shift at the mill this summer because of the inability to get logs enough. When the logs are sent down the river in drives it is possible to have them in any quantity for the time being at least, but when just so many are sent on the cars each day, there is a limit to the capacity of the mill. The new carriage that was recently installed has increased the output of the mill considerably for it is possible now to handle the logs with much greater ease.


FATAL ACCIDENT AT BOOTH KELLY SAWMILL G. H. Franklin, one of the millwrights at the Booth Kelly Lumber Company's Wendling mill, was instantly killed about 7 o'clock this morning.

It is reported that he was cleaning out the conveyor between the carriage tracks before the mill had started sawing, when the carriage was moved by the sawyer, not knowing that Franklin was between the tracks. he was caught by the carriage and instantly crushed to death. Coroner Gordon went to Wendling on the 3:30 train to hold an inquest. Mr. Franklin was one of the oldest employees of the company, having been employed in the mill at Wendling for several years, and was among the employees of the company when the first mill was built at Saginaw. He leaves a son , Leslie Franklin, living at Wendling, being employed in the machine shop there, and his father, mother and a sister live at Woodburn. He was aged about 45 years. The remains will be taken to that place tonight for burial.


S. P. MILLS AT MARCOLA TO RUN The guard is reliably informed that at least one of the Southern Pacific mills at Marcola will resume operations at once and that the other two will be started up soon afterward. The new superintendent will be on the ground next week, it is said, and shortly after that the plant will be started. When the three mills are in operation they employ about 300 men. This is certainly good news to the people of Marcola and to the people of the county at large. The payroll when the three plants are in operation is $17,000 or $18,000 per month. The report that the mills are soon to resume has been spread several times during the past two years, but this time it is said to be authentic.


GASOLINE MOTOR WILL MAKE DAILY RUN TO WENDLING A new time table will go into effect Sunday morning, the schedule having been received by Agent Gillette this morning. The only change on the main line, so far as can be discovered, is that No. 18, the north-bound evening local, will arrive at Eugene at 4:45 o'clock instead of at 4:52 as at present, and No. 19, southbound afternoon local will arrive at 2:05 instead of 2:04. The new schedule provides for one round trip daily of the gasoline motorcar on the Springfield branch between Springfield and Wendling, the trip to be made between the hours of 10:30 in the forenoon and 1:40 in the afternoon, during which time the motor car has remained at Springfield heretofore. This will be a big convenience for the people on the Mohawk Branch and will better the service on that line greatly, for heretofore, the mixed train is delayed every day on account of so much switching to do at the various stations.


BOOTH KELLY COMPANY SUED BY GOVERNMENT Plaintiff Seeks To Cancel Patents To Lands Alleged Fraudulently Secured Portland, Ore., May 27. - Charging that men employed by the booth Kelly Company, of Eugene, conspired with the owners of that corporation to defraud the United States of title to five timber claims in Lane County, the second big case against that timber company has been filed in the United States Court. The statute of limitations having run out against a criminal prosecution, Assistant District Attorney Evans will assert a right to cancel the patents obtained by the locators of the lands After reciting the usual form of complaint as to a

conspiracy having been entered into unlawfully to obtain the lands under the provision of the timber and stone act, the government charges that the Booth Kelly Company directly solicited Edwin Jordan, S. A. LaRaut, Alice LaRaut, Ethyl LaRaut, and Lucy LaRaut to secure the lands for its benefit. After agreeing to secure the lands, it is charged, the entries were made at the Roseburg land office and patents obtained August 4, 1904- The government asserts its belief to be that the money made in making final proofs upon the lands and in paying the sale price of $2.50 an acre was furnished by the Booth Kelly Lumber go. In May 1907 it is charged, the lands were transferred to the Booth Kelly Company by deeds, and the fact that the present record owners of the property recently had announced their intention to go upon the land for the purpose of removing timber, hastened the action of the district attorney in filing, the suit. The lands are classed as among the especially valuable timber tracts of Lane county. All of the defendants live in or near the town of Saginaw.



