Teen-Age Wolves

From Kokorodatabase

The Teen-Age Wolves are a band, though their members depend from dimension to dimension. In Kokoro, Chrono, and other dimensions that the Wolves appear in, the lead singer and guitarist was Ishida Yamato, also known as one of the Chosen Children. Yamato is in all carnations of the band, save for a version in Kokoro Draft, as he leaves the band to go solo.

In one dimension, fellow chosen children Yamagi Taichi, Izumi Koushiro, and Kido Jou all take places in the band. However, in most incarnations, the other members are simply Yamato's classmates from school.

It should be noted that the Wolves in Kokoro Draft consist of the following:

  • Bass Guitarist and Lead Singer - Ishida Saoru (for the record, YamatoxMimi kid)
  • Guitarist - Yamagi Kaitou (TaichixSora kid)
  • Keyboarder - Ishida Miiri (YamatoxMimi kid)
  • Drummer - Takaishi Kyr

[edit] Trivia

  • Shuugo adores the band to no end, and is known as one of their most rabid fans, despite not actually speaking their language. (...If you didn't know this, Saica doesn't know what she's going to do with you.)
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