Category:Eugene Morning Register (1920)

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[[Eugene Morning Register]] ([[1920]])

Current revision as of 17:13, 25 September 2007

Eugene Morning Register (1920)

[edit] April

[edit] April 24


TWO TRAINMEN DIE ON B.K. RAILROAD-- Third Man Probably is Fatally Wounded When Boiler Of Logging Train Explodes FIREMAN SHULTZ IS DEAD

Brakeman Meacham Expires on way to Eugene



Two men were killed,and a third perhaps fatally injured by the explosion of the boiler of a locomotive on the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company's railway between Wendling and the logging camps in the mountains yesterday about 3 o'clock. Charles Schultz, fireman on the engine, was killed almost instantly, Chauncey W. Meacham, brakeman, who was riding on the engine, died from his injuries while being brought to Eugene and Oscar Parrish, the engineer, suffered injuries from which the attending physicians think he will die. He is now at the Eugene Hospital. The fourth member of the train, Ord Crow, a brakeman, was riding on the rear part of the train at the time of the explosion and he escaped injury.


The cause of the explosion is unknown but it is presumed that the water in the boiler was allowed to become too low. The train crew was taking the engine and a string of cars from the mill at wendling to one of the logging camps above there, and about six miles out of Wendling, while going up a grade, the boiler suddenly exploded with a great roar. The boiler was thrown for a distance of 200 feet by the force of the explosion and the engine was naturally a total wreck, while some of the cars on the train were piled on top of each other and the track was badly torn up. The dead body of Fireman Schultz was found 300 feet from the scene of the explosion.


News of the accident was sent to Eugene as soon as possible but it was sometime after it occured that word could be sent to Wendling. A. O. Dixon, manager of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company, left immediatly for the scene of the fatality, and upon his arrival began an investigation. Coroner W. W. Branstetter and the boiler inspector were also sent for and they left here about 6 o'clock last evening. The locomotive was of the Heisler type and the boiler was considered by the train crew and everybody who had anything to do with the handling of that department, of the big lumbering industry at Wendling, to be perfectly safe. It is expected that an investigation by the coroner and the boiler inspector will be the means of determining the exact cause of the explosion. Mr. Schultz, the dead fireman was aged about 26 years and leaves a wife at Fall Creek. She is the daughter of J. H. Kissinger, a pioneer of that place. The remains are at the Brarstetter chapel.

TO HOLD FUNERAL SUNDAY Mr. Meacham, who died on the way to Eugene, resided at Springfield, and leaves a wife and one son, Chauncey Jr., besides his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. O. Meacham, of Springfield. He was a world war veteran, having been in the service overseas and was in the army two years. He was a member of the American Legion and the Methodist church and was a member of the army reserves at the time of his death. Dr. W. L. Cheshire, company physician, started with Meachham to Eugene, a speeder having been requisitioned for the purpose, but the physician's services were of no avail as the young man was terribly scalded and lacerated. Parrish, the engineer is also suffering from terrible burns, a wound in the leg and cuts and lacerations


  • Oscar Parrish, engineer of the logging train, died this morning at 2:30 o'clock at the hospital.

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