Bud Simmons has just completed removing the old VanDuyn store building which stood on the west side of Willamette Street in Coburg. We are told that this was one of the first buildings erected in Coburg. It was built by a man by the name of Sutter and stood about 300 feet west of the last location. Sutter used it as a business building for several years, when he sold to William VanDuyn, who was in business in the building for 18 years, during this time it had been moved to the last location, and in 1902 selling to F. B. Sacket, who in turn sold to the Coburg Merc. Co. Sept. 19, 1906. Since the later date the building has been empty nearly half the time, as the Merc. Co. moved the stock to the new building across the street. After Mr. Sacket sold the business to the mercantile Co., the Building was occupied by a restaurant, and for a short time, by the Brownsville Woolen Mills stock, then VanDuyn and Shannon occupied it in a grocery and small line of dry goods business. Later Mr. Shannon purchased the VanDuyn interest and moved the stock to Mr. Bucknum's building on South Willamette Street. Since that time, which was about three months ago, the building has been empty. Mr. Simmons expects to use the building for a barn and has taken it to his ranch northwest of the village. -Coburg Journal.



It is learned by the Guard, that the Southern Pacific Co's sawmill No. 3, at Marcola will resume operations tomorrow and as soon as the other two plants can be placed in readiness they, too, will be started up again. These mills have been idle since the panic in the fall of 1907- Before they closed down Marcola was one of the liveliest little places in the state, but afterwards the place became like all other country communities and the people hoped and hoped for the reopening of the mills, with a final realization of their wishes. From new on the little town will present its old-time activity and thousands of dollars will be distributed there in wages every month.


The drives for B. K. Springfield and Coburg mills A crew of ten or fifteen log drivers left yesterday for Deerhorn, 30 miles up the McKenzie, to run the Booth Kelly drive of 3,500,000 feet of logs to their Coburg mill. The drive is the result of a whole winters cut by the several camps on the river. The timber is very large, and many of the sticks are five feet in diameter at the small end. It will take several weeks to make this run, for the water is already very low. About the tenth of June another crew will start the Willamette river drive from Hyland's, some 35 miles to the Springfield mill. At present the Springfield mill is cutting logs shipped from Wendling by train daily.


WILBUR VAUGHAN LOSES HIS DOG Salem Ore. June 3.- The Oregon Railroad Commission has a mystery to solve. A few days ago a young and valuable female Spitz dog was shipped by express, by L. J. Davenport, from Aberdeen Washington, to Wilbur Vaughan, at Coburg, Lane county Oregon. The dog was shipped in a crate with the boards fastened down with long wire nails, just far enough apart to allow the dog to breath. When Vaughan called for his dog at Coburg, the crate was empty. The agent could not explain this fact, but a few days later, it is alleged, called on Vaughan and offered him an old bleary-eyed decrepit male Spitz. Vaughan could not understand how his dog could have aged several years and otherwise undergone such a remarkable metamorphosis in such a short time and refused to accept the dog offered him. Now the matter has been referred to the Railroad Commission for solution.


Booth Kelly Company Active At Coburg

The Booth Kelly's mill here has been shut down for about two weeks. The mill including the engine and boiler room is being thoroughly overhauled. The five boilers were taken up and put on new foundations, with one removed and a new 66 inch one put in its place. The new plan is expected to improve the steaming, which has heretofore been one of the troubles of this mill. The supports for the boilers will all be of steel and cement, doing away with the exposed brick, which has caused much trouble heretofore. Among other improvements are the enlarging of the automatic feed for the furnace, an addition of two chipper saws, an addition to the floating dock, overhauling the small twin engine, the steam feed, the carriage, an addition of 20 feet to each of the five smoke stacks and a new water heater. Other work being done is improvement in the electric light and water systems. The planer building is being leveled and cement foundations put under many of the posts.

