
From Kokorodatabase

Forte (フォルテ) originated in a nexus community, accessible canonically from a portal in the dryer. He first appeared in July, as a small egg that Kiki Reikaira was given and brought home. A tiny telepathic dragon that speaks in pictures, he is a sort of mascot creature in the cafe.

Raised on tofu, the biologically carnivorous creature was known to chew on anything in his infancy. He seems to love everyone, although he is afraid of Himeno and Peprika, and once caused a stir when he thought that Shirogane Ichigo was, in fact, a rock. Forte is especially attached to Ryou, Marron and, after he attempted to stop her from moving out, Ichi. He has also been bonded to Gamu herself, although she comments on occasion that he must like the others more than her anyway.

Forte has breathed little flames on occasion and can fly. He gets very cold very quickly and is often bundled up in a big scarf or a tiny sweater knitted by Ichi before going outside. Though he communicates by squeaks and simple, childish and sometimes confusing mental pictures, telepaths, Gamu and others of his kind can hear a stronger connection of mostly words, though with a still very childish outlook of the world. She hasn't let this on to many as she can technically and has on occasion used him to help her information gathering; this authoress can only remember one time where it was figured out by a character, and this was even forgotten later. (For the record, Ryou blanched upon learning that Forte knew where he lived, because that meant Gamu did, too.)

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