Category:Eugene The Guard (1867)

From Lane Co Oregon

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July 13

July 13, page 1

Vol. 1. Eugene City, Oregon, Saturday, July 13, 1867, number 7.

Published Every Saturday, by, J. B. Alexander.

TERMS - Three dollars a year, invariably in advace. (sic)

Rates of Advertising. -- Legal, and other transient advertisements, will be charged at the rate of $3.00 per square for the first insertion and, $1.00 for each subsequent insertion. Twelve lines or less of Minion type counted a square.

A liberal deduction from the above rates made to persons advertising by the year.

The number of insertions must be marked on all transient advertisements or they will be continued until ordered out, and charged for accordingly.




Office at Residence,

Eugene City, .. Oregon.



Office at Residence,

Eugene City, ... Oregon.


July 13, page 2







KEEP constantly on hand a full, complete and carefully selected stock of


Which they will sell cheap for

Cash or Country Produce.

Their stock embraces everything required by the wants of the country, consisting of great variety and latest styles of






Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Queensware, &c.

Come and see us before purchasing anywhere else.


Eugene City, June 15, 1867 3tf.


July 13, page 3


DISTRICT SCHOOL. - The term of the school in this District, taught by Mr. Rufus Callison, Miss Emma Rees, assistance, expired yesterday. The school will be continued for two months longer by the same teachers, there being funds on hand sufficient to defray the expense of tuition for that time. - Pupils will be charged five cents a week each to defray incidental expenses.


The Christian Church, Rev. G. Callison, minister, have services, at the Court House on the 2d and 4th, Sunday of each month in the fore - noon.





Patronage Solicited.

Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods

Call and examine our stocks, at the "Brick Store," on


Eugene City, June 1, 1867.


Probate Notice.

In the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, July term, 1867. Application to sell real estate, Estate of Thaddeus P. Powers and Charles E. Powers, minor children.

The next of king of said minors, and all persons interested in their estate, are hereby directed to appear before said Court at the Court House in Said county on the first Monday of August 1867 to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of their real estate.

J.J. Walton, County Judge. S. Ellsworth, Att'y.

Dated July 6, 1867. 6w3.

Administrator's Notice.

Notice is hereby given, that at the April Term of the County Court of Lane County, the undersigned was duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Ameila Gillespie, deceased, late of said County. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers attached, to the undersigned at his residence in Springfield Precinct, Lane County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof.

JACOB GILLESPIE, Adm'r. Dated, June 15, 1867. w4.

July 27

Saturday, July 27, 1867. No. 9.

July 27, page 2


A Dastardly Act. - Those who have traveled the road leading from the city south to Boon's ferry, on the Willamette will remember crossing the Tualatin River on a free bridge, which, though constructed several years, is nevertheless strong and good for a couple of years' more service without repairing. A new bridge has been thrown across the river contiguous to the old structure, and travelers patronize it upon the representation that the old one is unsafe. A few weeks since the planks were partially removed during the cover of night, thereby endangering the lives of those who might chance to pass during the night. The citizens of the vicinity relaid the plains and gave out that the bridge was trustworthy. One night last week an attempt was made to blow the bridge up with powder, but with partial success. The noise was distinctly heard by the entire neighborhood, and efforts have been made to discover the party who thus recklessly trifled with the lives of unsuspecting travelers. The whole affair is suspicious, and the citizens are determined to set a trap by which the dastard may be caught. A word to the wise is sufficient. - Herald.

July 27, page 4

A boy in Springfield to the inquiry of why is a ship called "She," quieted his teacher with reply, "because the rigging cost more than the hull."


August 3

The Guard vol.1 Eugene City, Oregon, Saturday, August 3, 1887, no 10.

August 3, page 2


Senator Williams addressed the citizens of this place on the 23d ult. on what he was pleased to call "reconstruction." His speech was very lengthy so much so that we have not space to give a full synopsis of it, and we shall only notice a few points, to indicate what is really the object of the "reconstruction" scheme of the Rump Congress.