NIGHT SHIFT AT WENDLING Many of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company's employee left Tuesday Morning for Wendling, where they will work on a night shift for a couple of weeks - It is unofficially reported that the company has a new order for 40,000,000 feet to be delivered within one year if this is true the mills will be crowded to their full capacity, and doubles a night shift will operate there Obituary of J. I. Macy John Irwin Macy was born April 2, 1833, in Indiana. he moved to Illinois in 1837, and crossed the plains to Oregon in 1853, settling in the foothills for and while. Later he was engaged in packing in Southern Oregon during the Rogue River Indian War. On Feb. 5, 1857, he was married to Eliza C. Wilson. They lived in Harrisburg until 1887, when they moved to the farm which has been their home ever since. He was the father of five children, three of whom are living, Harry, of this place, Irmin, of Grant's Pass, and Miss Mabel. He has also three brothers and two sisters living. He was reared in the Quaker faith and through his life clung to their teachings. Brother Macy joined the I.O.O.F. on May, 28th, 1866, at Harrisburg Oregon, and had held continuous membership in the lodge at that place for 44 years. Funeral services will be held Sunday, June 5th, in charge of Rev. G. L. Burbank, pastor of the Y.- E. Churches of Coburg and Harrisburg.


BIG MILL AT COBURG TO RESUME WORK THIS WEEK The Booth Kelly Lumber Company's big sawmill at Coburg will resume operations some time this week after a months shutdown they shutdown. The mill has been thoroughly overhauled in that time, and when it starts up again will be almost a new plant, as much of the old machinery has been replaced with new and a number of pieces never before used at the plant have been installed. The little city of Coburg, which depends largely upon the company payroll for prosperity, has been quiet during the mill's shutdown, but after operations are resumed it will be as lively as usual.


BOOTH KELLY COMPANY EXTENDING LOGGING RAILWAY The Booth Kelly Co. will build a couple of miles of railroad to lengthen the eight miles of logging railroad that it now operates out of Wendling, and on which it is operating its big logging engine that was received a few months ago. The two miles of track is not all in one piece, but consists of several spurs off the main branch. The right-of-way has all been cleared and what remains to be done is the laying of the rails and the grading. There are a number of small bridges or trestles to be built. The weight of the company's big logging engine requires a heavy line, and the rails are the same that are used on the main line of the Southern Pacific - 75 pounds to the yard.


RUNAWAY ACCIDENT IN MOHAWK VALLEY RESULTS IN INJURIES Arthur Huckaby, an employ of the Eugene Ice and Storage Co., and his family were the victims of a runaway in the Mohawk valley Sunday. They hired a livery rig and drove to Donna on an outing. Upon their return in the afternoon the horse became frightened at something and became unmanageable. Soon the buggy was overturned, precipitating the occupants with considerable force to the ground. Mr Huckaby escaped injury except for a few bruises, but Mrs Huckaby, the three-year old daughter and little baby were not so fortunate. The mother was badly cut on the knee, requiring several stitches to close the wound - The girl suffered a scalp wound over one eye, and the baby received .i bad scratch on her face. The rig was near a fence at the time it was overturned and the baby was thrown clear over it into the field. The buggy was pretty badly damaged and the horse ran nearly to Marcola before it was caught. Mr. Huckaby soon after the accident telephoned to F. M. Carter, his employer, and the latter sent two physicians up in an automobile. After the wounds had been bandaged the party was brought to Eugene in the machine.


TIMBER FIRE NEAR WENDLING IS SPREADING The fire that last week burned dangerously near Wendling, but that was thought to be under control, was fanned up again the first of this week and is now burning fiercely over a large area. All the Booth Kelly crews at Wendling and in the woods nearby have been taken from their work and are fighting the flames trying to keep them away from the uncut timber. The strong wind that has come up in the afternoon every day this week spreads the flames faster than the men can control them. They are

endeavoring to clear away the burnable material before it in the hope that the fire will die out. The flames are so hot that it is impossible to approach within several hundred yards of them. A. C. Dixon went to Wendling yesterday and went into the woods to direct the work and learn the extent of the fire. The company headquarters in Eugene are on the alert for a call for help and a force of men can be shipped up there on a moments notice.


