Talk:Future children
From Kokorodatabase
[edit] Include "Next-gen"?
Future children, my def=story with the kids of the canons in it, WHETHER they go to the past or stay in the future. Tsu's def=ONLY going to the past, calling set-in-the-future stories by the label "next generation".
List votes and reasons here. Vote either TWO TERMS (Tsu) or ONE TERM (me). The first side to get... hm, how many of us are there... five votes wins.
I, of course, vote ONE TERM. A future kid is a future kid. Jisu 16:12, 27 January 2007 (EST)
I believe that Tsu's assumption seems more accurate, because the character of said character needs to be there, or Future needs to go to the past in order mess or not mess up something. An example is ChibiUsa and Usagi in BSSM. She went there to escape, but eventually was involved with the past conflict. It helped change the future, but not much was altered...
I have no clue if that helped much. But I (ChibiS) vote TWO TERMS. 16:27, 27 January 2007 (EST)
Well, we've been through this already, but just for clarification, I am going to make a page on next generation. You're free to continue to classify KC as future kids, despite the fact that there technically is no going to the past, meeting the parents, and whatnot, but I stand by my decision. If anything else, you can always state that future children is a term primarily present in the anime fandoms, where it's commonplace to see this go on. With video games, though, and possibly other fandoms, the term generally is next-generation, as the story focuses on the children, generally, with some interaction with the parents, whom are older. --Tsu 19:41, 28 January 2007 (EST)