Character class

From Kokorodatabase

Not mine- Squeenix's. Used by Tsu to define what class a character belongs to, based on their skills or weaponry. Usually can't be changed, unless you're Cecil or simply have a bunch of dresspheres.

Can be applied cross-fandom, but gets confusing when you try defining the differences.

Some examples of classes:

  • Dragoon/Dragon Knight- characters who specialize in combat with spears and lances. In short, they specialize in leaping attacks, jumping high into the air, unable to be harmed, before falling upon and impaling foes. Jennilyn Highwind is one
  • White Mage- those who specialize in healing and protective magic. Sometimes marked by wearing white robes. Charice is one, and the Little Gullwings can class change to White Mage by using the appropriate dressphere
  • Black Mage- those who specialize in elemental and status changing magic. Sometimes they're a race of their own, beings of shadow with glowing gold eyes
  • Blue Mage- they steal thier enemy's skills. D: Naenia is one
  • Summoner- This is a bit of a tricky one. Summoners can be anywhere from a race of people to simply someone who's trained to be a summoner. The creatures they summon are referred to as terms such as Espers, Aeons, Guardian Forces, Eidolons, and so forth. Kanna is a summoner, and Rakka technically is one as well
  • Red Mage- Red mages are considered a jack of all trades, master of none. They are skilled in White and Black magic, and have some combat abilities nearing Warrior range, but can only use low level spells. Red mages are typically identified by a red hat with a white feather, and in some cases, a red cape.
  • Ninja-
  • Paladin-
  • Thief-
  • Gunner-
  • Alchemist/Item Shooter-
  • Beserker-
  • Sphere Hunter- Affectionate term used to refer to the Little Gullwings, as their main goal is to roam the worlds and collect spheres. Thievery is not out of the question, either
  • Monk- Also known as Karate Master or Black Belt, this character class specializes in Martial Arts
  • Bard- Bards are specialized in, well, singing. Their main weapon is a harp

And so forth. of course, Tsu took the idea and ran with it, and added some classes of her own

This will be prettied up some other time. Like when Tsu stops playing Atelier Iris

Okay! Here's some of what Tsu came up with, since she's too lazy to look up the canon ones

  • Mew Mew- Fairly self explanitory. D:
  • Spirit- Ghost, spirit, whatever. Generally just my little term for Alise
  • Fa'e- The Fa'e are beings of power reborn... after somehow coming to their demise in their previous lives, they now have a second chance. Fa'e have two paths they can take in life...

- the Path of Humanity, which means they will have children; when Fa'e reproduce, they give half of their magic to the resulting child. If they have two children, they lose all their Fa'e powers/supernatural traits and become fully human.

- the Path of Ancients, which means that they will NOT have children (or at max, only one child, and this makes it harder for them) and that they will strive to ascend into the Ancient form at the end of their lives. If they succeed, they will grow into a greater power than they have ever known, regaining all their past strength and then some

This isn't really a class as much as it's a race, but who cares? 8D Not like anyone else is going to show up as a Fa'e

  • Dreamworld Sage/Forest Sage/[insert term here] sage- Not to be confused with, uh...something. And even then, a Dreamworld Sage isn't the same as a Forest Sage. We'll explain later, k?
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