SHUTDOWN OF SPRINGFIELD MILL ONLY FOR A WEEK OR TWO The Springfield News of this week prints a greatly exaggerated story of a two months shutdown of the Springfield sawmill because, as it says, of incompetent management in the Booth Kelly office. According to the statement made by A. M. Hagen and L. L. Lewis of the Booth Kelly Company today, the shutdown will last nearer one week than two months. The mill has been closed several times during the past few weeks because of a shortage of logs from Wendling. This shortage has been caused partly because of forest fires that have taken part of the logging crews off their work. The coming shutdown is due to the big fire up there that is now under control, but which during the past week has taken all the men from their axes in order to fight the flames. There is also the big drive coming down the Willamette from Lowell that has been held up because of unusually low water. If a sufficient rain should fall that would raise the Willamette six inches, this drive could quickly be brought to the mill and there would be logs enough to last all Fall. It is the unusually low condition of the water in the river that his upset the plans of the mill company, for under ordinary circumstances this drive would already be in the mill pond a-id the logs from Wendling would not be needed.


COBURG SAWMILL NOW HAS NIGHT SHIFT The Booth Kelly sawmill at Coburg started a night shift last week and will run it continually all summer and fall. The force at the mill has been increased from 85 to 165 men. This means much for the little milling city of Coburg that has been growing very rapidly during the past few years. With the arrival a few weeks ago of the McKenzie log drive the mill has in the pond in unlimited number of logs to cut, and with the closing of the Springfield mill because of lack of logs and a large number of orders to fill, the night shift at Coburg was necessary. The night shift at the sawmill is not as efficient as the day force, for in the dark the men seem to be more handicapped than in the day time. There is also the cost of the lights. For this reason the mills run night shifts only when necessary to fill orders and when there is a supply of logs to warrant the two shifts. In order to handle the extra amount of cut timber the Eugene Springfield switch engine will hereafter make a trip to Coburg every day.



Donna, Aug 9.- The atmosphere has become quite smoky. This condition is probably caused by the forest fires that have been and are still burning in the vicinity above Wendling. Oregon has been almost free from smoky weather since the legislature enacted the law in regard to starting fires. We were misinformed in our article last week about the Stafford school; we stated that the remodeling would cost about $300. Instead of $300, when the work is completed it will have cost the district about $1000, while the inside furnishings alone will cost $300.


EUGENE MEN PURCHASE LEMON STORE AT DONNA Fred C. Bean and John H. Hammitt of Eugene were the successful bidders on the Bert Lemon stock of goods at the Donna store at the constable's sale today. Their bid was $650, which was the highest offered, and the stock was knocked down to them. They will conduct the store hereafter. This store was closed by Lemon's creditors several weeks ago. Lemon is said to owe something like $4000, and the $650 from the sale of the stock of goods is all the creditors will get. This will be divided pro rata among them.


FIRE IN WOODS NEAR MARCOLA SAWMILL A good-sized fire was raging in the woods near the Southern Pacific sawmill No. 1, near Marcola, yesterday afternoon, and a large force of loggers and millmen were fighting the flames to keep them away from the mill. The wind was blowing quite hard, and the fire was making lots of smoke, which could be seen for miles around, but reports from there today indicate that it is under control and the danger of its spreading to the mill has been reduced to the minimum. The fires in the Booth Kelly timber above Wendling are all about out or are simply burning over logged-off lands, and there seems to be no further danger of damage in that vicinity.


COBURG NEWS George A. Drury has been asked by several of the leading republicans of the county to announce himself as a candidate for the office of county clerk. There is not a better man in the county for the office than Dr. Drury, but he has not time enough to spare, being in the mercantile business here, to attend to the work of the clerk's office. Last Tuesday J. L. Pirtle purchased the Coburg market and took charge Wednesday.

