Pinkuberii Himeno

From Kokorodatabase


[edit] History

[edit] Before Kokoro

Himeno's original family life was one most girls would probably dream of; her family was rich, she had lots of freedom, and could get and do pretty much whatever she pleased. However, her parents were so busy with their work that they had no time to spend with Himeno. Himeno was desprate for her parents' attention, though, so signed up for many afterschool classes starting in the 4th grade to become more amazing and attention worthy. She sampled many things, ranging from piano, to violin, to cooking, flower arrangement, singing, dance... Anything that fit in her busy schedule. Only Singing and Cooking classes stuck, and everything else she'd switch after 6 weeks.

When she was 13, Himeno became a Mew Mew. Her DNA was that of the little Mariana fruit bat, and this caused her a few problems in life. She became obsessed with fruit, almost nocternal (which caused her stress in school), and her bat ears constantly popped up. Her parents began to notice the bad, strange things in her behavior, and punished her. Overcome by depression that her parents would only notice her faults, Himeno ran away. Later, she developed self imposed amnesia, and with her last name and Cafe Mew Mew as her only clues, she went to live in the Cafe.

[edit] Kokoro Days

Himeno lived in the cafe when she was 13, during which time she was able to attend a public school. When she was 14, Himeno began seeking more work outside of the Cafe. Also around this time, the school she was at realize that "Himeno Shirogane" did not exist and that she didn't have a real identity, and decided to try and find out who she really was. Since Himeno unconsciously wanted to stay missing, fled and dropped out of school. She was afraid of those at the Cafe figuring out and trying to discover who she really was, so moved out and got an apartment. She blamed the cost of living on her own for her needing so many jobs she couldn't attend school and tried to leave it at that. But she still wanted to go to school somehow, since Himeno wants to grow up to have a real life.

Meanwhile, The Himeno family was still looking for their daughter "Pinkuberii", but her drastic appearance change and unconscious effort to stay lost kept Himeno from noticing.

Now claiming to be 17, Himeno lives with her new friend Jonatha. Together, they pay the rent for their apartment. But Himeno still fears being found out, so avoids school. Instead, she's hoping to be able to be borrow the schoolbooks of friends and maybe get a private tutor.

Another recent development is her acting career. Himeno took Satou to an audition and ended up getting the lead role. Ever since, the two have been cast together frequently.

[edit] Kokoro Draft Future

[edit] Personality

Himeno comes off as a very cruel, heartless person. She likes to stay quiet and drink tea, and really only talks when she's working. Oh, and when she's being mean. She usually doesn't voice her opnion in things unless she's out to make a point, and her methods of arguing aren't very nice. When arguing, she rarely gets very fired up, but just keeps firing back comments at whoever she disagrees with until she runs out of points to make, wins, or loses.

Another habit of hers is to shut people out. She is afraid of letting people get close to her, since she's so used to only being hurt.

One of Himeno's oddest habits is her self-imposed amnesia. As part of her effort to stay away from home, Himeno forgets. A lot. So if something doesn't go her way, or puts her in danger of being discovered, she forgets it. She can forget anything from just five minutes to a whole day or people or places. Whatever it takes to shelter herself. Usually, before she forgets, Himeno gets incredibly frustrated, angry or scared before running off.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

[edit] Friends

  • Kuroneko Satou - Originally, Himeno was well liked by many of the cafe-goers (and still isn't). Satou was the first person to decide to be Himeno's friend, and the two have grown very close over time. Himeno thinks of Satou as a younger sister, and is fiercely protective. Their tight friendship is the reason that they both have almost a perfect understanding of each other, despite the fact they're both the types to keep secrets. They have recently started acting together and tend to get cast in roles of close friends.

[edit] Lovelife

One of the most obvious things about Himeno is that she isn't exactly friendly, so the fact she was able to fall in love with her polar opposite is a bit of a mystery. But, strange or not, Himeno has fallen in love with Shirogane Kouji. She's just a bit shy about it.

[edit] The Name

Himeno's real first name is Pinkuberii, but she goes by "Himeno". When she gave herself amnesia, it was just one of the things she did to make herself harder to find. However, she is not currently aware of the fact her name is in fact Pinkuberii and not Himeno.

[edit] Profile

  • Name Translation: "Pinku"- Pink, "Berii"- Berry, Himeno-"Princess'"
  • Alias: Mew Pinkuberri(mew mew)
  • Signature Colors: Black, Pink, and White
  • Age: 14 at present, but claims to be 17*
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Grade: She no longer attends school
  • Hair Color: Dyed Pink, black with pink tips in Mew Form
  • Eye Color: Brown, Pink in Mew Form
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Likes: Fruit juice, sweet things, cooking, watching people
  • Talents: Martial Arts, Cooking and Singing, plus an assortment of other things
  • Favorite foods: Any type of fruit
  • Least favorite foods: Tofu
  • Blood Type: B
  • Mew Mark: A heart with a crown, located on the top of her head
  • Transformation saying: "Mew Mew Pinkberry, Metamorphosis"
  • Animals: Little Marian Fruit Bat

[edit] Mew Mew Information

[edit] Basics

Himeno's mew form is supposed to be a joke. It is important to note that Mew Pinkuberri has a higher, cuter voice than normal Himeno does. Because this form and the dress embarrass her so badly, Himeno rarely transforms.

[edit] Weapon and Attack

[edit] Special Abilities

Himeno is a very good fighter, even when not a mew.

[edit] Trivia

  • Himeno was originally Ichigo's future daughter, then her cousin, and then completey unrelated
  • Mew Pinkuberri is one of the only Mews who does not have a pendent around her neck. Instead, her Mew Pendent turns into the crown on her head.
  • Her design was originally intended to just be Satou in a new dress, but turned into a new character
  • Since she has amnesia and doesn't know her real age, Himeno claims to be whatever age Satou is. However, she's just 14.
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