He first undertook to explain how the quarrel originated between the President and Congress, and asserted over and over, that Congress- that intelligent body- did not wish any quarrel with the President, but that it was forced upon them; and in explanation of the cause of the terrible quarrel, which seems to haunt Congress and all the radical members thereof- he said, Andy Johnson had changed his political opinions since he had accidentally became President; had swung round the circle, and had left the Union party to join in full fellowship and sympathy with the rebels; that Johnson had been in favor of negro suffrage, and read the letter to Governor Sharkey to prove that fact, that since allying himself with the rebels and their sympathizers he had vetoed all the most righteous legislation of Congress- the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, the Civil Rights Bill, and the Reconstruction Bill- and was in favor of admitting to, their seats in Congress the representatives elected by those Southern States, thereby completing the restoration of the Union.

The Governments of the Southern States, which have been in operation since the war ceased, the astute Senator claimed were all bogus, null and void, and not binding upon the people of those States, because he asserted, they had been manufactured at Washington City by Andy Johnson, sent to those States and ratified by them.

The Southern States now under the pains and penalties of reconstruction, ratified the amendments, which were declared valid, thereby acknowledging beyond all controversy that the State Governments of those Southern States were legal, Constitutional and republican in form. Hence it is not these States or the form of government of these States that Congress has attempted to reconstruct, but it is the inhabiditants (sic) thereof. According to the Judge's logic the Southern State governments are good and valid for one purpose, and at the same time bogus and null from the beginning for every purpose. This is as clear and logical as his arguments upon negro suffrage, which he positively said was not to be desired; but it must be done to keep in power the loyal party.

--- further negro suffrage editorials stated---

August 24

THE GUARD vol. 1, Eugene City, Oregon, Saturday, August 24, 1867. No. 13.

August 24, page 3

SAD ACCIDENT. ON Sunday last our citizens were astounded by the sad intelligence of the accidental shooting of Mr. Thomas Driskell, one of our oldest and most respected citizens. Mr. Driskell went hunting on Friday, expecting to return the following day- and at nightfall his horse came home alone, the family became alarmed but it was too late to prosecute a search until the following day. At daybreak, on Sunday his sons started and meeting Mr. Jeans, who had seen Mr. D., on Friday- he conducted them to the place he last saw him and a few rods from there, the corpse was found. From the position in which Mr. D. was found it seems that he had had the muzzle of the gun in his hand and in drawing it towards him the hammer came in contact with some brush; the gun was found entagled (sic) in some oak brush at his side.

This sad accident deprives Lane county of one of its oldest settlers and most respected citizens, and a large family is left to mourn the untimely loss of a kind father.


Sale of Real Estate of Infants.

In pursuance of a license issued by the County Court of Lane county, I shall proceed to sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door of Lane County, on the 9th day of September, 1867, all the title and interest of Thaddeus P. Powers and Charles E. Powers, infant children, in the following described Real estate to wit: The north half of Edwin Powers' donation claim in Sections 21, 22, 26, and 27. T. 17, S., R. 3. W. containing 248, 96, 100 acres. To be sold in parcels to suit buyers, for U.S. coin, to be in hand paid.


S. Ellsworth. Att'y.

Dated, August 10, 1867. 11w4.


September 7

no. 15. September 7, 1867.

September 7, page 3


Mr. Wm. Miller, the owner of the thresher that was burned on the Coast Fork last week brought suit against L. Vanarburg for its value and obtained a judgment for two hundred and fifty dollars. Major Chrisman, the owner of the grain stack which was burned at the same time has obtained a judgment against the same party.

It looks as though some action of a criminal nature might follow.

September 14

no. 16. September 14, 1867.

September 14, page 3

DIED. In this place on the 15th inst., Mary Ellen, wife of William Cox, and daughter of G.L. and Millinder Atkeson. She was born in Danville, Illinois, October 21st, 1839. She leaves a husband, four children, parents, and one brother to mourn their bereavement.

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