The city Council met in regular session last Monday night, the most important Business transacted being, the reading of H. F. Bucknum's ordinance on the question of' water for the city. Five foot sidewalks were ordered in along Willamette Street in front of the Roach and Drs. Sarah Skinner's property. All parties are asked to nail all loose boards in their sidewalks. Suggestions were trade that street corners be labeled with boards at the corners.


MARCOLA SAFE AND OUT OF DANGER OF FIRE A telephone message from Marcola to the Guard late this afternoon states that the fire situation there is about the same as it was this morning and hinges upon whether or not the wind will rise. It has been quiet all day. If the wind does not come up the situation for Marcola and for the mill at Wendling is comparatively safe. However word was received there late this afternoon from Mabel that, that place, and the S. P. mills are in imminent danger. The fire is burning in the logged-off portion of the Sunset Lumber Company, not a quarter of a mile from the mill and is quite serious. Men are carefully watching, the mill. It is hard to get word from there. The situation there also depends upon the wind. This afternoon, what little wind there was, was blowing from there and lessons the danger. The fire can be seen from Marcola stretching for many miles along the side of the hills and it is working upward toward the divide. Camp No. 2 of the S. P. mills, two miles from Marcola, is deserted and the men are resting at Marcola from their work awaiting developments. A crew of about 50 left there this afternoon for Wendling to relieve the men who have been working all night and are pretty well exhausted. Marcola is immediately protected from the fire that. is approaching Camp No. 2 -- several large fields. If the fire does approach any nearer Backfiring will be resorted to.


WENDLING WIPED OUT LAST NIGHT BUT MILL IS SAVED The loss resulting from last night's fire at Wendling is roughly estimated at the Booth Kelly office at $30,000. This includes the loss in Wendling alone, and to the company's property there. Besides this is the loss to the individual workmen, a few of whom owned their own houses, and nearly all lost their personal effects. The buildings that were not burned are nearly all on the mill side of the river. On this side a couple of houses were burned, but nothing else. The sawmill, planing mill, the machine shop, all the yards and dry kilns and the Southern Pacific depot still stand intact. On the town side everything burned up with the exception of the store and three dwelling houses. The bunk house and the boarding house were destroyed were destroyed with the rest of the buildings. This is the official report given out from the Booth Kelly office this afternoon - in scarcely the twinkling of an eye 500 inhabitants of the thriving sawmill town of Wendling, on the Mohawk River, were made homeless last evening. In the morning, not ten hours before, the mill hummed its song in the woods, the ring of axes could be heard in neighboring camps and the small city bustled about in peaceful activity.

There was not the slightest cloud of danger hovering over the homes, and the danger that had been distantly threatened by the fires in the camps were matters of the past and almost forgotten. As the morning went by a breeze began to whistle through the big sawmill and it soon developed into a strong wind. The men to themselves were thankful that the fires of the last week were under control, but yet at the same time each man seemed to have a premonition that did not develop into round form, but made him hope that no fire would start. But the fire did start, and in a place that few had thought of. Wendling, is at the mouth as it were, of a small and narrow valley. Up the curving distance of this ravine are located the logging camps that are constantly moving further into the forests like the steady progress of a huge snail. Five miles above Wendling was a deserted logging camp with its empty homes, the boarding house, stables and all trash that was part of such a camp. Everything here was dry, and round about this in the narrow valley were the dead slashings which were also hard and dry. Here the fire started. In an instant the greedy flames wrapped themselves about the deserted camp, and rushed with the wind down the creek bottoms. No one saw it start, but five hundred saw it coming. This was in the early part of the afternoon. The mill men dropped their work and under the direction of the foreman rushed at the onslaught of the coming flames, but no Grecian hero could stop the progress of this fiery demon.


COBURG NEWS Fred Deffenbacker purchased a pack of donkeys from a couple of prospectors who were passing through Coburg Wednesday. He will use the donkeys, and next spring will start on a prospecting trip in the Cascades. The Coburg hop pickers from Kelsey's yard returned Friday very much on the fight! It seems that the yard boss layed the Coburg pickers off and let the balance work. Well if that is right show us. Next year go to Seavey's. The first year of the State Bank of Coburg's business has just finished with $94.67 above all expenses, an excellent record. The directors are exceedingly well pleased with the success and popularity of the institution.



The Thomas VanDuyn farm of 800 acres, near Coburg, has just been sold to Bird Rose and Cal M. Young, who will soon sub-divide it and place it on the market in small tracts. The price paid for it is not given out for publication, but it is said to be between $18,000 and $20,000. This is one of the best farms in Lane county, and has been owned by Mr. VanDuyn for the past 32 years. The land on the farm is good for fruit, grain or pastures It will be cut up into tracts suitable for fruit raising and placed in the hands of some live salesman.

Mr. Rose owns a farm of over 2,000 acres in extent in the same vicinity, and Mr. Young also has property near there. They are both brothers-in-law of Mr. VanDuyn.


WENDLING IS FAST REBUILDING Wendling, destroyed by fire only a few months ago, in twenty days will be in the same condition that it was previous to the terrible fires, or really in fact a greater town than ever before. The carpenters who have been rushing, the work for the past two months, will be through by the last of this month and the great fire will be only a matter of history. At present the small mill town is alive with bustling activities. Four contractors have their men rushing to completion the employees homes. At present there is complete, the lodging house, the store, the hotel and about six residences. Work has begun on the additional thirty houses and they will stand complete within a fortnight or so. The cold weather is rather hard on the families living in tents, and the completion of the houses will be appreciated by those who lost homes in the fire. The houses are all of the same pattern and when they are completed and painted the town will have a very pretty appearance in all its freshness. The big sawmill is running full blast and every available man is being, put into the woods. The whole atmosphere is one of activity.


LARGEST LOG SAWED AT SPRINGFIELD MILL Springfield, Nov. 16.- The Springfield mill yesterday cut the largest log ever sawed in the mill, according to the statement of old hands, when a stick nearly seven feet in diameter was rolled on the carriage. As a matter of fact, there were two logs of this size, for the stick that was shipped from Wendling had to be out in the middle before it could be sawed. One log measured 17 and the other 18 feet in length. The total board feet cut from this one log measured over 11,000 one stick cutting 5,512 and the other 5,800 board feet measure. The big logs were cut into car material for the Eastern car shops. So large were the big, fir pieces that it was necessary to cut the entrance of the mill slightly as the logs came up the chute.



Springfield, Nov. 18.- Carl Fischer, one of the owners of the Fischer Billy sawmill, had a narrow escape from death Wednesday, and he owes his life to the quick presence of mind displayed when he plunged into the mill pond ahead of a flying log.

He was helping to unload a car of logs into the pond and one of the large logs caught on the edge of the car. In trying to dislodge it, he stood in front of it and worked with his peavy. In an unexpected manner the stick became free and bore down on top of him. Dropping his bar he plunged headlong into the pond ahead of the timber, which struck him after he Was in the water but did not injure him. had there been another log in the pond he would have been mashed, or had he failed to leap it would have meant instant death. This is the second time, it is said, that Mr. Fischer has escaped from a rolling log in this manner.

THE FISCHER BALLY SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL The Guard 11-19-1910 One of the leading industries of Springfield, is the Fischer Bally Lbr. Co., located in north Springfield. although it has been located here only since last spring, this mill has gained a reputation for prompt service that has proved to be one of the secrets of its success. The officers are as follows: President and manager, O. E. Fischer: Vice-President, J. E. McKibben; secretary, J. E. Bally; treasurer, lo.. J. Drury. All are men of wide experience in the lumber business. Formerly they conducted a sawmill at Marcola, but on account of the superiority of the location at Springfield, with some reference to their timber supply, they decided to move their plant to that place. Mr. Fischer, -resident and manager, is from Wisconsin, and has been in the lumber business for ten years. Before going to Springfield he had charge of the Fischer Bros. sawmill at Marcola, and previously was for some time with the Booth Kelly Lumber Co. He was in Marcola for about eight years. All his associates are thoroughly familiar with the lumber industry of the Northwest. The output of the plant is about 35,000 feet for ten hours of operation. The entire crew of men employed is between thirty and forty. The shipping facilities of the plant are excellent as it is located on the Southern Pacific railroad, and has modern loading docks. Most of the timber is shipped from the Mohawk branch where the company owns several years cutting of timber. The mill is up to date. In the process of moving the company virtually rebuilt the plant, and as a result most of the machinery is new. Adjoining the plant is a planing mill designed to take care of the output of the sawmill, and a modern dry kiln is operated. This is known as the Aweco kiln, a new process, and has a capacity of 15,000 feet per day. An extra furnace is attached, and the steam that passes from the main boiler is reheated. The company conducts both wholesale and retail business-


MILL EMPLOYEE'S ARM DRAWN INTO PLANER AT SPRINGFIELD MILL F. Y. Young, an employ in the Booth Kelly mill at

Springfield, living at the corner of Mill and 1st Streets in that city, owes his life to the fact that the rollers in the planer on which he was working, were set for unusually large timbers. In working about the machine yesterday, his hand and clothing were caught Between the rollers and his arm was at once drawn into the big machine. The tension on the rollers had been loosened, and because of this fact, the man's arm was not torn from the body. When the shoulder was reached the body was not drawn further. His cries attracted his fellow workmen and the power was turned off as soon as possible, but not until the arm was badly mutilated. Almost miraculously, no bones were broken. The accident was the result of the man's endeavor to measure some lumber behind the machine without stopping it.


COBURG BUSINESS HOUSE CHANGES HANDS A. J. Hicks, recently of Heppner, Ore., arrived in Coburg Sunday evening and has purchased the stock of general merchandise of W. E. Shannon. Monday morning Mr. Hicks and Mr. Shannon at once began to invoice the stock and Wednesday Mr. Hicks assumed charge. M. Hicks informs us that he will remodel the building somewhat and increase the stock, Putting in a good line of dry goods, shoes, etc, and conduct an up-to-date business.


COBURG DUCK HUNTERS Last Tuesday H. R. Nolleth and George Cox took a trip down the country to get some ducks which they were lucky enough to get; and in returning had the experience of the season. It was very dark and the horse got into a deep mud hole, which resulted in the dog at once jumping out in order to avoid being tipped out. Out went the guns into the mud, and then, George rolled out and was hanging by his rubber coat, which Nolleth was sitting on. Finally, after dangling in the mud with his fingers and toes for a short time. H. R. raised and let him down so he might get to his feet. After considerable trouble they got the horse and buggy out of the mud and came home safely. - Coburg Journal.


BOOTH KELLY COMPANY WILL REDUCE WAGES ON JANUARY I Springfield, Dec. 28.- Beginning on January first, the Booth Kelly Lumber Company will reduce the wages of all its employees 2 1|2 cents an hour. This comes as a second reduction within the past few weeks, because the reduction a short time ago from 10 to 8 hours a day served to diminish the wages

considerably. The lowest wage is now $1.55 a day while two months ago the lowest was $2.00. This reduction comes at an inopportune time for many employees and there is no recourse open, for there is little other activity in the labor line at this time of the year. The reduction follows the shutting down of the mills at Coburg, Wendling and Saginaw, and although this was expected to only be a temporary delay until the first of the year, many of the employees fear that it will last longer than that. The laborers here will accept the reduction, but it is not expected to last over 60 days, for in this time the railroad work and a promising local building activity will give employment to many men and cause demand for labor. The conditions of 'the lumber market is the reason given for the reduction in the wage scale. The company is endeavoring to keep the mills running, but is forced to reduce expenses in order to do it.

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